Shells and walnut septums: useful and medicinal properties, use, contraindications. Recipes and use of tincture on vodka, alcohol, kerosene, tinctures of green walnut

The benefits of walnuts have been known since time immemorial. Their nuclei contain large stocks of valuable compounds for humans. But, not less valuable is the shell and septum.


  • Useful and healing properties of walnut shells and partitions
  • Walnut shells for vodka and alcohol
    • Tincture for cleaning vessels
    • Treatment of inflammatory skin diseases
  • Walnut shell tinctures on kerosene
  • Tincture of green walnut
  • Tinctures from the partitions of walnutsnuts on kerosene
  • Tinctures from walnut partitions on vodka and alcohol
  • Application of infusions from shells and walnut partitions
  • Brothmagnifiers
  • walnut Walnut shells from tartar
  • walnut shells to remove hair
  • tips and reviews Video
  • .The use of walnut shells

Yes, they can not be used directly as food. But, various infusion and decoctions using these parts of walnuts are used as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunity-strengthening agents. A crushed shell - this is an excellent basis of home remedies for pilling.

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Useful and curative properties of walnut shells and partitions

Initially, walnuts were not very common in the world and only the higher nobility could use the gifts of these trees. Simple people could only use their "waste" - the shell. This is amazing, but because of the value of "content", in folk medicine, there are many more shell-based recipes than recipes using kernels.

In the walnut shell, a lot of tannins

Thanks to them this product is used:

  • for the treatment of stomach disorders.
  • In addition, such substances have a wound-healing effect.

Powdered shells spilled out onto the wound, then the injury site was bandaged. Thanks to this treatment, tissue regeneration rate increased several times.

The shells and septa of these nuts contain a large amount of vitamins A and with .Due to this, infusions and decoctions of them are widely used for general strengthening of the body and improving the hormonal background.

In addition, they include substances that help strengthen and clean blood vessels .
In folk medicine , a decoction of the shell is used to treat erosion and inflammation.
For the treatment of skin diseases water decoctions are used from the partitions.

Thanks to the large content of iodine in the described products, with their help, it is possible to fill the deficiency of this substance in the body.

Lack of iodine can provoke weakness, increased blood pressure, memory problems, insomnia and weakened immunity.

In order to reduce the risk of such problems, you should periodically prepare the broths from the partitions and drink them in courses.

Cases and partitions are treated with

  • diabetes mastopathy
  • fibroadenoma
  • fibroids
  • polyps in the intestine
  • prostate adenoma
  • joint diseases

and other diseases.

They are used to prepare decoctions, water and alcohol infusions.

Tinctures of walnut shells on vodka and alcohol

Most often, the shell is used to treat various ailments in the form of alcohol or water infusion

With such preparations at home, preparations can effectively combat lichen, eczema and other dermatological diseases.

Tincture for cleaning vessels

In order to clean the vessels from cholesterol plaques, you can use an old proven tool.

RECIPE : You can prepare it from the shell of 15 nuts, fill 1.5 liters of vodka. The product should be infused in a dark place for 15 days. After that, it should be taken on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon not more often than once a day.

He also can prevent the formation of cysts and tumors.

Treatment of inflammatory skin diseases

For external use from various skin problems it is also possible to prepare such a tincture

RECIPE : But, unlike the previous recipe, it is prepared on water. To do this, crumble the shell 20 nuts, pour boiling water and insist for 2-3 hours. This means is impregnated with cotton cloth and applied to the affected area.

You can take an aqueous tincture to improve the quality of the skin and inside. Dosage 50 ml three times a day.

Ingredients from walnut shells on kerosene

The invention of the recipe for such a tincture belongs to the well-known Moldovan scientist M.P.Todik. He used a shell of green walnut to prepare a remedy for radiculitis .But, these parts of the unripened nut infused on kerosene are effective in the treatment of other ailments, many of which were considered incurable.

The original tincture consisted only of the walnut walnut

. Later, it also included such components as propolis, pollen, wormwood, tar, birch and poplar buds, laurel and cherry leaves, garlic, myrtle, etc..

You can enhance the effect of this tool if you add walnut leaves to the green shell. Even more intensify this tincture is possible with the help of echinacea. This, unfairly forgotten by many plants has more benefits than the popular in the people root of ginseng.

It's quite difficult to get kerosene today. Yes, and the one that is sold needs to be cleaned. To do this, it is boiled in a water bath with salt, mixed with boiling water, adsorbed on birch ashes and filtered through a compacted pulp of black bread.

But, if you can get purified kerosene, then all the above chain of action can be skipped.

IMPORTANT: Tincture on kerosene is not kerosene. After insisting in it, the number of oils increases many times and the amount of pure kerosene harmful to the body decreases. This is the same as comparing poisonous chlorine and sodium chlorine( salt).

Tincture of green walnut

To prepare such a tool, fill the glass container with 70% of the shredded parts of the green walnut

. They need to be filled with purified kerosene, completely filling the container with liquid.

If you want to supplement the product with components such as sage, echinacea, calendula, etc., then, for greater efficiency, it is necessary to insist separately, and mix only after 40 days. The best formula for such a tincture is

RECIPE : milk walnuts( 52%), calendula( 18%), sage( 18%) and echinacea( 12%).

Use of this tincture can be used for the treatment of diseases:

  • Uterine
  • Uterine asbestos
  • Ovarian
  • Prostate
  • Colon
  • Kidney
  • Skin diseases
  • Joint problems
  • Venereal diseases

Contraindicated is an allergy agent for its components, iodism, pregnancy, leukemiaand tuberculosis.

