Why does the heel hurt? Causes and treatment of pain in the heels

The pain that occurs in the heel can have several causes. In any case, it gives a lot of inconveniences and unpleasant feelings to a person.


  • Why are the heels of the legs hurt? Reasons for pain in the heels of the legs
  • Video: "Why does the pain in the heel appear? Is it always a calcaneal spur?
  • Which doctor should I use if my heels hurt?
  • Video: "Plantar fasciitis."Spurs" on the heels "
  • How to get rid of the pain in the heel?
  • Video: "Pain in the heel. What you need to know about exercise therapy? »
  • What will help ointment from pain in the heel?
  • What causes pain from the heel to the hip, the reasons for its appearance?
  • Video: "Achilles tendon injury"
  • What causes sharp pain in the heel, the reasons?
  • Video: "The pain in the heel is gone and overweight"
  • Why there is a pulling pain in the heel?
  • Where does the burning pain in the heel originate? Causes and treatment of
  • Why does heel pain occur at night?
  • How to understand why heel aches: tips and reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: "Pain in the heel. Overview of heel spur treatments »

Why do the heels of the legs hurt? Causes of pain in the heels of the legs

  • For sure everyone had to feel at least once in a lifetime pain in the heel when walking. There are many reasons why pain can come back again and again: from usual fatigue to joint pain
  • Heel pain is a fairly common symptom that occurs in almost every third inhabitant of Russia
  • Ignore this pain is not worth it, since the heel is an important part of the body. It performs an indispensable shock absorber function. For a whole day, it can withstand enormous loads, softening the pressure of a layer of adipose tissue alone.
  • Heel is the widest bone in the entire foot. This is the place of passage of all nerve channels that spread all over the foot. And that's why she's so sensitive. It can affect both injuries and diseases
heel - an important part of the human body

Important: If you feel pain in the heel - you urgently need to find a reason for them. Every time stepping on the foot, there are unpleasant sensations that worsen your life, limiting movement.

Possible causes of heel pain:

Heel spur is a terrible disease of elderly people and people who are overweight. The fact is that the spur can not be cured, you can only slightly relieve the unpleasant sensations.
Salt deposits are formed on the heel in the form of a built-up edge, the sharp end fits when walking in the tissue and creates an unpleasant stitching pain. The most severe pain is that which occurs after sleeping, when a person tries to get on the rested legs. When walking, pain can be reduced due to loss of sensitivity and addiction.

schematic image of calcaneal spur

Arthritis - inflammation of tissues. In this case it is a fabric that connects the heel with the fingers. This pain is characterized by a gradual increase and its strongest manifestations in the morning, after sleep, when the leg was long in a calm state.

is a schematic of the arthritis of the foot

. The fascia is a disease of the foot, when a dense formation in the foot tissues is formed, which impedes movement and creates painful sensations. Inflammation of tissues can be facilitated by the deposition of salts on the calcaneus bone, and to increase the painful sensation of permanent arrivals on the legs.

Fascia of the foot
  • Gout - joint damage due to excessive deposition of uric acid salts
  • Injury to the tendons - heel, especially with long walking or heavy loads
  • Reactive arthritis - effects from infectious diseases of the body
  • Overstrain of the foot and a long stay on thefeet
  • Thinning of the subcutaneous fat
  • A sharp increase in the weight of a person

Video: "Why does the pain in the heel appear? Is it always a calcaneal spur? »

Which doctor should I consult if my heels hurt?

Whatever the pain in the heel, it requires treatment. Do not assume that this is just an occupational disease to which athletes or professional runners are predisposed. Modern living conditions, uncomfortable shoes, long stay on legs and problems with excess weight become the causes of pain.

Important: More often than not, people complain of pain in the heel of one leg only and only a third of cases are caused by those suffering from both heels. The most severe pain occurs after sleep, when the legs were in a horizontal position for a long time and did not experience any load. It is not rare for a person to get limping and not even walking, trying not to press hard on the heel while walking, avoiding painful sensations.

Several doctors can deal with problems and diseases of the calcaneus:

  • therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • traumatologist
  • rheumatologist
  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • neurologist
  • rheumatologist

The specialization of the doctor depends on the nature of your pain. First of all, you should contact the treating therapist with complaints and he will refer you to the necessary specialist.

doctor traumatologist - orthopedist

To get rid of pain in the heel, the patient needs to undergo physiotherapy and medical treatment. Elimination of such pain can not be immediate and does not take a whole year.

Surgical intervention is recommended only in some cases, in the main patient it is necessary to undergo a course of physiotherapy, nyxes, bandaging, struggle with excess weight. During the period of treatment it is forbidden to wear tight shoes and shoes with heels.

Important: In order for a doctor to make a complete picture of the disease, the patient must take a blood test, X-ray and MRI.

Video: "Plantar fasciitis."Spurs" on the heels "

How to get rid of the pain in the heel?

As a rule, the treatment of heel pain is a complex exercise involving many procedures. It takes about a year, it is this term that makes you feel the changes in sensations.

Only in 1% of all cases do doctors recommend surgery. Often, to get rid of all the negative factors that contribute to the development of the disease, you should completely change your lifestyle.

