You can only envy those who have hair beautiful from nature, healthy, thick and silky. Alas, today not everyone can boast of this. Most people, not only women, but also men, have to regret to state the unsatisfactory state of their hair. We'll tell you how to fix the situation by making hair masks with kefir.
Why do problems arise, how to treat hair?
The reasons for the poor condition of the strands can be many, including genetics, malnutrition, stress, environmental conditions, illness, etc. For women who love to constantly change their image by staining, curling, straightening and styling, the question of restoring and maintaining healthhair is even more acute.
Regular care and treatment and prophylactic procedures are measures that are mandatory for those who want to have beautiful hair. And the first tool that is worth trying is home masks with different compositions and the effects achieved.
Recently, incredibly popular products have become kefir. The sour milk product, useful in all respects, forms the basis of such mixtures, and the additional ingredients enhance the therapeutic effect and extend the spectrum of action of the agent. Let's not delay the most interesting moment - we'll tell everything about kefir masks. You will find out what this tool is capable of and what problems the hair helps to solve.
Kefir is an old acquaintance with the new qualities of
. Not all, but very many products bring the same benefits with external application, as well as with ingestion. Unconditional leadership belongs to fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. Sour-milk products, including kefir, can be said to breathe in the back of the head.
Kefir is rich in vitamins A, H, C, PP, group B, etc. The complex of minerals is represented by elements such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, fluorine, iodine, copper, selenium and so on. In the product there are many other useful substances: polyunsaturated fatty acids and organic acids, proteins, fats.
The greatest value in kefir has a unique microflora, consisting of beneficial bacteria and microorganisms. Thanks to this composition, this product has a positive effect not only on the gastrointestinal tract, but also on the skin, nails, hair.
Trichologists recommend making kefir masks if the strands are excessively fatty, since kefir has the property of inhibiting increased production of sebum. At the same time, kefir-based products help in the treatment of dry, weakened and damaged ringlets, providing them with sufficient moisture and nutrition.
So it's not only possible to carry out such procedures at home, but you also need it regularly! The remedy is simple and absolutely safe, the use of hair brings tremendous!
Mask on warm kefir for any type of hair
A classic option in which additional ingredients are not needed. Kefir is slightly heated to a comfortable temperature and applied to the hair.
- First, treat the hair roots and scalp.
- Then the composition is evenly distributed over all the strands to the tips. Cover the head with a plastic bag or put on a shower cap. Wrap up with a towel.
- After half an hour you can wash it off. You do not need to wash your hair with shampoo - just rinse it with warm water and pat dry with a towel.
This tool makes the hair strong, strengthens the roots, gives the curls silky, soft, glossy shine.
This is the simplest kefir mask. But in most cases, prepare multi-component mixtures on kefir, using ingredients designed to solve a particular problem.
Kefir mask with cocoa
The most common problems are intense hair loss and slow hair growth. Remove masks from cocoa and yogurt. In the grains of cocoa there are a lot of substances and vitamins that are very useful for nutrition and strengthening of strands, so "chocolate" compounds with kefir for them are extremely good.
- Kefir - 0.5 tbsp.
- Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.l.
- Yolk - 1 pc. kefir yolk cocoa powder
Preparation mask:
- The yolk is whipped into a steep foam.
- Add cocoa and half of warm kefir. Beat.
- Pour the remainder of kefir. Stir everything to homogeneity.
Application on hair:
- The composition is densely applied to the roots with a sponge or a soft brush.
- Distribute the mixture along the length of the hair.
- Comb the strands with a wooden or plastic comb.
- The scalp is massaged with fingers.
- Wear polyethylene hat, wrap your head with a towel.
- After half an hour, rinse with water at room temperature.
Mask for hair with cocoa and kefir - video
Kefir mask with cocoa well nourishes hair bulbs, strengthens the hair structure, stops their hair loss, stimulates growth.
To stop the thinning of strands, you can make masks with mustard and kefir:
- Mix the yolk, a glass of 3.2% kefir and 1 tbsp.l.mustard powder.
- Stir well and apply the mixture only to the roots.
- Lightly massage the skin and keep the composition on the head in the heat for 45-60 minutes. If the mustard is heavily stove, the mask can be washed off earlier.
Honey-kefir mask
- Half a cup of warm kefir is enough for 1 tsp.honey, 3 tbsp.l.freshly squeezed onion juice and 1 tbsp.l.oil. All the ingredients are mixed until uniform.
- Apply the composition to the roots and distribute it along the entire length of the strands. The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes.
- Mask for dry hair from kefir and honey, first rinse with warm water, and then use a shampoo, since oil covers curls with oily film.
Any vegetable oil can be used to prepare such a product. It is better to take burdock, almond or olive.
A good therapeutic effect gives a combination of honey with kefir and castor oil. After several procedures, the curls become smooth, silky, obedient. Strands easily fit into the hair, get saturated natural color.
If you mix honey with yogurt and yeast, you will get an amazing mask that speeds up hair growth:
- Yeast should be added to warm kefir, leave them in this form for a few minutes to start fermentation. Then add a tablespoon of honey and mix well. add yeast add a spoon of honey
- Apply to the roots of hair and hold the mask under a polyethylene cap half an hour.
- Wash off with warm water and shampoo, rinse with a decoction of nettle.
Treatment of fatty hair
Homemade masks on kefir perfectly cope with the problem of increased greasiness of the strands. The compositions can be different, but the effect is always the same: the hair does not fade so fast, it becomes strong, shiny, fuzzy.
- Adding to kefir mask is recommended burdock or juniper oil, a little honey, a few drops of essential oil of rosemary, lemon or orange.
- The process of preparation and application of the product is normal. The mask is kept on the hair under the polyethylene in the heat to half an hour.
- Then everyone is washed off with non-corrosive water and shampooed with a shampoo.
The universal mask for all types of hair on kefir - video
Mask kefir clarifying
Kefir has another useful property: it slightly lightens the hair. If you need to make a mask to lighten hair, for ¼ of a cup of yogurt take:
- Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.l.
- Alcohol strong( cognac, vodka) - 2 tbsp.l.
- Egg - 1 pc.
- Shampoo any - 1 tsp. alcohol shampoo
egg lemon juice
All the ingredients are mixed with kefir and egg in the usual way. Apply to the hair. If you change the shade of the strands by no more than half a ton, you just need to hold the mask for 30-40 minutes. To lighten the hair for 2-3 tones the composition will have to be held on the head a little longer: 1-1,5 hours.
Wash off the clarifying mask with warm water. To enhance the effect after washing, the hair is rinsed with chamomile broth.
Rules for the preparation and use of masks on kefir
Whatever the recipe has been used, it can not harm the hair with a kefir mask. However, when compiling and applying home caregivers, several rules should be followed. Remember them uncomplicated:
- Liquid components of the mask should be warm.
- The proportions of components specified in the recipes can not be changed.
- For the care of oily hair is best to use 1% kefir, for normal - 2.5%, for dry - 3.2%.
- It is recommended to add vegetable oils in dry hair products.
- The mask can be applied to dry or damp hair, it does not matter in principle.
- The composition first treat the roots and only then distribute it along the entire length of the strands.
- Preventive procedures with the use of kefir masks should be done once a month. Periodicity of medical procedures: 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months.
It is possible to apply such formulations in care and / or treatment to everyone, since the type and condition of the hair does not matter here. It is not necessary to wash the head with shampoo after the procedures with kefir masks, since kefir itself cleanses the hair well. The specific smell remaining on the strands and the effect of their weighting after applying masks with kefir can be neutralized by rinsing the head with a decoction of chamomile, sage or other aromatic herbs.
Video on the topic: