How to cook a delicious cheese from milk at home

The self-made cheese has many advantages. This ensures the naturalness of the product, the absence of harmful chemical components in the composition. There are a large number of recipes, how to prepare a tasty cheese from milk at home. Manufacturing is made by one of two methods: melting milk products or mixing milk with bacteria and enzymes that accelerate the coagulability of the product.

  • Adyghe
  • Armenian
  • Brynza
  • Dutch
  • Of yoghourts
  • Of goat milk
  • Of pasteurized milk
  • Of baked milkMilk
  • Mascarpone
  • Mozzarella
  • Panier
  • Processed
  • Pickle
  • Ricotta
  • Creamy
  • Suluguni
  • Hard cheese
  • Curd
  • Philadelphia


Prepare Adyghe cheese at home from milk is notpresents difficulties in observing a certain methodology.

Technology of preparation

In non-stick containers on low heat, one liter of kefir should be heated, continuously stirring, until it is curtailed. Then the contents of the dishes drain, while the resulting cottage cheese can be eaten, and the serum should be left in the room for a couple of days.

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When it is well sour, 3 liters of milk are poured into it, and the mixture is heated on low heat until it cools down( about 5 minutes).

Next, the composition is transferred to a colander, covered with gauze in several layers. It should be salted( 2 teaspoons), mixed, covered with gauze, put on the form and sent to the refrigerator for the night.

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The peculiarity of making Armenian Chechil cheese at home from milk consists in the necessity of its pickling in a salt-saturated solution.

Technology of cooking

4 liters of milk, heat up to 38 degrees and enter the rennet, according to the instructions to it. All stir, remove from heat and put on 40 minutes in the room.

During this period, a mass will be formed, which must be cut into squares and left for half an hour to form whey.

Next, the cheese should be placed in a colander lined with gauze, and leave for an hour. Then the product should be placed under hot water and draw the threads from the cheese. This should be done with gloves.

The filaments must be placed in a pre-prepared saline solution. To make it, water and salt are mixed, according to taste preferences. Cheese should be soaked for 24 hours in the solution. After that, you can give the product an attractive shape, for example, weave it into a pigtail.

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A brackish version of the product is often used in salads. When making cheese in home conditions, it is possible to add spices to the spicy recipe from milk for sharpening.

Technology of cooking

1 liter of milk on a low heat to heat to a boil. When this happens, put salt( 2 tablespoons).Fire does not need to be reduced.

Beat a mixture of 3 eggs and 200 grams of sour cream and pour it into the milk, stirring the solution all the time. Cook for 5 minutes.

With the rejection of whey from the resulting cheese, the composition is filtered in a colander with a gauze pad, the ends of which after covering the cheese and hanging it for 3 hours. Next, put the product under the press before acquiring elasticity.

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When making Dutch cheese at home, milk is sure to require butter. If the mass begins to stick to the walls of the dishes, you need to slightly increase its amount in order to avoid the burnt taste of the product.

Cooking technology

Heat to a boil 3 liters of milk, put in it 2 kilograms of cottage cheese and stir. Next, the composition must be welded on low heat until the formation of whey.

Put the resulting curd into a colander, laid with gauze, until the liquid is removed.

100 grams of butter melted and put the rest of the ingredients in it: made cheese, 1 chicken egg, salt and baking soda( half a teaspoon).The mass must be constantly stirred until it has a creamy appearance and yellow color.

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After that, the fire should be turned off. Slightly cooled cheese should be given the desired shape of the hands and placed under the load. The product should be placed in the refrigerator until it hardens.

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From yoghourts

If milk is spoiled, do not rush to get rid of it. There are a lot of practical tips and photos, why use it. You can cook a delicious cheese made from sour milk at home.

Cooking technology

One egg whipped with salt to taste, mix with chopped herbs.1 liter of yoghourt and pour the contents into a bowl and place on a moderate fire. Wait for the solution to boil and cook until it is curtailed.

Next, the composition must be drained into a colander, the surface of which is lined with a gauze layer, the ends of which are covered with cheese, overhead is oppression( small load).The product is placed in a cool place for a couple of hours.

For giving hardness, it is recommended to send cheese for half an hour to the refrigerator.

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Goat milk

To prepare cheese from goat's milk at home, abomasum can be used - an organic substance that is synthesized by the stomach of a kid. However, instead of this expensive substance, other methods of leaven( with the help of citric acid, vinegar, yogurt) are quite applicable.

