Needlework is a hobby or something more? What techniques of needlework exist?

Types and techniques in needlework. Review, advice and reviews of skilled workers.


  • Needlework as a way of life
  • How to make money on needlework?
  • What kind of needlework to do? Popular handicrafts
  • Diamond handicraft technique - mosaic embroidery
  • Yo-Yo, handicraft technique
  • Handmade dolls
  • Handicraft technique decoupage
  • Handicraft techniques from fabric
  • Hobby, needlework knitting
  • Why handicrafts are useful: advice and feedback
  • Handicraft: advice
  • Handicrafts: reviews
  • Video: how to make money on needlework?

Female nature is the direction of actions inward, the development of harmony with the outside world, the ability to live a soul in love, giving love.

  • A woman draws strength from within, but they have a property to be expended. As a well with clean water, it seems that it is inexhaustible, but there are periods of water withdrawal
  • Because in the arsenal of the representative of the beautiful half, there are ways of filling yourself with energy and the strength of
  • instagram viewer
  • . In the days of our Slavic ancestors, all women were needlewomen, gathered in small groups in the evenings and madeor at home in the light of the lakes created masterpieces for the family needs of
  • . Today, the tradition of female handicraft has been revived and is widely used. The eye rejoices at the fairs from the abundance of creative imagination and beautiful things and objects

Handicrafts as a way of life

  • We have so firmly squeezed ourselves into the framework of a house-work-house that forgot about other joys in life or stopped allocating time for their contemplation
  • The enforced idea of ​​enrichment, life on credit, the race for the golden calf, exhaust and take away strength for rest and creativity
  • We lull ourselves with thoughts - I'll earn a little more, I'll do this project and I'll do everything with needlework. And then the sewing machine is already dusty, the spokes and hooks become dull, the beads scattered around the house, and the needles with the mulina mixed in a magic box for my mother's creativity
  • Stop your mental flow and look back on your life! Where is the place of joy and sources of inspiration for you, your family and the world around you? A woman with extinct eyes, deenergized by the race for survival, what the atmosphere can create at home.
  • . Look at the craftsmen at the handicraft fair. Cheerful, ruddy, full of vitality and creative inspiration, they literally "infect" visitors with a "virus" of needlework. They know something, as the leaders of the ancient Slavic times
  • Needlework is the creation and decoration of the world with their own hands. The very process of creating a product is comparable to meditation, when all the emotions within die away, harmonize with the surrounding space, giving joy and strength to its mistress.

Do you think it's fortuitous that the young mothers of the first-borns feel the impulses for creativity? So the female nature suggests the direction for the development of oneself and the filling with energies of harmony.

Women even refuse our time from hired office work for the sake of needlework. Some time they create for themselves and their families, and then, as if from the air, they have clients and constant orders for man-made beauty. Money flow finds a path to their house. So the world thanks the needlewomen for their spiritual creative work.

How to make money on needlework?

  • To start any business, the goal and mission are important. If they are creative, then it will be successful, if destructive and selfish - everything will go to pieces and remain a bitter disappointment, dissatisfaction and even anger in the person.
  • Instead of making money, try to please the future owner of the thing, make it beautiful, add a touch. And the mission of activity is to define the filling of the world with joy, kindness, beauty, creativity from the actions of human hands.
  • Create and collect photos of your handmade masterpieces in your portfolio. As you are ready, you will be able to show it to your family and girlfriends, then on the Internet on the ad sites and forums of craftsmen
  • Orders will gradually arrive to you from everywhere. The main thing is that you have enough time to fulfill them, for the family, and for yourself. Needlework should bring joy, and not take away the strength in the pursuit of the ordering dates

What kind of needlework to do? Popular kinds of needlework

Fantasy of the woman is amazing and many-sided, she can push her mistress to engage in creativity with any improvised material:

  • fabrics
  • threads
  • paper
  • natural materials - straw, petals, leaves, grains and seeds, pebbles and shells
  • wire
  • clay
  • beads and beads

That's why there are a lot of needlework. Many of them have been revived since the time of their ancestors, and there are others that appeared relatively recently.

popular among them are:

  • embroidery threads, beads, ribbons
  • crochet, knitting, tatting
  • felting and fur
  • quilting or patchwork
  • winding dolls
  • creating bouquets of tissue and small soft toys
  • scrapbooking
  • modeling of polymer clay
  • tilde dolls
  • decoupage
  • carving - fruit carving
  • quilling - paper wrapping, when spirals curl from narrow strips of paper, which then form interesting souvenirs
  • topia - creation of cash mascots and magnets in the form of a plant in a pot
  • oshibana - Japanese kind of needlework from natural parts of plants - petals, leaves, seeds
  • weaving mandalas
  • soap making
  • creating foyamiran decorations( plastic suede)

Diamond handicraft technique - mosaic embroidery

She came to us from China. Other of its names are diamond embroidery, mosaic embroidery.

