Mushrooms mushrooms: varieties, description, photos. How to distinguish a real edible mushroom from a false one? How do real and false mushrooms look, where, in what forest grow, when to collect them, how to process after harvesting?

To all mushroom pickers and lovers of delicious snacks dedicated. In this material, we will study in detail the information on mushroom mushrooms. It will be interesting.


Pads: kinds, use

  • Fungus mushrooms edible - yellow, black, white, peppery, wet, poplar, aspen, red, parchment, bluish, oak: varieties, description, photos
    • Bitter
    • Marsh bush
    • Oak bum
    • Mellowyellow
    • Aspen mushroom
    • Mug parchment
    • Pepper mushroom
    • Mushroom pack
    • Mellow black
    • Poplar mushroom
    • Present pile
    • Red bale
  • White and black mushrooms: use and harm
  • Gde, in what forest are growing mushrooms?
  • When to collect mushrooms mushrooms?
  • Are false mushrooms, poisonous, how they look, how to distinguish from real ones?
  • What kind of poisonous mushroom can be confused with a mush?
  • Mushrooms similar to black and white mushrooms: description, photo
  • How to distinguish black mackerel from swine?
  • How to distinguish a white mushroom from a grebe?
  • Video: Where to look and how do these real mushrooms look?
  • instagram viewer

    Masts: species, use

    The mushroom is considered a true Russian fungus. In the western, eastern and southern countries, they are not even known about them.

    In our region, these mushrooms were able to firmly enter the consciousness of each person. They are considered the most remarkable forest gift, and therefore they won the hearts of our compatriots.

    In many parts of Russia, for example, in Siberia, these mushrooms have been a type of industrial mushroom for a long period of time. Ideal food properties in conjunction with a wide fruiting - that's why they are in high demand among people.

    The main purpose of the mushroom mushroom is pickling. Other dishes must be prepared from salty dues. But for frying, stewing and other similar methods of cooking mushrooms are not suitable.

    The squirrel contains so much protein that it can easily replace meat. The special benefit of the fungus is that it is used to create drugs that fight with tuberculosis. After all, the components of the fungus can neutralize Koch's dangerous wand. Further we will consider in detail the species of fungi.

    Fungus edible mushrooms - yellow, black, white, peppery, wet, poplar, aspen, red, parchment, bluish, oak: varieties, description, photos

    There is a very large assortment of mushrooms. Let's consider in more detail the most popular of them:


    • The mushroom hat has a size of about 12 cm in diameter. By itself, it is flat, convex, eventually becomes funneled, fleshy, dry, reddish-brown, matte.
    • The hat of mature mushrooms is dark red or reddish-brown. Some species have light circles on the cap.
    • The mushroom flesh is thin, has the aroma of resinous wood. The juice is burning, caustic, white, quite abundant. When the fungus begins to age, it becomes covered with a white coating.
    • The mushroom foot is 10 cm, not more than 2 cm thick. Young mushrooms have a whitish surface, the old ones are pink or rusty red.

    Swamp marsh

    • Swamp species is considered lamellar. Grapes grow on earth in heaps, in small groups. The mushroom itself easily breaks down and is very fragile.
    • Marsh mushroom is found almost everywhere, adores wet areas, lowland. The mushroom season starts from the beginning of summer and ends in November. However, the most peak season is August or September.
    Marsh mushroom
    • The mushroom has a hat 5 cm in size, outstretched in shape, in some cases the hat looks like a funnel. In the central part there is a sharp bump. The hat can have a reddish, red-brown, brick color.
    • The leg of the fungus is quite dense, the bottom is covered with a fuzz. The color is the same as the color of the cap, sometimes a little lighter.

    Oak mushroom

    • This species is considered lamellar. The plates of the fungus are broad, have a whitish pink or a rusty orange color.
    Oak mushroom
    • The cap of the mushroom is wide, in the form of a funnel. The leg is dense, at the bottom it is even, narrowed.
    • Juicy, white. Surprisingly, he, when in contact with the air, does not change at all in color.

