Selenite stone and its properties

Selenite at all times was a woman's stone and was the embodiment of feminine refinement and tenderness. With his warmth, beauty and mystery, he conquered the hearts of millions. For thousands of years the stone selenite conscientiously serves the good of mankind, because its unique properties are appreciated and applied in various spheres of human life.

  • history stone
  • mineral Description
  • chemical composition and physical properties of the stone
  • deposits selenite
  • Medicinal properties of mineral
  • magical properties of selenite
  • selenium and zodiac
  • Application Gem
  • Interesting facts about the stone
  • How to distinguish natural selenite counterfeiting
  • Carestone
  • Photos of stone selenite and articles from it

History of stone

Archaeological finds indicate that selenite is actively usedHe was born in the ancient states of Urartu( VIII century BC) and Sumer( about IV-III thousand BC.).A mysterious gem was used here as an ornamental material for making dishes.

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It is interesting that it was selenite that was the first analog of glass. And thanks to the magical properties of stone, various cult objects were often made, such as:

  • ritual staves;
  • sacrificial bowls;
  • special jugs for healing decoctions.

For a long time, selenite was an amulet of black magicians and shamans.

Selenite used and pilgrims as a mascot. It is believed that they took a stone with them to travel to holy places, after which he acquired unique healing properties. Such a stone could cure any disease, healed deep wounds and could relieve infertility.

In the Middle Ages, various church utensils were made of natural stone. Selenite figures adorned the houses of noble persons - nobles, dukes and duchesses.

In Russia, selenite gained popularity only in the XIX century, after in 1838 in Perm province for the first time a white specimen of a stone was discovered. It was used to decorate the Winter Palace( St. Petersburg).

By the middle of the 20th century, the annual release of selenite figurines in Russia was 400,000 copies. Selenite boxes, candlesticks, statuettes decorated almost all Russian houses.

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Description of mineral

Selenite is called the "kiss of the moon".And although in translation from Greek "selenite"( "σελήνη") means "moon", it can not be confused with the lunar stone - adular.

Its name was given to the stone in honor of Selena, the Greek goddess of the moon. Officially the term "selenite" was introduced in 1817 by the famous chemist Berzelius. Nevertheless, in some countries the mineral is still called "eastern alabaster" and "Egyptian stone".

Selenite is a translucent variety of gypsum. The mineral is distinguished by a beautiful silky shine. His refined color palette shimmers with yellow, pink and reddish-pearly shades. Often in the nature there are also snow-white crystals of selenite. They are often confused with a moonstone.

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Chemical composition and physical properties of stone

Natural selenite is one of the crystalline varieties of natural gypsum. Selenite is formed as a result of metamorphism of sea water. Thus, the mineral is a chemical precipitate, which was formed as a result of drying of individual parts of the sea.

The chemical composition of the mineral includes calcium silicate. The chemical formula of selenite: Ca( SO4) 2H2O.

Selenite is highly fragile. Its hardness is only one and a half to two units on the Mohs scale. The mineral is so fragile that it can easily be scratched even with a fingernail. At the same time, it is quite dense. Its density is 2.3 g / cm3.

This natural stone has a beautiful glass or pearl luster, and its color range varies from white to amber-yellow hue.

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Selenite deposits

Selenite is a common mineral. Usually selenite is extracted by open method: first remove the upper layers of clay, after - sedimentary rocks, and then extract layers of selenite.

The main stone deposits in Russia are located on the slopes of the banks of the Iren river, as well as in the villages of the Second Keys, Pavlovka, Krasnyi Yasyl and Opachevka-Kungurskaya.

In the United States, Australia, France, Germany, Egypt and Canada, industrial development of selenite is under way.

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The healing properties of the mineral

The healing properties of selenite have been valued from time immemorial.

Even in Ancient Sumer, selenite was used as an agent for healing:

  • fractures;
  • post-traumatic edema;
  • bleeding wounds.
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In ancient Egypt, with the help of selenite powder, the elasticity of the body was maintained, and in Tibetan medicine, stone was used to remove stones from the gallbladder.