Its distinctive feature is the execution without thread and needle. The essence of diamond technology in drawing amazing pictures from small multicolored pebbles that have a diamond cut. Thanks to this, the finished work "comes to life" when it hits the rays of light, plays with colors, overflows.

Ready-made sets for needlewomen on the technique of mosaic embroidery are available. In addition to the stones and patterns of the picture, they contain

  • tweezers
  • ruler for aligning the rows of stacked materials
  • fixer
  • scissors
  • frame

The drawing is covered with a film to be removed before embroidering.

You will need:

  • is a solid surface on which you can expand and fix the
  • circuit with a bright light source so as not to overwork your eyes while the
  • is working. The
  • assiduity and care when selecting rhinestones and laying them on the
  • drawing. After each embedded row, it should be aligned with a ruler. Then the picture will be smooth and coincide with the
  • schema. Remember that the sticky layer on the chart retains its properties for one week.
  • . At the end of the work, the picture needs to be allowed to dry, then cover it with a fixer. It also remains on a flat surface until completely dry. And, finally, it is ready for framing and taking up space on the wall or shelf
  • The most common set is diamond embroidery of peacocks. Also you can find schemes of flowers, nature, birds

Yo-Yo, handicraft technique

This handcraft technique comes from England. It is simple and at the same time gives originality to the finished product. It can be used even as an option for playing with kids and creating jewelry or toys.

Yo-yo are pieces of fabric that are tied together on one side with a thread so that an "accordion" or a fold is obtained. They are voluminous and flat, monochrome and multicolored, decorated with buttons, beads, laced lace. Master craftsmen use a mix of fabrics to create original yo-yo.

Their classical form is a circle, but the fancy of needlewomen has expanded their geometric spectrum. Yo-yo come in the form of hearts, flowers, butterflies.

The greatest use of yo-yo is in patchwork. But even if you are a novice needlewoman, you will be able to master this technique without problems. Moreover, you can decorate with colorful original yo-yo any piece of interior, wardrobe, toys, ornaments.

Dolls with their own hands

No less interesting trend in needlework is the creation of dolls with their own hands. Women always remain girls, which means they tend to play and live different stories with their little silent girlfriends.

Most likely, the ancestors of all nationalities developed sewing dolls by women for daughters. Such a toy is dearer to the heart, because it absorbed the warmth and love of my mother's handles.

The technique for creating dolls is numerous, it is worth noting with your attention:

  • dolls-motanki
  • amulets
  • angels
  • tildes
  • Waldorf
  • knitted or crocheted

For all of them, common are natural materials, pleasant to touch and safe for children's handles. As a filler, needlewomen use cotton wool, goat and lamb wool, sintepux.

For many dolls masters sew clothes and teach this craft of their daughters. The latter are happy to pick up the idea of ​​caring for a toy.

For example, the peculiarity of the Walfdor dolls is a reflection of the interest of a child of a certain age. Before the age of 3, a toy with a minimum of details, without traced features, will be of interest to the crutch, and is clothed in a non-removable slip. A baby 5 years old needs a doll with the maximum amount of details - shoes on legs, a dress with shoulder straps and / or clasps, a handbag, a hat, hair.

Technique of needlework decoupage

Originated in the 15th century in Germany and spread fairly quickly in Medieval Europe. It consists in drawing cut out drawings on objects with subsequent fixation with varnish for fixation and durability of their future operation.

Initially, the decoupage technique was used to decorate furniture in order to imitate its more expensive counterpart. For this property of imitation, the Italians called it "for the poor" technique.

In our time, decoupage revived and is actively developing. As blanks with patterns for decoration used napkins, paper of various types, fabric. The needlewomen decorate with this technique furniture, dishes, other interior items, accessories.

Usually for the creation of masterpieces in the technique of decoupage used drawings, glue, lacquer, brushes, scissors, paints.

Depending on the style of the object chosen by the craftsman for decoration, there are different directions in decoupage:

  • provence
  • Victorian style
  • country
  • shebbie-chic
  • simplicity
  • military
  • ethno

Externally the technique decoupage can be with the predominance of gold color, antiquity, mural.

