What dishes can be made from radish? Recipes for cooking radishes

A selection of the most original and useful dishes from radish? How is roasted radish prepared, dishes with boiled radish, salads?


  • Than to fill a radish?
  • Recipe for roasted green radish
  • Recipe for lagman with radish, photo
  • Recipe for radishes with radish
  • Salad from green radish with apple, recipe
  • Salad from green radish with egg, recipe
  • Salad from radish and beets, recipe
  • Recipe for salad from radish and beef
  • Recipe for salad "Klyazma" with radish
  • How delicious to prepare radish: advice and feedback
  • Video: The secret of instant meat preparation

Earlier in Russia, radish was eaten on holidays, and every day. Now the radish is eaten, but not as often as in the old days, and in fact it is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, and the green radish is also vitamin A, and also minerals.

  • All varieties of radish( white, black, pink, green) are useful. White radish or daikon is the least bitter, there are no mustard oils that have an exciting effect, and therefore it can be eaten even by cores, but it has the least amount of vitamins and minerals.
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  • Green radish or margelan - juicy, sweet to taste, and black - the most burning, natural antibiotic, with a specific smell, and the most useful.

By the way, radish is also a sort of radish.

  • Black radish improves appetite, cures sciatica, cough, bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, removes stones from the kidneys .But it is contraindicated to those people who have a sick heart, a stomach ulcer and gastritis with a low acidity.

How to season the radish?

Rovensky salad - radish with cracklings

It fits well with meat products: beef, chicken. And also with vegetables( pumpkin, carrots, beets, cucumbers), apples and mushrooms .

How to season a salad with a radish?

  1. It is delicious and much more useful to have a radish salad with an apple or carrot if it is refilled with with a teaspoon of honey .
  2. If radish is sharp, fill it with sour cream, yogurt or vegetable oil , and sharpness will decrease.
  3. We clean the radish thoroughly, soak for half an hour in cold water , three on a grater, season with salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  4. A salad with black radish is prepared in Karelia: grate radish, crush cranberries, and season with radish along with juice, salt and sunflower oil. Salad "in Tambov" .Grated radish dressing kvass, salt, green onions, on a plate of salad overlay roasted on vegetable oil croutons of black bread. Salad Rovensky .Black radish grate on a grater and put on a plate, around the salad overlay with crumbs of black bread, and on top lay out well-fried cracklings of pork lard with garlic. Before serving, the salad is mixed. Salad with radish and raisins .Radish rubbed on the grater, finely cut the green radish leaves, add onions rings, a handful of raisins, fill with honey with sunflower oil.
  5. Grated radish mixed with finely chopped onions , season with salt, vinegar, black pepper, sunflower oil and sprinkle with parsley. Salad of stewed radish "Magyar" .Toast on the vegetable oil cut radish, add the soy sauce and stew until it softens, cool and season with sweet red ground pepper, sesame, chopped garlic and half-rings of fresh onions.
  6. To the grated green radish, add shallowly chopped onion, sauerkraut, season with sugar, salt, sunflower oil.

Recipe for fried green radish

Fried green radish with meat

For frying, not bitter varieties of white and green radish are used.

Fried green radish with meat

Recipe .

  1. Beef( 0,5 kg) fry in vegetable oil , pour 1 glass of broth and stew until ready.
  2. At the end of the fire, add to the meat 2 tbsp.spoons of soy sauce, sesame, a clove of chopped garlic, 50 g of shredded radish, half a glass of broth , mixed, stewed for another 7 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and sprinkled with chopped greens of dill .

Radish Free

This dish is prepared very simply, suitable for garnish or self-sufficient. Thick stripes of radish resemble fried fish, and thin - fish chips.

Recipe for .

  1. One long radish is peeled, cut into strips, dipped into claret, we take out of it and fry in a large quantity of vegetable oil from two sides.
  2. Clay . Mix 100 g of flour and starch , dilute with water to the test condition of , slightly thicker than pancakes, add salt, black ground and red pepper .

Recipe for lagman with radish, photo

Lagman in Uzbek with radish

Lagman is a hearty dish of Asian cuisine, something between the first and second. This is a complex dish, prepared for a long time.

Uzbek lagman with radish


  1. Noodles . From 750 g of flour, salt and water knead thick dough.
  2. Let him stand for 2 hours, and then thinly roll out and cut with long noodles.
  3. Boil the noodles, drain the water, rinse it and water with vegetable oil , so as not to fuse.
  4. Cooking meat with vegetables .Lagman can cook well in a cast-iron bowler.
  5. Beef( 900 g) cut into small pieces, fry on vegetable oil , add 1 large bulb cut into half rings, and continue to fry together.
  6. Add 3-4 tomatoes , cut into slices, or a few tablespoons of tomato paste and stew for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Then add the carrots cut into small cubes 1, 1 small radish, 1 large sweet pepper , and continue to simmer for 8-10 minutes.
  8. Add 3-4 potatoes, salt, ground black pepper to the vegetables and cut the vegetables with meat, and cook until ready.
  9. Serving the dish .In a deep plate we spread noodles, on it - meat with vegetables and sprinkle with greens .

