10 outdoor games for children. Children outdoor outdoor games

A moving game is not just entertainment. This is an important component of the development of the child. This article lists the most popular and interesting outdoor games for the child.

Content of

  • How to develop a child playing? Why do mobile games?
  • role games in physical development and education of the child
  • 10 outdoor games for children of all ages
    • Mobile collective game "Geese and Swans»
    • mobile game with a skipping rope "Rod»
    • entertaining game "Chairs" in nature and indoors
    • entertaining game in nature"The flexible»
    • game for the street "Traffic Light»
    • Entertainment "Hunter" game for children
    • mobile ball game "hot potato»
    • mobile game for children "sea waves»
    • mobile game "Koki-mouse "for children of all ages
    • entertaining mobile game" pen and ink »
  • Video:" Outdoor games for children »

How to develop the child's playing? Why do mobile games?

All children love outdoor games. It's a way to have fun and "throw" energy into the "right direction."For children, games for distillation, ball games, bicycling, rope and other attributes are incredibly useful.

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As a rule, children are always interested plunge into an exciting experience and are always happy to games that suit their parents, carers, teachers and friends. Moving games are capable of making children friendly and joyful. They as nothing better develop collective thinking and exercise in the sports plan.

mobile game develops child

A new generation of children grows in very unfavorable conditions:

  • computer dependence
  • improper nutrition, saturated with fats and carbohydrates
  • lack of physical activity
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • stress and nervous tension
  • insufficient attention from parents

All these factors are negativeaffect a small person, blocking its full development and worsening health. Improve the quality of life of the child is capable of a normal mobile game, which will be cognitive, active and interesting.

Active movements have a positive impact on the development of the child. In addition, they are able to form the personality of the baby from an early age. It can be seen as a regular participation in the games helps:

  • train
  • persistence help to find the ability to child focus
  • develop reaction
  • speed foster perseverance and patience

is interesting to know that the skills acquired in childhood during the game, remain with the person throughout hislife. If they are regularly exercised, they will not disappear anywhere, but on the contrary become more refined and harmonious.

outdoor games outdoor games

role in physical development and education of the child

role games in the physical development of the child simply undeniable. This is an important element not only of upbringing, but also of personality formation. With confidence, we can say that the child never gets tired of the game, he is able to bore her monotony unless. After all, for children, the game is the leading activity in which they are able to maximally open up and express emotions.

Besides physical training game gives:

  • mental development - the ability to think, analyze, calculate
  • moral development - the formation of personality and character
  • aesthetic development - awareness of the beauty of social development
  • things - the ability to establish contacts in the community
outdoor games outdoors

OnEssentially, the game is probably the only child labor and for its action the child is taken without coercion. In the game the child is able to prove himself from all sides.show all those qualities that we value in an adult. During even the simplest game the child learns to live and adapt to life.

It is noticed that it is during the game that the child is most easily amenable to learning. It does not matter in what form he is presented a lesson: verbally or nonverbally.

In the game, the child learns to evaluate the situation. This skill is especially useful to him in the adult life of making important decisions. Only in the game can you let the baby know how the cooperation and help of others is necessary. How important it is sometimes to be able to restrain yourself and show respect for other participants in the game.

The game is a way to hide negative and negative emotions and in return to express only benevolent feelings. Yes, and impossible to imagine other activities that can bring so much joy to the child and bring benefits for a healthy healthy lifestyle. Games are useful at any age, both in manger and in high school. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the child and the older the participants, the deeper the game should immerse themselves in social meaning.

outdoor games in the room

You are free to combine several activities in the game, most importantly - do not overdo the excessive psychological stress on the child.

Observe some rules:

  • the game should in no way disturb the child's peace of mind
  • try not to change very sharply the main activities of the
  • do not stop the game dramatically, it hurts the child's psyche

10 motocross games for children of any age

There is no such thinga child who does not like to run and jump, frolic and have fun, laugh and perform funny tasks. There are a number of notorious children who, for various reasons, hesitate to do this, but nevertheless they are also delighted with interesting games. Movable games should always be trained in the child:

  • dexterous skills
  • endurance
  • quick response
  • instant response
  • logic
  • attention
  • ability to quickly switch consciousness and thinking
mobile games for children of any age

Mobile collective game "Geese-swans"

This popular andvery famous game.existing for more than a dozen years.the game is good because it can develop an instant reaction in children and carefully train the endurance of each participant. It is perfect for children older than six, able to distinguish between teams and respond quickly.

