A recipe for jam from petals and rose hips, drinks, tea, compote, jelly, mors, wine. Syrup from a dogrose - the instruction on application, dosages, responses

Briar - berry is not only delicious, but also useful. You can prepare a drink, jam and syrup not only from fruits, but even from the petals of the plant. Most recipes are very simple and understandable, they are easy to prepare at home.

Contents of

  • Preserving jam from rose hips recipe
  • Preserving jam from rose hips recipe of preparation
  • Compote, hips from rose hips: recipe
  • Compote from dried apples and rose hips
  • Kissel from rose hips: recipe
  • Green tea with wild rose useful properties
  • Ivan tea with dogrose:recipe
  • A warming drink from rose hips with ginger: recipe
  • Wild rose wild rose: drink recipe
  • Preservation of birch juice with dogrose
  • Broth of dogrose and hawthorn: reChain
  • Chicory with rose hips: recipe
  • How to prepare mors from rosehips?
  • Rosehip Fruit - Instruction for Use
  • Can I have a rosehip with bones?
  • Syrup of dog rose - instructions for use: indications, dosages
  • How to prepare hawthorn syrup with rose hips?
  • instagram viewer
  • Unusual moonshine on dogrose recipe
  • Delicious tincture of dogrose on vodka
  • Tincture of echinacea with rosehip: recipe
  • How to make wine from rose hips?
  • Rosehip syrup: reviews
  • VIDEO: How to treat rose hips?

Jam from the petals of the dogrose recipe

Rosehip is a well-known shrub of a wild rose. This plant has a lot of advantages: excellent taste and excellent medicinal properties. In folk medicine for the preparation of drugs everything goes:

  • rose hips in fresh and dried form
  • leaves
  • flowers of dogrose
  • root of wild rose

No less successful is the use of dogrose in cooking. From its fruits learned to cook delicious decoctions and compotes, tinctures, jams and syrups. However, such recipes affect not only some berries and no less delicious jam can be obtained from rose hips.

blossoming rose hips, rose hips

Jam recipe:

  • To prepare the jam, you need about half a kilogram of fresh rose hips
  • . The petals are poured into specially prepared dishes and about half a kilogram of sugar is poured
  • . The lemon juice should be squeezed into the juice of three lemons
  • .lemon before the formation of gruel
  • After this you need to prepare a sugar syrup
  • A glass of water boils and in it dissolves 1.5 kilograms of sugar. After complete dissolution, the mass with petals is poured into the syrup
  • All the jam is once again thoroughly mixed and brought to the boil
  • Jam should be no more than five minutes
  • Jam should be transparent, then turn off the fire
jam from the petals of the dogrose - delicious and original recipe

Jamfrom the hips of the dogrose the recipe of preparation

Jam from the hips is incredibly useful for the body. It strengthens the immune system, helps to cure colds, improves blood circulation and, thanks to its rich vitamin composition, can improve the performance of a person. Jam Recipe:

  • To prepare a tasty jam, you should prepare a kilogram of selected, cleaned, elastic and whole rose hips.
  • . The rosehip should be washed and cut in half to remove seeds and fibers from it. It can be very conveniently and neatly made with a spoon
  • Half of the hips are poured into a separate bowl and filled with water. This is necessary in order to separate excess berries from seeds and fibers that were not removed by cleaning
  • Drain the water and clean berries should be poured with steep boiling water( liter of boiling water).In boiling water, the berries should stand for about five minutes.
  • . After that, the water is drained and put on fire, in this water, one kilogram of sugar should be dissolved.
  • After this, it is necessary to fill berries in syrup and boil them on high fire for about three minutes.
  • The fire turns off and in this conditionshould be brewed for another six hours
  • After insisting, the jam is again put on moderate fire, where it must reach a certain density during the boiling process. However, it is worthwhile to know that it is not worthwhile to cook such jam for more than twenty minutes.
jam from rose hips, simple recipe of preparation

Compote, a hint of rose hips: recipe

Uzvar is a delicious home made drink, compote from dried hips, which, in addition to its excellent taste qualitiesin addition, very useful. Prepare the knot can every housewife, because its preparation will take a minimum of strength and ingredients.

