Conization of the cervix: why do and what methods are used for it? Pregnancy, monthly and norm of excretions after conization of cervix uteri

What is conization of the cervix and why is it done? How is conization of the cervix uteri? Postoperative period and the opportunity to become pregnant after conization of the cervix.

Contents of

  • Why do cone cervix?
  • Methods for coning the cervix
  • Complications after conization of the cervix
  • What does the cervix look like after conification?
  • How does cervical healing take place after conization?
  • Scab after cone of the cervix
  • Rate of excretion after conization of the cervix
  • Bleeding and pain after conization of the cervix
  • How does the period after conization of the cervix uteri?
  • Pregnancy after conization of the cervix
  • Reviews about conization of the cervix
  • Video: Conization of the cervix

Conization of the cervix is ​​an operation to remove the affected area of ​​the cervical canal. By its name, this manipulation is due to the form that has a section - it is performed in the form of a cone.

Why do cone cervix?

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Why do cone cervix?
  • Conization of the cervix is ​​both medical and diagnostic. After removal, removed from the surface of the uterus, the material is sent to the laboratory for examination. In the process of studying this material, it will be established whether cancer cells are present in the excised part of the tissue. In other words, conization is one of the types of
  • biopsy Another purpose of conization of the cervix is ​​the excision of pathological tissue. If a woman has dysplasia, a cyst or other neoplasms, then she is shown such an operation. It allows not to completely remove the entire organ, but only to release it from the affected part of it.
  • When excising the necessary portion of the uterus, additional healthy tissues are also captured. This is done in order to avoid the spread of the disease to healthy flesh. Then, in the laboratory, the specialists carefully examine the edges of the cut to ensure that they do not have the affected cells.

Methods for coning the cervix

Methods for coning the cervix

To date, there are four main methods for conization of the cervix:

  1. Knife .This method is already considered quite outdated, and its application is now practiced less and less. With the knife method of conization of the cervix, excision is performed using a medical scalpel. The healing after the procedure lasts a long time. Also after it, a woman can experience quite painful sensations. In addition, the consequences of a knife-like operation can be severe enough, including the impossibility of becoming pregnant, not bearing a child or even relapse of the
  2. Laser .This method of conization of the cervix involves the use of the latest achievements in medicine - the laser. Using a laser, doctors have the ability to accurately and accurately excise an affected area of ​​the cervical canal. During the operation, doctors are able to regulate and change the originally planned dimensions of the biopsy( research material).The consequences of laser excision are minimized. The postoperative period is characterized by short painful sensations and the absence of strong or weak blood discharge. The probability of becoming pregnant and bearing a child when applying this method is many times greater than with the knife method. The only drawback of laser conization of the cervix can be called its high cost. Such a method may not be everyone's pocket
  3. The loopback method can be called the golden mean between a laser and a knife. Its cost is much lower than laser, and technical - nothing inferior. In addition, the postoperative period with the loop method is quite easy for a woman - she practically does not feel pain, and she is not bothered by severe bleeding. When using the loop method, a special electrode wire loop is used, which allows to excise the necessary section of the cervix as accurately as possible. At the same time, the tissues of the bioptate are practically not damaged, which is very valuable for conducting laboratory tests.
  4. The radio wave method is based on cervical coagulation. In other words, the radio waves sent to the affected areas of the cervical canal completely kill them. In this case, the probability of bleeding after surgery is almost reduced to zero. In addition, this method is considered to be the least traumatic and more encouraging, since the childbearing function of a woman is preserved as much as possible

Complications after conization of the cervix

Complications after conization of the cervix

Complications after conization of the cervix are rare today. All this is due to the fact that this operation uses the latest devices and technologies. However, this fact does not guarantee a 100% probability of no negative consequences.

The most common complications after conization of the cervix are:

  • severe and prolonged bleeding
  • genital tract infection
  • stenosis of the cervical canal or external throat
  • ICI during pregnancy
  • premature birth
  • scars on the uterus

What does the cervix look like after conization?

What does the cervix look like after conification?

With knife and loop method of conization of the cervix, there is a possibility of forming a small scar on it. Such a scar should in no case disturb the woman and bring her any discomfort.

Laser and radio wave conization procedures leave no trace at all - uterine tissues heal and tighten very quickly. Thus painful sensations and bleedings at similar operations are reduced to a zero.

How is cervical healing after conization?

How does cervical healing take place after conization?

The patient may be allowed to go home the next day after the operation. With laser and radio wave conization, women are discharged on the same day. However, the patient will still need to regularly visit the doctor as he prescribes.

