What to do with pains in the hip joint when walking, getting up and sitting, at night? How to treat pain in the hip joint in women and men with drugs and folk remedies?

The article will help to find out the cause of pain in the hip joint.

Contents of

  • Causes of hip pain in women and men
  • Why are hip pains caused by sitting?
  • VIDEO: Coxarthrosis of the hip joint
  • Why do pains occur in the hip when getting up?
  • Why do pains occur in the hip joint during movement and walking?
  • VIDEO: The Lord of Pain. Pain in the hip joint
  • Why do pains occur in the hip joint at night?
  • VIDEO: Medical gymnastics for hip joints

In the human body more than three and a half hundred joints, the hip are the largest. Largely thanks to them, people are capable of uprightness. Unfortunately, in the hip joints there is something to hurt. This pain significantly affects the quality of life of a person, and its cause can lead to disability.

Causes of hip pain in women and men

I call the hip the formative head of the femur and the acetabulum of the hip bone. The complex structure of the joint allows the person to move the thigh in any direction:

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  1. The acetabulum has a continuation from the fibrous-cartilaginous tissue, the so-called lip. The lip makes the hollow deeper, allowing it to grab more than half of the head of the femur. Inside the acetabulum is lined with an ideal gliding hyaline cartilage
  2. The head of the femur is also covered with cartilaginous tissue
  3. Hip joints, like the knee, are special in that the ligaments are not located outside the capsule but inside it. This structure provides bone joints with additional strength
    Hip joint is in the hip joint
  4. Joints in the movement of large femoral and gluteus muscles
    A large number of blood vessels of various sizes pass through the hip joint
  5. Injury of the joint ischial, femoral and obstructive nerves
Human hip joint.

IMPORTANT: To relieve the joint, avoid injuries, it is necessary to train the femoral and gluteal muscles. Those who have "pumped" them, hip pains occur much less

The hip joint is always loaded when the person is in an upright position, the pressure of the entire upper half of the body is distributed to him.

IMPORTANT: In a young person, the cartilage of the hip joint is 70% water, so it is slippery and durable. Over time, the cartilage dries up, becomes fragile: pain in the joint, predominantly, appear in the second half of life.

Usually, hip pain is so intense that it can not be ignored. A person must consult a surgeon, an orthopedist or a neurologist.

Mobility of the human hip joint.

The causes of pain can be:

  • stretching gluteal or femoral muscle
  • tensile hip ligaments
  • jamming or inflammation of sciatic and femoral nerves
  • obturator nerve syndrome
  • osteochondrosis
  • sciatica
  • arthritis( inflammation of the infectious nature of the joint)
  • coxarthrosis
  • hip dysplasia or dislocation
  • bursitis( a condition characterized by inflammation of the joint bag)
  • fractures of the femoral and pelvic bones
  • necrotic changes in goFemoral Throat
  • Tuberculosis of bone
  • Bone cancer
  • Autoimmune and systemic diseases
Hip joint pain in men and women can cause a number of orthopedic and neurological diseases.

To relieve a person of pain and eliminate her cause, you need not only a doctor's examination, but also thorough examinations. The patient is referred to:

  • clinic, biochemistry and bacteriology of blood
  • immunogram
  • ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • MRI
  • dopplerography of blood vessels
  • electromyography

Why do pains occur in the hip when sitting?

The most harmless cause of pain in the hip joint is a prolonged sitting or sitting on an uncomfortable surface. Blood vessels feeding the lower part of the body are squeezed, the pelvis and legs receive inadequate nutrition. As a result, a person may feel numbness, tingling, or pain. To ease the condition, you just need to get up and move, make yourself a massage.

Coxarthrosis is one of the causes of pain in the hip joint when sitting.

A more serious condition leading to the development of pain in the hip joint may be coxarthrosis.

IMPORTANT: Osteoarthritis is the most common pathology of the hip joint that makes a person disabled

Coxarthrosis is the destruction of the hip due to degenerative-dystrophic processes in its cartilaginous tissue.