Prescription of the knot:

  • To prepare a small amount of nectar( about a liter of the drink), prepare thirty large, pure berries
  • . Rinse the berries before boiling with boiling water in order to wash off excess dust and dirt accumulated during the storage period.
  • The berries are poured into a saucepan andpour a liter of water
  • The pan is put on the fire and brought to a boil. Cook the berries for exactly five minutes with a strong fire after boiling
  • Turn off the fire and sweeten the taste with sugar( honey sweeten the drink only in a cooled state)
  • Close the pan with a lid and leave to infuse the knot for another six hours.

You can differentiate the prescription of the honeysuckle from the dog rose by adding toany other dried fruit.

homemade homemade sauce recipe

Compote from dried apples and dogrose

It is incredibly delicious especially during the winter season it leaves compote from drying apple and rose hips. Buy or procure all the necessary ingredients very easily yourself, so they can always be purchased on the market.

A compote recipe:

  • Approximately 350 grams of apple drying should be carefully sorted out so that only damp and rotten pieces of
  • go to the compote. Dry it with scalded boiling water to remove excess dust and dust accumulated during the storage period
  • A large handful of driedberries of dogrose should also be washed with boiling water before cooking
  • Pour two liters of water into the pan and put it on the fire to wait for boiling.
  • In the boiled water, you need to dissolve the necessary amount of sugar. One glass will be enough, you can even have less
  • Only in boiling and boiling water sprinkles with purified drying and rose hips
  • Cook compote should be about half an hour on a moderate fire, it takes so long for the apple to give the compote its taste and aroma
  • After 30minutes turn off the heat and cover the compote, let it brew for a couple of hours before consuming the
to add a special flavor during the boiling period in the compote, you can add a few nails or a pinch of cinnamon

Kissel fromrose hips: recipe

You can prepare a kissel even from rose hips. This requires a simple set of ingredients and a minimum amount of time.

Kissel's recipe:

  • Four large spoons of rose hips should be washed and poured with about 750 milliliters of boiling water.
  • . In this condition, the dog rose should be left to swell for about fifteen minutes.
  • . During the infusion in boiling water, the berries will grow in size and become soft
  • . After fifteen minutes,rub through a sieve or grind with a blender. Kashitsu from the hips are returned to the water
  • This mass should be put on fire and boiled for five minutes on moderate heat
  • After that, the mass should be filtered through the cheesecloth thoroughly so that all the cake is left outside the liquid
  • To the filtered liquid is added citric acid( not more thanone pinch, but you can replace it with a slice of lemon) and sugar to taste
  • In hot jelly you need to gradually introduce starch. It is best to dilute four tablespoons in advance with warm water and pour a thin trickle into the kissel, stirring the beverage regularly so that there are no lumps of
  • . Kissel should be cooled and then drunk.
prescription for the preparation of a tasty boletus of rose hips.

. Green tea with rosehip. Useful properties.

. Benefit of green tea andthe fruit of dog rose for the human body is difficult to overestimate. You can brew ready-made product, which can be purchased at the store or an independent drink made from quality tea and harvested berries. In any case, such a drink has a lot of advantages and useful properties:

  • such tea is able to favorably affect the cardiovascular system of a person, in particular, to regulate pressure jumps and combat hypertension.
  • , green tea with hips is often recommended for prevention of atherosclerosis and so, who already has this disease
  • vitamin composition of this drink is good because it is able to exert a restorative effect on the body, but for this it is best to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, half an hour beforefood
  • green tea, the properties of which significantly strengthens the dog rose, is able to have a relaxing and normalizing effect on the nervous system
  • . The distinctive qualities of this drink are with respect to male health, this tea significantly enhances the potency and improves the quality of the sperm
  • is seen in the same way thatgreen tea with rose hips can positively influence the human body, facilitating any symptoms of gynecological diseases in women
  • is not unimportant the effect of such tea on urine and genitalThe system, it helps if a person has urological problems
  • green tea brewed with hips, is able to promote the healing of small wounds and ulcers inside the digestive tract
green tea with dogrose from the manufacturer "Basilur"

