5 sports supplements that work fine

All who follow their shape and health, sooner or later come to the conclusion that ordinary nutrition, in order to achieve the ideal body and well-being, is already lacking. Help yourself to achieve the result can be with the help of special food. About five sports supplements that exactly work, will be told in this article.


  • Top sports supplements
  • Why do I need protein?
  • How to take protein?
  • How much protein do you take per day?
  • How to take protein for muscle mass?
  • How to take protein to girls?
  • How many times do I take protein?
  • Should I take creatine?
  • How to take creatine?
  • How much creatine is taken per day?
  • How to take creatine with protein?
  • Is creatine taken before meals or after?
  • How to take multivitamins?
  • How to take a gainer for muscle mass?
  • How much is a weight gainer per day
  • When is it better to take a geyner?
  • Fish oil is the benefit and harm of how to take?
  • How much fish oil take?
  • Fish oil in bodybuilding how to take?
  • instagram viewer
  • How long can you take fish oil? How many days do you need to take fish oil?
  • Sports Supplements for Joints and Ligaments
  • Sports Supplements: Tips and Feedback
  • Video: Sports Nutrition. Sports supplements from Denis Semenikhin

The best sports supplements

Thanks to the mass media, there are almost no people left today who consider sports nutrition as something dangerous. If several years ago the sportpit was called "chemistry" by many people, today everything has changed. Fitness and healthy lifestyle have become trends.

The sports nutrition industry is developing with leaps and bounds and protein, creatine and other sports supplements are available in almost every village.

IMPORTANT: If many readers hear about protein, gayner and creatine for the first time, then almost everything was used by such additives as multivitamins and fish oil. Maybe, it will seem strange to somebody, but this is one of the really working additives.

Why is protein needed?

Protein is the most popular representative of sports nutrition. It is used by almost all athletes and most fans."Protein" is translated from Latin as a protein. This supplement is necessary for replenishment of the body's need for this important substance.

There is a large amount of "Squirrel from the can."Most often, the protein is classified into:

  • Waterproofing. It is absorbed by the body almost immediately after taking
  • Isolate. Assimilated by the body for 15-20 minutes
  • Concentrate. Assimilated within 1-2 hours.
  • Casein. The longest digestibility of the body is the

. Due to the different duration of assimilation, different types of protein are used at different times. Casein protein is optimally taken before bedtime, isolate before training, waterproof after. A concentrate in the days between training or just to fill the amount of protein in the body.

How to take protein?

To date, there is quite a lot of research about the effect of additional protein intake for the body. But, the protein will only give effect if the correct dosages are observed.

How much protein do you take per day?

The usual dosage of protein is 1 -1.5 g per body weight per day. Do not increase the amount of this food supplement in the hope of improving progress. The body simply can not absorb the "extra" protein and withdraw it naturally or postpone it until better times as fat.

Save on this additive is also not worth it. If you take the protein is less than the indicated dosage. That muscles simply will not have time to recover and the effect from reception will not be.

IMPORTANT: Protein should be taken not only on training days, but also on rest days. Muscles need additional protein at any time. Regardless of whether you were in the gym today or not.

How to take protein for muscle mass gain?

For a set of muscle mass, you can slightly increase the amount of protein. Some professional athletes take 3-4 grams of this supplement for body weight. But, firstly, today there are no authoritative studies on this subject. And, secondly, the body of a professional athlete and the body of a fitness lover are very different. And the fact that the effect of a pro does not always "work" on an amateur.

IMPORTANT: Effective dosage of protein for a set of muscle mass of 2 g per kilogram of body weight.

How to take protein to girls?

Protein is equally useful to both girls and men. Contraindications when taking this supplement are some diseases. Since the protein is not divided into "male" and "female" principle differences in the methods of this supplement between men and women does not exist.

How many times do I take protein?

The daily norm of concentrated protein is better divided into several parts. The best option would be to use a milkshake with protein one hour before training and half an hour after it.

  • To prepare a protein cocktail, take one part of the protein powder and two parts of the
  • liquid. You can use milk, juice, kefir and water
  • as a liquid. You can prepare the cocktail in a shaker( such shakers are sold in all sports nutrition stores) or in the blender

IMPORTANT:understand that the protein is not a "magic powder".By itself, it will not "inflate" the muscles. Protein is the necessary "bricks" for muscles. And you are the builder yourself.

Should I take creatine?

Creatine is a sports supplement that is used to increase strength, muscle mass and stamina. In the body, creatine plays an important role. This substance is necessary for energy metabolism and as a source of energy for muscles.

The normal amount of creatine in the human body is 100 g - 140 g. In this case, every day to spend up to 2 g of this substance. In small amounts, creatine is synthesized by the body. But, the level of this substance is compensated at the expense of food.

Creatine is found in meat, red fish and milk. But, with intensive training, this substance should be consumed as an additive.

IMPORTANT: Creatine is indicated for vegetarians. Because of the low content of this substance in plant foods, the adherents of such a food system are not receiving this substance from the products.

How to take creatine?

There are two schemes for taking creatine with and without loading. When loading the first 4-6 days, a large amount of this additive is consumed. Which then decreases.

The creatine intake system without loading means taking this supplement without changing the dosage. The system with the loading of creatine in the body at the first time with the subsequent reduction of dosage is now considered more effective.

How much creatine is taken per day?

At the time of loading, creatine takes 20 g of this substance per day. The amount should be divided into 4 doses of 50 g. The loading phase takes 4-6 days.

