The dog was bitten by a tick - pyroplasmosis( babesiosis): the first signs, the consequences. Pyroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pyroplasmosis is a seasonal disease dangerous to dogs, carried by infected mites. With timely detection, the disease is well treatable.

Contents of

  • Dog or puppy was bitten by a tick - pyroplasmosis( babesiosis), is it treated?
  • Which mites carry pyroplasmosis?
  • First signs and symptoms of pyroplasmosis in dogs
  • Smear on pyroplasmosis how to do?
  • Blood test and laboratory diagnosis of dog pyroplasmosis: pyroplasmosis under a microscope
  • Incubation period of pyroplasmosis in dogs
  • Treatment of pyroplasmosis in dogs at home: effective scheme
  • Drugs and preparations for pyroplasmosis for dogs
  • Pyroplasmosis in dogs after treatment
  • Complications after pyroplasmosis in dogs
  • Chronic pyroplasmosis in dogs, symptoms of
  • Can a dog get pyroplasmosis again?
  • Pyroplasmosis in a pregnant dog: consequences of
  • How to restore a dog after pyroplasmosis: rehabilitation?
  • How to feed a dog after pyroplasmosis?
  • Prophylaxis of pyroplasmosis in dogs: drugs, inoculation, vaccine
  • instagram viewer
  • Do cats suffer from pyroplasmosis?
  • Why do the mongrel do not get pyroplasmosis?
  • Video: The dog was bitten by a tick. Pyroplasmosis. Treatment.

Ticks can become carriers of infectious diseases. Therefore, if the dog is bitten by a tick, you need to observe its condition, behavior and health.

The most dangerous disease for dogs, carried by mites - pyroplasmosis( babesiosis) .Pyroplasma canis( Piroplasma canis) are the simplest unicellular harmful microorganisms that fall under the skin of an animal along with the saliva of an insect.

About the diseases carried by infected mites to animals, read Encephalitis in animals: how does it manifest in cats and dogs? Bite of encephalitic mite in dogs and cats: symptoms, signs, treatment, vaccination

IMPORTANT: Dog owners should inspect the neck, head, chest, ears and groin of their pets for detection of sucking ticks after each walk.

Pliers in the ear of a dog

A dog or a puppy was bitten by a tick - pyroplasmosis( babesiosis), is it treated?

The activity of pyroplasma is aimed at the destruction of red blood cells. The body of the affected animal very quickly accumulates a critical amount of toxic products of the decomposition of hemoglobin, which disrupts the work of all internal organs.

A few days after the bite, the dog's condition can deteriorate sharply. Sometimes the disease proceeds super-fast. Then the death of the animal occurs without the appearance of marked signs of the disease.

IMPORTANT: If a sucking mite is found, remove it with a pair of tweezers as soon as possible. The procedure is carried out only with gloves, avoiding contact with the tick. After extraction, the parasite is burned.

The dog was bitten by the

mite. The vet clinic will have to be contacted if the dog's behavior and condition have changed markedly after the bite. In the clinic they will take necessary tests and prescribe a course of specific treatment.

The treatment of plasmapheresis is carried out with the help of highly toxic preparations and is aimed at:

  • disposal Piroplasma canis
  • decrease in intoxication
  • maintenance of the body's vitality

IMPORTANT: The earlier the treatment of pyroplasmosis is started, the better the chances of curing the dog. Recovery at best will last 4 to 5 weeks.

Extracting a tick in the veterinary clinic

What kind of ticks carry pyroplasmosis?

Pyroplasmosis is carried by infected ixoid mites. The pyroplasm is in the saliva of the insect and penetrates the dog's blood during the bite by the parasite of its skin.

Filled dog mite

The size of the mite is from 0.2 to 5 mm. Outwardly they resemble miniature crabs or harmless rounded spiders. However, the appearance of the tick is very deceptive. Blood-sucking parasites will not miss the chance to attach themselves to the body of a dog or a man and firmly anchor in the place of their meal. Having become full, the mite swells, grows white and increases tens of times.

Plaque carriers of pyroplasmosis

First signs and symptoms of pyroplasmosis in dogs

The manifestation of symptoms of the disease depends on its shape.

