Fats: benefit and harm

At all times, all the girls wanted to be beautiful. Now the fashion is slim, and they are constantly sitting on diets that severely restrict the consumption of fats. But this can lead to the exhaustion of the body and cause great harm. Commercials and doctors also constantly scare cholesterol without specifying that only excess cholesterol is harmful, and in small quantities it is vital to our body.

If a person does not eat enough fat, his health will be shaken. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive the necessary hormones and enzymes. After all, most of them come from outside, and not synthesized by the body. As a result, your skin will be wrinkled and dry, hair - tarnished, nails - brittle. Cells begin to accumulate slag and toxins, and even infertility is developing. At the same time, the metabolism of fats and the process of blood supply can be disturbed, inflammation and rapid aging of the organism can develop.

We can influence this by adding useful fats to our diet.

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What are the fats and in what products they contain

Note that fatty acids are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated acids are included in products such as lamb, pork, poultry, beef, palm and coconut oil. If we talk about dairy products, then it's milk, butter. They raise the level of cholesterol and, therefore, with excessive use are harmful.

Unsaturated fatty acids can also be of two kinds: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. In the latter case, the acid has one double bond and loses a pair of hydrogen atoms. Polyunsaturated acid has more than one double bond in the molecule and loses more than two hydrogen atoms.

Monounsaturated fats, also called Omega-9, are part of olive, rapeseed oil. They also contain nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans.

As for polyunsaturated fats, two types are distinguished: Omega-3 and Omega-6.These families contain the acids necessary for the body: linoleic and linolenic, which can not be dispensed with.

Omega-3 acids are found in foods such as flaxseed, soybean oil, dark green leafy vegetables, fish and seafood, sprouted wheat, flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans and others.

Fatty acids Omega-6 is included in the following products: sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin, sunflower, soybean, corn oil, and walnut oil.

Previously, scientists claimed that monounsaturated acids do not affect cholesterol. To date, it is believed that if they replace saturated fats, then this measure will lower cholesterol in the blood.

Is Cholesterol Harmful?

We hear about the harm of cholesterol many times a day. In fact, this substance is vitally important for our body. Cholesterol is used in the construction of nerve tissue, brain tissue, cell membranes, and it allows the body to generate steroid hormones and bile acids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

The excess cholesterol negatively affects our health , in particular it promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vessel walls.

Cholesterol is partially synthesized in the body, however in insufficient quantities, and some of it should come with food.

How much and what fat do we need

What volume of fatty acids does a person need for healthy functioning of the body? Specialists - nutritionists say that the calorific value of a daily diet by 30% should be covered by fat. For example, if the rate per day is 1,500 calories, then the amount of fat should be about fifty grams. Sixty percent of them must fall on monounsaturated acids, 10% - on polyunsaturated and 30% - on saturated.30% of consumed fats should be of plant origin and 70% of the animal.

You will have excellent health if you adhere to the optimal balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. To do this, use unrefined vegetable oil of the first cold pressed, lard, butter. Do not forget about sea fish, nuts and seeds. Refuse from refined oil and other processed fats. They almost do not bring benefits, especially margarines, fusions and so-called light oils.

We remind you that products containing essential fats easily deteriorate when stored incorrectly and, if damaged, can cause serious harm to a person. In this regard, eat only fresh food.

About the benefits of unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fats give the body energy, give health to the heart and blood vessels, help the brain work, relieve inflammation, prevent allergic and oncological diseases and strengthen the overall immunity. This type of fat improves the condition of diabetes, eczema, asthma, psoriasis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, as well as cancer of the breast and prostate.

Ten years ago, therapists from England reported a person who had a severe depression with suicide attempts. He was helped only by one therapy - the use of fatty acids. After a month of treatment, his condition improved significantly, and after 9 months he completely recovered.

Unsaturated fatty acids improve the work of the heart and vessels, dissolving the deposition of cholesterol on their walls. As a result, the work of cardiovascular, muscular systems and other organs and tissues improves. In this case, the composition of the blood changes for the better, the vessels become more elastic, so the risk of blood clots decreases, the pressure normalizes.

Omega-3 acids affect the metabolic processes in the body, regulate weight, help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, allergies, eczema, immune disorders, viral diseases and many other pathologies.

Omega-6 acids regulate food sensitivity, weight, helps to get rid of pimples and acne, from allergic reactions and dry skin. Such acids help with dehydration, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, with PMS, mood swings and with arthritis and arthrosis.

Unfortunately, in the "normal" diet of "average" Russian unsaturated fatty acids, the benefits of which are obvious, is much less than required. To increase their content in the body, the following measures will help:

  1. Salads fill with oils such as nut, sesame, olive.
  2. Systematically eat fish of fatty and bold varieties, seafood.
  3. Use the seed of flax.

In those periods when your diet lacks products containing useful acids, eat fish oil in capsules. It helps to get rid of colds, dryness and flaky skin, improves eyesight, strengthens hair and nails. In addition, this product is a great way to burn fat. It speeds up the metabolic processes in the body.

Fish oil should not be taken to anyone who has problems with blood coagulability. Carefully it must be eaten during pregnancy. This drug reduces blood pressure, so do not take it if you have hypotension.

Do not under any circumstances exclude healthy fats from your diet. Otherwise, you will lose in muscle mass and lose your stamina. Do not be afraid of fats, you should just use them correctly in nutrition.

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