Technology of cooking

From one medium-sized lemon juice should be squeezed out.2 liters of goat milk should be pasteurized, for this purpose it is necessary to pour it into a saucepan, place on fire, salt( a pinch of salt).Wait for the appearance of small bubbles( do not boil), then remove the dishes from the plate.

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In the milk immediately need to pour squeezed lemon juice, stirring the resulting solution. Quickly it will begin to coagulate, resulting in the formation of 2 serums: white curd and slightly yellowish color.

Next, place a colander over clean dishes, and its inner surface is covered with gauze in 3 layers. Composition drained into a colander and left for half an hour in order to remove the liquid.

After the cheesecloth with the curd portion, fold and wring out. Now you need to form the desired form of the product. Cheese, along with the gauze layer, should be placed under the yoke( for this purpose a container of water is suitable) until the density is reached. You can do without molding by blinding the cylinder with your hands.

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From pasteurized milk

It is possible to make such a dairy product not only from the village, but also from the shop products. Cheese from pasteurized milk, cooked at home in taste and at a price advantageously surpass the product from the store.

Technology of cooking

300 grams of sour cream( 20%) and 4 eggs to beat. Half a liter of pasteurized milk( 3%) salt( 2 teaspoons) and put on a plate. Wait for it to boil and pour the whipped formula, stirring constantly. To simmer on a small fire the mixture to the severity.

Next, remove the pan from the plate and leave the composition to cool. Then the contents of the dishes drain through a colander, laid gauze layer.

The resulting composition is covered with gauze edges, over the load. Keep the product under it for 3 hours.

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From baked milk

For this recipe you need a curd of a dry consistency, preferably natural. Ready-made cheese from melted milk at home acquires a light brown color.

Cooking technology

A kilogram of curd is combined with a liter of melted milk. This composition is heated to boiling and cooked, continuously stirring for 10 minutes. Then put the composition in a colander, laid gauze layer, and strain.

The resulting cottage cheese should be carefully kneaded and placed in a bowl, preferably non-stick. Add the rest of the ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, 1 teaspoon of salt and soda, 80 grams of butter. Stir well the mixture.

Place the mixture on a moderate fire and stir continuously. The composition should melt and become viscous. The cooking time is 7 minutes until the mixture is uniform.

After this, the composition should be transferred to a pouring tank and placed in a cool place. Cheese is ready when it acquires a dense consistency.

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To prepare the Italian Mascarpone cheese from milk at home is simple enough and you can taste it right after manufacturing.

Technology of cooking

800 ml of sour cream and 200 ml of milk to mix until the composition is uniform. The mixture should be placed on a fire and heated, but it can not be boiled, otherwise the product will not work.

Next, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, and reduce the heat. Heat the mass until cottage cheese is formed, after which the dishes should be removed from the plate and left for 5 minutes.

Pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with gauze, for 1 hour to remove the liquid. Then, gently squeeze the cheese, put into a bowl, and always close the lid. It is advisable to remove it in the refrigerator for cooling, but you can immediately tasting it.

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For the recipe you need fatty milk and pepsin. The enzyme can be purchased at a pharmacy or in specialized stores. For the production of Mozzarella cheese at home, a solution of pepsin is prepared from the milk in a ratio of 1/4 teaspoon of the substance to 1/2 cup of water.

Technology of cooking

2 liters of milk, heat up to 70 degrees, then add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a ready pepsin solution, and mix everything.

Wait until full curtailment, it will happen quickly enough, bring the milk to a boil is not necessary. Then leave the cheese mass and drain the liquid.

After warm the water to 90 degrees and salt( 2 tablespoons).Prepared cheese put in hot water for a couple of minutes, then it must be removed and kneaded. The mass is hot, so you need to cook with gloves.

Lower the product into water again. Then, using a food film, roll the soft cheese into the sausage and form a special string with balls, then they must be cut off.

Store Mozzarella in a closed container with brine residues.
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This product has a rather strong sweetish-mild taste. Therefore, when making Pannir cheese at home from milk, you can put in it seasonings or more salt.

Technology of cooking

2 liters of milk to bring to a boil over medium heat, you can salt it.50-70 milliliters of lemon juice diluted in half a glass of hot water. Then pour into the milk when boiling. The mixture must be stirred continuously.

After cutting, remove the pan from the cooker. The composition can be thrown on gauze and wrung out. If you want to make a solid product, you need to place it under the load for a couple of hours. The storage time of this cheese is small - about 3 days in the refrigerator.

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This product, made independently from natural ingredients, is much greener and more useful than products from the store. In processed cheese, cooked at home from the milk can add a variety of seasonings.

