Manna porridge: eat or not eat?

Everybody has a sign with semolina porridge. Someone has about her the best memories from childhood, and he continues to eat it regularly. Others do not tolerate a manga, and one mention of it causes goose bumps. To understand whether it is worth using, you should talk about the benefits and harm of semolina.

Useful properties of semolina porridge

Semolina porridge is considered a dietary product. It includes starch, proteins and vitamins. Porridge is cooked quite quickly and after cooking does not lose its useful properties. It contains little fiber, so it often enters the diet of post-operative patients. Manka is recommended to eat if the body is weakened. For people who are contraindicated in animal protein - it is an ideal product.

Pediatricians claim that semolina should be used for children to grow well. But toddlers up to a year, it is contraindicated. Adults have it also very useful, especially those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. She will relieve the pain with peptic ulcer and gastritis.

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Apologists of alternative medicine also vote in favor of semolina. It perfectly strengthens teeth and bones, helps the stomach. In the dish, enough calories, porridge is nutritious, so it can be full and not get better. However, it should be eaten in limited quantities.

Useful porridge will give strength and energy. It is good for someone who is on treatment in a hospital for a speedy recovery. And also to those who are constantly tired.

Advantages of semolina porridge is that it perfectly fits to many products. Taste can be varied with jam, nuts, muesli. It is very tasty if you add a little vanilla or cook it with raisins.

The semolina is hypoallergenic. But porridge can cause an allergic reaction in those who do not tolerate lactose or gluten. Unfortunately, the water will have a completely different taste.

Harm of semolina porridge

But, along with the undoubted benefit, there is a use of semolina porridge and negative sides. This is especially true for young children. For them, this porridge is a heavy product, which is difficult to digest because of the high content of complex carbohydrates.

In addition, the manga contains a harmful substance gliadin. Because of him, the opportunity to receive useful substances is lost. A phytin containing phosphorus, prevents the absorption of calcium and iron. Babies on this soil may have rickets.

Gluten to kids is contraindicated for up to a year, besides, it negatively affects the immature digestive system. Therefore, regularly feeding children under 3 years of semolina can not.

So, we can conclude that the manga is useful to adults. And for regular baby food, it does not fit. Children can be given it only after a year, and infrequently, and even better to enter into her diet after three years.

Food and health
  • Mar 06, 2018
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