There are 3 forms:

  • acute
  • chronic
  • latent

In the first case( acute form ):

  • behavior of the animal is clearly changing
  • appears lethargy, weakness, lost interest in what is happening
  • dog refuses to walk and generally move
  • appears fever and fever,the temperature rises to 42 ° C
  • urine darkens and acquires a dark brown or brown shade
  • mucous membranes pale or yellow
  • breathing becomes disrupted - becomes heavy and frequent
  • possiblen paralysis of the extremities

The death of the animal occurs on the 3rd - 7th day.

The lack of mood and appetite in the dog - the first signs of pyroplasmosis

IMPORTANT: The first signs of an acute form of pyroplasmosis can be confused with a simple lack of mood and appetite in the dog. However, if the "mood is gone" shortly after removing the tick from the body of the dog, you need to urgently contact the veterinarian.

With the chronic form of pyroplasmosis, all symptoms are blurred, from the apparent external signs of disease progression - fatigue and weakness of .

The blood test shows a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells. The death of an animal that does not receive proper care comes in 3 to 7 weeks after infection.

No latent symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Pyroplasmosis is a disease that can not go away without treatment. Without special therapy, the dog will die, and delay will reduce the chances of recovery.

When pyroplasmosis is observed icterus of mucous

Smear on pyroplasmosis how to do?

Capillary blood sampling is carried out from the ear of the animal as follows:

  • shaves the wool from the inside of the ear
  • treats the skin with disinfectant
  • makes a small incision of the skin
  • a drop of blood is placed on a slide
  • a smear is formed.
  • , the preparation is dried and painted. Diff-Quick
  • is covered with coverslipsglass
  • study the sample with a microscope.

IMPORTANT: The results of this assay can be obtained immediately, on the first admission.

The results of the analysis on pyroplasmosis can be obtained on the first reception of

. Blood analysis and laboratory diagnosis of dog pyroplasmosis: pyroplasmosis under the

microscope. The analysis helps to detect the dangerous disease as soon as possible:

  • , the presence of a large number of destroyed red blood cells
  • in the reddened babesium
Babesiain the blood with pyroplasmosis

For the purpose of treatment, it is important to exclude other similar diseases, namely: leptospirosis, glomerulonephritis, Yeni poisoning poisons distemper. For this laboratory diagnosis urine of a sick dog is also exposed. If detected hemoglobin , the diagnosis is confirmed.

IMPORTANT: If the results of laboratory tests have not confirmed the presence of pyroplasmosis, but there are all the signs, and the animal has recently suffered a tick bite, it is recommended to repeat the analysis in a day.

Babesia in the blood under a microscope

Incubation period of pyroplasmosis in dogs

The incubation period begins from the moment of the bite and lasts 4 to 15 days .The duration of it depends on the number of parasites found in the blood, the duration of bloodsucking and the immunity of the animal.

IMPORTANT: If the dog has already had a pyroplasmosis wound, or if a prophylactic serum has been introduced, the incubation period lasts longer.

Incubation period of pyroplasmosis - 4-15 days

Treatment of pyroplasmosis in dogs at home: an effective regimen of

There is no question of any home treatment for pyroplasmosis. The drugs used to kill parasite-pathogens are very toxic. An incorrect calculation of the dosage can lead to the death of the dog.

IMPORTANT: To introduce highly toxic preparations without having test results does not make sense, since they do not even have prophylactic properties.

To remove intoxication at home it is possible with the help of droppers of saline solutions. But in the difficult case of saving the animal's life, only a blood transfusion can be performed, which it is impossible to perform at home.

If you do not have the opportunity to take the dog to the veterinarian, you can try the following treatment at home:

  • antiparasitic tool
  • watering the dog with soda

IMPORTANT: If the animal has an average or severe degree of pyroplasmosis, such treatment will not help - the dog will die.

Treatment of pyroplasmosis should vet

Drugs and preparations for pyroplasmosis for dogs

Treatment is carried out in a complex, step by step:

Stage1 - Destruction of pyroplasma .For this antiprotozoic agents are used:

  • Veriben, Berenil, Azidin ( the active substance diminazine) is the least toxic. However, there is a possibility of an individual reaction with instantaneous blocking and brain damage.
  • Imizol, Imidocarb, Pyro-stop ( active ingredient of imidocarb) are serious toxic chemical agents.

