How to draw a festive Parade of warships on the Victory Parade? How to draw a warship in pencil and colors for the child in stages?

What can I paint with children on February 23?


  • How to draw a warship pencil for a child in stages?
  • Video: Learning how to draw ships How to draw a military warship
  • step by step in pencil How to draw a military ship with paints for a child in stages?
  • How to draw a festive Parade of warships on the Victory Day parade?
  • Ideas for the pictures of the festive naval parade for children
  • Video: how to draw a warship?

This article contains instructions for step-by-step drawing of warships for the design of a thematic postcard or preparation of a school wall newspaper for the holiday. The ready drawing can become and an independent gift for the daddy and the grandfather.

Here you will find a step-by-step description of the warship's drawing with pencils, paints, and learn how to draw a festive parade of warships.

As military equipment is not easy to draw, and our instructions are designed for schoolchildren, some details are shown schematically. The picture does not lose its picturesqueness from this, but it's easier to portray it.

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Choose a picture that is more to your liking, prepare a simple pencil, paper, eraser, paint and brushes, color pencils - if desired, and join the creative process.

How to draw a warship pencil for a child in stages?

Before starting to work, let's recall some subtleties of the pencil drawings:

  • the initial strokes are applied to the paper with light touches, without pressing the
  • , the first lines are more convenient to start, starting from the upper left corner of the
  • , start drawing from the body.
How to draw a military warship?

Great military ships of the Second World War look more effective: they are equipped with large gun turrets and pipes.

  • numerous details will enliven the drawing. The
  • drawing should fit into a piece of paper, so it should not be too small or too large( a rectangle is preliminarily drawn on a piece of paper inside which the image will be drawn).
  • in the drawing, the direction of the lines and their relative position are important, therefore the first strokes are applied with(the final result can be affected by any mistake made at the beginning of the process
How did the famous artists depict the warships?

New lines also run without pressure.somehow the stroke turned out to be too dark or fat - go through it without pressing the eraser completely without erasing

  • Even if it seems to you that it is very difficult to depict a specific element of a warship, then giving it a simple geometric shape( cone, ball, pyramid,cube, parallelepiped, cylinder), you will easily proceed to the next stage.
  • The painted ship needs to be organically integrated into the surrounding landscape. Elements of the landscape, even if they are slightly outlined, will improve the impression of the picture, enlivening it and enriching it.
  • After all the elements have been printed on paper in accordance with the desired pattern, they can be circled with confident movements of the pencil, pressing it if necessary.
  • Strengthen the contrast finish with a ballpoint pen, a felt-tip pen.
  • Unnecessary traces of the pencil are removed in the process or at the final stage.
Many elements of a warship can be depicted in the form of simple geometric figures

If the first strokes do not lead to the desired result, then you should not quit your job. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and continue to try. Then your patience and enthusiasm will be crowned with success and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result achieved.

How to draw a rocket ship?
How to draw a torpedo boat?
A warship drawn with a simple pencil

Drawing a warship with a pencil

  • Drawing an elongated ship's hull, located at an angle. Draw the center line.
Drawing the extended body of the ship
Drawing a straight line in the center and refining the shape of the case
  • Drawing a straight line from which we begin to draw the superstructure of the ship.
  • Let's continue drawing the bottom part of the case, having spent a line along already drawn.
  • Draw a curved line of the ship's nose.
  • We will work on the superstructures on the deck: draw two rectangles and draw 4 perpendicular lines: 2 - on the back of the ship's hull, and 2 - on the front.
Drawing rectangular superstructures on the deck
  • Drawing the superstructures of the ship, giving them the appearance of parallelepipeds, cones and cylinders.
  • We conduct 3 more straight lines on the central line of the hull of the ship.
We specify the form of add-ons
  • We work on the guns on the deck and specify additional small details.
We finish the cylindrical add-ons
  • Add waves to the water, guide the contours and erase the auxiliary lines.
Adding guns and missing parts

Ready drawing

The second version of the warship's design - battleship "Sevastopol"

  • Light lines indicate the hull of the ship. In the lower part of the body we conduct 9 curved lines to indicate the volume of the shell.
We designate the case
  • We depict several strokes of the superstructure on the body. We specify the contours of the hull, continuing to draw up 9 lines.
Drawing add-ons on the deck
  • Drawing guns on the deck and shading some areas.
Drawing guns
  • Wipe off any unnecessary traces of the pencil and continue hatching.
Begin hatching
  • Add missing elements. Draw the reflection of the ship in the water.
Drawing the missing parts
Drawing the reflection of the battleship in the water

Drawing the aircraft carrier

How to draw the aircraft carrier?
  • Let's outline the lines of the ship with light dashed lines, trying to observe all proportions.
Drawing the original contours
  • Drawing out the small details: rails and beams, electronics in the upper part of the ship. Accuracy here is not so important, because you can draw some elements schematically.
Drawing the top of the ship
  • In more detail draw the lower part of the tower of the ship. The stages of drawing the aircraft carrier are shown in the photo.
    Let's pay attention to the hull of the ship, drawing all the small details. On both sides of the deck we will draw places for parking of aircraft.
Drawing the lower part of the superstructures on deck
Refining the image of the deck
  • Drawing the nose of the ship. We add the anchor.
Finishing the ship's nose
Drawing of the aircraft carrier ready

Video: Learning how to draw ships How to draw a military warship

step by step in pencil How to draw a warship with paints for a child in stages?

