How to store fresh greens in the refrigerator? How and how much to store green onions, parsley, fresh mint, spinach, basil, dill in the refrigerator?

Thinness of storage of fresh greens in the refrigerator.


  • How to store green onions in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store parsley in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store fresh mint in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store spinach in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store basil in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store sorrel in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store dill in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store salad leaves in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store cilantro in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store arugula refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store celery in the refrigerator and how much?
  • How to store wild garlic in a refrigerator and how much?
  • Video: How to keep fresh greens?

Fresh greens make our food more flavorful, tasty and healthy. For this reason, we like to add dill, parsley, cilantro and basil in both cold and hot dishes. They help us even with the onset of colds to consume the most vitamin foods. But since absolutely all green plants very poorly retain moisture, then they have to be bought in the smallest quantities.

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Unfortunately, this is not always convenient, because if members of your family eat a lot of greens per day, then you have to go to the market every day. Of course, not everyone has time to go shopping every day. For this reason, it's better to buy a little more greenery right away and just keep it in the refrigerator. About all the intricacies of storage of green plants and talk in our article.

How to store green onions in the refrigerator and how much?

Frozen green onion
  • Green onion feathers are very tender, so their storage requires special conditions. Such greens can not be kept at room temperature, already at + 12 the moisture from it starts to evaporate intensely, and it becomes sluggish and tasteless. Therefore, if you want the onion to remain tasty and juicy for at least a couple of days, then store it in the fridge.
  • Here he can keep his fresh from 7 to 30 days. If you need to extend the period of its validity literally for 2-3 days, then just lay it on a dish and put it on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. But make sure that his feathers lie free and do not bend anywhere. In the event that you bend them or put whatever products are, their structure will be damaged and they will begin to wilt.
  • If you need to extend the shelf life of onions by 10-14 days, then try to keep it in non-waxed paper. For this method of storage, it is best not to wash onions. If there is any dirt on it, then just wipe it with a soft cloth and put it on paper. Gently wrap the onions in it, sprinkle it over the water( use a spray for this) and put it in the green zone of the refrigerator. If you do not forget to periodically spray the paper with clean water, then your greens will definitely remain fresh for two weeks.
  • For longer storage, it is necessary to use the onion, which was dug from the soil directly from the root. After you bring it home, you will need to remove all bulky ground from the bulb, dip it in water and gently wrap it in pieces of cloth or paper. In this form, the onion is laid out in polyethylene bags with holes and laid in storage in the zero zone of the refrigerator.

How to store parsley in the refrigerator and how much?

Parsley in the
  • storage package The parsley leaves are even more tender than the onions, so without the right temperature and humidity they begin to fade just half an hour after you tear them from the bed. For this reason, it is extremely important to do everything so that this greens all the time had the opportunity to replenish its moisture reserves. It can be done quite easily.
  • If you put the parsley in a neat bundle, and then lower its stems into clean water, you can extend the shelf life of the product for at least a couple of days. But keep in mind that it is in the vegetable compartment that the parsley should stand in the jar. Here, the temperature indicators are as comfortable as possible for greenery, and therefore it is definitely not overcooled and does not start to turn yellow. In case you want to cook parsley for future use, then try to freeze it.
  • You can just rinse the greens under running water, dry it with paper napkins, and then, after cutting it, put it on a tray and send it to the freezer. Completely frozen parsley should be placed in sealed bags and sent back to the freezer. If you are willing to spend a little more of your time, then freeze this fragrant greens in a more interesting way.
  • Prepare parsley in the standard way, chop it as finely as possible and place it in ice molds. Fill them with either pure water, or melted and slightly cooled butter. After freezing, such fragrant cubes can be used to make soups and sauces.

How to store fresh mint in the refrigerator and how much?