After the loading phase, it is enough to take 2-3 grams of this substance per day for 12 weeks.

IMPORTANT: Twelve years ago neuropsychiatry from the University of Tokyo proved that creatine has the same effect on the brain as on the muscles. The use of creatine allows you to increase the duration of intensive brain work.

How to take creatine with protein?

Recent research shows that creatine and protein not only do not interfere with each other when used at the same time, but on the contrary, the effectiveness of each of these two additives increases. The main thing to consider all the above written in the case of protein, and in the case of creatine.

Creatine take before meals or after?

In 2008, studies were conducted on the topic of how to take creatine better. But these studies have not revealed the benefits of taking the protein on an empty stomach, during or after a meal. In all these cases, the effectiveness of this sports supplement was the same.

But to take creatine is best with sweet juice. The thing is that insulin, a hormone produced by the body when consuming sweet foods, contributes to better assimilation of creatine.

How to take multivitamins?

Multivitamins are available in various forms. In the form of chewing and effervescent tablets, in the form of injections, in the form of a fluid for ingestion and capsules. All of them are accepted in different ways. When taking multivitamins, you need to find the dosage of the drug on the package and follow it. Most often it can look like this:

  • For chewable tablets - one per day with food
  • In the form of a fluid for ingestion - 10 ml per day during meals
  • In the form of capsules and tablets - 1-2 times a day

How to take a geyner for muscle mass?

Another popular sports supplement is the geyner. This balanced protein-carbon mixture is used during the recruitment period. Some manufacturers add creatine, multivitamins, fats and other components to the heiner.

Gainer is used by people with fast metabolism. That is, those who have a speed of metabolic processes can not build a large muscle mass.

How much to take a weight gain per day

The doser of a weight gainer needs to be deduced from the content of proteins and carbohydrates in this additive. Different brands of this product have a different number of these components. Therefore, it is better to know the dosage on the packer of the geyner.

The specified amount of this additive should not be exceeded. Since the extra geener is not absorbed by the body. To receive this additive, you need to use a shaker or a blender to dilute the powder in milk, water or juice.

When is it better to take a geyner?

The best time to take this supplement is the "protein-carbohydrate window".This term refers to a period that begins immediately after training, and ends after 1.5 hours after it. At this time, the body badly needs nutrients. Therefore, proteins and carbohydrates are used for their intended purpose, and not transformed into fats.

Less often, but this is no less effective, the gainer is taken before training.

Fish oil is the use and harm of how to take?

Oily Polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids are essential for any modern person.

  • Regardless of whether he visits the gym or not. In addition, the composition of fish oil enters vitamins D, E and A
  • Fish oil strengthens the immune system and counteracts acute respiratory infections and influenza.
  • Substances included in this nutritional supplement, prevent atherosclerosis, improve skin, nails and hair.
  • Fish oil is used to treat rickets and improve bone tissue in humans.
  • Today, cod liver oil is very popular. Thanks to this form, the taste discomfort is eliminated, but the benefit remains at the desired level.

How much fish should you take?

Daily rate depends on the amount of substance in the capsule and is up to 6 pieces per day. Take this supplement three times a day with meals.

Fish oil in bodybuilding how to take?

In bodybuilding, fish oil helps to recover faster and is a catalyst for muscle growth. For people engaged in bodybuilding, the intake of this supplement is 2-3 grams per day. Take better for 2-3 times.

How long can you take fish oil? How many days do you need to take fish oil?

To prevent various health problems, you must take fish oil courses for one month. There should be at least three such courses in a year. For therapeutic purposes, as well as for people involved in difficult working conditions or engaged in power sports, the course can be 2-3 months.

Sports supplements for joints and ligaments

People involved in fitness, you need to closely monitor their ligaments. They are very demanding and their injury is fraught with a long recovery. Therefore, increasingly additives are used to prevent problems with ligaments.

There are three types of substances that are necessary for joints and ligaments. Such substances include:

  • chondroitin sulfate
  • glucosamine sulfate
  • collagen

Sport supplements can contain, as one of these substances, and immediately everything. But, most often such additives are a mixture of chondroitin with glucosamine.

  • Chondroitin is a building protein of cartilaginous tissue. The molecule of this substance is a carrier of water for ligaments. Without water, they become brittle and quickly wear
  • Glucosamine is formed naturally in the body. But, in violation of metabolic processes, the level of this substance may decrease, which will lead to a deterioration in the quality of joints and ligaments. Glucosamine directly or through reaction with other substances involved in the formation and strengthening of cartilage and bone tissue
  • Collagen is important for the formation and proper operation of joints and ligaments substance. But, by the age of 25, the body reduces its production. Therefore, taking this substance in the form of supplements will help to avoid problems with this part of the musculoskeletal system

Sports supplements: advice and feedback

Nicholas. I'm doing powerlifting and I can not imagine my life without protein, carnitine and other additives. But, it is important not to forget about such an "additive" as water. Without a normal drinking regime, none of the above sports will work. The normal dosage of water is that you drink a multiplied by three.

Olesya. And I lose weight with protein. Many diets in the fight against excess calories reduce the amount of protein. I replenish it with protein. Only you need to buy pure concentrate. Such, in which there are no impurities of carbohydrates and other substances.

Video: Sports nutrition. Sports Supplements from Denis Semenikhin

  • May 26, 2018
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