Shungite stone and its properties

Surprising in its composition, origin, properties and structure, a stone called shungite is today in the center of attention of scientists and ordinary people who care about their health. The reason for this popularity of this rock is its unusual properties, including healing properties.

Description of the mineral
  • Description of the mineral
    • The chemical composition and physical properties of the stone
    • Shungite species
    • History of the stone
    • Shungite deposit
    • The healing properties of the mineral
    • The magical properties of the shungite
    • Shungite and the zodiac signs
    • Application of the stone
    • Interesting facts about the stone
    • How to distinguish the natural shungite from a counterfeit
    • Photos of the shungite stone and its products

    Description of the mineral

    Scientists believe that shungite is one of the oldest rocks on the planet. Thanks to the conducted researches it was established that its geological age is not less than two billion years.

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    In its appearance, shungite resembles the most common coal of gray, dark gray or black. There are matte and shiny varieties of shungite.

    Externally, this is a pretty unsightly stone, but in terms of its chemical composition and physical properties, this mineral is truly unique on the planet.

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    Chemical composition and physical properties of the stone

    Shungite is a special altered carbon-bearing rock of the Precambrian period. This is a kind of transition between anthracite and graphite.

    The main chemical element that is a part of the mineral is carbon. Its content, depending on the type of stone, can reach 98%.It is important to note that the shungite contains a special amorphous carbon. Its chemical formula is C60.It forms unique molecular compounds - the so-called fullerenes, the presence of which determines the unique physicochemical properties of shungite, as well as its powerful antioxidant abilities.

    Shungite rock is characterized by such chemical-physical parameters as:

    • chemical resistance;
    • high level of adhesion( ability to connect with other substances);
    • adsorption activity;
    • bactericidal resistance;
    • density is from 1.8 to 2.4 g / cm3;
    • compressive strength - from 100 to 276 MPa;
    • Mohs hardness 3.5-4.0;
    • porosity from 0.5 to 5%;
    • electrical conductivity-( 1-3) x 103 sim / m;
    • calorific value - up to 7500 calories;
    • ability to shield high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

    In addition to carbon, shungite also includes:

    • silica( SiO2) - up to 57.0%;
    • titanium oxide( TiO2) - 0.2%;
    • aluminum oxide( Al2O3) - 4.0%;
    • water( H2O) - more than 4,0%,
    • iron oxide( FeO) - 2,5%;
    • magnesium oxide( MgO) - 1.2%;
    • potassium oxide( K2O) - 1.5%;
    • sulfur( S) - 1.2%.
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    Shungite varieties

    There are such basic types of schungite:

    1. A brilliant, denser and harder variety of the mineral, in which the carbon content reaches 98%, oxygen and nitrogen - less than 2%, and hydrogen slightly less than 1%.
    2. Matte gray, less dense variety of stone, in which the carbon content is about 64%, oxygen and nitrogen are -3.5%, and hydrogen is 6.7%.

    There is another, more detailed classification of this rock, based exclusively on the level of carbon content, which includes 5 types of shungites:

    1. Shungite-I with a carbon content of 95 to 98%.
    2. Shungite-II with a carbon content of 35 to 80%.
    3. Shungite-III with a carbon content of 20 to 35%.
    4. Shungite-IV with a carbon content of 10 to 20%.
    5. Shungite-V with a carbon content of less than 10%( schungite-bearing rock).

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    The history of the stone

    The very first mention of shungite and its extraordinary healing properties date back to the beginning of the 16th century, although it was then called "an aspid stone".The first historical records about him are related to the name of the nun Xenia Romanova, the mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, and her miraculous healing thanks to a Tolvuy curative spring located on the shungite deposit. Sent by Boris Godunov to the Tolvuysky Monastery, the severely ill-tempered boyaryn Ksenia daily, on the advice of local residents, drank healing water and soon not only went on to recover, but was able to give Russia a future ruler - Tsar Mikhail Romanov.

    The miracle source was called "The prince's key", and after a century of its healing properties, Pyotr I appreciated its worth. Having learned about the miraculous properties of the source, he ordered the establishment of a resort near the village of Tolvoy in Zaonezhye for the treatment of Russian soldiers and officers. So the famous resort "Marcial Waters" was founded. True, soon after the death of the king, he ceased to exist, and was reborn only in 1960.

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    The active study of the rock itself, on which the resort was founded, began in the late 18th century. Her first scientific descriptions were taken by Academician N.Ya. Ozertzovskim( in 1792), and later - the staff captain of the corps of mining engineers NK.Komarov( in 1848).

    But its modern name "shungite" stone was received only in 1877 thanks to the professor of geology AA.Foreigners who gave the definition of a new carbon-bearing rock and named it after the village of Shunga in the Zaonezh village - the place where it was found.

    With a new force about shungite began talking in the 90 years of the last century, when it contained unique molecular compounds of carbon - fullerenes. The discovery of this new form of existence of the most widespread element on Earth was recognized as one of the most important scientific discoveries of the 20th century and awarded the Nobel Prize.

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    Shungite deposit

    The world's only shungite deposit is located in Russia, in the Olonets area of ​​the Republic of Karelia. The extraction of this unique rock is carried out in the Zazhoginsky deposit, whose reserves are estimated at about 35 million tons by experts.