Technology of cooking

In a deep saucepan, grind half a kilogram of cottage cheese with soda( 1/2 teaspoon), then add half a glass of milk and mix everything.

Place the dishes on a small fire, stir continuously the mixture. When melting the mixture in a saucepan, you need to put salt and 2 tablespoons of butter to taste.

The composition should be completely homogeneous. Further, the hot mixture must be poured into a convenient container. After cooling for 12 hours, send it to the refrigerator.

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This product should have a pronounced brackish taste. When making brine cheese at home from milk, it is possible to additionally lubricate its side surfaces with salt.

Technology of cooking

2 eggs to beat with sour cream( 500 grams) and kefir( 200 grams).

Milk bring to a boil and add salt( 2 tablespoons).Then pour it into the whipped mixture. And again, whip the whisk.

Next, the composition pour into a colander, padded with gauze. It is necessary to let the fluid drain.

Place the cheese under the load and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

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Making Italian Ricotta cheese at home from milk is not difficult and takes a little time, resulting in a delicate product.

Technology of cooking

It should be heated 1 liter of milk, but do not bring to a boil. It is better to remove immediately from the plate. In the hot product, add the following ingredients: 4 tablespoons lemon juice, 150 milliliters kefir, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt.

Leave mixture for half an hour before curtailing. Then throw it on gauze in a colander and hang over the edges until the full flow of liquid.

Recipes of delicious dishes that can be made from sour milk
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This product takes a long time to prepare. When making cream cheese at home from milk on this recipe will produce about 1 kilogram of the product.

Preparation technology

Milk( 3.2%), 0.5 liters of cream( 20%) and 400 ml of sour cream( 20%) put in a saucepan, stir until uniform and leave in a warm place for 7 hours( no more than 8).You can put the dishes in a basin with warm water. Overheat, over-restrain and interfere with the mass can not. As a result, a whole clot in the shape of a pan should form.

After that, the dishes are placed on a small fire, we must make sure that there is no overheating, and the mass does not boil. You can not mix cheese. Soon, the serum will begin to separate, it is almost brought to a boil( the appearance of small bubbles).

Next, the pan is again removed to a warm place without drafts for 12 hours, after the composition is transferred to cheesecloth and suspended for 7 hours to remove the liquid. Now cheese can be tasted.

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This product is of Georgian origin. When making brine cheese suluguni at home from milk should take into account some features of the technology of its preparation.

Preparation technology

Heat 4 liters of milk to 40 degrees, then add a teaspoon of salt and 100 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir the mixture continuously until it is curled.

Transfer the resulting curd to gauze in a colander. When the liquid drains, the edges of the gauze should be tightly bandaged and left in this form for 3-4 hours.

Next, a piece of cheese should be placed in cold salted water. It should be in the brine for at least 6 hours, after which it is ready for tasting.

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Hard cheese

For the preparation of hard cheese at home, curds are used from milk, preferably of a soft consistency.

Technology of cooking

Mashed cottage cheese( 700 grams) pour 1 liter of milk. Then the composition is heated on low heat.

The mixture must be mixed until the whey is yellowish. In this case, the cottage cheese must acquire a firm consistency. Next, put the composition on gauze.

Butter( 2 tablespoons) should be melted in a non-stick pan. Then add 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and cottage cheese.

The mass must be mixed before acquiring uniformity. The longer you interfere, the denser the cheese will turn out. The duration of the stirring is usually about 20 minutes.

After the composition is laid out in a form lined with food film and put in a cold place until solidification.

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The recipe for making cheese curd at home from milk is one of the simplest and fastest.

Preparation technology

1.5 liters of milk, heat almost to boil, pour half a liter of kefir to it and salt to taste. Mixture of cooking until curtailing.

Collect the cottage cheese through the layers of gauze and place under the press. The mass should be left under the yoke for several hours. The longer, the denser the consistency of the cheese becomes.

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The preparation of the product under this recipe takes a little time and does not require settling. For the preparation of Philadelphia cheese at home, it is preferable to choose fatty milk, then the product will be more.

Technology of cooking

Lit milk, heat on medium heat, then put in it 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt. Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.

After adding half a liter of kefir. And again, stir the mixture continuously until folding.

The resulting mass is slightly squeezed through the cheesecloth and hang over the edges until the liquid drains off, about 15 minutes.

Next, you need to beat 1 egg and citric acid( at the tip of the knife), then mix with the cheese. Blend the mixture thoroughly until uniform.

  • May 27, 2018
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