Ivan tea with dogrose: recipe

The combination of Ivan- that and dogrose - one of the most successful. For this reason, tea is often used to maintain health:

  • , it eliminates the symptoms of avitaminosis in a person.
  • treats influenza and other acute respiratory infections, as well as a cold.
  • cleans the circulatory system.
  • normalizes pressure.
  • cleans toxins.
  • improves mood, eliminating depression.
  • lowers cholesterolin the blood
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract


  • This tea is recommended to be brewed either in glass or porcelain utensils
  • Brewing utensils should be scalded with boiling water
  • You should pour the necessary amount of tea into the brewer, which is based on one teaspoon of tea with crushed dry hips per one cup of
  • . Brewed boiling should be poured with boiling water minimumin 80 degrees
  • To insist the drink should be about fifteen minutes
  • It is also recommended to brew this tea in a thermos, which not only multiplies its useful properties, but alsotastes better by making it more saturated
  • Drink a drink during the day, because the next day it already loses half its medicinal properties.
  • Raw materials for brewing( brewing) can be poured with boiling water two or three times and each time the drink will be tasty and useful
ivan tea with rose hips

A warming drink from rose hips with ginger: recipe

Rosehip with ginger is a rather unusual, but nonetheless tasty and wholesome drink. It is recommended to drink it in the cold season so that the body receives the maximum amount of vitamins and thereby carried out the prevention of many diseases.

Brewing recipe:

  • A small piece of ginger root( no more than one centimeter) should be grinded on a large grater
  • Brew tea best in a glass or porcelain brewer that you pre-scald with boiling water
  • Grated ginger is poured into the bottom of the brewer
  • One apple should be cleaned ofpeel and its flesh cut into cubes, cubes are also added to the brewer
  • Approximately seven large rose hips in a dried or fresh state should be rinsed and added to the brewer( ifrosehip is fresh, then it is better to clean the inside)
  • You can also add the right amount of cinnamon or a pair of mint leaves
  • . All the ingredients are poured with steep boiling water at least 80 degrees and infused for 15 minutes.
  • . A little chilled tea can be sweetened with a spoon of honey right in the cup
tea with dogrose and ginger

Wild rose wild rose: drink recipe

The modern market is filled with a lot of interesting products that not only provide the person with a wonderful taste, but also prtheir preparation. Such a quick-dissolving product, such as "Natural wild rose", significantly saves time and energy, giving the opportunity to instantly get a ready-made drink.

Advantages of this drink:

  • Prepare literally in a few seconds
  • They can successfully replace tea or coffee throughout the day
  • The drink has a huge vitamin composition, such as that found in natural rose hips
  • The drink can be sweetened at will
  • The drink can be drunk when hotand in a cold for quenching thirst
  • Other ingredients can be added to the drink
  • The drink has a powerful healing effect on the human body
instant drink rosehip

Brew this tea is very simple: a spoon of loose product is poured into a cup or brewer and poured with steep boiling water. After that, you can sweeten the drink with sugar or honey. The sour taste of tea perfectly quenches thirst and leads to a tonus of the body.

Preservation of birch sap with rosehip

Everyone was given at least once to try birch sap, but not everyone knows that it can be very successfully preserved with a dog rose. Of course, such a product can be found on store shelves, but it's much more pleasant to drink what you have prepared yourself.


  • To conserve one large drink can, you need about three liters of fresh birch juice
  • . Juice should be poured into a saucepan of
  • . Rose hips( fresh or dry) must be whole, clean and free of rot
  • Approximately ten berries should be added to birch juice
  • Alsothe recipe requires the addition of a teaspoon of citric acid and about four tablespoons of sugar
  • This mass is brought to a boil, removed from the fire and rolled up only in a previously sterilized utensil

Briar tea and rose hawthorn: recipe

A decoction made from hawthorn berries and dogrose differs with its excellent healing properties on the human body. The drink leads to tonus, gives strength and a powerful vitamin charge. Drink such a drink is useful at any time of the year and in any quantities.

