Birch buds: useful properties and contraindications for admission. Application of birch kidneys from cough, joints, liver

Sphere of use of birch buds. Instructions for the application of birch buds from rheumatism, liver disease and cough.


  • Application of birch buds in medicine
  • Birch buds, contraindications
  • How to brew birch buds?
  • Tincture of birch buds on vodka: application of
  • How to take birch kidneys from a cough?
  • Benefits of birch buds for joints
  • Birch kidneys for liver
  • Birch kidneys for blood vessels
  • Birch kidneys for women, benefits of
  • Can I take birch buds during pregnancy?
  • VIDEO: Application of birch buds

Birch buds are an effective and environmentally friendly remedy. Such a tool is widely used in folk medicine. This is due to the availability of birch buds, because the birch grows in a temperate climate. This tree can be found in any part of Russia.

Application of birch buds in medicine

It should be noted that traditional medicine uses this medicine for both external and internal administration. From the kidneys prepare ointments, decoctions, teas and tinctures.

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Diseases that can be cured by birch buds:

  • Gynecological ailments
  • Skin diseases
  • Acne and acne
  • Arthritis
  • For treatment of high cholesterol
  • In case of metabolic disorders
  • With ailments of the liver and pancreas

It is worth noting that birch buds have an anti-inflammatory effect. Simply put, this is a natural antibiotic. It perfectly disinfects the skin and open wounds.

Birch buds

Birch buds, contraindications

Despite the vegetable origin of the medicine, it should not be used during pregnancy. At this time, the body is rebuilt and works a little differently. You may experience allergies, bloating, and bowel problems when taking a decoction or tincture orally. Accordingly, the intestine is stretched, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Ulcer bowel disease
  • Acute kidney and bladder diseases
Contraindications to treatment with birch buds

How to brew birch buds?

The process of preparing a decoction of birch buds is very simple. It is necessary to buy the product in a pharmacy or to collect it yourself. To do this, in the early spring, before the leaves dissolve, the kidneys are cut and dried in the shade.

Instructions for preparing broth from birch buds:

  • Put a spoonful of raw material into the enamel pan and pour boiling water over boiling water and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Cool the broth and strain it before taking it
  • Take
according to the prescription

recipe Birch buds vodka tincture: use

To prepare the tincture, dry the raw material in a mortar and pour alcohol. One part of the raw material requires five parts of alcohol. The container with the solution is closed and placed for 10-12 days in a dark and cold place. After this, the tincture is filtered.

Store in a cool place in a bottle of brown or green glass.

Instructions for use of the tincture:

  • When vomiting and nausea. Take the drug should be 30-50 drops, washed down with water or milk. For a day you need to do 3-5 techniques. When vomiting is severe, the dose is increased by
  • for liver ailments. Take 10 ml of medication three times a day before each meal.
  • In gynecology. Treat vaginitis and cervicitis with douching. For this, take one part of the tincture and add 9 parts of warm boiled water. Introduce in the vagina 50 ml of the solution with the syringe
  • For rheumatism .Take 20 ml of the substance three times a day. It is advisable to do this for 35 minutes before a meal
  • For the treatment of dermatitis, suppuration and boils. Wadding is infused with tincture and rubbed into sore spots. You can make lotions and applications
Tincture from birch buds

How to take birch buds from a cough?

For this you need to prepare a special ointment.50 grams of raw material must be ground in a mortar and add 200 g of ordinary butter. Take unsalted 73% fat. Margarin does not fit. This mixture is simmered for 60 minutes. After this, the kidneys are wrung out, and the liquid is cooled. After cooling it will look like an ointment. This drug is taken on a tablespoon. For a day you need to take this medicine 4 times.

You can attach a compress to your chest, lubricated with birch ointment.

Birch kidneys for cough

Benefits of birch buds for joints

This remedy quickly relieves pain and restores connective tissue in the joints. For treatment, tincture is used. To make a spoonful of raw materials, fill it in a bottle and add 100 ml of alcohol. Leave for 12-14 days. The received tincture wipe joints. After rubbing, the joints are wrapped in a warm kerchief.

Benefits of birch buds for joints

Birch kidneys for the liver

This remedy helps regenerate liver tissue and remove bile. With chronic ailments of the liver, you can take a decoction or tincture of birch buds. Tincture is taken for 10-15 ml before meals. Do not start treatment if you have stones in the gallbladder. This can lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

Birch kidneys for the liver

Birch kidneys for the vessels

Birch buds in combination with other medicinal herbs contribute to the purification of vessels from cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques.

Preparation instructions:

  • Mix 100 g of dried camomile flowers, birch buds, immortelle and yarrow
  • in the package. Mix the spoon of the mixture with 240 ml of boiling water and put it on the
  • water bath. You can simply cover the mixture with a lid and wrap it with a towel until the liquid cools
  • Take a glass of broth 3 times a day
  • You need to drink the medicine 30 minutes before the meal
  • Treatment continue until all 400 g of the plant mixture is exhausted
Birch kidney for vessels

Birch buds foromen,

benefits This ancient medicine that used Russian beauties.

Sphere of use of birch buds in women:

  • For reducing pain during menstruation. It is necessary to drink 100 ml of decoction during the monthly three times a day. This contributes to anesthesia and a decrease in the amount of blood. This medicine is recommended after delivery. It restores the uterine mucosa and reduces the intensity of bleeding
  • For weight loss. Decoction from the kidney is taken to normalize the metabolism. Due to the cleansing of the body, the reactions in the tissues pass more intensively
  • For the treatment of hair loss. The decoction needs to rinse the braids after washing. Tincture is rubbed into the roots of the hair with the dropout of
  • . Reduce the symptoms of menopause. It is necessary to take 15 ml of tincture three times a day
Birch buds for women

Can I take birch buds during pregnancy?

Decoction of birch buds can be taken in the last months of pregnancy. It helps to reduce swelling and relieves pain in the legs. To prepare the broth 10 g of raw material is poured 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. The broth is cooled and taken 5 times a day for 50 ml. At the same time, the intake of liquid is restricted.

Birch buds during pregnancy

Birch buds are truly an excellent and inexpensive remedy for most diseases. Before use, consult a doctor.

VIDEO: Application of birch buds

  • May 27, 2018
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