Technique of needlework from fabric

Fabric, perhaps, the most common and expected material for handicraft creativity. It surrounds us everywhere, and life without tissues is not at all. Therefore the technician of needlework from this material is numerous, besides usual sewing of clothes and fabric subjects of household purpose.

There are the following types of fabric techniques:

  • Embroidery with satin ribbons
  • Knitting from cloth flaps with knitting needles and / or hook
  • Application - drawing pictures from fabric and any other handy material.
  • Batik - painted with paints of both natural fabrics and synthetic ones. The peculiarity of this technique is to reserve seats with a liquid that repels paint, for example, gasoline, a special aqueous solution, paraffin.
  • Puppetry - the formation of dolls from fabrics of different texture and color. Puppets are sewed, and are "wound up" or collected from fabric cloths.
  • Merezhka - the technique of creating lace drawings on the fabric by pulling threads from it. Decorated napkins, tablecloths, bed linen, clothes.
  • Patchwork, quilting or patchwork - the technique of creating amazing and practical things from pieces of fabric
  • Pictures from the fabric - the fabric-workpiece is painted with colors, cut out and made into a picture on the canvas.
  • Furoshiki - origami fabric, the scope - the creation of original packages for gifts
  • Temari - decoration of Christmas balls with a cloth and a needle with threads

Hobby, handicraft knitting

No less popular and ancient kind of needlework is knitting. It is enough to take threads, knitting needles or a hook and start creating your masterpiece. Yes, yes, and no less. Because in it you put a piece of your soul, heat, time and attention.

But the knitting in its development has acquired new directions and techniques, for example:

  • frivolite
  • knot
  • on the plug
  • Tunisian
  • hands without any attachments
  • knitted patchwork
  • modular
  • Peruvian or brumstick

Each of them is surprising and interesting in terms of the process and achievedresult. The craftsmen, who have mastered the classic knitting techniques, are happy to dive into the study and practice of new adjacent species. This enlarges the horizon, and memory, perseverance, patience develops. And the bonus is beauty in the house and harmony in the soul!

Why it is useful to be engaged in needlework: advice and feedback

It is unequivocally possible to say that it is useful to be engaged in needlework.

  • to look mysterious and individual
  • for widening the circle of like-minded girlfriends
  • saving the family budget
  • home space design with their own hands
  • meditation in the process of work
  • prevention of joints, nervous disorders, depressions
  • training of assiduity, patience, care, fantasy
  • creative original giftsto the family and friends
  • the mood improves both for the needlewoman and all members of her family
  • lack of time for quarrels, disputes, gossips,lya

And every skilled worker to easily continue this endless list of benefits from employment by needlework.

Remember, any kind of needlework is useful and relevant. Rejoice yourself and your loved ones with beautiful works and your positive!

Needlework: tips

  • Beginning needlewomen are suitable for books, magazines, video lessons on any interesting technology for them. Just do not just look, but immediately embody the
  • Register on several needlework sites and track the novelties of products in a specific kind of needlework
  • It is appropriate to get acquainted with masters at special forums where they willingly answer questions and show off their masterpieces
  • Be sure to collect a portfolio of your work,if you plan to expand the client base and the number of orders at home. Extra money will always come in handy
  • Listen to yourself if any technique does not go, postpone it and do something else. The male approach - to finish the work at any cost - is absolutely unnatural in women's creativity. Observe the balance and measure of
  • Avoid cluttering scrap space with your imperfections. They will only disappoint you

Needlework: feedback

Marina, housewife
After the birth of my son, I was drawn to needlework. Although the last time I touched knitting needles, strings and players in the classroom at school. She was addicted to crocheting, knitting, embroidering with a cross and beads. The days went by, my skill and the number of successful works increased. A year later I boldly put some of them on the sites. Gradually, I had clients and orders. Now I do not think about going to work from the decree. To live more freely and also with earnings to me it is comfortable.

Svetlana Grigoryevna, retired
I remember how I always loved and practiced needlework. The closest thing for me is embroidery. My whole house was always cleaned as a holiday. I learned this habit from my mother and grandmother, they were fine craftsmen in needlework. Now I have grown-up granddaughters. On vacation, they are always happy to come to me and learn the secrets of embroidery. Their work at school competitions always take prizes. I, as a teacher and grandmother, are proud of their success!

Video: how to make money on needlework?

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