How to prepare salads for the winter? Salads for the winter from cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, peppers

Salad for the winter - a wonderful dish everyday and festive table. He always diverges well and at times even is a "salvation" for unexpected guests. Prepare this dish is not difficult, adhering to the recipe. A recipe for salad from onions for the winter.

.How to preserve onions?

  • Video: "Pickled onions. How to pickle onions? »
  • Recipe for salad with zucchini for the winter and for the festive table
  • Video:" Blanks for the winter. Appetizing appetizer from zucchini with garlic »
  • Salad from cucumbers for the winter Fingers lick, recipe
  • Video:« Salad from fresh cucumbers. Billets for the winter "
  • Beet salads for the winter, recipe for cooking
  • Video:" Beetroot salad for the winter "
  • Carrot and onion salad for the winter, recipe for cooking
  • Video:" Pepper and carrot salad for the winter "
  • Cabbage saladfor the winter, the recipe for cooking
  • Video: "Tasty cabbage salad for the winter"
  • How to prepare a salad with tomatoes for the winter, a recipe with a photo?
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: "Salad of green tomatoes for the winter"
  • Salads for the winter with Bulgarian pepper, recipe for cooking
  • Video: "Salad from Bulgarian pepper for the winter"
  • Hot salads for the winter, recipes for vegetables in Korean
  • Video: "Cucumber salad on-Korejski for the winter »
  • How to prepare a tasty salad for the winter: advice and feedback
  • Video:" Blanks for the winter. A salad from aubergine »
  • Recipe for salad from onions for the winter. How to preserve onions?

    It is very easy to please your relatives in the cold season, just prepare an unusual salad for them. This can become a canned salad from onions.

    Onions are a storehouse of useful trace elements and it is mistakenly considered a simple addition to other products. As an independent product and the main ingredient it is rare, but experienced housewives were able to come up with recipes for the correct and delicious cooking onion for the winter.

    The recipe for canned onions for the winter:

    This recipe uses the most common onion, but if desired it can always be replaced with white, shallots or blue Yalta.

    canned onions

    Onion salad preparation:

    1. Onions must be chosen the smallest size. It's not difficult to do in the supermarket and even in the market. The onion must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and put in a separate bowl with water.
    2. Make sure that your onions are fresh and elastic, without dents.
    3. . Peeled, washed onion is piled into a saucepan. Vegetables are poured with a liter of water and put on fire. We are waiting for the boil, then make the fire less and simmer the onion for another five minutes. In boiling water squeeze out half of the lemon juice, making sure that the bones and pulp do not get into the boiling water.
    4. . After the time has elapsed, begin to remove the onions in a jar in the dishes, where rinse it with cold water.
    5. Add the necessary amount of sugar to the water( notmore glass) and salt as much as you like
    6. After the next boil, add the vinegar( half a glass).Turn off the fire and add spices
    7. Spices in the marinade you can add as standard, and at will. Most often add a bay leaf to the marinade was fragrant and pepper - for sharpness
    8. Cooled onion is decomposed into jars, preferably half-liter. We fill the onion with still not cooled marinade
    9. Banks for canning must be necessarily sterile
    10. Close the can with onion and marinade, turn it upside down and always wrap it in a towel or scarf. This is necessary in order that the warm temperature lasts longer
    11. After the banks have cooled down, it must be put in a dark place for storage, in a pantry for example

    Video: "Pickled onion. How to pickle onions? »

    Recipe for salad with zucchini for the winter and for the festive table

    Zucchini is one of the favorite seasonal vegetables, it has a delicate fresh taste and is very low in calories. People are accustomed to fry zucchini or make fritters out of it, but this fruit is no less tasty in the form of a winter salad, preserved for the winter.

    Zucchini has a pleasant crispy texture and taste. It is successfully supplemented with absolutely any vegetables, and spices will make it possible to achieve a balance of salt, pepper and spices.

