Melting firmly entered the beauty industryand is not going to surrender their positions. Representatives of the fair half of humanity choose it in order to bring a twist to their image, refresh their face and add a volume to their hairstyle. But if the owner of light hair coloring is done without problems, then the brunette, before you dare to this procedure, you should carefully consider this step, so as not to harm the locks. Melirovanie on black hair has some nuances. About them and talk.
Features of the highlighting of dark hair
Some women deliberately color their hair in the popular blue-black color. But brunettes by nature are often unhappy with the dark color of their curls and are seeking various ways to lighten them, repainting with lighter shades.
However, a radical change of color is fraught with unpleasant consequences for ringlets: damage, thinning and even a rapid fallout. It is for this reason that girls, with awe of their own hair, prefer a gentle lightening - highlighting.
This type of staining has specific features that must be taken into account. This is not an easy procedure, with the help of which the master achieves various effects that make the image unique.
It's more reasonable to trust a professional who uses only high-quality paints, because a beginner can simply not cope with the difficult task entrusted to him, and the result will not be joyful. Often, to get the right shade, you need to do more than one stain at certain intervals, so as not to damage the structure of the hair.
Experts do not recommend experimenting and grinding both natural and dyed black hair.
What effect does the highlighting of
? Properly made lightening of strings looks chic and expensive, gives the image a charm, expressiveness and uniqueness.
Milling is done in different techniques, depending on the thickness and length of the hair. For example, for a short haircut, you can use an asymmetric dyeing of the braces, placing accents where it really is necessary, according to the master. Such a reception will advantageously emphasize the dignity of a woman's appearance, especially her style.
Brilliance for brunettes is not only a way to look younger, but also the ability to make changes in hair color. For example, by painting curls on several shades lighter, you can get a tone that is as close as possible to the natural. The result is amazing, it seems that the head of hear shimmers in the sun, it plays with highlights.
Options for highlighting
It is not absolutely necessary to paint strands all over the head, there are several variants of this procedure:
- Classical chalking of curls along the entire length at the same distance. Strands can be any thickness, depending on what kind of result you need to get. The main disadvantage: regular correction in the root zone is required.
- Frequent highlighting of upper braces. With this option, the combination of black and white is most effective.
- Reverse melirovanie on clarified dark hair and coloring of light in a darker shade.
- Gentle - lightening of strands for several tones.
Variation types for brunettes
Whatever type of melioration is used on black hair, it will look equally excellent.
- Staining of strands in color, close to their natural shade, gives the hair the desired volume and versatility, and the image - intelligence and refinement.
- Majikontrast revitalizes the hair, imparts shock and expression to onions. The most advantageous in this case looks melirovanie using black hair of white, platinum, golden, honey and other light tones on the entire surface of the head. This type of staining is chosen by women who are not afraid of experimentation.
- American melirovanie in recent years has become megapopular. The tips of the hair are colored more intensively than the roots, while the transition is not a contrast, but a gradual and harmonious transition. Select bright, saturated shades, such as orange and red, simulating a flame. The advantage of this type of staining is that there is no need to correct often, since the roots remain almost natural in color.
- Venetian highlights. The most light tone is created on the tips of the hair and harmoniously turns into a natural color at the roots. For this type, several shades of paint are used, so the head of hearing gets a luxurious natural shade and elegant negligence, which gives the effect of faded hair in the sun.
- Multicolor staining( сrazy colors) - ideal for young shocking young ladies. Colors for the dowels are chosen the most diverse: green, blue, scarlet, bright orange. A prerequisite for beautiful melting in the style of the avant-garde is the symmetrical and uniform coloring of the curls, so that the hairstyle looks neat and tidy. To bow turned harmonious and holistic, you should adhere to the appropriate style of clothing.
- Salt with pepper suggests staining of black strands in white. Black-and-white melirovanie will suit not every woman, so you should be careful with him. Black and white highlights Highlights with colored strands
- The veil is an absolutely harmless type of highlight for the hair. The essence of it is to lighten the tips of hair with a special wax. However, he suits only the owner of short hair.
- Mazhimesh is the use of colored waxes that do not contain ammonia and perhydrol. Also applies to the gentle type of highlights.
- Vanilla - creating a strand of pearlescent effect on strands. This is a fairly expensive type of melioration, so not every salon offers it to its customers.
- Chateau - an original staining technique, creating an effective transition of shades from the bottom up. A characteristic feature: the procedure is carried out outdoors without the use of foil. Before applying the paint strands are combed. Actual shades: nut, gold, ash, wheat, beige.
Before trusting a master, a woman must decide what kind of effect she wants to get on her hair, proceeding from this and choosing the option of staining.
Advantages and disadvantages of highlighting
Like any other type of coloring, highlighting has a number of advantages and disadvantages.
The pluses are:
- a successful selection of a shade of paint will allow to correct minor defects of appearance and to paint over the gray hair;
- incomplete staining is more sparing than full, since the dye affects only half of the hair;
- correction is not carried out as often as with classical staining, it is sufficient to perform it every three months;
- the volume of hair is visually enlarged;
- a harmonious transition from one shade to another looks natural;
- correctly executed technique of staining and high-quality preparations give the locks a beautiful, healthy shine and radiance, the hair looks well-groomed;
- a variety of shades allows you to make effective staining to any woman, regardless of her appearance and age;
- the unsuccessful result can be easily and without consequences removed.