Stage 2 - Acidification of urine

This step is necessary to maintain normal kidney function. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate is introduced, which prevents the formation of hemoglobin crystals in the urine, which can clog the canals in the kidneys.
The dog must be given a drink soda solution, prepared from the calculation of 2 g of soda per 10 kg of the animal's weight.

IMPORTANT: The level of hemoglobin in the urine is monitored every few hours. Sodium intake into the body is necessary until the complete removal of hemoglobin from the urine.

Crystals formed by the products of the decomposition of hemoglobin in urine

Stage 3 - Auxiliary treatment of

Vitamins, diuretics, glucose, drugs for the restoration of blood circulation can be used .

Step 4 - Blood purification

Can be used:

  • blood filtration outside the body
  • transfusion
In pyroplasmosis, a dog may need a blood transfusion

Pyroplasmosis in dogs after treatment

Pyroplasmosis can be cured only by using toxic drugs that will not only kill parasitic microorganisms, but also negatively affect the health of the dog. The expressed side effects of the use of these agents are likely to appear after treatment:

  • Imidocarb poisons the nervous system, as a result of the use of drugs on its basis, there is a violation of the balance of neurotransmitters. The risk of allergy to the drug is also high. To somewhat reduce its negative impact, use atropine and antihistamines just before the introduction of imidocarb.
  • Diminazin has a pronounced neurotoxicity. It is effective in removing pyroplasm, but the frequency of complications is so high that the remedy is used only in extreme cases.
Treatment of pyroplasmosis with toxic preparations adversely affects the health of the dog

Complications after pyroplasmosis in dogs

The health of a dog that survived pyroplasmosis can be severely impaired. Because of the harmful activity of parasites, the work of many animal organs and systems is damaged, namely:

  • Because of the destruction of red blood cells, anemia develops.
  • Blockage of renal tubules by crystals of hemoglobin of urine leads to renal failure.
  • Toxic hepatitis is the result of severe intoxication.
  • Oxygen starvation of tissues leads to a violation of breathing and the development of arrhythmia.
  • Seizures can be caused by hypoxic brain damage.
Complication after pyroplasmosis in a dog may require additional treatment

Chronic pyroplasmosis in dogs, symptoms

Chronic pyroplasmosis can develop in a dog in several cases:

  • animal immunity is elevated, and in active form the disease has not manifested
  • immunity is lowered, after treatment in the blood remained parasites.
  • the animal suffered several times pyroplasmosis.
  • body resistance decreased due to stress during treatment.

IMPORTANT: The peculiarity of chronic pyroplasmosis is the constant presence in the blood of the dog of weakened parasitizing microorganisms that can not reproduce. But as soon as the animal's immunity weakens, the pyroplasm quickly becomes active, and the chronic form of pyroplasmosis can pass into the acute one.

Symptoms of chronic pyroplasmosis are poorly expressed. Most notable:

  • general weakness
  • fatigue
  • icterus of mucous

Can the dog get pyroplasmosis again?

A dog can get pyroplasmosis repeatedly. After the disease, the animal remains very unstable and short-term immunity - about 4-6 months .At the end of this period, the risk of contracting pyroplasmosis resumes.

Dog can get pyroplasmosis again

Pyroplasmosis in pregnant dog: consequences of

Unfortunately, even successful treatment and complete recovery from pyroplasmosis of the pregnant bitch does not give any guarantee that the pregnancy will end with normal births of healthy puppies, since there is a high probability of miscarriage or stillbirth.

But even if the birth is successful, it's not a fact that the puppies will be viable.

After recovery, the dog will need to make ultrasound. If it turns out that the fruits are dead, they will need to be surgically removed.

IMPORTANT: There are cases of recovery of a pregnant female and further normal births of viable puppies. Everything depends on the age and immunity of the dog, the amount and time of activity of the parasites in her body, the individual reaction to the drugs administered.

For a pregnant dog, pyroplasmosis can result in stillbirth

How to recover a dog after pyroplasmosis: rehabilitation?

The rehabilitation period is very important for restoring the dog's health. For a long time after the disease, the animal may experience complications from different systems and organs.