For the treatment of internal organs is shown rubbing tinctures of lines along the spine for 15-20 minutes.

When rubbing the funds in the lower parts of the spine, radiculitis can be cured. For relief of pain with joint disease , tincture of green walnut on kerosene rubbed into the affected area.

For the treatment of angina, it is applied directly to the source of the disease: the mucosa in the throat. Teeth and gums are treated with rinses of this remedy.

To get rid of diseases of internal organs and for the general strengthening of the body take the tincture inside. For this, five drops of this remedy are diluted in 200 ml of water and drunk on an empty stomach 1 time per day. Eating is possible 20 minutes after the use of this remedy.

Tinctures from walnut partitions on kerosene

As you can see, the partitions are a very useful part of the

nuts. But, in order to take advantage of the useful substances from them, these partitions must be extracted with alcohol or kerosene.

RECIPE : To prepare tincture on kerosene, it is necessary to pour 1 part of the partitions with 10 parts of this combustible liquid. Insist partitions in kerosene for 2-3 months in a cool dark room. Capacity, with future tincture should be periodically shaken.

The readiness of such a tool can be determined by the characteristic brown color, in which it should be colored. It can be stored for 2-3 years. Take the tincture is possible only after consulting a specialist.

Tinctures from walnut partitions on vodka and alcohol

RECIPE : To prepare such a tincture, it is necessary to pour 250 g of septums of 0.5 liters of vodka. To insist this remedy is necessary in a bottle of dark color for about 2 weeks.

Tincture of their septum well helps with high blood sugar

To normalize it, dilute 10 drops of this drug in a tablespoon of water at room temperature and drink on an empty stomach. It is allowed from one to three receptions of such a tincture per day. The course of treatment is 5-6 weeks. After that, you must necessarily take a break and, if necessary, again to conduct a course of treatment.

It also has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. With its help it is possible to conduct general strengthening prophylaxis.

Use tincture on partitions can be used to treat intestinal diseases such as colitis , enteritis and functional disorders. For this purpose, this agent( 7 drops) should be diluted in a tablespoon of water and drunk on an empty stomach. Take the tincture you need twice a day for 30 days.

Application of infusions from shells and walnut partitions

Tincture of walnuts well strengthens the cardiovascular system

For this, it should be drunk 5 drops 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After that you need to take a break and again hold a course.

Since these parts of the nut are rich in iodine, the agents based on them are good for thyroid diseases .With these problems, you need to drink tincture a half teaspoon twice a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. After 1-2 months, the course can be repeated.

Treated by such means and usual cough. To do this, tincture is drunk 4 times a day for one teaspoon, necessarily with plenty of warm water. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Decoction of walnut shell

Decoction of this nut is also very popular in folk medicine

With this tool, can be cured by erosion of the cervix.

RECIPE : To prepare a decoction from this ailment, it is necessary to put 2-3 nuts in the pan and pour a glass of water into the pan. The broth is cooked until the moment when the water does not turn brown. The product is diluted 1:10 with water and applied to the affected part of the body with douching.

For the treatment of skin itching

RECIPE : grind walnut shells( 5 tablespoons).Add a tablespoon of the dry crushed root of burdock, a tablespoon of nettle root. Cook the product in 1.5 liters of water for about 25 minutes. Then add one teaspoon of valerian root, mint, melissa, sage and basil. And cook for another 10 minutes. Drink such a decoction on a tablespoon 2 hours after eating. The course of treatment is a month.

The walnut shell is an effective remedy for many diseases. But, it may not suit everyone. Even if the body does not respond to the reception of this remedy, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage and course of treatment.

Walnut shell from tartar

Some dental diseases( for example, periodontitis) begin with tartar

When removing this formation, enamel may suffer. With the help of traditional medicine, you can not only carefully remove the tartar, but also strengthen your teeth. The best means for this purpose is a decoction from the walnut shell.

It should be strong, without cracks and other defects.

RECIPE : To prepare the broth, take 40 grams of this shell, pour a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes.

RECIPE : To remove plaque, it is necessary to soak the brush in the prepared preparation for 10 minutes and brush your teeth. This procedure should be repeated three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Walnut shell for hair removal

Unwanted vegetation on the body can be removed in a variety of ways.

Some of them cause pain during removal. Others have a negative effect on the skin. Natural remedies, some of which can be prepared from the shell, are free from these drawbacks. They not only effectively fight unnecessary hair, but also take care of the skin.

The easiest way to remove unnecessary vegetation is to use the juice of a green walnut.

RECIPE : For this purpose, the fruit is cut into two parts and a portion of the juice is smeared with the selected juice, where it is necessary to get rid of unwanted hair. If you carry out this procedure regularly, then after a while you can forget about the hair.

Unfortunately, not everywhere in our country you can get walnuts at this stage of maturation. Therefore, the most popular means for hair removal is their dry shell.

RECIPE : You need to grind it and pour two tablespoons with two glasses of water. Boil 20 minutes and from the product to make compresses. Which must be applied to those areas where unwanted vegetation is located.

Tips and Feedback

Cyril. I use shells at the cottage as mulch. Slugs and other pests prefer to bypass it.

Olga. And we with children from such a shell do various crafts. Even participated in the competition with them. Such handicrafts develop motor skills and fantasy in children.

Video. The use of walnut shells

  • May 27, 2018
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