The correct preparation of the decoction:

  • You can use the saucepot to prepare the broth, but also the berries are successfully cooked and in the thermos.
  • If you use a thermos, the one that has inside the glass bulb is best. The thermos must be scalded with boiling water before making the drink
  • Choose for preparation of the drink about twenty pieces of unblemished wild rose berries and half the hawthorn
  • Use for this drink you can make fresh berries and dried
  • . If you make a decoction in a saucepan, bringtwo liters of water to boil
  • In boiling water, pour the berries and cook them for three minutes
  • After that, the liquid can be poured into the thermos, and you can wrap the pan with a towel and a waspTo be cooked in such a state for cooling and infusion within six hours.
  • As desired, the ready-made drink can be sweetened with honey or sugar
decoction prepared from wild rose and hawthorn

Chicory with rosehip: recipe

  • Chicory is a familiar drink since childhood that, with its taste qualities,reminds coffee
  • The modern drink "Chicory with hips extract" has a special advantage, because it has two advantages: rich vitamin composition and speed of cooking
  • ForIn order to brew such a drink you need to pour a teaspoon of dry mass into the brewer and pour it with steep boiling water
  • This drink should be infused for a couple of minutes before consumption and you can safely drink
  • The ready-made drink can be sweetened with sugar
chicory with rosehip

How to prepare fruit juice from rose hips?

Surprisingly, but also from such a berry as a dogrose, which is not distinguished by its juiciness, it is possible to prepare a delicious, and most importantly - useful fruit drink:

  • We select only the ripe, round and even berries
  • for the preparation of mors. Berries are washed with running water
  • Liters of water seton the fire and wait for the boiling
  • In boiling water we fall asleep half a kilogram of selected berries
  • Turn off the fire, cover with a lid pan and leave in such condition for a day( or better for two days)
  • After this time, pick up the berries, I eat them in a separate bowl and crush tolkushkoy for potatoes
  • we filter through cheesecloth liquid with fruit cake and throw
  • decoction juice of berries combine and add to it a pinch of citric acid and sugar to taste. Morse is ready!
rosehip berry can be drunk immediately after preparation, and can be preserved for the winter

Rosehip fruits - instructions for use

  • Rosehip fruits - the best that can be taken from the whole bush
  • You can prepare beautiful compotes and broths, jams and even fruit drinks
  • from rose hips. You can use fresh berries and dried ones for culinary purposes, which must be stored in canvas bags
  • Before use, each berry is cleaned from cuttings and leaves and washed
  • The hips are brewed quickly enough, but the longer you insist they are - the more useful the drink becomes and has a more intense taste from kislinoh

rosehip fruit Can I have a dog-rose with the bones?

  • Many mistresses before preparing a jam or decoction from a dogrose are engaged in its thorough cleaning from the bones of
  • This exercise is not necessary, because the bones of the dogrose are not poisonous at all
  • The only minus of the bones is that they are always stuck in the teeth and you can get tired of spitting out if there is a whole berry
  • However, pits have as one advantage - they contain a lot of useful substances, essential oils and vitamins and they have a very favorable effect on the health of the person suffering fromblisters of the heart and blood system
bones of dogrose

Syrup of dogrose - instructions for use: indications, dosages

Buy or make the syrup of rose hips individually, but it is also very important to know about its usefulness and method of use.

Syringe is used when a person has avitominosis or vitamin Vitamin C deficiency

  • Syrup is prescribed in the case of asthenic state
  • During the period of colds and infectious diseases
  • In order to have a general restorative effect on the body
  • How much syrup should be consumed:

    • Syrup briar consumes only preorally
    • Syrup can be consumed by adults and children over 12 years old by two tablespoons
    • Syrup can be drunk with water
    • Childand in the period of 7-12 years should consume one dessert spoon of syrup
    • Children from four years should consume one teaspoon of syrup
    • Syrup is prescribed two or three times a day
    • The course of treatment with syrup lasts approximately two to four weeks
    syrup of dog rose ownCooking

    How to cook hawthorn syrup with rose hips?