    Mellow yellow

    • The mushroom cap has a diameter of up to 10 cm in the form of a rounded funnel with a slightly wrapped edge
    • The color of the yellow mackey is golden yellow. Flesh is white, which after contact turns yellow
    Yellow mushroom
    • White juice, after contact with air changes the shade to grayish-yellow
    • Leg in mushroom shortened, thick, up to 9 cm long and 4 cm wide

    Aspen mushroom

    • Mushroom capdiameter is from 6 cm to 30 cm. It can be flat, convex or slightly depressed in the central part.
    • The skin is white or covered with small spots of pink color. Sometimes there are individuals who have a small fluff on the surface of the cap.
    Aspen mushroom
    • The pulp of the fungus is white, it breaks well, smells a little bit of fruit, it tastes sharp.
    • Leg up to 8 cm long, strong, white or pink.

    Mastic parchment

    • The cap can be 10 cm in size. Flat and slightly convex, it becomes a funnel over time. White, after a while turns yellow
    Parchment mushroom
    • Surface of cap wrinkled or smoothly
    • Flesh of mushroom snow-white, bitterish. Leg elongated, white, narrow at the bottom

    Pepper mushroom

    • Hat in diameter up to 18 cm, slightly convex. Becomes after a certain time funneled
    • The surface is creamy, white, matte. Often covered with red spots and cracks in the center
    Pepper mushroom
    • Flesh of the fungus is white, it breaks well
    • After the incision is a sticky and very dense lactic juice of white color, which changes to greenish

    . The blue mushroom

    • . This species has a rather dense pulp,an unusual milky juice is released. This juice is acrid and burning. After contact with the air, the
    is folded. The blue mushroom
    • The flat cap, pressed into the center, dry, smooth, sometimes shaggy.
    • . The leg has a length of up to 9 cm from the bottom. Narrow, dense.

    . Mellow black

    • . The cap is very large, sometimes 20 cm in diameter.central part depressed
    • In wet weather the cap is covered with mucus and becomes sticky
    Black mushroom
    • The leg can grow up to 8 cm in width to 3 cm
    • The hint of the hat is constantly changing, from olive to brown

    Poplar mushroom

    • This fungus is not common. As a rule, the fungus grows in poplar, aspen wood
    Poplar mushroom
    • The hat reaches in diameter 20 cm, flat, convex, has bent edges
    • The mushroom foot is short, dense, pink or white

    This pile

    • It is also called white, wet
    • Mushroom hat large, diameter up to 20 cm
    • Young mastoon has a white hat, round and convex
    This pile
    • Over time, the mushroom head becomes a funnel
    • The flesh is snow-white, fleshy, has a specific smell
    • The mushroom's leg is sturdy, even to 5 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width

    Red mushroom

    • This mushroom has a reddish-brown color
    • Diameterhats can reach up to 20 cm
    • Bonnet surface matte, light brown
    • Very rarely bright orange or red
    Red mushroom
    • In wet weather, the surface of the fungus is covered with mucus, so it becomes sticky
    • Flesh scrapcan be white or reddish. The mushroom, which has recently been cut, has the aroma of boiled crabs or gives away herring.

    In nature, there are still other mushrooms, but they are more rare. But there are a lot of mushrooms.

    White and black mushrooms: benefit and harm

    Many argue that mushrooms can be either edible or poisonous. However, there are also conditionally edible. This category includes black mushrooms.

    Professional mushroom pickers, of course, know this. But, and newcomers do not know this. This type of fungus is called conditionally edible, since it contains poison.

    Shakes: harm and benefit

    If a black mushroom is just a fry in a frying pan, then this poison will not be lost anywhere. Because of this, you can get a strong poisoning or even die.

    Such mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, and after that cook for 3 hours. Only in this version, all the poison will be gone.

