What is fistula after surgery, how does it look? Ligature fistula of a postoperative scar, fistula on the seam after birth, cesarean, appendicitis: signs, causes, treatment, excision

How is the fistula treated after the operation treated? We will acquaint you with the most effective methods of treatment of ligature fistulas, and also we will tell why they appear.

Contents of

  • What is fistula after surgery, what does it look like?
  • Ligature fistula of postoperative scar after delivery, caesarean, appendicitis: signs, causes
  • Consequences that cause fistulas
  • Purulent fistula on the operative seam - treatment
  • Folk remedies for fistula treatment
  • Ointment for the treatment of the postoperative fistula
  • Excision of the postoperative fistula
  • Video: Ligature fistulaperineum

Any, even the most simple, surgical intervention in the human body, as a rule, requires a lot of time for wound healing. Absolutely all operations result in suturing, which should contribute to a faster and better recovery of the patient.

But sometimes it is in the place where an open wound was sewn up that a strong inflammatory process begins that is characterized by reddening of the skin and the formation of pus. All this indicates that the person started a rather serious complication, requiring immediate and qualitative treatment.

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If you do not start fighting with the fistula as quickly as possible, then it is likely that the patient may need one more surgical intervention.

What is fistula after surgery, how does it look?

  • is formed in the middle of the suture Fistula is a hollow canal, inside the human body, which connects the human organs to the external environment. Also fistula can connect an internal cavity with a benign or malignant formation. As a rule, this tube is lined with epithelium and is the channel through which the pus that formed inside the body after the operation of
  • looks. It looks like an ordinary deep wound, around which the skin has become inflamed. The fistula can appear practically on any part of the body, and not necessarily in the place where the incision was. There are cases where the inflammatory process a long time happening inside the body and a person learns about what happened to him that something was wrong only when his body appears characteristic hole, releasing
  • purulent mass, but from the fistula may be isolated not only pus, ifwith a problem for a long time did not fight, and it hit the internal organs, then from the formed canal can be excreted feces, urine and bile
Fistula in the coccyx region

In addition, doctors distinguish several more types of postoperative fistulas:

  1. Full. Has two outputs at once, which facilitates faster removal of the inflammatory process and healing of
  2. . Incomplete. Has only one outlet, which is usually found inside the abdominal cavity. It promotes intensive reproduction of pathogenic microflora and intensification of inflammatory processes.
  3. . Guboid. In this case, fistula grows together with dermatological veins and muscle tissue. It can only be removed surgically.
  4. Granulating. This type of fistula is characterized by the formation of granulation tissue, hyperemia and edema strong enough
  5. tube. fully formed channel which pus, mucus and feces

ligature fistula postoperative scar after delivery, cesarean, appendectomy: symptoms, causes

ligature fistulas
  • Ligature - are special medical thread that doctors use for layering stapling of tissues damaged duringsurgical intervention. Usually, before using them, the open wound is thoroughly treated with disinfectants and only after this it passes to the application of the
  • But sometimes such actions are not enough and along with the thread in the body get pathogenic bacteria that provoke severe suppuration and the formation of a ligature postoperative fistula. As a rule, it is opened after a few days and along with pus, the material that was used to sew the wound
  • comes out of it. Silk threads are most often provoked by this problem, so the doctors recently began using material that, within a minimal time interval, dissolves itself and does not requireremoval of joints and additional processing of
The main cause of postoperative fistula development is infection

The main causes of fistula appearance after surgery:

  • Orgasm perceives the material,which was used to sew the wound as a foreign body and begins to reject it
  • Infection of the wound itself and also ligature
  • Untimely and substandard treatment of the postoperative suture
  • Excessive age of the patient
  • Excess weight
  • Reduced immunity

Signs of fistula :

  • Around the incision in the skinthere is a condensation, which, when pressed, begins to ache appreciably. In some cases there are pronounced tubercles that secrete the infiltrate
  • . Near the infected scar, reddening will be clearly visible. And the brightest it will look in the course of laying the ligature
  • The temperature can rise very sharply. And since the inflammatory process will continue to increase in the body all the time, then it will not go down to normal values ​​
  • There is a strong suppuration, which if improperly treated becomes a large size of the
  • . The fistula can be tightened for a while, and then inflamed with renewed vigor

Consequences that cause fistulae

Postoperative fistula can provoke the development of sepsis

By itself, the post-operative fistula is not life-threatening. But if the patient leaves everything on its own, the pathogenic bacteria that are inside the fistula opening will start to affect healthy organs and tissues and this will provoke the appearance of quite serious diseases.

In addition, the body may refuse to respond properly to medical therapy, which in turn can also cause quite serious complications.