    Winter salad "The mother-in-law"

    Winter salad "mother-in-law"

    1. First of all, the vegetables are thoroughly washed away from dirt and sand
    2. Tomatoes must be turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender or a conventional meat grinder
    3. Marrows must be cleaned
    4. Cut zucchini plates and add tosaucepan with tomato sauce
    5. It is advisable to choose a saucepan with a thick bottom so that nothing burns
    6. Turn on a small fire, season vegetables and salt to taste
    7. Every five minutes the vegetables are a tracet stir
    8. Clean garlic, chop it finely and chop the chili pepper( can also be chopped)
    9. Add the garlic and chili to the saucepan and stew for no more than ten minutes, thoroughly mixing
    10. In the prepared for preservation jars, add the mass
    11. Braised squashin tomato sauce it is necessary to spread out on cans and roll

    Onion salad for the winter "Vitaminka"

    squash salad for the winter
    1. All vegetables are washed with water from dirt and sand, the husk and peel is peeled
    2. Kabachand cut into small rings, the smaller - the better. You can use the help of special shredding
    3. Onions cut into rings and try to make this as finely
    4. Mix everything together, salt and sprinkle with sugar( salt - to taste, sugar - about two spoons)
    5. Leave the vegetables for half an hour, during this time the vegetable marrow should be let outjuice
    6. After the time we put the vegetables on a small fire
    7. After boiling, pour in the vinegar and vegetable oil( half a glass)
    8. Boil for 10 minutes and lay it on the jars. Preserve

    Video: "Blanks for the winter. Appetizing zucchini appetizer with garlic »

    Cucumber salad for the winter Fingers lick, recipe

    Cucumbers are a favorite snack on any table, especially if they were mothballed and pickled according to a special recipe. There is one special recipe that makes ordinary cucumbers unusually tasty. That's why it's called "Fingers".

    Salad "Licking lick"

    "Fingers lick"
    1. Cucumbers carefully washed and cut in circles or semicircles, folded into a basin
    2. Onions cut into large half rings and added to a basin
    3. Vegetables are mixed with spices: a glass of sugar, four tablespoons of salt with a slide, half a glassvegetable oil, a glass of apple cider vinegar, a small handful of sweet pepper and squeezed garlic to taste
    4. Pickled vegetables are put in the refrigerator for four hours.
    5. . In a sterilized jar, vegetables, rublehydrochloric top of greens and dill bush
    6. Weight pouring marinade, if not add enough vegetable oil
    7. Banks should be rolled up and removed for storage in a dark place

    Video 'Salad of fresh cucumbers. Billets for the winter »

    Beet salads for the winter, recipe for cooking

    A diet without beets is simply impossible to imagine, it is a delicious and healthy vegetable that you can eat every day. Beets improve the work of the intestines, normalize digestion and "cleanse" the blood.

    The preparation of beet salads differs from other vegetables only in that when large cuts they require pre-brewing of the vegetable.

    Simple beet salad for the winter

    large beet salad
    1. Three kilograms of beetroot to wash and boil until soft.
    2. The boiled beet must be completely cooled.
    3. After cooling, the beet is cut into slices: straw or cubes( as more like it).
    4. Marinade is prepared. For one liter of water: a small spoonful of salt and two large spoons of sugar, a third of a glass of vinegar, several nails and several grains of sweet pepper
    5. Fill the vegetables with a marinade, roll up the jars and put them in the pantry

    Winter salad with beets with vegetables

    beet salad with shallow cutting
    1. Half a kilogram of beets boil half an hour
    2. Onion finely chopped and fried in a frying pan
    3. Three carrots on a grater and fry along with onion
    4. In a high bowl on a small fire, simmer with grated beets
    5. Add half a stackand vegetable oil
    6. Mix with a tablespoon of saturated tomato paste
    7. Add finely chopped large tomato without skin
    8. Squeeze several cloves of garlic( to taste)
    9. Solim, add sugar, pepper and lemon juice
    10. Roll in cans and store in pantry

    Video:Beetroot salad for the winter »

    Salad for winter from carrots and onions, recipe for preparation

    Ingredients of lettuce:

    • one kilogram of sweetened carrots
    • half a kilogram of onion
    • three cloves of garlic
    • salt, pepper

    Brine for vegetables:

    • half glass( not more than 100 milliliters) of vegetable oil( can be taken any)
    • quarter of the table scrap or apple cider vinegar
    • spoon( 10 grams) of saturated tomato paste( concentrated)
    • a couple of spoons of sugar
    • literwater
    carrot salad with onions for the winter
    1. Carrots should be thoroughly washed, boiled in boiling water for ten minutes
    2. Onion cut into large cubes and covered with salt to let it juice
    3. Garlic is cleaned and finely chopped
    4. In a separate saucepan, Pour the brine into a liter of boiled water, add salt, sugar, pepper and vinegar.
    5. Brine laurel and a few peppercorns
    6. into the brine. Mix the diced vegetables with brine and boil for five minutes.
    7. Pour the mass into sterilized cans and mothball