Game rules:

  • , divide the zone into three sections: gosyatnik, field and mountains - this is a prerequisite for the game
  • , divide all participants in the game( x maybe twenty or more) into "geese" and "wolves"
  • , explain the commands to all participants, to exclude misunderstanding

Place all participants in the territories:

  • "gusatnik" - the habitat of those children who embody the geese
  • "field" - the place where geese graze and fly
  • "mountains" - the habitat of wolves
commands for the game"Geese-swans"
  • Bya clear team of "geese-swans fly" all the children performing this role fly from the "gusyatnik" to the pasture and fly there, waving their wings and amusing themselves
  • At the command of "wolves" geese swans should go home, and the wolves at that time try to grab at leastone participant-goose
  • The team that has not survived by the wolves

Wins In addition to stamina, this entertainment trains children in the coordination of all their movements, dexterity of movements and teaches them how to think properly when planning their actions.

Moving game with rope "Fishing rod"

This is a very fun game that is like absolutely all children. For her, there is neither the time of the year nor the age restrictions. Teaches this fun of children to be hardy and precisely coordinate their every move. The advantage of the game is that it can be held both outdoors and indoors and for this purpose to involve an unlimited number of children.

Rules of the game:

  • for the game you must necessarily have a rope or a long rope with a weight on the end of the
  • in the game there is one leading - the rotating rope, and all the rest - participants
  • the lead determines what the nature of the game will be: competitive( that is, out) or entertaining
mobile game "fishing rod »

Children form a circle. In the center of the circle is one participant, who drives the rope on the ground. Its task is to rotate the rope in a circular motion. The rest of the kids should jump up at the moment when the rope touches their feet. To do this, the facilitator must clearly predetermine the boundaries of the territory and prohibit the other participants from leaving for them.

If the tip of the rope hits the legs of a competitor who has not managed to either jump or jump, he is considered a loser. Here you can distinguish two differences:

  • In the competitive game, , each participant is eliminated from the circle gradually until the number of participants reduces them to one person.
  • In the entertaining game, the place of the leader is occupied by the person whose feet the rope has knocked on and so the game continues to thosepores, until bored

The game trains such important qualities as: endurance, collectivity, quick reaction, and also gives children a small physical load.

Entertaining game "Chairs" in nature and indoors

This game is as old as the world. It is often played at various events by adults, but the beginning it took its still in kindergarten. The game is well educated in children's ability to respond quickly, carefully treat teams and others, deftly perform movements. Unfortunately, this is not a crowded game and the optimal number of participants in it is about ten people.

game "Chairs" in the open air
  • Each participant must have his own personal chair. All chairs( or stools) are placed in the center or around the circle of
  • . To the total number of participants, one more is added - without the
  • chair. All participants are placed in a circle that surrounds the circle from the chairs.
  • Assignment of participants on the command of an outsider leading in a circle. It can be a musical accompaniment and dancing, or maybe a "chaos" command, where every child rushes and moves as he likes.
  • When the "chairs" command sounds or the music stops, everyone should sit on chairs. One person does not have enough space, he retires taking with him a chair
  • the game continues to the last chair. The winner is the one who managed to sit down

This game is most suitable for a room where you can always find musical accompaniment and a large number of chairs.

Entertaining game in nature "The most flexible"

This game is very interesting for older children. She trains in the child the ability to adjust to the conditions, the ability to bend the body and coordinate all of their movements. Conduct it should be in nature, where you can find two near a growing tree. Between them, you should pull any rope, rope or elastic.

Each player must pass under this rope. It is allowed to participate in an unlimited number of children. The difficulty of the game is that every time, after passing the last participant, the rope goes down by twenty centimeters. And sometimes to pass under it without strong bending back is simply impossible.

the game "the most flexible"

To diversify the game, you can add musical accompaniment during the deflection under the rope, and complicate it by adding a few more ropes in different directions. The participant withdraws only when he touches any side of the rope.

The game "the most flexible" promotes the development of coordination of each of its movement and the ability to show dexterity in difficult situations.