- can not be performed on freshly dyed or chemically exposed black hair( after chemistry they need to give a month for restoration, otherwise they will look like a web);
- staining is not performed in case of prolonged use of henna;
- is not recommended to perform the procedure in case of poor hair condition, first they must be cured;
- process is quite long, the longer the hair, the more time is spent on staining( up to 4 hours);
- is not recommended to conduct independently;
- requires careful care for dark, streaky curls.
Actual shades 2017 year
Today in the trend of naturalness, so most often make highlights, using shades that are close to the natural color of the hair. This adds liveliness to the dull curls. But this does not mean that bright, saturated colors are not used by stylists.
Fashionable shades for black hair:
- dark chocolate;
- copper;
- bronze;Light shade Shade of dark chocolate Red shade
- light brown;
- red;
- cognac;
- black currant;
- noble cobalt with silver.
- For girls who prefer cold shades, bright pink and red strands are suitable.
- Young ladies, whose favorite tones - muffled and deep, it is worth choosing a red highlight, in which the ends of the hair are painted in saturated burgundy and cherry shades. Blue and violet strands Red prjadki
- Following the example of celebrity, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity move away from the trend of naturalness and with pleasure paint one or several locks in their hair in purple, blue, green.
- Quite impressive and unusual on dark hair looks like black marking.
However, with multicolor staining, you should not use more than three shades to avoid associating with the parrot for others.
Prepare for highlighting and hair care after it
The brunette, who decided to lighten the strands, will be helpful in preparing for the staining procedure. It is worthwhile to ask the master what preparations he will use in the process( paints containing ammonia, it is not recommended to apply), and ask for a test for an allergic reaction.
Before the procedure, you need to restore damaged hair, shear the tips of the tips, the day before going to the beauty salon, do not wash your hair.
Despite the fact that strands are meliorated as a gentle procedure, they can not help but reflect on the structure of the hair, especially black hair. Therefore, care for them should be more thorough. Shevelura, exposed to the drugs, needs restoration, treatment and preservation of color.
- The first step in the proper care of colored hair will be the acquisition of special products: shampoo, conditioner, conditioner, balm, mask. The acidic medium of the shampoo will not only perform its usual purification function, but also neutralize the alkaline effect of the paint, and the protein components will repair the damaged strand structure. A special shampoo should be used for at least a month after staining, and then you can switch to normal.
- At least once a week, you need to use a balm for strengthening hair.
- Specialists recommend using special fluid gels that do not require flushing. They give the hair a natural beautiful shine and support the color.
- Also, you should often pamper your hair and scalp with nourishing masks. They should be used 2-3 times a week and keep on the hair for at least 30 minutes, so that the active substances penetrated into their structure. It will not be superfluous to rinse with broths of herbs.
- Another necessary procedure for caring for hair is massage. Daily for 10 minutes, you need to massage your skin, comb your hair in all directions to increase blood circulation and thereby stimulate the growth of the hairline. Nourishing mask Massage
- It is better to use a wooden comb with smooth, widely spaced denticles, which can be pre-dripped with olive or jojoba oil.
- It is better to give up the iron for straightening strands and curlers. When using a hair dryer, blow the hair with cold or warm air, while the flow should be directed along their growth, so that the flakes are closed, and the surface is smooth, glossy and shiny.
- After staining, it is necessary to trim the tips in time, the roots should not be tinted more often than once a month.
How to make highlights of
Qualitative highlights are held in several stages. Initially, the strands are discolored, after which the toning is performed to obtain the desired result. An experienced master assesses the condition of the hair, its thickness and length. If the hair is discolored the first time did not work, the procedure is repeated.
On short black hair
The procedure is carried out with a special cap with small holes, through which crocheted strands are stretched. Between the curls to be painted there must be a certain distance, so that the melting is uniform.
For long black hair
The desired shade is selected, the thickness and frequency are straight. Next, the master makes parting, so that the hair is not confused, and the paint does not stain the rest of the curls that will not be stained. Then, the coloring preparation is applied to selected strands and sealed with foil. First, the upper strands are stained, then the back. At the end of the prescribed time, the paint is washed off, the hair is washed thoroughly, the nourishing mask is applied to them.
Special combs with rare denticles are also used. You can apply the paint by hand, this method is good for curly hair.
How to make highlights at home
Black hair is difficult to color, so it is better to hold the procedure in the salon. However, in exceptional cases, it is possible to carry out this process independently, provided that the necessary skills and strict observance of instructions for the use of drugs are available.
For highlighting, you will need: a paint brush, a non-metallic bowl, a comb, a cap or foil, a clarifying compound, an oxidizing agent, a towel. The composition is applied to the strands, holds a certain time( strictly according to the instructions and depending on the type and condition of the hair), after which it is washed off.
Melining on black hair will transform a woman, make her younger and more attractive. The main thing is to choose the right shade and the way of coloring. Pleasure is not cheap, but you do not need to save on it, because in case of an unsuccessful result, the treatment will cost even more. Video on the topic: