At what age do the children give the fish? Is it possible for a child to give dried, red, salt and river fish?

Surely you've heard a belief that forbade giving a child fish before he spoke. We believed that if there was a failure to comply with such a recommendation, speech problems might occur, or the development of speech skills would be delayed. Of course, this is superstition, but it's really not worth it to hurry with the introduction of fish as complementary foods.

Contents of

  • When can I introduce fish into the feeding of a child?
  • What kind of fish can I give to a child for up to a year?
  • What kind of fish can I give to a child in 2 years?
  • What kind of fish can be given to a child in 3 years?
  • What kind of fish can be given to a child in 4 years?
  • Secrets of cooking fish for a child and its selection
  • Can children have dried fish?
  • Can the children have red fish?
  • Can a child eat salted fish?
  • Can a child have a river fish?
  • Video: Fish puree for children

Fish should be injected carefully, after most products, even later than meat. This is justified by the allergenic nature of the product, moreover, the search for a quality product for cooking the child on its own can be quite a difficult task.

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Fish is extremely useful for a child's body. It contains:

  • Protein
  • Vitamins A, B12, D
  • Iodine( sea fish)
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Fluoride( sea fish)
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 fatty acids that are not produced by the body independently
Use of fish for children

When can I introduce fish into the feeding of a child?

Despite the importance of having a fish in the baby's food, remember that this is an extremely allergenic product. Therefore, the lure should be started after the rest of the products, including after the meat.

According to the schedules of introducing complementary foods to the child at the time of adding to the fish's diet, about 10-12 months. If you have an allergic child, postpone the introduction of fish into the lure for up to a year or more, you can consult an allergist.

approximate table of priority the introduction of complementary foods:

6 months
  • Purée
  • fruit purée
  • dairy-free porridge
7 months
  • Rusk
  • Cookies
  • Vegetable oil
8 months
  • Wheat bread
  • Fruit juice
  • Meat puree
  • Butter
9 months
  • Milk porridge
  • Fermented milk products( curd, kefir)
  • Egg yolk
10 months
  • Fish puree
When to introduce fish into the lure

What kind of fish can I give to a child before the year?

Conditionally fish is divided into the following groups:

  • Low-fat - cod, hake, pollock, blue whiting, haddock, river perch, navaga
  • Moderately fat - pink salmon, chum, trout, pike perch, bream, catfish, catfish, etc.
  • Oily - halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, saury

It is best to start the first lure with river perch or hake. The main thing is to use for fish complementary fish from the first group with fat content up to 4%.

Fish for the first complementary meal should be low allergenic. Cook the mashed potatoes yourself. To do this, boil the fish fillets, then grind in a blender, scroll through a meat grinder or wipe through a sieve to make a mashed potatoes. For the first time, you will have literally 5g. Then gradually increase the amount, you can mix fish with a child familiar porridge or vegetables.

You can buy special canned fish for the first time. When buying, please note that the canned food does not contain salt and starch in its composition.

Important: Do not fish more than twice a week. Begin introducing complementary foods in the morning so that you can track possible reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or notice an allergic reaction.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways - rash, vomiting, frequent and profuse regurgitation, upset of the stool. If you notice at least one of the symptoms - postpone the beginning of complementary feeding for a couple of weeks, then try to give another sort of fish.

After 2 months of feeding, you can prepare a souffle for the child:

  • 400g of pike-perch, cut and grind in blender
  • Add minced egg yolk to stuffing, whisk
  • Whisk egg whites until formation of foam

Prepare sauce:

  • Fry 0.5t.l.flour to golden shade
  • Pour in 50ml of milk, stir constantly
  • Add 25g of butter
  • Cook until thickened, stirring constantly
  • Pour sauce into minced meat
  • Add beaten protein
  • Spread soufflé into molds and put in oven at 180 ° C
  • Keep in oven for about30 minutes

This souffle is perfectly combined with vegetable purees.

Fish puree with vegetables for first food

What kind of fish can be given to a child in 2 years?

By this age, the amount of fish is already brought to 100g per meal. To give fish too often the child is still not worth it.

At this age you can diversify the baby's menu. Let's fish not only in the form of mashed potatoes, but also in the form of casseroles, cutlets, meatballs, puddings, etc. After a year you can enter into the diet cooked or baked fish. In 2 years the stomach of the child is already sufficiently prepared to try fried or smoked fish.

Cod crêpes for the child from the year:

  • Prepare the cod fillets by removing the skin and bones
  • Toss the meat grinder with minced bread
  • Add the egg yolk and a little vegetable oil, mix thoroughly
  • Pour the water into a deep frying pan until half
  • Form fromminced balls and put in a frying pan
  • Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes

Hake rolls:

  • 500g fillets pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender
  • Add 1 egg
  • Add thoroughly washedth rice

Prepare vegetables:

  • 2 tomatoes cut into pieces
  • 2 sweet peppers cut into half rings
  • 1 onion cut into rings
  • Fry vegetables for 5 minutes
  • Form the meatballs and lay them on vegetables
  • Pour the boiled water, cover and extinguish 25-30 minutes

Important: If you show a little imagination and present the dish in an unusual form, the child will be much more interesting to eat.

Interestingly decorated dish for a child

What kind of fish can I give to a child in 3 years?

After three years, give fish broth to children with a reduced appetite. In fish, there are extractives, which in the process of cooking turn into broth.

Important: Do not abuse this product to increase your appetite, so as not to cause excessive stimulation of the digestive glands.

In three years you can already use salt when cooking for a child. Therefore, your task will be facilitated, because a kid can eat foods from a common table, and you do not have to cook for each family member separately.

Flounder with vegetables in the oven:

  • 500g flounder of plaice cut into slices
  • 2 onions and 2 eggplants cut into rings and fry

Put in the baking mold:

  • 1 layer - vegetables
  • 2 layer - fish, sprinkle this layer with lemon
  • 3 layer - tomatoes, cut into rings
  • Bake for half an hour at 180 ° C
Soup on fish broth for a child

What kind of fish can be given to a child in 4 years?

  • At this age, the child can already eat with his parents, it is only not zealous with spices or preparing a portion separately. Too acute, fatty for the baby is harmful
  • Watch for bones, they should still be cleaned or monitored to ensure that the child himself has coped with this task, otherwise he can choke or injure the mouth.
  • Try to diversify the appearance of dishes, an interesting composition will interest the child,and he will eat much more willingly

Secrets of cooking fish for a child and its choice

  • The most useful fish in winter and spring, before it goes to spawn
  • Signs of fresh fish: bright red gills, light gwithout a cloudy film. These signs also apply to the frozen product
  • Proper frozen fish should give a loud knock
  • Freshly frozen fish with a light, pinkish hue, after repeated freezing the meat darkens
  • Try to use fresh fish. If you purchase a frozen product, then be sure of its quality
  • After defrosting, use the fish as fast as possible
  • Frozen fish thaw in salted water - so more minerals will remain in it
  • Do not thaw the fillet to the end, allow it to thaw, then heat
  • Boil the fish in large pieces or whole - so it turns out much safer
  • To prepare the broth do not pour a lot of liquid. The less water - the more useful the result
  • The greatest amount of nutrients is stored when cooking for a pair of
  • When cooking, lower the fish already into boiling water, then make the fire less. If you cook fish from the beginning of cooking, it is immersed in water, it will strongly boil and lose its taste
  • Prepare red fish without spices
How to choose quality fish for complementary feeding

Can children have dried fish?

Do not give dried fish to a child under 5-6 years of age. The later - the better. The reason is the presence of salt in it, which has a detrimental effect on the baby's kidneys. In addition, insufficiently provoked fish threatens the possibility of infection by parasites. In dried fish, larvae can survive( however, as with insufficient heat treatment), which, if ingested, can fully develop in it.

Can the children have red fish?

Due to the high allergenicity it is not recommended to give red fish until 2 years old, it is better to start acquaintance with it from the dishes in baked form, you can also present it in a boiled or stewed version. In addition, there is an opinion that many varieties of red fish grown artificially are oversaturated with harmful substances that breeders add for rapid growth and increase in the population.

After 3 years you can offer the child the following dish:

  • 1/4 part of white bread crumb soak in milk
  • 2 small onions finely cut and add to crumb
  • Take 600g red fish fillet( trout or pink salmon) and make minced
  • Mix the minced meat with the crumb and add 2 eggs
  • Add the spices and 50g of the mango, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 15-20 minutes
  • Form the cutlets, fry on both sides, then add water and cook under the lid until ready.
Red fish cutlets for the rabbitka

Can child salted fish?

It is not recommended to give the children salted fish because of the high content of fat and the small amount of vitamins. In principle, salt does not do any good at all, so it is better to protect the child from salt fish at least up to 3-4 years.

Can a child have a river fish?

For the first complementary foods, marine fish are recommended because of its low allergenicity compared to river varieties. However, you can use pike perch and silver carp in the preparation of food, after removing the bones. As you get to know the fish, introduce new varieties and new dishes.

Important: Familiarization with a new type of fish should only be in the absence of allergies.

Video: Fish puree for children





  • May 27, 2018
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