Frozen mint
  • Mint will give freshness to the dish, whether hot or cold. Also very good this greens supplements drinks and desserts, therefore many mistresses in a season try to prepare it for future use. Many people think that the best way to store parsley is to dry it. But this process takes a large part of freshness out of it and leaves more taste of grass.
  • In view of this, if your goal is to preserve the menthol taste and aroma, then try to store it in the refrigerator. If you simply clear the mint from the debris, and then wrap it in a damp towel, it will remain fresh for 5 to 7 days. But keep in mind that for this method of storage, wash greens under running water is strictly prohibited.
  • As the water is supplied under pressure into the tap, a strong pressure can exert excessive influence on the gentle leaves of the mint, and they will be slightly damaged. Damaged greens, no matter how carefully you are not treated, lie for more than 2 days will not. Peppermint as well as the rest of the greens can be frozen.
  • This can be done as we described a little higher or put it in the freezer directly with the stems, previously tied into small bundles. Frozen mint in this way will have to be expanded into hermetically sealed bags and, if necessary, removed and cut as you are comfortable. The plus of this storage is that in this case you will have the opportunity to decorate your dishes not with pieces of mint and whole sheets.

How to store spinach in the refrigerator and how much?

Spinach storage in the refrigerator
  • Spinach is one of those plants that lose their useful properties very quickly after cutting. Stop this process can only a very low temperature. Therefore, it is best to store it in the refrigerator in the freezer. Put it there must necessarily clean and packaged in plastic bags.
  • Such spinach will remain tasty and useful up to 6 months. This greens can also be frozen in the form of mashed potatoes. It is better to pour it into plastic cups and tightly tie them with polyethylene. Puree, provided that you have prepared it from quality and fresh spinach leaves, can be used for cooking dishes from 7 to 9 months.
  • And if you want some time to eat fresh spinach, then just go through it and put it in food bags with holes for ventilation. Put them in the green area of ​​the refrigerator and take out as needed. Spinach, put up there in a way, will remain fresh for almost a whole week.

How to store basil in the refrigerator and how much?

Rules for storage of basil in the refrigerator
  • Cut basil very badly tolerates not only heat but also daylight, so if you want to extend the shelf life of this spicy greens, then store it in the fridge.
  • If you simply put the basil in a plastic bag or container with a lid, you can enjoy the taste of this product for another week. Those women who want to eat fresh basil almost until the New Year, can try to take it from the beds directly from the root and already in this form to keep in the refrigerator.
  • This method provides that the roots of the plant will be completely lowered into ordinary clean water. But in order to basil for a long time did not lose its beautiful properties, we must do everything so that its roots do not start a pathogenic microflora. Therefore, every day before going to work, do not forget to change the water in the jar and remove the wilted and yellowed leaves.
  • Freezing will extend the shelf life of basil almost 7 months. But to store in the freezer is best only the leaves of the plant. Since the stalk in the process of freezing deteriorates the structure, it is better if before you put the greens in containers for storage, you carefully remove all the leaves from it.

How to store sorrel in the refrigerator and how much?

Freezing sorrel for the winter
  • Sorrel refers to summer products, which are very difficult to store in fresh form. Even in the refrigerator to lie long, he can not. Without loss of useful and nutritious qualities it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. At the end of this time, he will inevitably begin to wilt and become unappetizing. Store fresh sorrel preferably in a bag or container with holes on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Yes, and dry leaves are best for storing, so if you washed them after they were brought from the bed, then always spread them on a cotton towel and allow to dry completely. And, of course, do not forget about the most popular method of storing greenery - freezing. Low temperature has almost no effect on this product, so if you wish, you can freeze as much sorrel as you need until the next season.
  • So, take the leaves of the greens, rinse them thoroughly in water. Pour it into a large bowl or pan, and then dip the sorrel into it. Gently mix it and let stand for 2-3 minutes. During this time, sand and debris will settle on the bottom and you will only have to remove completely clean leaves from the water. After that, put them on a paper towel and allow excess liquid to drain. Cut the sorrel into the pieces convenient for you, let them in the boiling water, and then cool and lay in the freezer.

How to store dill in the refrigerator and how much?

Frozen dill
  • Dill in our country is very popular. It is perfectly combined with almost all products and makes the ready-made dishes so fragrant that they are eaten with great pleasure by even the choosiest people. But unfortunately, fennel can grow only 4-6 months a year, so the landlady has to look for ways to extend the shelf life of this spicy greens.
  • A great alternative to drying is the refrigerator. Depending on what method you choose, the dill will be stored from one week to several months. If you wash a green plant, dry and wrap food film, you can store it in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. For a longer period, a glass jar with a sealed lid will help keep the green plant's freshness fresh.
  • It can be dumped in it with dirty, just pre-fold it into bundles. In this form, he will not lose his culinary qualities for 15-20 days. For longer storage, it is best to use a freezer. It can be laid as crushed, and whole sprigs of greenery so that they are well washed and packaged in portions.

