An abscess on the finger near the nail - a panacea: how to treat? Panaritium finger on hand: treatment, types, symptoms, causes

Causes, symptoms and types of panaritium. Treatment panaritsiya conservatively, surgically, at home.


  • Causes of an abscess on the finger near the nail on the arm
  • VIDEO: Live Fine! Finger pinpoints
  • Causes of an abscess on the finger near the nail on the foot
  • Finger on the finger near the nail near the nail: causes
  • Finger on the finger near the nail in the newborn: causes
  • Types of panaritium
  • Symptoms of finger felony
  • Complications panaritium
  • Antibiotics for finger fusion
  • Surgical treatment panaricium
  • VIDEO: Panaritium Treatment of a purulent wound Operation
  • Ointment with an abscess of the finger near the nail
  • Dimexide with panarium
  • Panaritium treatment at home on the arm
  • Treatmentpanaritium folk remedies
  • VIDEO: Finger panation treatment at home

Panaritium is the medical name of a problem that is popularly called a "hair", it means a purulent abscess on the finger or toe. Due to the structure of the phalanx of the finger, the disease itself afflicts the person with suffering. Also, its complications are dangerous, because in some particularly difficult cases, panic attacks require amputation. Fortunately, most often the nap is safely cured by the methods of traditional and traditional medicine.

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Causes of an abscess on the finger near the nail on the arm

Panaritium is an inflammation of ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones, less often of soft finger tissues, in which pus is produced. Usually, the pathology arises on the first phalanx of the finger closer to the nail.
Features of the structure of the fingers are responsible for favorable conditions for the onset of a purulent process. Phalanges of the fingers are connected to the metacarpal part of the hand with a powerful ligamentous apparatus.

Bundles and tendons, providing the necessary mobility of the fingers, are intertwined, forming something similar to the cells in which the fatty tissue is present. If an infection gets under the skin of the finger's phalanx, the inflammatory process spreads not horizontally, on the phalanxes adjacent or wrist, but vertically, inward.

IMPORTANT: In case of a panaritic, the purulent inflammation process spreads very quickly to the bone tissue of

. The cause of the panic is an infection that enters the finger phalanx tissue through lesions:

  • wounds
  • punctures
  • abrasions
  • splinters
  • hangings

IMPORTANT: Abscess under the epidermis on the finger can occurbecause of the damage received during inaccurate manipulations with manicure. It is necessary to ensure that the master carefully disinfects not only the instruments but also the skin of the hands of his own and the client's hands, then the disease can be avoided.

Panaprotsies are provoked by pyogenic bacteria.

provoke abscess pyogenic bacteria:

  • staphylococci, streptococci
  • enterococci
  • gonokokki
  • few bacterial species simultaneously

To predispose the development of an abscess:

  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • beriberi
  • hand injury in which blood circulation and innervation fingers
  • immunodeficiency associated with kakoy-either acute or chronic
  • , the presence in the body of another infection
The development of the suppurative process is promoted by a skin infectiontions.

Usually, doctors observe two scenarios for the development of a panic:

  • in case of a superficial wound, if no decontamination measures have been taken or insufficient measures have been taken, the infection from the soft tissues moved deeper into the joints, ligaments and bones of
  • , the injury was profound, the pyogenic bacteria themselves were recorded inbone and articular-ligamentous apparatus
When pandaric, pus begins to accumulate on the finger.

VIDEO: Live Fine! Finger finger tips

Causes of an abscess on the finger near the nail on the foot

Panaritium on the toe - is also not uncommon.

  1. The most common pathology occurs in the warm season when a person wears open shoes and the risk of injury increases
  2. Infection under the epidermis can be recorded during pedicure

IMPORTANT: The development of a purulent process is facilitated by the wearing of a tight, synthetic shoe that prevents the skin from breathing,squeezes blood vessels and nerve endings on the toes

A blister near the toe on the toe.

Infusion on the finger of a child near the nail: the causes of

Children, especially small ones, are at risk of a panic attack.

  1. Among the kids, the habit of sucking fingers, nibbling fingernails, cutting burrs
  2. is common. Children are active, so there is a high risk of getting soft tissue damage or deeper injury.
  3. Often finger and finger injuries occur in the children's playground, in a sandbox, for example. And there - a hotbed of infection
  4. Children do not always carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene and simply forget to wash their hands
  5. The immune system in children is not yet strong, it suffers from avitaminosis, frequent viral diseases, so the possibility of a purulent process is high, it flows quickly, spreads deeplyand often entails complications

IMPORTANT: Parents should monitor the safety of the child during the walk, monitor that he washed his hands thoroughly and with soap. If skin lesions are detected on the fingers, it is necessary to treat them with disinfectants( zebra, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).If there is a suspicion of a developing abscess, show the child to the doctor immediately.