It is important for the owner of a dog to detect changes in the health of the animal on time and to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Depending on which organ is suffering, the doctor will prescribe a course of specific supportive and restorative drugs.

IMPORTANT: The recovery period may take several months. At this time, you should try to limit the dog in movements: active games, running, long walks - under strict prohibition.

Until the veterinarian says that the dog is absolutely healthy, you will have to periodically take blood and urine tests of the animal.

During the recovery of the dog, it is necessary to donate blood for the analysis of

. What to feed the dog after pyroplasmosis?

During the recovery period, the dog food should contain the minimum amount of the protein, since it is difficult to digest.

For those animals that eat freshly prepared food, porridges, boiled vegetables, fermented baked milk, kefir, veal will do.

If you use purchased ready-made food for feeding, during the recovery period, you will need to choose dog food with impaired or sensitive digestion.

Dog suffering from pyroplasmosis should be provided with dietary nutrition

Prophylaxis of pyroplasmosis in dogs: preparations, vaccination, vaccine

There is no effective inoculation against pyroplasmosis, but today there is a wide choice of means for protection against ticks: sprays, collars and drops on the withers.

For protection during the walks of the "apartment" dog , spray is sufficient. Sprays Front Line from the French company Merial and the Russian Bars proved to be very successful. They need to work the dog on the balcony or on the street. If the animal with a thick and long hair, it is necessary to make the progenitors and spray the spray in them.

IMPORTANT: One click of the head sprays about 0.7 ml of spray. For an adult dog, it will take 5-7 strokes per 1kg of animal weight.

A simple spray application is not enough. Wearing rubber gloves, you need to rub the product into the skin. If the spray remains on the wool, there will be no talk of any protection against ticks.

IMPORTANT: As long as the product does not dry up, you must not let the dog lick it off.

Spray treatment is carried out every 3-4 weeks.

If the is planned to stay in nature for a long time( in the forest, at the dacha, in the village) it will be advisable to put on the insecticaricidal collar 2-3 days before the trip. The collar "Kiltix" from Bayer( Germany) is quite reliable. The size of the collar should correspond to the height and weight of the dog.

When traveling with a dog to the dacha, it is necessary to protect it with a collar from the

ticks. For those dogs, the who live in an apartment but often walk in parks and squares, use the combined protection of , however, "overdoing" with the application of various means is very dangerous -It is possible that the dog develops allergic reactions and the formation of a new ineffective substance on the animal's body as a result of mixing several.

Vaccines Pyrodog of Merial and Nobivak Piro firm of Intervet give weak immunity, however they are able to protect the dog from death in case of infection with pyroplasmosis.

IMPORTANT: No matter what the prophylaxis of pyroplasmosis, a regular examination of the dog after a walk is necessary.

Dog in a protective suit for a walk

Do cats suffer from pyroplasmosis?

For cats, the causative agent of canine pyroplasmosis Babesia canis, however Babesia felis, also carried by ticks, can cause harm.

Despite the fact that pyroplasmosis in representatives of felines develops very rarely, and many veterinarians generally deny the possibility of infection, the owners of domestic cats should not lose their vigilance.

Symptoms such as:

  • lack of appetite
  • bad mood
  • fever
  • darkening of the urine
  • pallor or yellowing of the mucous
  • abnormalities of the digestive tract

may be the first signs of the development of pyroplasmosis and in the absence of proper treatment quickly destroy the animal.

Cats suffer from pyroplasmosis

Why do mongrels not get pyroplasmosis?

The Dwarves, as well as thoroughbred dogs, suffer from pyroplasmosis. However, they can get sick in a mild form and so often that immunity is constantly waiting for the attack of pyroplasm.

IMPORTANT: Most mongrels have pyroplasmosis in chronic form. At the slightest weakening of the dog's health, the disease immediately manifests itself.

The mongrel often suffer from chronic pyroplasmosis

It is possible to protect their dog, whether thoroughbred or mongrel, by any master. To prevent infection, it is enough to carefully process the dog before walking and carefully inspect after.

If on the body of an animal a sucking tick was found, it is best to contact the veterinarian immediately, without delay.

Video: The dog was bitten by a tick. Pyroplasmosis. Treatment.

  • May 28, 2018
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