The game for carrying out on the street "Traffic light"

This game is one of the most popular in kindergartens and schools. It is often carried out in health camps to attract and somehow interest children. Its essence is very simple:

  • An unlimited number of children can participate in the game
  • The presenter performs a role, the so-called "traffic light".It should clearly indicate the boundaries of the game and show them to each participant of the
  • . The territory intended for the game is divided into two halves. All participants gather on one side of the
  • . The "traffic light" becomes exactly on the border of the two halves and turns its back to the participants of the
  • . The "traffic light" call one of the colors and turn sharply to the participants of the
  • . Each participant carefully studies his clothes for the estate of this color and if he ishe has a pass card right to the other side of the
  • . The rest of the participants who do not have this color should try to pass all the way to the other half of the
  • . "Traffic light" tries to catch someone andif he succeeds, the captured player either drops out or becomes a new "traffic light"
game "traffic light"

The game teaches children to respond quickly to circumstances and requires the ability to quickly make decisions, as well as dexterity.

Entertaining game "Hunters" for children

This game can be conducted both in the open air and indoors. It can be attended by an unlimited number of children of different ages. The peculiarity of the game is its main attribute - the card. Before the beginning of the game, the leader lists all the participants and records the name of each on a separate card. The cards are shuffled and given to the children for stretching.

To make the game fun and interesting, it is imperative that children become fully acquainted with each other. Only then will they be able to react properly. All children need to be explained that they are hunters. The job of the hunter is to catch the game. The game is the participant whose name is written on the card.

game "hunters" on the nature

During the first drawing of the game, children will not yet know that each of them is both a hunter and a game. All children gather in one territory, it is advisable at this time to include music so that they can dance. All this time, every hunter closely and imperceptibly watches his game. When the music ends, the hunters grab the game. What will be the surprise and joy of all participants, when they all grab each other and the game will end in amicable embraces!

The game organizes the children together in one friendly team, teaching them to communicate and the way to interact with each other, training dexterity and quick reaction.

Moving game with a ball "Hot potatoes"

This is a very simple and understandable game for everyone. It requires an unlimited number of participants and one ball that will embody a hot potato. Why hot potatoes?- The task of children to lighten fast to pass the ball to each other, so as not to "burn yourself".

  • All participants must build up in one big circle
  • The ball is transferred by quick movements from the participant to the participant
  • All this time the ball transmission can be accompanied by the merry music of
  • When the music stops or the anchor speaks a simple phrase "stop".the participant who lingered the ball - is eliminated
  • The game continues until there is only one participant left - winner
game "hot potato"

The game teaches children to react quickly to teams, coordinate their movements, show dexterity and ingenuity.

Moving game for children "The sea is worried"

Children are very fond of this game and it can be successfully held both outdoors and indoors. It allows children to develop coordination of movements, develop aesthetic skills and train flexibility.

  • The children are divided into participants - the "sea figures" and the host
  • . The leader turns his back to the other participants and reads the words:
    "The sea is worried - once,
    The sea is worried - two,
    The sea is worried - three,
    Sea figure on the spot freeze!"
  • While reading the leading words, all children perform dancing movements and after finishing they take any form of
  • The leader evaluates the beauty of the figures and walks between them
  • The loser turns out to be the participant who stirs or laughs while the leading budewalk between the figures
  • Show the same shape several times - you can not
game "Sea worries»

mobile game "Cat and Mouse" for children of all ages

This game is very popular in kindergartens and primary schools. This is an active entertainment for children of any age. An unlimited number of children can take part in the game. All of them become in a circle, having predetermined one in the role of "cat" and another in the role of "mouse".

  • All children form a circle and hold their hands, as in the round dance
  • The mouse should be outside the circle, and the cat inside the
  • . The task of the cat is to catch the mouse, and the task of the circle is not to let it.
  • It's the fact that the children hold handsgives the cat to penetrate into the center of the circle, they try to prevent all ways of the
  • At this time the movements of the mouse are unlimited and it can move freely both inside and outside the circle.
  • When the cat finally catches the mouse, the mouse assumes the role of the cat, and allthe rest areThe mice choose the mouse
the game "cat mice" on the street

The game teaches children to react quickly, to show wit and coordinate their movements, plus it teaches the children to communicate with each other.

Entertaining mobile game "ink and pen"

This game involves a large number of children to play. All of them are divided into two teams of equal number, which are located from each other at a good distance. All of them stand in line and hold hands.

  • One of the commands reads the words:
    "Black ink, white pen.
    Give us. ..( name of the child) and no one else »
  • After these words, the named child runs up and runs through the closed hands of the
  • team. If he manages to break the chain, he takes one of the participants that he touched and takes him to his team
  • . If he does notcan not break the chain, he remains in the opposite team
  • The game continues until one of the teams leaves one participant
game "black ink, white pen"

The game teaches children to communicate in a team, to be one with integrity and with precisionI coordinate my movements.

Video: "Moving games for children"

  • May 27, 2018
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