A blister on the finger of a child.

Bladder on the finger near the nail in the newborn: causes of

Usually, the panaritium in children in the first weeks of life is due to:

  • of intrauterine infection
  • of skin integrity disorders during the parents performing the nail polish

The immune system of the newborn is too weak to rely onat random and try to treat the abscess yourself. The baby needs to be shown to the doctor.

IMPORTANT: There are often cases when panaritium in a newborn is treated with antibiotics in the conditions of a medical hospital

Types of panic

Physicians classify abscess of the phalanx of the finger according to two main criteria:

  1. The nature of the pathological discharge. According to this classification, panaritium can be serous( edematous) or purulent)
  2. The nature of the tissue affected by the purulent process. This classification is complex and multistage
Types of Panaritium.

So, it is allocated:

  1. Panaritium superficial - dermal and okolonogevoy. With a cutaneous abscess, bubbles with pus appear on the skin of the finger, which accumulates under the epidermal layer. A paranoid synonym for parotid swarms is the paronychium, in which the peri-oral roller
  2. is festering. Panaritium is deep - subungual, subcutaneous, bony, articular, tendon or mixed( several tissues, for example, ligaments and tendons) are involved in the purulent process. These types of diseases can be primary and secondary. They are more severe, require serious, sometimes surgical treatment, without it serious consequences up to disability( with tendon abscess) and even death

Symptoms of finger flicker

Panaritium in any of its forms most often starts acutely:

  1. The patient feels pain, twitching andpulsation in the site of inflammation localization
  2. Skin integuments phalanges of the fingers turn red, swell, swell
  3. Skin at the site of inflammation glossy
  4. Local temperature in the abscess site may rise
  5. Pand abnormal panaritium on the skin are visible abscesses
  6. The patient's body temperature may rise, he may feel general weakness, chills, headache and aches in the body
  7. Finger movements are significantly limited, sometimes becomes insensitive
Symptoms of panarity are pain, severe swelling and redness of the skin onfinger.

IMPORTANT: With a deep panic, the pain syndrome tends to increase. If the first day of pain can still be tolerated, the second it becomes unbearable, to it( as the abscess deepens), a feeling of bursting joins. The patient can not sleep and loses efficiency.

Diagnosis Panaritium, as a rule, is not difficult. With superficial views, the physician has to look at the patient's finger. If there are suspicions of a purulent process more deeply, do X-rays. The inflammation is also indicated by the results of a clinical blood test.

Complications Panaritium

Pandaktylitis is a possible complication of an abscess on the finger.

If purulent inflammation of the soft tissues and the bony-ligament apparatus of the finger is not treated:

  • it will spread to the blood vessels and lymph nodes( lymphadenitis)
  • necrosis of ligaments and tendons will occur, the functionality of the finger will be lost
  • possible development of osteomyelitis( bone destruction)
  • will occurpandactylitis, in which all the tissues of the finger are involved in the purulent process( with pandactylitis there is almost no hope for conservative treatment, it often becomes necessary to amputatefinger)
  • penetrating into the blood, the infection will spread through the body, develop sepsis

Antibiotics for finger fusion

If there are suspicions of panaritium, it is better to see a doctor right away.

IMPORTANT: In the first couple of days from the start of a purulent process, it is possible to cure it with conservative methods - ointments with antiseptics and antibiotics, antibiotics orally, physioprocedures. With each subsequent day, these chances are falling, there is a need for the operation

Having seen pus under the skin of a finger or abscess, some people "prescribe" antibiotics themselves. This is very wrong.

  1. First, antibacterial drugs are strong drugs with a lot of contraindications and side effects
  2. Secondly, in most cases, panaritium is provoked by staphylococcus, which to most antibiotics is simply not sensitive.
Ointment with antibiotic Levomekol.

Antibiotics for purulent inflammation of the finger tissues are prescribed by a doctor. Ideally, sowing is necessary to identify an infectious agent. But often there is no time for it. Therefore:

  1. At the first signs of superficial panaritium appoint Levomekol - antibacterial ointment for external use
  2. Later and for more severe cases, antibiotics are taken orally or injected intramuscularly
In panaritium, antibiotics are also administered orally.