    Prepare a syrup with hawthorn and dogrose fruit according to the strength of each. The syrup has a pleasant taste and aroma, sugar helps the syrup to be sweet, which the children like. The syrup has a rich vitamin composition, which favorably affects the general condition of a person and his health, especially the health of the cardiovascular system.

    Recipe for syrup:

    • Half kilo of hips and half a kilo of hawthorn berries need to be washed and cleaned from cuttings
    • Berries must be cut in half, or in four pieces
    • Berry bones should not be removed
    • Kilo berries are poured with two liters of water and put on fire,it is necessary to bring to boiling
    • After boiling, the berries are cooked for twenty minutes.
    • After cooking, the broth should be "rested" for several hours and infused with
    • . Cook broth through gauze until dry cake.
    • the first transparent broth is added to a kilogram of sugar, and the fire is brought to
    • dissolution After dissolving the sugar syrup is boiled until thick about twenty minutes
    berries hawthorn

    unusual brew on the wild rose recipe

    Moonshine from the hips, you can safely assume that not only delicious alcoholic beverage, but also a remedy. Prepare such a moonshine easily at home:

    • Half a kilo of beautiful and whole berries need to be cleaned from cuttings and washed, folded in a separate bowl
    • Berries should be added with 100 grams of fresh yeast
    • Berries are sprinkled with four kilograms of sugar and poured with about seven liters of purified water
    • The whole mass is thoroughly mixed and left in a calm statefor about three months
    • After this time, brag should be surpassed, but do it best once, so as not to lose the taste and aroma of dogrose
    moonshine on wild rose, the classic recipe

    Tasty tincture of rose hips on vodka

    • Take about a glass of whole and beautiful rose hips in the dried state of
    • They need to be steamed to make the berries soft
    • To do this, soak the dogrose in warm water for twelve hours beforehand.
    • Standing berries get rid of water, cover with a glass of sugar andpour half a liter of strong vodka
    • The dishes are shaken carefully and retracted for two weeks to be stored in a dark cool place.

    Tincture of echinacea with rosehip: recipe

    • EhInazeyu with dog rose can be drunk and in the form of tea, but it is much more useful and more pleasant to prepare tincture
    • A glass of rose hips( fresh or dried steamed) should be placed in a glass jar in the shredded state
    • Over berries, pour a large spoon with a slide of Echinacea flowers
    • Berries should be covered with a glasssugar and pour half a liter of strong alcohol: moonshine or vodka
    • Bank is retired for 10-14 days to store in a dark cool place
    • It is advisable to shake the jar
    • daily After this time, It is filtered through gauze

    How to make wine from a dogrose?

    • three kilograms of fresh dog rose must be kneaded with a wooden rolling pin to the condition of a loose slurry
    • two liters of water are poured into a pan and boiled and dissolved in two kilograms of sugar
    • . The resulting syrup boil for five minutes and cool to the warm state of
    • in another bowlfermentation) a glass of steamed raisins is poured out, a syrup is poured out and a mass of softened rosehip
    • is poured into the dishes one hundred gram of fresh yeast and the rest water quantity is 8 liters
    • suchconviction should be removed for four days for fermentation in a dark place at room temperature.
    wine from rosehips

    Syrup of dogrose: reviews

    Angela: "Syrup of dog rose is a powerful medicine that can provide both preventive and curative properties to an infected organism. I regularly treat colds only with rose hips, it is easy to buy in a pharmacy and it is not expensive. Besides, in winter and damp autumn I eat every day a tablespoon of syrup for the prevention and replenishment of the body with vitamin C. "

    Igor: " I remember the syrup of wild rose since childhood, as it was regularly prepared by my grandmother. Surprisingly, it can only be because of this that I can boast of the powerful health and immunity that I have gained for my entire life! »

    VIDEO: How to treat rose hips?

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