  • The picture of the warship will begin with the separation of the sheet by a vertical line into two halves: the right and the bottom. This will help to correctly draw the contours of the ship.
Drawing a modified triangle
  • Let's draw a slightly modified triangle in the left half. From two points of the triangle we draw straight lines to the right side: the lower one - the straight line, the top one - with the downward slope.
We spend two straight
  • The back part of the hull of the ship is hidden from the viewer, therefore we do not connect straight lines, leaving a small gap between them.
Denote the captain's bridge
  • Draw the captain's bridge. To do this, we will depict all the elements in the form of rectangles, checking the lines with the picture in the photo.
Completing the bridge, drawing the strokes between the rectangles
  • To complete the bridge, it is necessary to draw straight lines from each rectangular figure. As you can see, a complex part of a warship can be depicted with simple strokes in the right direction.
Drawing guns
  • On the deck of a warship there is a gun, which is drawn like this: we hold two lines at a distance from each other on the front of the ship, and below them we draw parallel lines. Now draw the half-oval, to which the trunks are attached, and add another small semicircle in the back of the ship( aft).
  • Detail the picture, depicting all the missing elements.
Drawing the last strokes of the
  • At the final stage of creating a sketch of the ship, you can draw a flag, portholes on the ship's hull and an anchor in its lower part. Along the whole body we will conduct a straight line.
  • A ship can not exist by itself or simply hang in the air. Therefore draw the waves below it.
Drawing portholes and anchor on the bow of the ship
  • We erase all rough lines, trying not to touch the main contour. We proceed to coloring: we use gray paint for the ship, the sea will be saturated blue.
Drawing waves
Painting a drawing

How to draw a festive Parade of warships on the Victory Day parade?

Well, now let's try to draw a festive Parade of warships. Or rather, one of the moments of the parade.

What you need for the

picture We'll prepare everything you need for the drawing:

  • watercolor paper
  • simple pencil and eraser
  • available inks( gouache or watercolor)
  • brushes
  • two containers with water( one for rinsing brushes, the other forwetting the paints and adding water to the palette)
  • clean cloth
  • palette or what will be used instead( white plate, sheet of paper)

Let's get to work:

  • We put the sheet horizontally. To the child coped with some elements of the ship, let us explain to him that it is much easier to represent a complex figure if you give it the usual geometric form( triangle, rectangle, square).
  • We leave the bottom edge of the sheet for 4-5 cm and draw a rectangle with an extended angle, which will become the "nose" of the ship.
Drawing a trapezoid
  • If the student is already familiar with the names of geometric figures, then we say that we need to draw an elongated horizontally trapezoid, one corner of which is above the others.
  • As in the military parade the ship is surrounded by other military equipment, we will depict in the sky the contours of an airplane resembling the body of a dolphin or a fish. For this, it is necessary to retreat from the top edge of the sheet by 3 cm.
  • in the sky. A cannon is usually installed on the deck of a warship. Draw it in the form of a semicircle with a protruding muzzle. Draw the cockpit of the plane in which the pilot and navigator are.
Drawing a cannon mounted on the deck
  • Drawing the wings of the aircraft. Near the image in the form of an elongated rectangle, and the posterior form of a triangle. On the tail of the aircraft( in the lower part of it) we will depict a small triangle.
Drawing the wings of the
  • We draw in the form of rectangular steps of the superstructure on the ship, in which there are cabins and service outbuildings.
Draw add-ons on the deck
  • Draw locators, giving them a triangular shape, under them - circle-portholes. We equip the ship with another small cannon. Detail the picture, finishing the door, the windows.
Draw locators and portholes
  • Draw an identification flag that flutters beautifully in the wind.
Drawing the flag
  • We add window-portholes in the lower decks and anchor. We draw a horizon line.
We make the lower part of the ship's hull
  • Let's start painting. Silvery gray, we cover the ship and the plane. To get the right shade, we'll blend the blue color with the white on the palette, and combine it with a little black.
We draw a horizon line
  • Too dark color is diluted with white paint. Initially, it is necessary to circle the contour of the ship and only then paint it completely.
We paint the hull of the ship in a silvery gray
  • We decorate the aircraft with the same paint composition, adding a little more blue color to it.
We paint the plane, diluting the paint with water and dropping a little blue
  • Paint the sea with a mixture of emerald green or azure blue. We start drawing waves from the bottom of the sheet, continuing them to the bottom of the ship.
  • We collect more water on the brush and paint the area of ​​water to the horizon line.
Beginning to draw waves
  • from the bottom of the sheet. Draw waves in the lower half of the sheet with a mixture of black, violet and blue colors. Draw the same color shadow at the edge of the ship.
Increasingly diluting the paint with water, paint the water section to the horizon line
  • Draw a few blue circles on the left. It will be a festive salute. We use the same color for the sky and cockpit.
Darker color will walk through some waves and from below we will add a shadow from the ship on the water.

  • We are waiting for the drawing to dry out and begin to trace the contours of military equipment, portholes, cannons with a fine brush. We use for this purpose a mixture of black and violet paints.
Draw the circles on the left
  • We collect the red paint on the brush and draw a strip on the flag. After that we paint the bottom of the ship, salute, with red. Add white paint on the flag.
Use the same color to paint the sky
  • Draw a mixture of blue and white paint foam foam comb.
Circle the contours of the ship
Circle the contour of the plane
  • Draw the blue strip on the flag and trace its outline. We add a yellow color to the lights of the salute. Let's draw a reflection of the salute on the water.
Draw a foam wave crest and paint over the areas in the picture with red paint
  • Draw the orange color of the salute and adjust the white color mixed with a small amount of blue paint, the waves that the ship cuts through in the water.
Adding yellow lights to the salute
Strengthening the contrast of some elements of the

Ideas for the drawings of the festive naval parade for children

What else can you draw with the children? For example, such warships:

Video: how to draw a warship?

  • May 26, 2018
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