    The white mushroom brings the human body both harm and benefit. Here everything depends on how well the mushroom is cooked.

    Where, in what forest do the mushrooms grow?

    There are situations that in one forest there will be many mushrooms, in another very little or only poisonous. The correct selection of the forest is a huge success in that they will be found. If you decide to go for a pile, pay attention to our recommendations:

    • The forest should be neither young nor old. After all, the mushrooms have not yet appeared in the young, but the old forest is overgrown.
    • Around each tree should grow low grass. As a rule, in high grass mushrooms are almost never found.
    Mushrooms in the forest
    • Choose the forest that is very moist or try to go in the morning when dew fell out.
    • In a good area, you can smell the mushrooms. In the place where you want to find the mushrooms, as a rule, there is a mushroom smell and a moist scent.

    When to collect mushrooms mushrooms?

    If you decide to go in search of a mushroom mushroom, then you should consider the following: as a rule, this fungus grows in the lowland, because they do not like dry soil. If in the forest where you go, sand or dry soil predominates, then you can not search for pancakes there.

    Collecting the

    loaders Now we'll figure out when it's necessary to collect these mushrooms. Everything depends on their variety:

    • Oak mackerel or aspen looking for at the end of July and until the end of September
    • The blue mackerel is better to look closer to August and until the end of this month
    • Yellow mackerel and pepper can start harvesting from the middle of summer to the end of August
    • If youwant to find a black look, then go to the forest in July. They will grow there until September

    Of course, the terms that we proposed to you are only considered conditional. Remember that when you collect these mushrooms, make sure that the forest is wet enough. Because the dry soil does not grow.

    In addition, take a closer look at the local vegetation. If you notice horsetail, then in this area you will not find mushrooms. This plant is considered the first sign that the soil in this forest is acidic. But the pile does not like such a soil.

    Are false mushrooms, poisonous, how they look, how to distinguish from real ones?

    Among the large assortment of edible species of mushrooms, one of the first places is taken by mushrooms. There is no such mushroom picker that will bypass this mushroom, as it differs with sufficiently bright and nutritious taste qualities.

    It's a pity, but you can often find false mushrooms, scratches, which have a number of distinctive features. In addition, the papilla can get papillary. It can cause serious poisoning.

    False mushroom

    If you want to understand what kind of appearance this mushroom has, you need to see the real live. You also need to get acquainted with the main distinctive features, compare these signs with the appearance of false mushrooms.

    • The initial appearance of the edible mushroom cap is such - the hat is convex, has wrapped edges. Over time, the hat becomes a different shape. It has its edges raised, it turns out the shape of the funnel in the central part.
    • The hat of the edible fungus is damp, fairly dense. Can have a white or cream color. As a rule, it is covered with twigs, dirt, slime.
    • The plates of the edible mushroom are white, with yellow edges. In themselves, the edges are wide or rather loose. If you take a false mushroom, it has dense, stiff and thick plates that look unnatural. Often it is thanks to the plates that you can distinguish a real mushroom from a poisonous one.
    • A real mushroom has a large amount of milky juice.
    • The edible fungus has only white flesh.

    Mushroom is a fungus that has a large number of false twins. But many of these fungi are considered conditionally edible, since they are similar in nature to real ones.

    What kind of poisonous mushroom can be confused with a mush?

    The milky person, who has a gray-pink color, is very similar to the white mushrooms. It can not be eaten, because it is considered deadly to the human body.

    This mushroom hat has a width of 12 cm, a dense, fleshy, convex or ploskorasprostertuyu as a funnel. From the very beginning, the mushroom's head has bent edges, which eventually drop, dry up, become covered with small scales. When the fungus grows old, his head laid bare, becomes red, pink or pinkish-brown, and after drying in the hat appear blurry spots.


