A month-old baby is sleeping on the stomach. Can I sleep on my belly?

The use and danger of a newborn's sleep on the stomach. Alternative poses.


  • Huge joy overwhelms the inhabitants of the house! A new little man appeared and filled the space with his sound and the smell of
  • . The young parents bent over crumbs with tenderness and caution. They are happy and surprised him
  • But after a while on the shoulders of dad and mom will lie an increased burden of caring for the kids. Bathing, feeding, dressing, walking and many related issues will begin to swarm in their heads. Even sleep time is no exception.
  • Everyone knows about the importance of rest in a comfortable pose. And for newborn crumbs - especially
  • Posters in the hospital, leaflets, doctors' warnings, advertising and media trumpet about the dangers of sleeping a baby on the tummy
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Let's talk more about this topic.

The newborn sleeps on the stomach. Is it dangerous?

newborn baby sleeps on the tummy
  • The young mother of the firstborn survives for every occasion with her baby. She constantly hears an internal mentor, which requires ideal conditions and actions for the baby. Mum wants to know more about how to handle the baby so that it's comfortable for him.
  • We, adults, often forget that our children are little future adults, people, people who, like us, have their preferences. The same applies to poses in sleep
  • Yes, young parents bear an increased responsibility for physical comfort and development of the body crumbs. While he learns to fully control and hear the hands, feet, head, trunk of the
  • On the other hand it is important for the newborn's sleep to properly organize the space in order to avoid trouble and even death
  • . If the child sleeps in the crib itself, it should be avoided for a long time on the tummytime to sleep. The only question is how to do this? How to measure this very duration? Because pediatricians and recommend avoiding altogether poses on the tummy during the sleep of the newborn baby
  • Supporters of conscious parenthood advocate a joint sleep with the child from the first minutes of life. Then my mother, and later my father, control his position and comfort during sleep. Even if the baby falls asleep on the tummy, they listen and help him to take another pose
  • Or, for example, one of the methods of nursing weak babies after birth is a phone pose or belly to the tummy. In this case, the crumb sleeps on the belly of the mother and feels great both physically and emotionally.

Can I put the baby on my stomach?

small baby sleeps on his stomach
  • This question can be answered both in the affirmative and in the negative. Interestingly, both options will be correct for specific parents.
  • . Think about it, do you intentionally put yourself on the stomach before going to bed? Probably, you unconsciously choose this pose, because you feel more comfort in it
  • It also feels small. Even if he falls asleep on the back or side, then in time it may well turn over on the tummy
And yet there are specific reasons that encourage young parents to abandon this pose of crumbs during sleep:
  • syndrome of infant premature death( SDPS).Due to the physiological peculiarity of the neck muscles of a newborn child who, during the first month of his life, weakly restrains his head and is not able to deploy it quickly, medical statistics are regularly supplemented with data on SDPS.Therefore, in the maternity hospitals, midwives instructed under the painting of a young mother about the rules for organizing a baby's sleep in the crib during the first months of his life at home. The soft mattress and / or pillow of the
  • are also the causes of the SDPS.Young parents should know that before the first year of life, their child does not need a pillow. It is enough to put a diaper folded under the head several times. Mom is psychologically accustomed, but for a kid - more practical. If he burps while laying or in a dream, then it is easy to wipe it with a diaper and do not stain the mattress. The latter need to choose moderate stiffness so that the little one does not drown the spouts in it, if it manages to turn over on the tummy of the
  • , it can choke with that which will regurgitate. Yes, if at this time the crumb lies on the back or tummy, the probability of such a scenario is high. Exit - after feeding, wear your baby vertically, soldier, so that surplus air and food calmly come out
  • in case of illness, dry microclimate of the nursery, he can suffocate because of the crusts in the nose. A young mother tries her best to keep all the hygienic prescriptions of the pediatrician daily. But there are days when she does not have time for various valid reasons. And if the spout of a little bit is hammered a little, moves for air intake decrease. And this is dangerous suffocation
Alternative answer to the question of putting the baby to sleep on the tummy - do it in the afternoon, and at night in the first month of the child's life choose other poses. And since the second month, practice a bold dream on the tummy. So the gazikies will go out more quickly, and the pens are pressed to the mattress without chaotic movements, and the baby's sniff is equal and measured, and hence the sleep is stronger and healthier.

How can I sleep a newborn?

child is sweet asleep on his side
  • Your grandmothers and parents will unanimously say - on their sides, which must be changed after each feeding.
  • And children's doctors specializing in the bony system will answer that crumbs with hip dysplasia like poses create an increased load onsick places and cause pain or provoke the progress of the disease
  • Because the classic pose - on the back with the head stretched in different directions remains relevant for all generations
  • A good option is the floorflank. When you spread your crumb on the side at an angle of 45 ° to the surface of the crib. Under the backrest and in front of your tummy, put the rollers out of the fabric so that it does not roll over on your back or tummy.
  • . Allow the baby to sleep as he likes, if you are a supporter of sleeping
  • . How many fears and limitations live in our subconscious, we will do so many experiments and mistakes over ourchildren. Of course, the common sense and awareness of parents is the guarantee of the health and happiness of the baby
  • So listen to yourself, your heart! You will hear the answers to all your questions regarding the care of a newborn baby. And determine for yourself - is the pose on the tummy permissible for his sleep
Joyful parenting to you and a happy childhood for your kids!

Video: newborn baby's positions during sleep

  • May 27, 2018
  • 26
  • 194