Why does my back hurt during pregnancy? Exercises for the back for pregnant women

In this article, let's talk about why the back hurts during pregnancy and how to deal with it.

Contents of

  • Can my back hurt during pregnancy?
  • Why does my back hurt in the first trimester of pregnancy?
  • Why does my back hurt in the second trimester of pregnancy?
  • Why does my back hurt in the third trimester of pregnancy?
  • Can I lie pregnant on my back?
  • Why can not you sleep on your back during pregnancy?
  • What is the evidence of severe back pain during pregnancy?
  • Exercises for the back during pregnancy
  • How to do a back massage during pregnancy?
  • How to eliminate back pain during pregnancy: tips and reviews
  • Video: Exercises for pregnant women

Pregnant women often face back pain. Back pain occurs both in early pregnancy and late. Consider how to ease the pain and when to panic.

Can my back hurt during pregnancy?

The back of a pregnant woman can get sick for several reasons:

  • First, in the woman's body there is a restructuring, the level of hormones changes, the ligaments change, including the intervertebral
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  • . Secondly, the center of gravity of the body shifts, the pressure on the spine increases,divergent pelvic bones
  • Thirdly, if you suffer from osteochondrosis, radiculitis, intervertebral hernia, then pregnancy can also be accompanied by pain in the back
Back pain

Why does my back hurt in the first trimesethird of pregnancy?

Back pain in the first trimester of pregnancy appears, mainly because of hormonal changes. During this period, the hormone relaxin is produced, which relaxes the ligaments, contributes to the divergence of the pelvic joints.

In addition, the cause of pain can become a genito-urinary infection, inflammation of the kidneys, urolithiasis.

Important: Pregnant in early terms should be especially attentive to health. The risk of miscarriage is great in the first trimester, so as soon as possible, be registered so that a qualified specialist follows the course of pregnancy.

Why does my back hurt in the second trimester of pregnancy?

Only a woman coped with a toxicosis, as other unpleasant symptoms come on the scene. Most pregnant women have complaints about back pain in the second trimester.

  • In the second trimester, back pain is caused by fetal growth and a shift in the center of gravity of the body. Approximately in the fifth month it becomes more difficult for pregnant women to walk. It is better to avoid physical exertion at this time, wear shoes on a small heel, sleep on an orthopedic mattress, practice gymnastics
  • . The abdominal muscles in the second trimester are significantly stretched, the intervertebral ligaments relax. This also can provoke pain
  • Neurological diseases( hernia, sciatica, osteochondrosis) cause back pain. In this situation, it is advisable to wear a supporting corset, exercise, rest

Important: If you have a high fever with back pain, swelling, more frequent urination, contact the hospital. Such symptoms are characteristic of kidney disease, which can adversely affect the health of the child and the positive outcome of pregnancy.

Most often, the pain appears in the second trimester.

Why does my back hurt in the third trimester of pregnancy?

  • In the last trimester the child significantly increases in size. All internal organs are squeezed due to the increase in the uterus, including the kidneys. At this time, there is a chance of kidney disease, so you should treat your health carefully
  • Pelvic bones diverge, preparing for the birth process, it can also affect the unpleasant pain
  • Another reason for back pain is training bouts. These are false fights, they prepare the uterus for childbirth. You can distinguish them from the present for a short time of contraction of the uterus

Can I lie pregnant on my back?

At the first stages of pregnancy, future mothers can sleep on their backs. However, at a later date, when there is a big stomach, doctors do not recommend this. The most optimal posture is on the side. It is advisable to purchase a pillow for pregnant women, it is much more convenient to sleep with her.

Doctors do not recommend pregnant women to sleep on their backs

Why can not you sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Under the influence of the weight of the fetus, pressure on the spine and blood vessels occurs. As a result, blood flows weakly to the heart, there is oxygen starvation in the fetus and deterioration of the mother.

If you lie on your back and feel dizzy, faster pulse, darkening in the eyes, change your posture, your condition should improve.

What is the evidence of severe back pain during pregnancy?

Acute cramping pains with body temperature, rapid or difficult urination, may indicate inflammation of the kidneys or kidney stones.

Symphysiopathy may develop, this disease is treated in a hospital. This is a hereditary disease that occurs as a result of stretching the cartilage of pubic bones

Important: Any sharp and unbearable back pain should be reported to your doctor.

Back Exercises for Pregnancy

Simple physical exercises will help relieve back pain. In the absence of contraindications, you can do the following exercises:

Exercise 1. Take the knee-elbow position. Inhale, pull your stomach into yourself, curl your back with an arch. In this position, hold for a few seconds. On exhalation relax the muscles of the back and abdomen, press the head to the chest.

Exercise for pain relief in the back

Exercise 2. Stand on all fours, the back should be straight. Simultaneously, stretch the right arm and left leg, in this position, hold for a few seconds. Then change your arm and leg. Repeat this exercise as much as you can, but do not overdo it.

Do simple exercises without stress on the abdominal muscles

Exercise 3. During pregnancy, it is convenient to practice with a fitball. Be on your knees, chest and head lean on the fitball, do not strain your stomach. Carry out the movement of the pelvis from side to side and the figure-eight.

Conveniently practiced with the fit

Relieving back pain also helps:

  1. Swimming
  2. Yoga
  3. Comfortable sleep
  4. Walking in shoes with a moderate heel 3-4 cm

How to do a back massage during pregnancy?

Back massage during pregnancy should be performed by a specialist. But first you should consult a doctor who is pregnant. Perhaps you have contraindications.

Contraindications :

  1. Asthma
  2. Severe back pain
  3. Toxicosis
  4. Skin diseases
  5. Edema
  6. Heart diseases
  7. Varicose veins

It is important to remember the basic rules of massage for pregnant women:

  1. Do not over-press, rub your skin
  2. Stomach is not massaged, just stroking
  3. Movementssoft, gentle, smooth
  4. Use caution on essential oils, many of them are contraindicated
  5. Massage lasts no more than 30 minutes

Massage can be done by your loved one, for exampleImer, the husband. Massage helps not only to get rid of back pain, but also to relax, to have fun.

How to eliminate back pain during pregnancy: advice and feedback

Julia: "I was helped by aqua aerobics. Already after the first lesson she forgot about the pain in her back, although she had suffered before. I went once a week. "

Elena: "My husband massaged his back, well relieved pain. Also the doctor advised to do the exercises. You get on all fours and leans on your elbows, did it in the evenings, it helped a lot. "

Marina: "My back ached terribly from the second trimester. In the third trimester, the pain subsided, but other troubles began-the pain of the pubic bones. To sleep at night was unbearable. I bought a pillow for pregnant women, wore a bandage, a light massage in the evening - that alone saved. "

More than half of pregnant women experience back pain, but this does not mean that pain should be tolerated. Try to get rid of the pain with the help of exercises, comfortable sleep, swimming. Pregnancy is a great time for a woman, let her pass easily and carefree.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women

  • May 27, 2018
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