Treating the heel of the spine

Eliminating the pain in the heel will help:

  • Therapeutic physical training : a variety of exercises and stretches are aimed at warming the leg muscles and the fascia of the foot. Such exercise should be done for both feet, even if only one hurts. It helps relieve pain and increase flexibility
  • Painkillers: some medications are able to eliminate pain and inflammation in the joints. In some cases, cool compresses to the heels of
  • are suitable. Orthopedic insoles: , this thing can weaken the load on the heel when walking, you can buy it at a specialized store or pharmacy.
  • . Banding: orthopedists recommend bandaging the foot with an elastic band to reduce the load on the fascia of the foot.
  • Corticosteroids: in some cases, experts appoint injections that have strong anti-inflammatory effects. Such injections are not shown to everyone, as they have many contraindications.
  • Surgical intervention: a very complicated operation for excising the fascia can be performed if not one of the treatment methods yielded results
  • Shockwave therapy: a new procedure that stillhas not had time to prove its 100% efficiency. With the help of a special device, sound pulses are sent to the heel of the

Video: "Pain in the heel. What you need to know about exercise therapy? »

What will help ointment from pain in the heel?

First of all, with your problem, you need to contact a specialist doctor, only he will be able to assign a really effective treatment: both physiotherapy and external pain relievers - ointments.

in the treatment of heel pain are applied external means

Ointments are able to have an anti-inflammatory effect and not a strong analgesic effect. Most often doctors appoint:

  • ointment diclofenac
  • ointment ibuprofen
  • valtarene gel
  • piroxicam gel
  • ointment Dimexide
  • ketorol gel
  • ointment indomethocin
  • Butadiad Ointment

Use an ointment course of at least two weeks. All this time, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of the drug on a sore spot and rub until completely absorbed. To heel the heels need often: at least three times a day. After the procedure, it is recommended to put a toe on the leg and ensure peace to the feet. Each ointment has the effect of:

  • softening of the skin
  • pain relief
  • improving blood circulation
  • removing inflammation
  • eliminating discomfort during movement

What causes pain from the heel to the hip, the cause of its appearance?

The causes of pain that affects the area from the heel to the hip can be:

  • excessive loads
  • injuries received
  • joint inflammation
  • pathology of the vascular system
  • varicose
  • muscle and tendon ruptures
  • pinching of the nerves
  • arthritis and arthrosis
  • gout
  • malignant tumors
pain beginningin the heel, can give to the thigh

The pain syndrome is completely diverse and its causes depend only on its location. Most often, the causes of pain from the heel to the thigh are pinched nerves or inflammatory diseases of the joints. The cause of unpleasant sensations should be sought in the place where the concentration of pain is the strongest.

The development of the disease is affected by factors such as:

  • infectious diseases
  • leg injury and support apparatus
  • broken metabolism
  • cancers

Important: A thorough examination of the therapist, a detailed blood test and an X-ray will give an answer to the cause of the pain.

Video: "Achilles tendon injury"

What causes sharp pain in the heel, the reasons?

Severe pain in the heel that has arisen from nowhere can occur for several reasons:

  • overstrain of the foot
  • damage to the adipose tissue of the heel
  • a long stay on the legs
  • obesity
  • trauma
  • inflammatory diseases

Important: The causes of the pain are divided into two groups: those that are caused withdefeat of the structure of the foot and those that are the consequences of diseases.

If you do not have any health problems, the cause of the pain should be looked for in an overly active way of life, bumps and leg injuries in recent times and a sudden weight gain, when the legs are not used to large body weight.

often pain in the heels arises because of problems with excess weight

Video: "Heel pain is gone and overweight"

Why does pulling pain in the heel?

It's difficult to say at once about the cause of pulling pain in the heel. In order to fully understand the cause of the disease, you need to examine each symptom in detail. Drawing pain can appear as a result of injuries, and because of the disturbed metabolism in the body.

The most common reasons for the appearance of pulling pain in the heel are:

  • inflammation of the fascia
  • tendonitis of the Achilles tendon - stretching due to excessive load
  • calcaneal spine
  • bursitis - inflammation of the joints
  • stress fracture
  • syndrome "tarsal fractures" - pinching of the nerve channels
metatarsal bone

Where does the burning pain in the heel originate? Causes and Treatment of

This symptom, like burning, can occur in the heel for reasons:

  • skin diseases
  • flatfoot
  • metabolic disorders
  • diabetes
  • joint disease
  • vegetative dystonia
  • uncomfortable shoes and misaligned

Important: Vegeto-vascular dystonia and varicose veins can be the causes of metabolic disorders in the body, as well as failuresfunctions of the nervous system.

If you do not have any diseases, then in cases of burning the heels, contrasting foot baths will help: a basin with hot and cold water. After the procedure, you should moisten your feet with cream, put on your socks and raise your head for a while.

Why does heel pain occur at night?

Heel pain during the night is not normal. The causes of such sensations can be serious inflammatory and traumatic diseases. Such pain is not removed by external means and requires the hospitalization of a person.

To get sick in the mornings and even at night the heels may be due to disabilities of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, in such cases without an X-ray, a blood test and a detailed examination of the doctor is indispensable. If for a long time you can not get rid of the pain with medical preparations and folk remedies - make an appointment with the therapist.

How to understand why the heels hurt: advice and feedback

Heel pain gives not only pain, but also a violation of the usual life. Often a person is difficult to move, can not wear his favorite shoes, is forced to rely on improvised surfaces.

How to get rid of heel pain that occurs in the morning:

  • try to eliminate the pain by cold - try to massage the heel with ice wrapped in a towel for 15 minutes, then lower your legs into a warm bath
  • use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
  • ointments and gels get a heel insertin the pharmacy and insert it into everyday shoes, its property: evenly distribute weight throughout the foot
pain in the heel can be eliminated with your own hand

If you have the opportunity, whenget yourself a special orthopedic footwear, which allows you to ease the pain when walking. If you have any kind of pain, you should give up playing sports, jumping and walking for long distances.

Video: "Pain in the heel. Overview of heel spur treatments »

  • May 27, 2018
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