Modern lithotherapists use selenite for:

  • temperature reduction;
  • treatment of depression;
  • getting rid of apathy and despondency;
  • calming the psyche;
  • treatment of eye diseases;
  • treatment of liver disease;
  • treatment of spleen diseases;
  • normalization of the stomach;
  • recovery of endocrine system functions;
  • normalization of the bowel;
  • strengthening of teeth and bones.

It is also believed that natural selenite can relieve the headache and lower blood pressure.

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Magical properties of selenite

The magical properties of selenite are also striking in their diversity.

For example, in India, selenite amulets are used for mental purification and emotional relief. Among the Hindus there is also the opinion that natural selenite can improve memory and develop from its owner the gift of eloquence.

It's interesting that stone affects men and women in different ways. So, the girls selenium makes more dreamy and soft, while the stone men inspire feats. He helps them get rid of all fears and gives their owner extraordinary courage. Since ancient times, selenite has been the amulet of the family. It is believed that this stone brings calmness, mutual understanding and harmony to the house.

There is an opinion that in families where there are selenite products, there will never be quarrels and divorces. If a selenium talisman is presented to a single person, then soon he will meet his soul mate.

It is also believed that selenite is able to:

  • give its owner the gift of clairvoyance;
  • to help avoid trouble;
  • to temper the ardor of an unrestrained man;
  • to help calmly and sensibly to perceive any life problems;
  • reveal deception and expose traitors;
  • soften the souls and hearts of stale and embittered people.
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The most powerful influence of selenite has on creative people. He is able to inspire, develop imagination and intuition;it is best to wear it in a silver frame.

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Selenite and zodiac signs

Selenite as an ornament fits all the signs of the zodiac without exception, but best of all, according to astrologers, ornaments with selenite affect people born under the sign of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

Sensitive Pisces selenite will give confidence and strength of mind, while for Scorpios it will bring good luck and purify their souls from all negative emotions and memories.

Cancer selenite will teach you how to listen and help you choose the right solution.

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Application of gem

The most widely used selenite is used in jewelry. More often refined selenite is used as inserts in various pendants, earrings and bracelets. For this, selenite is cut in the form of flat plates, so it is unsuitable for decorating the rings.

Due to its fine-fibrous structure, natural selenite has a soft overflow. Due to this property, natural selenite is widely used as an ornamental material. In the shops you can find dozens of various selenite figurines, caskets and candlesticks.

The unique properties of selenite have proven useful in many other industries. Today this gem is used in:

  • medicine and chemical industry( for the production of binders);
  • engineering( for making molds);
  • pulp and paper industry( for the manufacture of paints).
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Interesting facts about the stone

  • Natural selenite does not have sufficient hardness, so masters rarely used it as a material for engravings. Until now, one engraving of the 15th century has been preserved, in the manufacture of which snow-white selenite was used. He depicts the drops of the moon falling to the ground. This unique piece adorns one of the private collections.
  • In the East, selenite is not a particularly poetic name. There he is called "afruzalinusom", which in literal translation means "saliva of the moon".
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How to distinguish natural selenite from forgery

Unlike other gems, selenite is widespread and does not have a high cost, so in stores you will not find it counterfeit.

When buying it is worth paying attention only to the name of the stone, because in addition to selenite, a lunar stone is called amazonite, adularia and white moraine. But if you are still troubled by doubt, try neatly in an inconspicuous place to hold a sharp object on the stone. It is known that natural selenite is very fragile.

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Stone care

  1. Selenite is one of the most fragile natural stones. Scratch on its surface can leave even pressing with a fingernail, so when manufacturing jewelry, souvenirs and interior items, selenite products are covered with a special colorless varnish. This procedure should be repeated once every two to three years.
  2. Store jewelry with selenite in a separate case with soft upholstery.
  3. Selenite should be protected against strong impacts and falls.
  4. It must be remembered that this mineral is sensitive to ultraviolet and excessive moisture.
  5. Cleaning selenite jewelry is necessary 1-2 times a year using warm soapy water and a soft sponge. After a similar procedure, do not forget to wipe the stone dry and polish it to a shine. Avoid hitting aggressive chemicals on the stone.
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Photographs of the stone of selenite and products from it


Very informative and informative article. I myself come from those places( in the village of Ashap, Orda district of the Perm region), but I read a lot about selenite for the first time. Thank you!

  • May 26, 2018
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