Caffeine - instructions for use

In this article you can learn about the instructions for using the drug "Caffeine".We will discuss the states in which "Caffeine" is shown, the contraindications and the side effect of the drug.


  • "Caffeine" instruction for use
  • "Caffeine" form of release
  • "Caffeine" indications for use
  • "Caffeine" dosage
  • "Caffeine" contraindications
  • "Caffeine" side effect
  • "Caffeine" interaction with other medicines.
  • "Caffeine" overdose
  • "Caffeine" reviews
  • Video: Caffeine-budget stimulant

"Caffeine" instruction for use

  • The main active substance of this medication is the caffeine of the same name, which has an analeptic and psycho-stimulating effect. This substance has an active effect on the central nervous system, its main effect is directed to the cerebral cortex, has an effect on the vascular centers and respiratory centers
  • Caffeine is able to increase physical activity and efficiency and mental activity, reduces the effects of substances that have the ability to reduce CNS activity
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  • Effect onCCC is by increasing the rate of cardiac contractions and their strength, with lowering blood pressure, caffeine adjusts for hypotensive conditions. The drug is able to act as a diuretic with moderate intensity and stimulates the operation of the glandular apparatus of the stomach

"Caffeine" of the form of the release

The drug caffeine is available in several forms for use:
• Tablets( with a dose for children and adults)
• Solution for the administration of subconjunctival
• Solution for subcutaneous injection
• As a powder for ingestion

We receive this substance from food and beverages. The main source of coffee is considered to be coffee, but more unaffected( free) caffeine is found in strong black tea, and not in your favorite coffee drink. This fact has been proved by scientists and if you do not have the desire and need for an additional supplement of Caffeine, you can brew and drink fresh strong tea.

"Caffeine" indications for use

The states in which show the preparation of caffeine are as follows:
• Decreased physical activity and ability to actively work
• Decreased mental activity and performance of
• Brain spasm of
• Drowsiness
• Diseases,which
are accompanied by a decrease in CNS activity
• Diseases accompanied by depression of centers of respiration and cardiovascular centers
• Poisoning with opioid analgesics
• Infectious diseases( to improve overall condition)

"Caffeine" dosage

The dosage of for various forms release and for different diseases varies:

• For injection, subcutaneously, adults are recommended to use 100 to 200mg for 2 or 3 times a day( or 1 ml of 10-20% solution), and for children from 25 to 100 mg 2 or 3 times a day( according to 0.25-1 ml of a 10% solution)
• For tableted dosage forms are the following: adultsfrom 50 to 100 mg 3 times a day, the average dose for children is recommended at 30 or 75 mg 3 times a day.
• For ophthalmology subconjunctival , 10% solution is administered to 0.3 ml once a day.
It is not recommended to take a drug before going to bed.

"Caffeine" contraindications

Contraindications to the use of this medication is not small, namely:
• Myocardial infarction in acute period
• Atherosclerosis
• Hypertonic disease
• Phobia and anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Tachycardia with paroxysmal attacks
• Presence of frequent extrasystoles inrhythm of heart attacks
• Sleep rhythm disorders
• Glaucoma
• Age over 60 years
• Epilepsy
• Pregnancy and breastfeeding

«Coffee»Side effect

The list of side effects for this medication is also not small:
• Heart rate increase
• Arrhythmia
• Hypertensive attacks
• Anxiety states
• Anxiety
• Excitation status
• Muscle tremors
• Dizziness
• Dyspnea
• Increased fatigue
• Aggravation of erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
• Vomiting and nausea

When drug is withdrawn,to stop its reception, otherwise it will cause worsening of the CNS and depressive states.

For the treatment of infants or in the post-operative period, do not use " Caffeine-benzoate sodium", use "caffeine citrate or" Caffeine "

During pregnancy, high doses of medication can lead to a delay in fetal development of the fetus and even spontaneous abortions,there may be abnormalities in the development of the skeleton of the child and arrhythmias, however, when the "Caffeine" is canceled, the reverse effect-slowing of the growth and development of the skeleton at low doses is observed.

"Caffeine" in breast milk is contained in small doses, but it has the property of having a cumulative effect in toddlers, causing attacks of hypertension and insomnia in the infant.

"Caffeine" interaction with other medicines.

caffeine potentiates( enhances effect) action many drugs:
• Anticonvulsants
• pyramidon

Ciprofloxacin and nofloksatsin , contraceptives for oral administration, tsementedin reduce the absorption of caffeine and its processing by the liver.

Drinking an extra dose of caffeine can result in high CNS stimulation.
The medicine " Mexiletin " reduces the process of removing the drug from the body, nicotine on the contrary, contributes to the prompt removal of the drug.

When consuming caffeine, calcium medicines may not be absorbed into the digestive tract.

Caffeine is an antagonist of the drug adenosine, because it is an "antidote" for its overdose.

"Caffeine" overdose

If you take more than 300 mg per day( this is approximately 600 ml of natural coffee), you may experience tremor, restless and anxious condition , sharp headaches and confusion, heart rhythm disturbances.

Infants may exhibit a toxic effect of caffeine faster respiration and palpitations, increased reflex Maro , seizures and tremor.

In all cases it is necessary to consult a doctor and symptomatic therapy of these conditions.

"Caffeine" reviews

The positive fact of this tool is its availability and high efficiency. It is very helpful for low blood pressure and has a large number of positive responses.

The only minor side effects from taking the drug are noted in nausea, if not properly taken before bedtime insomnia .

With proper administration of the drug at prescribed doses, it has an excellent stimulating effect on the body as a whole and on performance, which is not unimportant.
"Caffeine" analogues
• Caffeine anhydrous
Caffeine-benzoate of sodium
• Di-Activate-N

Video: Caffeine-budget stimulator

  • May 27, 2018
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