During the healing of the cervix after its coning, the following manifestations can occur:

  • bleeding within the next twenty days after surgery
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • brown discharge with an unpleasant odor for almost a month after operation
  • copious first and second monthly

In general, the healing process can take from a month to several months. Everything will depend on the female body and its ability to heal.

In order to speed up the process of healing of the uterus after conization and avoid complications, a woman needs to adhere to a number of rules:

  • to refuse sexual intercourse for a month and a half after operation
  • to avoid strong physical exertion and weight lifting
  • not to take a bath and not to visit the sauna, sauna, pool
  • from sealing
  • use only sanitary napkins - refuse completely from tampons
  • to avoid taking drugs that can provoke bleeding( eg, aspirin)

A corpse after conization of the cervix

A corpse after conization of the cervix
  • A corpse is formed during the process of conization of the cervix and excision of its cervix. This process is natural, and it should not be frightened.
  • The output of the scab comes a week after the conization is completed. It can be recognized by the abundant secretions with blood impurities
  • If the discharge is too abundant, the period of their release is prolonged for a long time or there is an excessive amount of blood in them, then it is better to get a doctor's advice just in case. Only he will determine whether everything is in order and whether it is worth worrying about this

The norm of excretions after conization of the cervix

The norm of excretions after conization of the cervix
  • The presence of excretions after conization of the cervix is ​​the norm. During the operation, the above-mentioned scab is formed. His output falls on the second week after conization. During this period, there may be more discharge. They may contain blood veins
  • Normally, excretions should last up to three weeks. There should not be too many of them, and they should not be too intense
  • If the intensity and blood saturation of the discharge is high, this fact is the reason to consult a doctor
  • . Also, it is worth consulting with the doctor if the discharge begins to smell unpleasant. This may indicate the development of infection

Bleeding and pain after conization of the cervix

Bleeding and pain after conization of the cervix
  • Bleeding and pain after conization of the cervix is ​​also the norm. It would not be desirable for doctors and their patients to avoid this, but, unfortunately, this is impossible. After all, blood and pain are always present during and after any operations.
  • Bleeding can overwhelm women after coning about four months. Exactly so much can be needed for the female body to recover. However, they should not be too abundant and resemble the monthly
  • . The big inconvenience in this case is that the lovely ladies have to regularly use hygienic gaskets
  • for several months. As for the pains, everything will depend on the pain threshold of the woman and skillthe doctor conducting the operation. Some ladies generally do not experience any discomfort after the conization of the cervix. Especially it is often observed when using laser or radio wave method
  • In other cases, women can pull to the bottom of the abdomen. Short and not too intense pain after conization should not frighten the patient
  • If a woman experiences unbearable pain, then she should inform the doctor about it. For many patients, doctors prescribe additional antibacterial and analgesic therapy for

. How do the men after the conization of the cervix pass?

How do menstrual period after conization of the cervix?
  • As a rule, after the procedure of conization of the cervix, the menstrual period begins on time. They can be more intense and accompanied by pain. This will continue for several months - after this time the body of a woman should be restored. Then the cycle that is familiar to her will return to her, as well as the nature of the
  • menstruation. In some cases, there are delays in menstruation. This can only mean that the recovery of the female body took a little longer
  • Also, the technique and accuracy of the operation itself affects the recovery period of the menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy after conization of the cervix

Pregnancy after conization of the cervix
  • Pregnancy and endure the baby after coning of the cervixthe uterus is quite real. To do this, it is only necessary to adhere to all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor during the postoperative period, during the preparation for pregnancy and the very pregnancy itself.
  • In many cases, after the operation of conization, the pregnant woman must impose a special suture that prevents the premature opening of the uterus. The point is that after the conization on the cervix of the uterus a scar is formed, and from this it weakens. Then, individual cervical uterine insufficiency may develop. This fact indicates that the uterus is difficult to bear such a heavy burden and at any time it can begin its disclosure. The superimposed seam, just the same, helps to avoid such a development of events
  • . Also, most women who have undergone coneusis of the cervix are shown a cesarean section of
  • . Besides, during the entire period of pregnancy they should be under the strict control of the treating doctor.

Reviews about conization of the cervix

Reviews about conization of the cervix

Most women who have experienced this procedure claim that after the expiration of the postoperative period, they no longer experienced any discomfort, they were not disturbed by pain or strong crvotecheniya.

Some women still faced the problems of getting pregnant, others - with the carrying of the baby. But then everything depends on the mood of the future mother, because she will have to visit her local doctor more often than others, go through more examinations and tests, and in some cases, transfer another operation for suturing. However, at the end of this difficult path, they can still squeeze the most expensive thing they have - their beloved crumbs.

Video: Cone of the cervix

  • May 26, 2018
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