Causes and consequences of compulsive overeating. How to get rid of compulsive overeating?

How often do you eat an extra portion of hot tea or drink an unlimited number of sweets? Compulsive overeating occurs in every second person, but not all have the strength to cope with unbridled appetite. Excessive eating results in severe illness and stress.


  • Compulsive overeating and bulimia
  • Causes of compulsive overeating
  • Who is more prone to bulimia and compulsive overeating?
  • What is the difference between bulimia in groups of people of different ages?
  • Consequences of compulsive overeating
  • Who should I seek help with bulimia and compulsive overeating?
  • Result of getting rid of compulsive overeating
  • Video: Overeating. How to get rid of a bad habit?

Compulsive overeating suffers a large part of humanity. All because a huge amount of stress during the day provokes a sense of unbridled appetite and the desire for "something" tasty. It is possible to say with certainty that every person is over-eating from time to time.

This is manifested in different ways: an extra portion of the supplement, a dense dinner with three positions, cookies and buns with tea and unobtrusive snacks throughout the day. Compulsive overeating is not justified by a sense of hunger and therefore causes poor health.

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Compulsive overeating and bulimia

Bulimia is a disorder of a person's digestive behavior. Its very easy to recognize, as it is characterized by a sharp increase in appetite. Simply put, a sudden feeling of hunger does not disappear and provokes gluttony.

As a result, a person feels weakness and pain in the pancreas. Of course, bulimia can provoke some diseases of the central nervous system and even nervous disorders. Most often, a person suffering from bulimia suffers from obesity and other endocrine diseases.

Causes of compulsive overeating

Compulsive overeating and gluttony of an adult can be closely related to improper parenting in childhood. Everything happens because turning a family dinner into a food cult, people do not know another way of expressing love for each other:

  • holidays with lush tables
  • delicious gifts
  • regular visits to restaurants and cafes
  • "grandmother's care" pies, buns and buns

Food ismethod of encouragement and approval in such cases. It is worth thinking about how you are doing at the moment and do not "please" whether your child is a sweet for a good cause?

On the other hand, uncontrolled overeating can be emotional. Compulsive overeating from stress serves as a localizer of negative feelings and bad mood. The basis for stress is:

  • sexual trauma
  • heredity
  • emotional shaking
  • complexes

Who is more prone to bulimia and compulsive overeating?

  • Statistics show that most of all, suffering from bulimia and compulsive overeating of people, is in the US.It was there that the cult of food and fast food reached the highest degree of popularity. Affordable prices for food provide all levels of obesity to Americans and, consequently, severe diseases
  • Most often this problem is faced by adolescents who have no understanding of proper nutrition and who use harmful food: chips, hamburgers, carbonated drinks, sweets, chocolate, ice cream and baked goods. But, women aged 20 to 40, whose nervous system is not as stable as those of men, are equally vulnerable.
  • Numerous data indicate that about 20% of mankind with overeating is obese. The rest have excess weight, which can not be handled alone

What is the difference between bulimia in groups of people of different ages?

Based on the total number of patients with bulimia, it is possible to determine the following statistics:

  • 20% are children and adolescents
  • 30% - men
  • 50% - women

Children's bulimia is provoked by an unhealed psyche and an inability to cope with psychological stress. Also, most often bulimic children appear in families where the parents themselves suffer from this problem. Unbalanced baby food and a violation of the general diet - lead to the manifestation of the disease, and the constant compulsion of the child to eat when he is not hungry - only exacerbate the situation.

Another cause of increased appetite in children is constant stress: discontent with oneself, divorce of parents or their bad relationships, misunderstanding with peers, violence and conflicts in society. Causes of children's bulimia:

  • is not the correct metabolism
  • unbalanced psyche
  • the habit of consuming food in excess
  • imposing by society and advertising food

Women's and men's bulimia are almost similar. Identify their signs easily enough:

  • obesity and overweight
  • depressed mood, apathy to the world and depressed state
  • close dependence on food
  • regular stresses and a feeling of heightened anxiety
  • permanent taking of drugs

A "strong" sex knowsingly has this name and more oftenis more resistant to various factors, so its percentage of sufferers is lower. Men also do not have a particular desire to observe dietary diets or induce vomitive reflexes. Women often take slack drugs, and men exercise and exercise.

Consequences of compulsive overeating

Of course, this disease significantly worsens the condition of the digestive tract, it puts stress on the heart and blood vessels. The disturbed metabolism depletes the protective functions of the body, as a result of which a person is prone to frequent illnesses and suffers from weakened immunity. Obesity interferes with normal functioning.

Bulimia often provokes the appearance of another disease - anorexia( exhaustion and rejection of any food).Whatever the reason for the appearance of bulimia in a person, it seriously damages the human psyche and aggravates its symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently engage in the treatment of compulsive overeating, if even the slightest symptoms are detected.

Who should I seek help with bulimia and compulsive overeating?

You can eliminate many causes of your disease yourself, however, only a qualified doctor can provide qualitative treatment with an effective result. Complex treatment includes:

  • medical treatment
  • psychological help

Individual or group psychotherapy has an effective effect on a person and solves many of his problems. Having plunged into the depth of consciousness, an experienced psychologist finds the reasons for your overeating and tries to eliminate them. The medicinal side includes the use of antidepressants, if necessary, and hormonal drugs. Not unimportant and consultations of nutritionists, able to adjust your diet and diet.

Result of getting rid of compulsive overeating

If you are worried about your health and want to be fully active, then timely treatment to a doctor will allow you to enjoy life without restrictions. Healing from the disease will allow you to experience a lot of advantages:

  • refusal from constant "hungry" diets and exhausting the body with constant food restrictions, as well as traumatizing the psyche
  • a properly selected diet will not only save you from excess weight, it will eliminate it forever and will not allowaccumulate "not necessary" kilograms of
  • after treatment you will be able to accurately recognize the feeling of physical hunger from the desire to "seize stress" and will eat only if necessary
  • obsessive andrizrachnye thought of food will disappear and stop dreaming
  • absence of overeating eliminate other problems associated with being overweight

It's never too late to take care of your health and appearance. The fight against bulimia and compulsive overeating is a long process, but if you decide on it - you can feel the fullness of life and significantly improve your health. Finding strength in yourself is not difficult, it is more difficult to get rid of negative thoughts and uncertainties.

If you can not cope with your problem on your own, a qualified doctor can always make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Positive emotions and joy to each day is much better than flour buns and fatty portions of hot!

Video: Overeating. How to get rid of a bad habit?

  • May 26, 2018
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