    Shungite is being developed in the territory bordering on the west with the village of Girvas, and in the east with the settlements of Tolvuya and Shunga. In total, according to experts, the shungite deposits occupy about 30% of the entire territory of the republic, including the bottom of Onega Lake.

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    The healing properties of

    mineral Shungite is one of the few minerals whose useful medicinal properties are confirmed by official medicine. His positive impact on the human body has real evidence and numerous examples.

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    The so-called schungite water, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, is especially appreciated. It is often called "living water" and is used to treat many diseases, including:

    • asthma;
    • anemia;
    • Allergies;
    • of cramped wounds, burns, cuts, abrasions, pressure sores and other skin lesions;
    • gastritis, colitis, heartburn, flatulence, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the digestive system;
    • skin diseases, including neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, fungal diseases of the skin, furuncles and herpes;
    • arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, vegeto-vascular dystonia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine;
    • parodontosis, periodontitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and other diseases of the oral cavity, throat and respiratory system.

    For effective complex treatment of these and other diseases it is recommended to use shungite water both inside and outside, in the form of compresses and baths.

    Lithotherapists say that regular consumption of shungite water helps:

    • to improve the psychoemotional state;
    • normalize blood pressure;
    • get rid of headaches;
    • cope with insomnia;
    • to restore immunity;
    • to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • to increase the overall tone and energy potential of the body.

    The positive influence of shungite water on the skin condition has been proved, therefore many cosmeticians recommend daily washing such water, compressing it, and using cosmetics made on its basis to smooth wrinkles, cleanse skin, increase elasticity and elasticity.

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    Magical properties of shungite

    The magical properties of shungite are also diverse. Moreover, it is actively used and "black", and "white" modern mages. They make of him powerful wards, capable, in their opinion, to protect his master from dark forces and bring him peace.

    Make shungite and amulets to attract luck and success in love affairs.
    It is also recommended to place shungite products near TVs, microwaves, mobile phones and computer equipment. It is believed that they can neutralize their negative effects on the human body and protect it from harmful electromagnetic radiation.

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    Shungite and zodiac signs

    Unlike other stones, shungite influences a person regardless of the sign of the zodiac he was born with. In this case, astrologers do not give specific recommendations and advise to rely on their own feelings.

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    Application of

    stone Due to its unique physical and chemical properties, shungite is widely used in various fields:

    • in metallurgy( as a substitute for coke or quartzite);
    • in agriculture( as one of the important components of fodder additives, mineral fertilizers and veterinary medicines);
    • in the construction industry( for the production of electrically conductive building materials, the production of an easy substitute for concrete( schungisite),
    • in the chemical industry( as a mineral filler for the production of rubber),
    • as an adsorbent and bactericide for the production of filters for complex water treatment,
    • inmedicine and cosmetology( for the production of a special medicinal filler in various cosmetics and medical preparations);
    • in jewelry( for manufacturesinserts into pendants, beads, bracelets)
    • for the manufacture of harmonizers, protection plates and mascots
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    Interesting facts about the stone

    For many decades, the shungite stone has raised a lot of questions among scientists, one of which is the origin of the mineral. There are several hypotheses of schungite formation

    1. Hypothesis of shungite formation from sapropel Many scientists hold the hypothesis that schungite formed in the bowels of the earth from organic bottom sediments( sapropel)They became condensed, and gradually, under the influence of high temperatures, they became a given rock.
    2. Hypothesis of magmatic origin of stone. Supporters of this hypothesis of the appearance of shungite indicate that it is a special volcanic rock.
    3. Hypothesis of the cosmic origin of the mineral. Supporters of the most unusual, "cosmic" hypothesis of the origin of schungite argue that this mysterious stone came to Earth along with a giant meteorite that brought from space a part of the ruined ancient planet( supposedly Phaethon) with new forms of life. In support of the alien origin of schungite, proponents of the "cosmic" hypothesis speak of the presence in it of unique molecular compounds - fullerenes, also found in meteorites.
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    How to distinguish natural shungite from forgery

    Given the popularity of schungite and the existence of its only deposit, today, quite often instead of natural mineral, buyers are offered fakes. The problem of scammers is simplified due to the external unattractiveness of the stone and its similarity with hard coal. Nevertheless, there are simple ways to verify the authenticity of the mineral, which will help to easily recognize the natural schungite.

    1. The main feature of natural schungite is its electrical conductivity. So make sure of the naturalness of the stone you can with a conventional battery, a small light bulb and a pair of wiring. You just need to create a conventional electrical circuit, connecting the light bulb, wiring and battery in series, making sure that it works, and then touching two wires to the shungite, creating a chain in such a sequence: the light bulb - the wires - the shungite - the wires - the battery. If the stone is natural, then the bulb will light up again.
    2. Place the stone in the water. A real shungite in a few hours will noticeably improve its taste. After contact with natural schungite, ordinary water will resemble spring water.
    3. Consider carefully the stone. The signs of natural shungite are schungite dust( it can be seen in a box or other container in which the product was placed), and sometimes - golden inclusions( an admixture of ferrous sulphate).
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    Pictures of shungite stone and its products

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