Usually, these are broad-spectrum drugs

  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Levofloxacin
  • Amoxiclav
  • Josamycin
  • Surgical treatment Panaritium

    If drug therapy does not help the patient, or if he has consulted a doctor too late, there is a need for an operative intervention during which theautopsy of the abscess.

    1. As a rule, such an operation is performed under local anesthesia
    2. The doctor makes a cut over the abscess
    3. It cleans pus and removes dead tissue
    4. If the abscess is located near the nail plate or under it, it must be removed and its
      The wound is treated with an antiseptic solution
    5. The wound is injected with an antibiotic
    6. After the operation, the patient is hospitalized for dressings, he is shown a course of antibiotics. The doctor also prescribes the means that promote wound healing.
    Surgical treatment is a panaritium.

    VIDEO: Panaritium Treatment of Purulent Wound Operation

    Ointment with an abscess finger near the nail

    Ointments are used widely to treat abscess on the finger.

    1. With the aim of killing pathogens and, accordingly, relieving edema and inflammation, Levomecol, Vishnevsky ointment, Ihtiol ointment
    2. is used. To reduce pain and speed up the recovery process, ointment Dicofenac
    3. can be prescribed. If there is a fungus, prescribe ointments such as Lamizila
    finger - Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment.

    Dimexide for panaritium

    Dimexide is a drug that, when paired:

    • fights with infection
    • removes inflammation
    • promotes wound healing

    Apply it as a compress.

    Dimexide for panaritium is used for compresses.

    RECIPE: RECIPE: compress with dimexidum with abscess on finger

    1. Since the appearance of the first symptoms, the procedure must be performed three times per day
    2. . Before applying the compress, the patient finger needs to be roasted in a soda bath( how to cook it - below)
    3. 1 tbsp.a spoon of dimexide should be diluted in 4 tbsp.spoons boiled water
    4. Soak in the solution folded four times gauze and apply it to the inflamed place
    5. Wear a compress 15 minutes

    Panaritium treatment at home on the arm

    Treat purulent inflammation of the phalanx tissue of the finger can be at home. What the patient should remember:

    • , he must strictly follow all the recommendations given to him by the doctor
    • folk methods, no matter how effective they seem, will never replace the traditional treatment with
    • medications if the patient feels worse( the pain in the finger worsens, the swelling grows, the temperature rises, other), the patient should contact the medical institution again
    • with purulent inflammation in no case can not warm finger( bath water should be with a temperature of up to 37 degrees)

    Treatment of panaritium nnative means

    baths, lotions, compresses with folk remedies in the treatment of felon proven themselves very well. Here are a few recipes that are easy to apply in practice.

    RECIPE: Soda bath

    Soda bath with an abscess on the finger.
    1. For the bath prepare a solution at the rate of 2 tbsp.spoonfuls of soda per 500 ml of water
    2. Three times a day, a patient for a quarter of an hour immerses a sick finger in the bath
    3. After the procedure, it can be treated with a blistering ointment prescribed by a doctor.

    RECIPE: Beet with sour cream

    Beet with sour cream for compress.
    1. Beetroot with sour cream is well drawn pus
    2. Half beet tinder on a fine grater
    3. Add to it 1 tbsp.a spoonful of fatty sour cream
    4. Apply the mixture to the rupture place, make bandage from bandage
    5. Leave a compress for the night

    RECIPE: Baked onion with honey

    Baked onions with honey help to remove the ashes.
    1. Half of the bulb is baked in the oven
    2. It will be soft, it will be easily shaken into the pulp
    3. To the onion gruel add 1 teaspoon of honey
    4. Apply the mixture under the bandage for 4 hours
    5. Take a break, repeat the procedure

    RECIPE: Aloe vera and olive oil

    With panaritium, aloe juice with olive oil helps.
    1. Cut from the aloe plant fresh 5-7 cm lower leaf
    2. Crush it into the gruel
    3. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil
    4. Dampen the bandage in the resulting liquid mixture and attach it to the finger for 1 hour

    RECIPE: Household soap and egg

    To cure the abscess on the finger, grated soap is mixed with egg white and used for compress.
    1. Quarter bar of laundry soap grind
    2. Add whipped egg whites
    3. Apply mixture on abscess with a thick layer
    4. Wear a bandage for a day

    VIDEO: Finger finger treatments at home

    • May 27, 2018
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