Overview of effective and useful gum massage techniques

Everyone knows that the teeth need to be cleaned every day. But not everyone has heard of such a procedure, useful from all points of view, like gum massage. And he is no less important and useful than cleaning his teeth.

Gum massage improves the condition of the teeth, gives elasticity to periodontal tissues, is used as a curative and preventive measure for periodontal disease, periodontitis and gingivitis. The effect of this procedure is proved by science and tested by many years of practice.


  • Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of
  • What is useful for a massage with teething
  • Most popular techniques
    • Techniques for massage with a toothbrush
    • What is the finger method?
  • Gum massage in the teething stage
  • Basic rules and contraindications
  • How to achieve maximum effect

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of

Gum massage is a very useful manipulation for the health of the whole organism, and due to systematic procedures, high-quality prevention of a variety of periodontal pathologies is performed.

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Therapeutic effect of gum massaging:

  • prevention and control of stagnant processes;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • qualitative strengthening of gum tissues;
  • observed an accelerated rate of the metabolic process in the tissues;
  • reduces the number of cases of bleeding, swelling of the gums;
  • prevention of a variety of inflammatory processes of the oral cavity.

Everyone knows the technique of cleaning teeth. However, paying maximum attention to cleaning the tooth surface, a person forgets that the needs to do systematic gum massage. This is a unique opportunity for the prevention and even therapy of many pathological processes in the oral cavity. A day will take no more than seven minutes to complete the procedure. Regarding the therapeutic effect of massage, it is obvious and noticeable almost immediately!

The healing effect is due to the fact that after massaging the density of the mucous membrane increases substantially. This leads to the fact that all soft tissues increase resistance to external stimuli. Proper massage strengthens the lymph flow, improves blood circulation, which helps to reduce puffiness and bleeding in the gums.

Normalization of metabolic processes is observed, which stops all stagnant phenomena. The nutrition of the tissues in the periodontium improves, which affects the overall health of teeth, gums.

Than the massage is useful for teething

Teething teeth strongly affect crumbs. Most children feel unwell, they lose their appetite and the temperature rises, sleep is disturbed. To help your child with eruptions to survive unpleasant sensations and pain, you can use not only medications, but also simple, easy massage of the gums.

Each parent noticed that the kid is pulling toys and hands in his mouth. The fact is that with a mechanical effect on the swollen gum, the pain syndrome is alleviated. If you do a special massage, then the feeling of crumbs will improve.

This manipulation has a purposeful action, therefore from it there will be a maximum of positive effect. With the help of easy massage, itching and pain syndrome decreases, blood circulation significantly improves, which contributes to faster and painless eruption of the first teeth.

The most popular techniques of

Before starting the massage, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the best techniques and methods of affecting the gums that can be easily used at home.

The most popular and simple is the massaging of gums during brushing when a soft brush is used. If the bristles are stiff, caproic or nylon, there is a risk of damage to periodontal tissues. It is recommended to perform massage in the morning, and before going to bed use the finger method.

Techniques for massage with a toothbrush

To massage the gums with a toothbrush, you do not need to invent anything new, the techniques have been worked out for a long time:

  1. Methodology of Charts .It is necessary to hold the brush at the base of the teeth, the pile should touch the gums. The point of the villi should be directed upward, not touching the periodontal tissue. Technique: vibratory circular motions.
  2. Method of Shtilman .It is similar, but vice versa. It is necessary to keep the toothbrush at an angle of forty-five degrees, set the bristles down. Make movements in the sides.
  3. The physiological method of Bell .It is considered the simplest of all. Position the brush at a right angle, the movements are up and down. Capture the villi periodontal tissue.

What is the finger method?

Massage the gums properly. To do this, use the index and thumb. There is a direct and indirect way, in any case, the four main movements alternate.

Finger massage techniques:

  1. Stroking .It is the easiest way to influence the periodontium. Helps with stagnant and swollen phenomena. Begin with those parts that are not inflamed. Move smoothly to the spot of bleeding.
  2. Rubbing .Vortex movements are predominant in a spiral, do not forget to increase the radius.
  3. Squeezing the .It is important to put pressure on one point.
  4. Compression .It is made very simply, between the fingers it is necessary to clamp the parts of the gum.

A special device is used for the massage - the irrigator. This is a kind of device that has many useful functions. Qualitatively cleans teeth, conducts preventive maintenance of diseases of gums and teeth. Irrigator has a massaging effect due to water jet. Great for people using braces.

Gum massaging in the teething stage

It is possible to relieve a very complex and painful process with the help of special techniques. There are several effective massage options for the removal of soreness from the gums during teething.

Methods for Toddlers:

  • a gauze swab is used which is moistened with boiled cool water, then they should be led across the gums in different directions;
  • pressing your finger on the gum to perform forward and backward movements, the duration of the procedure directly depends on the child and his reaction;
  • uses a finger wrapped in wet cloth;cloth moistened with cold water, hold a massage, as in the previous version.

If there is no time for massage, you can use teats and chilled teethers.

If you decide to massage with a brush, then it must be disinfected before each use. Better yet, buy a new one and use it specifically for such purposes. If the gums are prone to inflammation and often bleed, it is wiser to give up improvised drugs and perform the procedure with your fingers.

Basic rules and contraindications

The principle of the procedure is quite simple. Even a baby can cope with it. Details can be checked with your dentist.

In order for a massage to have a positive effect and a proper result, some rules must be observed. First of all, it is forbidden to manipulate during exacerbation of inflammation, with caries and tartar, the presence of cracks. That's why before going to the massage course, it is recommended to visit the dentist to eliminate all the problems. You can start the procedures after the sanitation.

Recommendations of experts:

  • it is necessary to systematically do gum massage, preferably twice a day;
  • you can use the finger method or use a soft brush;
  • do not exert strong pressure on the gums;
  • duration of manipulation - 7 minutes;
  • fingers are smeared with toothpaste or olive oil;
  • all movements are smooth, slow, they should not cause discomfort and pain;
  • after massage it is desirable to rinse the oral cavity with antibacterial solution. Contraindications to the effects on periodontal tissue are as follows:
    • tartar, caries;
    • adentia;
    • inflammation in the acute stage;
    • destroyed roots;
    • installed braces, dentures.

    How to achieve maximum effect

    Manipulation is very useful in the form of preventive measures, due to which it is possible to prevent the development of periodontitis, periodontitis.

    For a more intense effect, the oral cavity is inspected, the stones removed and the destroyed roots removed. After the massage, it is important to rinse the mouth with boiled water, but broths will be more useful.

    Properties of herbs used to rinse the mouth:

    • chamomile has an antiseptic, astringent effect;
    • sage, calendula relieve inflammation;
    • eucalyptus has a harmful effect on bacteria.

    Broths are prepared quickly. It will take 1 tbsp.a spoonful of raw materials for 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes, then drain.

    Rinses that are useful for periodontal disease:

    • propolis infusion on an alcohol basis;
    • decoction from the walnut partitions.

    To achieve the best effect, massage is performed continuously, if bleeding occurs, gums can rinse and massaging in parallel.

    In summary, massage for gums is extremely useful and effective. It has not only preventive functions, but also a curative effect, which is important in the therapy of a variety of periodontal pathologies. Thanks to the numerous techniques and techniques of implementation, it will be easy to find one that is ideal for a certain person.

    In any case, it is advisable to consult with the dentist and eliminate the existing dental diseases.

  • Mar 06, 2018
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