    Video: Saladfrom pepper and carrots for the winter »

    Cabbage salad for the winter, recipe for cooking

    1. Prepare cabbage for shredding: clean from bad leaves, remove damage. You will need to chop about five kilograms of fresh white cabbage
    2. To cut straws you will need a kilogram of colorful sweet pepper: red, yellow, green
    3. On a large ordinary grater rubs a kilogram of sweet carrots
    4. White or onion finely chopped and mixed into the pelvis with all the vegetables. It is necessary to stir vegetables for a long time so that they let the juice
    5. After stirring, the whole mass is poured with half a glass of refined oil and a glass of vinegar( if desired, the amount of vinegar can be doubled)
    6. The vegetables are thoroughly mixed and seasoned to taste. Salt and sugar - necessarily
    7. The whole mass is jammed into jars and densely packed
    cabbage for the winter

    In boiling water, dissolve the sugar and salt, then add a half glass of apple or table vinegar and laurel leaf. Hot cabbage is poured into the cabbage. Banks roll up.

    Video: "Delicious cabbage salad for the winter"

    How to prepare a salad with tomatoes for the winter, a recipe with a photo?

    To prepare a salad will need not red, and green tomatoes.

    slicing vegetables

    The peculiarity of this salad is that all vegetables are not cut equally: tomatoes are slices, pepper is large straws, carrots are shallow, onion is semirings.

    Vegetables are poured with marinade and stewed for ten minutes over a small fire. After extinguishing, the vegetables are spread over sterilized jars.

    Vegetables are poured with juice, which was released during cooking, with its insufficient amount, you can add vegetable oil.

    Video: "Salad of green tomatoes for the winter"

    Salads for winter with Bulgarian pepper, cooking recipe

    This is one of the most popular and favorite salads for the winter, which has a special juiciness and bright sharp taste. Such a dish will become indispensable on every table and on a holiday and on a weekday.

    1. Three kilos of tomatoes of any sort
    2. should be twisted in a meat grinder. To prepare a salad, three kg of pepper( sweet) must be cleaned of seeds and cut in the favorite way: slices, cubes, halves or even straw.
    3. The twisted tomato is put on the fire and at the moment of boiling inPepper
    4. is added. The mass is seasoned to taste. It is necessary to pour half a cup of sugar into the pan, the necessary amount of salt( each hostess measures the right amount) and sharp spices
    5. After half an hour of languor, the vegetables are removed from the fire and put into prepared cans.

    Video: "Salad from Bulgarian pepper for the winter"

    Hot salads for the winter, recipes of vegetables in Korean

    Classic recipe of Korean carrots for the winter:

    Korean carrots for the winter
    1. Carrots are washed and peeled for Korean carrots
    2. Then carefully packed in sterilizationjars
    3. Marinade is prepared: boiled water is dissolved salt with sugar, vinegar and oil is added, garlic is squeezed out
    4. Carrots are filled with carrots and

    is rolled up. Cucumbers in Korean for the winter

    Cucumbers in Korean for the winter

    1. Carrot rubs on a large grater oron a grater for Korean carrots
    2. In a basin mixes carrots with sliced ​​straws or cucumbers
    3. Marinade is prepared: boiling water, oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, spices, bay leaf
    4. Vegetables are laid on banks
    5. Rinse with marinade, fill in the cans
    6. Roll the jars and store them upside down until the cooling

    Video: "Cucumber salad in Korean for the winter"

    How to prepare a delicious salad for the winter: advice and feedback

    The basis of a tasty winter salad - observance of all conservation rules:

    • washed vegetables
    • sterilized cans
    • balance of spices
    • fresh vegetables

    To make a salad for the winter delicious, you should try not yet pickled the dish to taste, so as not to overdo it and not to pepper. Roll up salads in small jars, so you will have more opportunities to try different recipes: add your favorite spices or vegetables.

    Video: "Blanks for the winter. Tasty eggplant salad »

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