How to get rid of calluses on your feet? What kinds of corns exist?

From the article you will learn why there is corn on the legs and what methods will help to get rid quickly of the burrs.


  • Causes of calluses on the legs
  • Types of calluses on the legs, photo
  • Water callus on the leg, photo
  • Bone on the leg, photo
  • Dry callus on the leg, photo
  • How to cure the callus on the leg quickly at home?
  • Plasters from calluses on legs, photos
  • What ointments will help from calluses on legs?
  • What should I do if the corn popped?
  • Prophylaxis of calluses on the legs
  • Video: How can I remove the dry callus on my toe?

Corn is not a very beautiful compaction of the skin of the foot, which consists of dead and corrugated cells of the dermatological cover. This skin defect is a lot of inconvenience. It is quite difficult for a person who has such a problem to select shoes. After all, if she at least squeezes her leg a little, the corn will begin to burn and tingle, and, of course, the woman will have to sit down and release her feet from the shoes.

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But the worst thing is that this seemingly quite intrepid problem can provoke the development of other diseases. If the calluses on the legs during walking will be injured, then on their surface there will be painful cracks that can be infected with pathogenic bacteria.

Causes of callus on the legs

The cause of dry callus on the legs is usually chronic injuries.

Most often, the appearance of calluses provokes tight and uncomfortable shoes. Due to the constant mechanical impact, the keratinized areas are formed on the skin, which, without proper treatment, begin to increase in size and turn yellow. Also provoke the appearance of such a skin defect may be overweight. It will give a strong enough load on the feet, thereby damaging the skin.

main causes of blisters on his feet:
• Injured bones
foot • Violation of metabolic processes
• Diabetes
• Flatfoot
• Fungal
infection • Lack of nutrients

Types of corns on the feet, photo

The main factor influencing the appearance of corns considered longfriction.

Conditionally calluses can be divided into two types: dry and soft. The dry corn can have a fairly large size and a flat shape. Wet have a more convex shape and liquid inside. In addition, this defect can be divided into two more subspecies: skin and bone.

As you can see, there are many varieties of this problem, and each of them can bring a person discomfort and pain. Therefore, if you notice a small seal on your foot, do not wait until it starts to increase and prevent you from walking normally, and immediately start looking for methods to eliminate this unpleasant defect.

Water corn on the leg, photo

Water callus on the toe.

This type of corns is considered the most painful and difficult to treat. Most often, his appearance provokes incorrectly picked up shoes. Due to constant friction on the skin of the foot a bubble is formed, filled with liquid. The top layer of this formation consists of a keratinized epidermis, which is heavily compacted during walking. Inside the bladder is a clear, odorless liquid.

If in the process of injuring the skin, capillaries were affected, then this mixture may have the color of blood. Under the liquid is the inflamed epidermis. If you notice that there are blood in the callus, do not pierce it yourself. It will be better if an expert does this, who knows how to decontaminate an open wound correctly.

Bone on the leg, photo

Bone on the toe.

Such a problem usually appears in the process of regeneration of bone tissue after fracture or a crack. At the site of the injury, connective tissue begins to expand, which eventually begins to sting. In this way the body protects the sore spot from further problems. For some time the callus can remain invisible and does not stand out under the skin.

But if in the process of bone coalescence something prevents the normal germination of the vessels, then this background can frolic secondary corn, which will already come out. Some people believe that this education can be removed with the help of ordinary massages. But any specialist will tell you that you do not need to do this. By such actions, you can even more injure the affected area and the callus may even get angry.

Dry corn on the leg, photo

Dry corn on the heel.

Dry callus appears on the legs due to constant mechanical action on the skin, because of this, and there is a slow coarsening of the epidermis. Unlike the two previous species, this formation does not cause any painful sensations. Problems can arise if a person accidentally injures corn and does not process it afterwards with disinfectants.

In some cases, people do not even need to seek help from a specialist. Sometimes it is enough to replace tight shoes with a more comfortable and soft model, and the problem gets by itself.

How to cure corn on the foot quickly at home?

For medicinal baths, leaves of plantain, aloe or calanchoe are suitable.

If corn does not cause severe discomfort, does not bleed and does not fester, then this defect can be treated at home. For these purposes, you can use various medications that are sold without prescription or folk remedies prepared with your own hands. All you need to do before proceeding with the elimination of a defect is to correctly determine to which kind of education.