    The leg of the denser is dense, up to 8 cm long and up to 4 cm wide. Cylindrical shape. The flesh of the fungus is yellow with a red tint. At the bottom of the leg is painted in a reddish-brown color. The mellifer grows from the middle of summer to the middle of autumn.

    Mushrooms like black and white mushrooms: description, photos

    There are a large number of fungi, which in appearance reminiscent of mushrooms.

    White freckle:

    • People call this mushroom a whiting. The waves in appearance look very much like mushrooms.
    • Fungi have the bonnet as a funnel, the diameter of which is about 9 cm.
    • hat has a downwardly bent edge. Young freckles are white, but over time they acquire a yellow color.
    • The mushroom is considered edible and it belongs to category 3.
    • The usual mushroom gorzdu wave gives way to two signs: by its size and density. This mushroom is considered edible.
    White freckle
    • It is recommended that it be marinated or salted. But before that, it must be soaked, so that the bitterness disappears.
    • Grow freckles in the deciduous and mixed forests, where there are young birches.
    • The period of their growth and development ranges from August to mid-autumn.
    • Often these fungi are found in the west of Russia in the form of small groups. However, in some regions of the country they grow quite abundantly.

    White podgruzdok:

    • The name of the fungus indicates that this representative in appearance looks like a mushroom. The load refers to the russula.
    • This mushroom is edible and comes in 2 categories. The hat is different in color - from light shades to darker.
    Lifting white
    • In dark mushrooms, the flesh becomes dark after cutting. The dark loading is inferior to the mushroom in color.
    • Light representatives have a lighter flesh that retains its original shade.
    • White forks do not have milky juice at all. It can be marinated or salted without soaking in advance.
    • This fungus is found in the middle strips of Russia in mixed and deciduous forests.

    Black and white:

    • Mushroom is very rare. In appearance it looks like a bunch of
    • Own name got because his hat has the property to vary in contrast. Young mushroom white
    Black-and-white underdrive
    • After a while it becomes dark, almost black
    • The pulp of the mushroom gives menthol flavor
    • Mushroom, of course, edible. Included in category 3
    • For cooking it does not need to soak

    How to distinguish a black mackerel from a pig?

    • Mushroom swine is considered lamellar. He differs in that the size of his cap is 20 cm
    • The young mushroom has a convex, and over time flat, funnel-shaped, velvety, yellow-brown hat
    • The pulp of the fungus has a light brown tint, which after darkening darkens
    • The mushroom plates at the bottomare connected by means of transverse veins
    • These veins can be separated without difficulty from the cap
    • Leg length is narrow, solid, about 9 cm
    • It is located centrally or slightly laterally
    • As a rule, the fungus occurs in thein the form of large groups
    • Breeding period from mid-summer to mid-October

    The fat pig is larger in size. Its color is dark brown, and the stem of the mushroom is velvety. In the first and in the second form a large number of harmful compounds accumulate, including heavy metals.

    How to distinguish a white mushroom from a grebe?

    The white mushroom mushroom does not have a thickening in the form of a tuber, which is located at the bottom of the toadstool foot. The toadstool itself is considered a dangerous enough fungus. In general, its appearance resembles a russula.

    The grebe

    The grebe has a green bonnet, in some cases almost white. On the stem of the fungus near the cap is a ring. If you do not want to confuse this mushroom with white mushrooms, remember the following rule: mushrooms that are intended for salting have a hole on the stem. This indicates that a particular mushroom is considered edible.

    How do I process the pickles after harvesting?

    It is necessary to know that each mushroom has the property of quickly deteriorating, therefore, they need to be washed and cleaned as quickly as possible.

    • To begin with, wipe the mushroom with a dry piece of cloth.
    • Then remove the dark places from it and clean the foot of the dirt.
    • If the mushroom is heavily dirty or wormy, then it must be put in cool, salt water.
    • After you moth the mushroom, you can cook it.

    Video: Where to find and what are the real mackerels?

    • May 26, 2018
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