How to open a coconut? How to open a coconut at home?

Open the coconut at home easy. It is necessary to pour out the milk and split the shell.


  • Coconut is considered a fatty nut. Even scientists until recently doubted its usefulness - they were sure that it had a detrimental effect on blood vessels, choking them with cholesterol
  • . But a lot of research has been done, and now the whole world knows that the coconut successfully fights cholesterol plaques in the vessels. It is useful due to vegetable fiber and the maintenance of a large number of vitamins and microelements
  • Many people try not to buy coconuts, despite their benefits to the body. All this is due to the fact that it is difficult to open at home. If you know how to open a nut properly, then it's not at all difficult to do it yourself

So, you bought a coconut in a supermarket, what next?

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How to open a coconut at home?


Ripe and tasty coconut will be a large size. Its shell is firm and durable. How correctly to open a coconut in house conditions that it was possible to receive really paradise pleasure from its taste?

Follow these steps:

  • Rinse the walnut well under running water
  • Examine it: at the top end of the coconut there are three grooves or three large dark dots
  • Take the ice splinter knife or screwdriver and press one of the holes
  • Now you can insert the straw for the cocktail drinksand drink coke milk, or you can pour it into the mug
Halves of the coconut

Important: If the hole can not be made, then tap the hammer inserted into the groove.

  • After this, put the coconut on the table and tap it with a hammer on all sides - the nut will begin to split into pieces

Important: Be careful with the hammer so as not to damage your hands and fingers!

  • Pulp can be knuckled with small pieces

Tip: If the pulp is poorly separated from the shell, then put the chopped halves in a preheated oven( 200 degrees) for 15 minutes. You can use the microwave.

Important: After this delicious white flesh will be well separated even with a spoon.

How to brush the coconut: advice and feedback

Flower pot from coconut shell

If everything is done correctly, then there is nothing complicated in this process. At present, almost every person knows how to peel a coconut. You can buy this nut in any supermarket. Its price is low, but the taste is pleasant to both adults and children - it's a delicious and nutty nut.

Tips and feedback from other people will tell you about small tricks that will help you quickly and easily get a snack from a hard shell.

Tip: If you want to surprise your guests with such a dish, then remove the flesh from the nut beforehand so as not to damage the impression of a delicious dessert by cutting.

Tip: The coconut shell can serve as a decorative complement to the interior. Her halves will look beautiful in the aquarium as a decoration or as flower pots for small cacti. In this case, you do not need to break the nut with a hammer, but cut it in half with a hacksaw.

Halves of coconut shell in the aquarium

Important: Before cutting the hacksaw, do not forget to drain the milk first. This method of cleaning requires a lot of effort and time, but half the shells are perfectly used in the farm.

Tip: When you knife pick out the flesh, be careful not to cut your fingers!

Important: The flesh must be eaten within 24 hours. After 24 hours, it begins to turn sour.

Feel yourself in paradise - try coconut! Bon Appetit!

Video: How to open a coconut?

The video will help you visually see how to open the coconut yourself.

Video: How to open a coconut at home?

  • May 27, 2018
  • 19
  • 227