What is excimer laser vision correction?

Millions of people on our planet suffer from various visual impairments. This leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of life, a decrease in work capacity and in some cases to a complete loss of vision.

For several decades the patients were forced to wear glasses or lenses all their lives and constantly struggle with progressive deterioration of vision.

But scientific progress has given people the opportunity to permanently solve this problem. In such cases laser eye microsurgery comes to the rescue.

This method of correction of visual disturbances is still called excimer laser sight correction. Feedback on the method you can find at the end of the article.

Contents of [Hide]
    • 1. What is it?
    • 2. Contraindications and indications
    • 3. Pros
    • 4. Cons
    • 5. Value
    • 6. Reviews
    • 7. Conclusions
    • 8. Useful video

What is it?

Excimer laser correction is a minimally invasive surgical operation that can permanently relieve a person of eye diseases related to refractive disorders. They are traditionally referred to as short-sightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

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The operation is performed under local anesthesia using special drops. During the procedure, a laser programmed for a specific patient is controlled by an ophthalmologist from a special remote control.

A laser beam is aimed at the cornea and gives it a shape in which normal refraction is restored and the image is projected directly onto the retina.

The operation lasts no more than five minutes and does not require long rehabilitation. The next day a person can engage in activities related to the strain of the organs of vision.

The procedure is performed to relieve the patient from the need to constantly wear glasses or lenses, restore him the possibility of normal vital activity and stop the progressive deterioration of vision.

Usually vision is improved already on the next day after the transferred operation, and full recovery occurs within six months. Most often the result is maintained throughout the life of the patient and a repeated correction is never required.

Contraindications and indications

As stated above, the main indication for an excimer laser correction is any eye disease associated with refractive failure. These are:

Description Numerical characteristic
Myopia -1 to -15 diopters
Hypermetropia +1 to 6 diopters
astigmatism 0.5 to 5 dioprids

With all preoperative preparation and technology methods, nearly 100% of cases, the desired effect or significant improvement is achieved.

Despite the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, there are certain contraindications, in the presence of which the operation is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to serious complications.

Here are the main limitations for excimer laser correction:

  • children's age( this restriction is due to the fact that up to 18 years the retina, cornea and eyeball as a whole are in the stage of formation, and the operation can disrupt this natural process);

  • pregnancy and lactation period( the natural hormonal background, characteristic of a pregnant and lactating woman, can interfere with normal healing and the formation of the correct shape of the cornea);
  • if a person has only one eye;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • retinal detachment in history;
  • herpesvirus or CMV infection of the eye;
  • thinning of the cornea;
  • inflammatory diseases of autoimmune nature;
  • immunodeficiencies of both viral and hereditary etiology.

There are also relative indications, in which case the method is used with caution:

  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious diseases of the eye bacterial and viral nature;
  • enlargement of the vessels of the fundus.


Excimer laser correction is the most widely used method at the moment. Such a spread he received for his undoubted advantages:

  • the maximum effect is achieved immediately after the procedure and remains for a long time( most often for life);
  • safety procedures( any complications occur extremely rarely, are temporary and occur usually in patients at risk);
  • no age restrictions( except children);
  • fast recovery period( no need for prolonged wearing of special bandages and restriction of daily activities);
  • procedure can occur in polyclinic conditions( most often there is no need for inpatient treatment).

Cons of

The disadvantage of the method is:

  1. Impossibility of surgery for children under the age of 18, although very often at this age it is necessary to stop the progressive deterioration of vision.
  2. The relatively high cost of the procedure and the inability to conduct it under the mandatory health insurance program, that is, each patient must pay for the operation out of his pocket.


Prices for excimer laser correction of vision vary. The cost depends on the region in which the operation is performed, from the clinic and regalia of the operating surgeon. Prices for the procedure start from 15 thousand for one eye and can reach 100 and sometimes even 200 thousand for the eye.


Most of the reviews left on the network are positive. The patients are glad that they finally managed to see the world in a new way without pain and prolonged rehabilitation. The only minus patients consider the cost of the procedure.


  1. Excimer laser correction is a modern method of treating refractory disorders.
  2. The procedure is completely painless, safe and lasts no more than five minutes.
  3. There are contraindications, so be sure to have a thorough examination with a specialist.
  4. The operation gives immediate results that persist throughout the life of the patient.

Useful video

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