Knitting with knitting needles of sneakers

We are used to understand under booties it is the pretty little zephyr-like slippers for babies, where there is a sea of ​​ruches and ribbons. Well, what if you try to embody the first children's shoes in the form of a sneaker or a sneaker? In addition, it does not matter for a girl you do them or for a boy. Having made a gradation in the design and color choice, you can make sneakers that will suit any kid, will become a memorable gift and then decorate the children's scrapbook or shelf in the sideboard.

  • Knitting technology
  • Booties sneakers for the boy

Knitting technology for the

Knitting of the pinets of this kind practically does not differ from the usual knitting of such children's shoes, except that it is slightly more complicated thematically and requires external similarity to sports sneakers or sneakers. For their work you will need three different yarn colors. In our case, red yarn was used as the primary color, white and black in the role of accent. Choose a color combination at your discretion, but do not take dark colors. Yet, it's children's shoes, and it should be cheerful in color.

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An interesting solution is to copy the style of popular sports brands, which will make it easier for you to choose the design ideas for future shoes.

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Booties sneakers for the boy

The beginning of knitting of the pins is no different from the usual in this case. On convenient knitting need about 26-30 loops, depending on the required size, and is tied to six rows, with each row on both sides need to increase the loop.

Also it is not necessary to be witty with patterns. Choose a conventional front loop or a combination of the front and back loop.

If you prefer to crochet, then use this tool. Just take the original hook of the correct size. When working with thick threads, the thickness of the hook should be either the same or slightly larger.

Read on how to crochet a summer kerchief

Approximately on the seventh or eighth row, you can make the first inclusions of another yarn. In our master class is black yarn.

Corrugate one row and again go to the previous yarn.

After that, tie a couple more rows and go to the main yarn, which in our case is already going to unfasten the flanks of boots.

Given that in adult footwear of this type, as a rule, high sides, in our children's booties, they should also be tied slightly above the ankles, divided into three parts - the front and side.

The lace will go over the front, the lateral will be sewn together when the product is stitched together. Sew them with a seam inside, just in the middle, to also simulate this seam, as in adult shoes.

Both traditional laces and braided laces from used threads are suitable as laces.

It is enough to have three holes for the laces on each side.

The slippers themselves are worn on the leg and without any loosening. Each hole is formed by sheathing in several layers.

Finished shoes can be additionally decorated. For example, for these purposes, suitable stripe sports theme, ranging from digital signage and ending with the emblems, logos of famous firms or teams.

  • May 27, 2018
  • 52
  • 155