Recipe for okroshki with radish

Okroshka with radish

It's still cold, but spring is already felt. With the first greens, we want something easy. It's time to cook okroshka.

Baked radish

Recipe :

  1. Boil 250-300 g of beef or veal .Delicious okroshka with radish will also come from a smoked chicken, enough will be 200 g of breast or one leg. And you can take 3-4 sausages and boil them. Meat products are cut into small cubes.
  2. Cook in "uniforms" 3-4 medium potatoes and 3-4 hard-boiled eggs .We clean potatoes, eggs and grind.
  3. Cut small cubes 1 large cucumber, a small bunch of green onions.
  4. One large or 2 medium radish three on a grater. If the radish is sharp, sprinkle it with lemon juice, let it stand for a few minutes and can be mixed with the rest of the products.
  5. Mix all the cut products in one pan, salt, pepper, pour 500-600 ml of kefir and serve it to the table. Okroshka in a plate sprinkle with parsley or cilantro.
  6. For those who prefer okroshka with kvass, you need to add prepared mustard products to taste, stir and pour kvass. Add sour cream and greens to the plate.

Salad of green radish with apple, recipe

Salad from green radish with apple

The most delicious salads with a radish are those that combine bitter and sweet. Sweet vegetables soften the bitterness of radishes.

Salad of green radish with apple

Recipe .

  1. Clean 1 radish, 1 carrot and 1 apple .All three on a large grater, season with sour cream, green onions and chopped dill .

Salad from green radish with egg, recipe

Salad from green radish with egg

In the winter and spring, radish dishes are especially useful - it is the prevention of colds.

Salad of green radish with egg

Recipe :

  1. Red onion( 1 pc.) cut into half rings and pour vinegar( 1 tbsp.) for marinating.
  2. 3 eggs hard-boiled , cleaned and cut into strips.
  3. 1 radish, 1 apple and 1 pickled cucumber , too, cut straws.
  4. Several cloves of garlic and parsley, dill finely chopped.
  5. Everything, except for greenery, is mixed in a salad bowl, we add marinated mushrooms( 170 g), several table spoons of cranberries, pour with vegetable oil and sprinkle with greens from above.

Salad from radish and beets, recipe

Salad from radish with raw young beetroot

At the beginning of summer, when young vegetables appear, you can prepare a salad. Salad of radish with raw beets.

. Recipe: .

  1. Clean and three on a large grater 1 large radish and 1 small raw young beetroot .
  2. Fill with apple juice, honey or sugar .

Recipe for salad from radish and beef

Salad from green radish and beef

Salad with green radish and beef

Note .In this salad, do not rub the radish, but cut it with straw.


  1. Clean 1.5 kg of green radish and cut it into thin strips.
  2. Young beef( 0.5 kg) is cut into strips and is fried in vegetable oil until ready.
  3. 3 large bulbs of cut in half rings and fry on vegetable oil until golden brown.
  4. All products are mixed, is filled with mayonnaise.

Recipe for salad "Klyazma" with radish

Salad "Klyazma" with radish

Salad appeared in Vladimir, in the 70s of the last century, and is named after the Klyazma River flowing there.

This salad is now very popular among the people and in local restaurants in Vladimir and the Vladimir region. It is very tasty and hearty, and because of the black radish( namely it should be taken in a salad), it is also piquant.

Salad "Klyazma"


  1. Cook the 300 g of beef or veal , chill and cut into strips.
  2. One small black radish three on a large grater.
  3. 400 g carrots rub on a large grater and the fry in vegetable oil.
  4. One onion cut into half rings and also fry in vegetable oil.
  5. Two eggs cook hard-boiled and cut into strips.
  6. All mix and fill with several spoons of mayonnaise.

How delicious to prepare a radish: advice and reviews

Radish, cut by straw

Some secrets of cooking a delicious radish :

  1. To make the black radish not bitter , cut it into slices and soak in cold salt water.
  2. If you want to remove the specific smell of radish , cut it into slices and soak in cold water.
  3. The radish salad will taste better if it is not served immediately, but let it brew in a cool place for about an hour.
  4. Piquant taste of radish salads gives a combination of the bitter taste of radish with sweet from carrots, apples, fried onions.
  5. Another way to remove the bitterness of black radish and the specific smell of : radish thinly cut or grate and pour vinegar.
  6. To a radish salad with beef was less caloric, instead of mayonnaise you can use yogurt or a mixture of olive oil and vinegar.


Ekaterina K. Pskov reg. .I also wanted to make a french frieze for my men. I went to the store and bought a green radish and a carrot. Deep-fried, all as in the recipe. It turned out "white" and "red" fish.

My son and I liked fried carrots more, and my husband - a radish. Thick pieces of toasted radish really tastes like roasted fish flesh, especially if they are cold. We liked the dish.

Dolly .I have been making this salad for 15 years, but I did not know that "Klyazma" is called. I found out when my friend was at volleyball competitions in Vladimir and brought back the recipe for this salad.

Video: The secret of instant meat preparation

  • May 27, 2018
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