  1. Due to the load received by the joint, the death of cartilage cells occurs continuously. But new ones are also constantly being formed. With coxarthrosis there is an imbalance between the destructive and regenerative processes of
  2. The reasons for this may be mass. One of these is age: the hip joint cartilage begins to wear out after 40 years.
  3. The volume of hip movements in a person with coxarthrosis decreases

In medicine, 3 stages of coxarthrosis are isolated. And if at first, with the first of them, pain in the thigh arises only with loads, such as running, climbing a steep staircase, then at the second the hip joint aches and with prolonged sitting. The third stage of coxarthrosis is critical, pain can prevent the patient from sleeping at night.
There are two ways to treat coxarthrosis, they are selected based on the stage in which the disease resides:

  1. Conservative treatment is undertaken in 1-2 stages and includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs( ibuprofen, ketaprofen, budathion, others), chondroprotektors( chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine), muscle relaxants( miokalm, others);use of topical ointments and creams( menovazin, finalgon, others);physiotherapy and curative gymnastics
  2. Surgically, by replacing the hip joint with a prosthesis or with endoprosthetics, the third stage of coxarthrosis is treated.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to make an operation for replacing an arthrosis-eliminated hip with patients with heart or kidney failure, with a severe form of diabetes mellitus. They are doing palliative( supportive) operations

VIDEO: Coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Why does the hip pain occur when I get up?

Pain during an erection that occurs in the joint of the pelvic and femur bones is characteristic of arthritis.

With arthritis it can be painful to get up.

Many people confuse the concepts of "arthrosis" and "arthritis".Unlike arthrosis, arthritis does not destroy articular tissues, but inflames.
This inflammation can be

  • rheumatoid
  • gouty
  • purulent

Depending on the type, the treatment of arthritis may be somewhat different. But, basically, it includes:

  1. Drug taking. As in the case of arthrosis, these are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes it becomes necessary to introduce glucocorticosteroids into the joint. If arthritis is purulent, a course of antibacterial drugs is needed to drip into the vein( combine antibiotics from 2-3 groups)
  2. Physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics
  3. Surgical operation. Prosthesis of the hip joint is carried out only at the extremely severe stage of the disease.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes, in order to remove inflammation it is necessary to provide peace in the leg. To do this, use a tire or gypsum.

Why do pains occur in the hip joint during movement and walking?

The pain in the hip joint in a man, when he walks, can arise in almost any pathology of this joint. For example, often they are given by tendonitis.

The disease is characterized by an inflammation of the ligaments with which the muscles are attached to the bones. Pain in tendinitis from the hip joint extends to the back, pubic region, thigh. Because of her, a person can not walk normally.

Inflammatory ligaments in tendonitis can be painful in the hip joint when walking.

IMPORTANT: Tendonitis affects athletes who regularly overload or injure ligaments, as well as elderly people whose ligaments are weakened by

. In addition to pain during walking, tendonitis of the hip joint gives such symptoms:

  • pain when touching the muscles adjacent to the joint
  • crunching injoint during movement
  • hyperemia of tissues in the area of ​​the inflamed ligament
  • limb movements limitation

Treat tendonitis in this way:

  • hip joint immobilizes the
  • to tissues in the region ofSinge ligament applied
  • ice taking anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics
  • treated physiotherapeutic methods( ultrasound wave and laser therapy)

IMPORTANT: Treat hip tendinitis possible and non-traditional methods - mud, clay, lotions from folk remedies

VIDEO: Lord pain. Pain in the hip joint

Why do pains occur in the hip joint at night?

Pain in the hip joint at night, that is, at rest, gives such a serious orthopedic pathology as aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur.

With aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, the joint hurts even at night.

In the risk of aseptic necrosis - men from 20 to 50 years. The head of the femur is dying due to circulatory disturbances and lack of nutrition by nutrients. It occurs:

  • spontaneously
  • for alcoholism
  • due to
  • treatment after radiation therapy
  • due to untreated injuries

Symptoms of the pathology are:

  • intense pain even at night
  • lameness
  • atrophy of the thigh and calf muscles

Treatment of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is reduced toadmission:

  • medications restoring blood flow( antithrombotic)
  • vitamins
  • funds, promoting the resorption of necrotic tissue
  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • vasodilator preparations

IMPORTANT: During treatment, unload the joint, leaning on the walking stick when walking

VIDEO: Therapeutic gymnastics for the hip joints

  • May 27, 2018
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