Effective prescription for callus on the legs:

• On the pre-steamed corn, the lemon peel is applied and the leg is tightly wound. After an incident of 4-5 hours, the bandage should be removed and lowered in a warm bath. A little holding them in the water, you can try to carefully remove the top layer of the cornfield. Repeat this procedure at least 3 times

• The raw potatoes are not bad with calluses. It should be rubbed on the smallest grater and attach the resulting gruel to the burr. After that, the leg should be wrapped in a plastic wrap and top with a bandage. After approximately 7-8 hours, the dressing is removed and the corn is removed with a disinfected

tool. • Another good way to treat cornified formations is a bath based on herbal decoction. Take the dried leaves of plantain, pour them with boiling water and leave to infuse. After the liquid darkens, strain and add the resulting broth into the bath water. Keep feet in the water for at least twenty minutes

Plasters from calluses on the feet, photo

Adhesive should be glued on dry and clean skin.

. People know quite a lot of ways to treat calluses on their feet. Usually they all require some effort, and, of course, time. But the modern pharmaceutical industry does not stand still and is constantly looking for new methods of combating diseases. For the treatment of calluses, a special plaster was issued, which deals with the elimination of the problem on its own. A man just need to fix it on the hackney and you can continue to do your own business.

Types of plasters:

• Protective plasters. If you know that you have a problem on your feet, troughs are regularly injured, then try to prevent the appearance of corns with a special silicone sticker. It can be glued both on the foot itself and on the inside surface of the

shoe. • Adhesive patches. This type of sticker has a special insert impregnated with salicylic acid. It softens and disinfects the injured epidermis and contributes to a gradual decrease in education. Before you apply the adhesive patch on the callus, you must warm it up a little.

• Plaster for wet corns. Wet formations are slightly different from dry ones, so they need a patch too. Most often it is made from hydrocolloid material, which is impregnated with anesthetizing and disinfecting substances.

What ointments will help with calluses on the legs?

In order for the ointment to better act better, before applying it, slightly break your legs.

The most important enemy of calluses on the legs is salicylic acid, so an ointment made on the basis of this substance should be in the first-aid kit of every person. But since this agent aggressively corrodes the cornified skin, it must be used very carefully. During application it is necessary to watch or keep up that the ointment did not fall on healthy sites of a skin.

Also good relieves from corns glycolic acid. Ointment, in which there is this substance quickly softens the upper layer of the corn and contributes to a gradual decrease in its size. But the most popular is the Super Antimosolin ointment. It contains lactic acid and urea, which not only removes ugly formation, but also prevents it from reappearing.

What should I do if the corn popped?

The blistered corn must be cleaned of dirt.

If it turns out that the corn has burst, you must immediately take adequate measures. Do not go on walking or doing homework. Better stop and treat the wound with disinfectants. If you do not, the wound can become infected with a lot of inflammation.

Rules that will help avoid infection:
• Wash your hands thoroughly
• Take alcohol, iodine or green and gently treat the corn and skin around it
• Apply bactericidal plaster
to the wound • Flush and disinfect the wound until it completely heals.

Prophylaxiscalluses on the legs

Comfortable shoes are the best preventive tool for combating corn.

As you have probably already understood the reasons for the appearance of corns, there are many. But the most important factor provoking the development of this skin defect is still shoes. In close and substandard shoes, the skin is constantly sweating, traumatized and rubbed, so it is very important that shoes, sneakers and boots always fit perfectly on the foot.

Preventive measures:
• When buying, check that there are no rough internal joints in the
• Never wear closed shoes without socks
• Always wear new shoes with
special spray • Regularly wash
feet • Use foot care for
foot • Periodically walktramp

Martha: My corns appear as soon as I buy a new pair of shoes. Literally in half an hour after I ee put on a foot a huge blister grows, which subsequently bursts and long hurts. Prophylactic measures do not help me much, so I just wait patiently for the wounds to heal, and when this happens again I put on my shoes.

Stefania: For a long time I could not get rid of the dry callus on my foot. I tried all the drugstores, but they only slightly reduced the size of the burr. Seeing my torment, a friend advised me to attach to him a garlic clove. At first I was skeptical enough about this method of treatment, but when, after a third of the procedure, I saw that the corn began to disappear, I finally believed that I would soon be able to forget about discomfort during the movement.

Video: How can I remove a dry callus on my toe?

  • May 27, 2018
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