Who needs thrombectomy - the pros and cons, reviews about the procedure

hemorrhoidal thrombectomy Sometimes on news tapes you can see an obituary for the death of a famous person, and it is indicated that the death of a clot was the cause of death.

This is a blood clot and it can form in any blood vessel or even in the heart. Most often it consists of fibrin protein.

A severed blood clot blocks the blood vessel and, depending on the site of the thrombus stoppage, can cause gangrene of the patient's limb or even the patient's death.

Treatment methods are several and one of the most effective is thrombectomy.

Contents of the

  • Procedure
  • Description of the procedure
  • Indications for the operation
  • What contraindications exist
  • How is the operation itself
  • Possible complications and rehabilitation
  • Comments and opinions on the procedure
  • Operation prices

The essence of the procedure

Thrombectomy of the hemorrhoidal node and lower limbs is surgical intervention ,that is, an operation.

Its purpose is to extract , to get a blood clot from a clogged blood vessel. Thereby restoring normal blood flow in the affected artery or vein.

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The technology of the operation has been tested for a long time and the procedure itself is considered quite comfortable for the patient. Moreover, with its help it is possible to extract practically any thrombus from any vessel.

thrombolytics streptokinase What is the use of thrombolytics in the treatment of varicose veins.

Rheovasography of the lower limbs - the correct preparation for the procedure is the guarantee of a quality result and patient safety.

Indications for operation

Operational intervention is resorted to if the thrombus can endanger the patient's life. And only after conservative therapy does not help. Each type of thrombosis has its own reasons.

For example, with hemorrhoids, readings are:

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  • acute form of the disease with thrombosed hemorrhoids;
  • conservative treatment did not help, while the patient suffers from severe pain in the anus;
  • necrosis of hemorrhoids;
  • the desire of the patient himself.

After the thrombectomy procedure, there was practically no re-occurrence of hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

In the presence of a thrombus in the inferior vena cava and ileum, the readings are: scalpel for surgery

  • acute venous thrombosis, which is accompanied by severe ischemia;
  • there is a threat of tissue necrosis in the basin of the main vein;
  • threat of separation of the thrombus and as a consequence of this pulmonary embolism.

What contraindications exist

Absolute contraindication is one - the terminal state of the patient. That is, when the patient is at death - lack of pulse, blood pressure can drop to 0, shallow breathing or even clinical death occurs.

Other contraindications are relative. This:

  • is the advanced age of the patient;
  • patient has contraindications to anticoagulant treatment;
  • the patient has active cellulite or he takes immunosuppressive drugs - all this can hamper the rapid healing of the postoperative wound;
  • the patient used to have phlebothrombosis;
  • situation when thrombectomy is difficult to hold - this is when thrombosis has struck deep veins and it is extremely difficult to reach them.

How the operation itself is performed

course of operation In most cases, local anesthesia is used. At the same time, it can be done even in an ordinary hospital, since it does not require any special tools.

After the surgical site is obezbalivaetsya at the site of blockage of the vessel, a small incision is made, of the order of no more than 0.5 cm, into which a small catheter is inserted. Through it during the operation with the help of a syringe the doctor will suck a thrombus.

Sometimes a thrombus can be too large or dense and when pumping it can damage the vessel walls. To prevent this from happening, the body of the thrombus is pumped with hydrochloric saline at high speed.

It is designed to soften the thrombus and divide it into smaller pieces that will be conveniently and quickly removed from the cavity of the vessel.

When performing surgery on large vessels in some clinics, the procedure is performed under X-ray control. When thrombectomy of the hemorrhoidal node, it is necessary to observe some conditions:

  • to make an enema for a couple of hours before the procedure;
  • patient should be with an empty stomach;
  • do not forget to conduct blood and urine tests before the operation.

Possible complications and rehabilitation

The procedure for surgical intervention, according to doctors, is designed so that it completely eliminates complications. But still, despite this sick couple of days can feel the pain and discomfort on the site of the operation.

Pain is removed with analgesics.

The rehabilitation period is rather short. And often patients literally in a couple of days are transferred to a day hospital until full recovery. When hemorrhoids after each chair, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the anal area and apply a dry bandage to the surgical wound.

Reviews and opinions on the

procedure In the World Wide Web, you can meet many questions about this procedure, which ask those who want to know more about it. And to these questions there are answers of doctors.

Let's study in more detail the reviews of patients who underwent thrombectomy of the hemorrhoidal node or lower limbs.

Her husband immediately did a thrombectomy on the vessels of his right leg. Before the procedure, the leg looked like this: a slight reddening, a swelling.

When walking, my husband experienced severe pain. But after the operative intervention, it took only a few days and a clear decrease in redness and tumor. The first steps showed that the pain was reduced.


The thrombectomy of the hemorrhoids was performed at the clinic. Himself to blame, because of shame turned late, which led to the operation. The operation did not cause any trouble.

As they say a few minutes of shame, and you can again sit like a normal person.


Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. The opinion of doctors. .. "

Trombectomy was made about hemorrhoids. The doctor did everything quickly, thank him with all my heart for this, and I was able to go home in half an hour. Of course, a few more days were observed, but everything went perfectly

Osintseva Т.V

The right leg was suddenly numb, it began to fail. There were severe pains. I had to go to the clinic.

I was lucky, the doctor was experienced, immediately identified the cause of the pain and sent to an emergency operation. Which has successfully passed. Thanks doctors, saved a leg.


But the doctors' reviews on such revelations patients:

No shameful disease. Just inappropriate with the disease of modesty and a frivolous attitude to their sores can lead you to the operating table.

And let it take a bit of time, but everything is lost.

Operation prices for

The price of a thrombectomy depends on the region of the country, and the complexity of the operation. The lower limit starts at about 4000 rubles per operation for hemorrhoids.

For thrombectomy from the inferior vena cava and ileum take much more - the lower lath begins with 20 thousand rubles .The final amount, as a rule, includes postoperative care with the provision of the ward.

Medical consultations are also not free, for them followers of Hippocrates will take from 1500 rubles and above. For the control postoperative examination with bandaging and the introduction of medications also have to fork out about 700-800 rubles.

And this is not counting the cost of the drugs used. For them you have to pay separately or bring your own. how is the operation done

As a conclusion, one can accept the fact that it is best not to bring to an operation. To do this, you must lead an active lifestyle. The transition to proper nutrition is also not a hindrance. Especially if you have a sedentary job.

Well, if there is nowhere to go from the disease, then should not bring emergency situations to , but rather contact doctors. After all, the faster a thrombus is detected, the faster and easier it is to treat it.

In addition, do not forget that the procedure itself for thrombectomy by doctors is not equated to medical operations. And after it, neither hemorrhoids nor other diseases leading to the formation of blood clots, do not pass.

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