The most common complications in the treatment of fistula after surgery:

  • Abscess .Purulent masses fill the entire internal cavity of the fistula
  • phlegmon. In this case, pus, besides the tissues, begins to affect also fatty tissue
  • Sepsis. There is a fistula opening in the human body. Pus at the same time falls on the internal organs of the patient
  • Fever , provoked by purulent mass. Temperature values ​​can rise to the maximum mark. Thus the person can lose consciousness and badly to be guided in space

the Purulent fistula on an operational seam - treatment

Treatment of purulent fistula
  • As you already probably understood a purulent fistula is not a fatal sentence and at correct treatment practically always well enough gives in to treatment. But in most cases, in most cases, for a favorable outcome, surgery
  • is usually required. In case the doctor decides to wait with the intervention, the patient will be prescribed conservative treatment. But also it should be spent under strict supervision of the expert and it is desirable in conditions of a hospital. Usually, such treatment is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora that provokes inflammation of
  • . If the therapy is selected correctly, the fistulous opening will be delayed quite quickly and the patient will be able to return to normal life. To treat the inflamed skin area, drugs with antiseptic, antibacterial and bactericidal action
  • In addition, the patient must prescribe antibiotics and vitamins, which help maintain the body's defenses at a normal level. But immediately I want to say that conservative treatment does not give 100% guarantee that the fistula will not open again. Therefore, most doctors suggest not to suffer and immediately perform an operation to remove a purulent focus
Completely get rid of the fistula can only help surgical intervention
  • After washing the wound, it is usually installed in the drainage. In the postoperative period daily drainage is washed and sterile dressings are changed. If after several days the amount of purulent masses does not begin to decrease, the patient is additionally prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and vitamin E
  • . In addition, dressings can be used, with ointments that will stimulate the healing process. In this case, for example, troxevasin ointment may be administered. As soon as the purulent drainage stops, drainage is removed from the wound and then the patient only needs to follow up to avoid infection and periodically change the

bandage. Some of the methods described below sufficiently well remove inflammation and reduce the amount of pus.

But still, if you decide to get rid of the problem in this way, then before starting treatment, always consult with a specialist. After all, if you have very much started your condition, then it is likely to only aggravate the course of the disease.


  • Take olive oil and strong vodka and equal parts and mix until homogeneous. The mixture obtained 3-4 times a day, wipe the inflamed skin area. To enhance the healing effect, you can immediately apply a cabbage leaf scalded with boiling water. So you will not only kill the pathogenic microflora, but also contribute to a faster discharge of pus.
  • For preparation, the next miracle means you will need a mummy and aloe juice. Mummy must be soaked in boiled water, and when it dyes it in a dark-brown color, add aloe juice to it. In this solution it will be necessary to moisten the sterile bandage and apply it to the sore spot.
. St. John's wort for the treatment of fistulas.
  • . If you need to extract the pus as quickly as possible, then use the familiar St. John's wort to do this. In this case, you can use both decoction and leaves. First, tear off the leaves of St. John's wort, fill them with water, and then protrude on a small fire for 10-15 minutes. When the broth cools down a little, moisten the bandage in it and lay the leaves on it in one layer. Fix this bandage to the fistula and leave it there for 4 hours. After this time, the bandage should be removed, treated with a painful place with hydrogen peroxide, and then a fresh
  • . The broth of the celandine will help you fight the fistula from the inside. If you prepare a decoction from this plant and will take it regularly for a month, the substances that it contains will kill the infection located in the fistula and help to relieve inflammation. But since this broth very thickens the blood, it will be better if the dosage is determined by the doctor
  • . You can try to get rid of the fistula with the help of ordinary black bread. Take the pulp and lightly drizzle it with water. When the top layer softens a little, put the bread to the sore spot and fix it with a sterile bandage. Carry out this procedure once a day. Before each flag of bread, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. If you do everything correctly, then on the third day you will see that the fistula has completely cleared from the pus and began to tighten.

Ointment for the treatment of the postoperative fistula.

Calendula ointment for the healing of fistulas.

. Ointments for home production have also proved themselves well enough. They quite well eliminate the cause of infection and contribute to a more rapid recovery of dermatological cover. But in this case it is extremely important to treat the ointment very carefully, as well as pre-treatment of the wound.

It is necessary to protect yourself from re-infection of the fistula aperture. After all, if you apply non-sterile dressings and use a tool of questionable quality, then it's unlikely to improve your condition.

The most popular ointments:

  • At home, you can also use an ointment that will have both anti-inflammatory and healing properties. For its preparation, you need a pine resin, natural honey, butter, aloe pulp and medical tar. All ingredients are mixed in equal parts and brought to uniformity in a water bath. Obtained remedy should be applied to previously disinfected areas of skin
  • Another effective remedy is an ointment from fresh marigold flowers. They should be densely folded down a half liter jar and pour melted pork fat or butter. Leave the product in a dark place for 10-12 hours to infuse. Then shift his clay pot and simmer 48 hours in the oven, at a temperature of 70 degrees. After the ointment has cooled, place it in a container with a sealed lid and store it in a dark cool place. The resulting remedy can simply lubricate the fistulous hole or make of it medical dressings

Excision of the postoperative fistula

Excision of the postoperative fistula

As mentioned above, the best way to get rid of the postoperative fistula is to complete its excision. Although this procedure is rather painful and has a fairly large recovery period, it will protect you from the development of complications such as sepsis and phlegmon.

Stages of operation:

  1. First, the fistulous opening is treated with antiseptic means and all the skin around it.
  2. Next, anesthetic agents are injected into the wound area.
  3. . In the next step, the wound is gently dissected and all pus and remains of the
  4. ligature are removed. After this, all is well washed, drainage is establishedand close with a secondary seam.
  5. Vessels in this case do not stitch together, as this can lead to the formation of another fistula

After surgery, the affected area of ​​the skin will require special care. The wound should be treated with disinfecting solutions( for example, furatsilinom) and make sure that it is always clean and dry. If even after surgery, redundant granulation will be noticeable at the fistula formation site, then immediately it must be burned.

Video: Ligature fistula of the perineum

  • May 28, 2018
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