How to store salad leaves in the refrigerator and how much?

Salad storage in container
  • Salad leaves are an excellent alternative to vegetables. Of these, you can make light salads, add them to sandwiches or use as a festive decoration of dishes. The tender and juicy structure of this green makes it indispensable for any feast. But the salad has one small minus, as soon as you recycle it, it starts to lose its moisture quickly.
  • Therefore, as a rule, we do not stock this product in large quantities and strive to buy it just enough to use during the day. But still if you know some of the nuances, you can store salad in the refrigerator for more than one month. The best part is that you do not need anything supernatural for this. If you bought a whole head of salad leaves, then divide it into separate pieces, gently wrap them in a food film and fold them into a container with a lid.
  • Keep it preferably in the department for storing vegetables and fruits. And finally remember, the main enemy of the salad is moisture, so it is best not to wash it before storing it. The leaves must be completely dry and, if possible, well-cooled.

How to store cilantro in the refrigerator and how much?

Secrets of long-term storage of cilantro
  • Cilantro is a very delicate herb, so it suffers a bad heat and low humidity. For this reason, keeping it just on the kitchen shelf is not advisable. If you want it to remain fresh for a while after cutting, try to keep it in the refrigerator.
  • You can use an ordinary plastic container for this. Lay on his bottom a paper napkin, and on top of it, put a washed and dried cilantro. Close the container with a lid and put it in the green zone of the refrigerator. This method will extend the shelf life of the product by about a week.
  • In case you need it to keep its taste and aroma for 2-3 weeks, then fold it down with leaves in a glass jar and pour it with cooled boiled water. Change the water in a container as soon as you notice even the most minimal color change.

How to store arugula cooler and how much?

Rukkola can also be frozen
  • Rukkola, like all salad plants after cutting, quickly loses vitamins and moisture, so it's also best to store it in the refrigerator. The easiest way to extend the life of its products is to tie them into small bundles and wrap their ends with food film. This will help to remain hands-on delicious for another 4-5 days.
  • Prepared in this way, greens, it is best to fold into a container or sealed bags. If you do not, then it will be saturated with foreign smells, which will greatly spoil its taste and aroma. For this reason, it is best not to store the arugula on one shelf with Bulgarian pepper, onions, garlic, carrots and beets.
  • Another great way to store arugula is to freeze it. You can send it to the freezer chopped or whole and keep there until the next harvest.

How to store celery in the refrigerator and how much?

Celery store in foil
  • Typically, late varieties of stalked celery are cut in the second half of October. This makes it possible for gardeners to use this fragrant product for the preparation of useful food practically until the New Year. If you, too, will store the greens grown on your plot, then take it from the garden on a sunny day.
  • So it can dry out well in the air and you do not have to get rid of moisture in the house. Celery celery as well as all the greens are best kept in the refrigerator unwashed. In the case of this herb, your main task is to create a sealed package. In view of this, if you put it in sealed bags or vacuum containers, it will be able to keep it fresh for up to 8 weeks.
  • If you plan to store purchased celery, then still in the store, pay attention to how dense and resilient its stem. If it easily bends and does not break, then it is not worth buying. Since such a product has lost almost all of its moisture, you can not keep it in the refrigerator for even the shortest time.

How to store wild garlic in a refrigerator and how much?

Pesto of the wild garlic for freezing
  • Whoever says that you will not be able to store the wild garlic in the fridge for more than 4 days. Its appearance after this time can still remain satisfactory, but the taste and aroma will already be not the same.
  • Therefore, if you want to use it for a longer period of time, then freeze the greens or grind it, add a little and put it in a glass container. These two methods will extend the shelf life of wild garlic for 3-4 months. You can also try to make a kind of a sandwich mix from the wild garlic.
  • Grind it as finely as possible, season with salt, pepper and mix with butter or twisted in a meat grinder. From the resulting mixture, form sausages, wrap them in a food film and send it to the freezer. You can eat the resulting product throughout the winter.

Video: How to keep fresh greens?

  • May 27, 2018
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