Porridge with pumpkin: millet, rice, corn, semolina, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, friendship: a recipe. How to cook pumpkin porridge in a multivariate?

Popular recipes of porridges using pumpkin: on water, dairy, cooked in a multivark, pot and in a normal saucepan.


  • How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a multivark on water and on milk
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin on water and on milk in a saucepan: recipe
  • How to cook a millet porridge with a pumpkin in a pot?
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin lean: recipe
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin: calorie
  • How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice on water and on milk?
    • Royal rice porridge with pumpkin, video:
  • How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin in a multivariate?
    • Pumpkin porridge with pumpkin in a multivark, video:
  • Corn porridge with pumpkin: recipe
  • Pumpkin porridge with a manga: recipe
  • How to cook semolina with pumpkin in a multivariate?
  • Porridge friendship with pumpkin: recipe
  • Pear sauce with pumpkin: recipe
    • Pearl barley with pumpkin and pork, video
  • Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin in the multivariate: recipe
  • instagram viewer
  • Horned oatmeal porridge with pumpkin on milk: recipe
    • Oatmeal with pumpkin, video:
  • porridge with pumpkin baby: recipe
    • Solar pumpkin porridge, prescription for children: video

Pumpkin is a "golden" vegetable with medicinal and nutritional properties. Pumpkin porridge is not only useful, but also extraordinarily tasty. Add pumpkin to any porridge and the result will not keep you waiting. You will gain the potential of life energy, a beautiful complexion, a joyful attitude to life. Selection of a variety of ways to prepare pumpkin cereals will help to expand your diet and improve the quality of life.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in a multivark on water and on milk

Porridge in a ceramic dish

A healthy porridge "without hassle" will help to prepare modern home appliances, namely, a multiwire. To cook the porridge in this "miracle-saucepan" is a pleasure: you just need to put the recipe ingredients of the porridge in a container, set the desired regime and continue to do your favorite things, without fear of burning. Multivarka cooks up a delicious dish and turns off in time.

Recipe for water( classic)

Take :

  • millet grain - 300 g
  • water - 600 ml
  • Pumpkin pieces - 200 g
  • salt - 1 \ 2 teaspoon

IMPORTANT: For delicious and quality porridge one should take select "groundgrain "without black impurities, bright yellow coloration.

  1. Millet is cleaned in good faith
  2. Pumpkin is chopped into pieces
  3. Rinsed croup with chopped pumpkin is laid in the capacity of multivark, salt and covered with water
  4. Prepared in porridge preparation mode
  5. Dish seasoned with vegetable oil
Porridge "nourishing"

Recipe on water "nourishing"

, indicated by the method of classic porridge with the addition of 1 head of red onion and 3 pieces of potatoes.

  1. Onion and pumpkin cut into pieces
  2. Fry in a bowl multivarka, using 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil in the "Frying / Baking" minutes 7
  3. Place the potatoes, cut into cubes and rind the rump
  4. Products are poured with water, salt
  5. Prepare in "Kasha" mode, the finished dish is poured with oil

The recipe for classic milk

It takes :

  • millet - 300 g
  • Pumpkin pulp - 300 g
  • water - 200 ml
  • milk - 400ml
  • sugar - 100 g
  • salt
  • butter
  1. The washed millet is placed in the capacity of the
  2. multigar pump. Pumpkin pulp is crushed and spread over the
  3. millet. Millet and pumpkin are poured with liquid ingredients
  4. . Salt and sprinkled with sugar, close the multivark, turn on the "Kasha" mode for 30 minutes.
  5. . The porridge will taste better if it is "cooking by switching on the "Heating" mode for 10 minutes
  6. The ready dish is filled with oil and if desired, it is decorated with fresh berries or pieces of fruit
Muscat sorts of pumpkin with bright orange and sweet flesh are suitable for freshdairy porridges

IMPORTANT: For milk porridges choose sweet varieties of pumpkin muscat varieties with a bright orange flesh. Such porridges with nutty flavor and natural sweetness are especially useful for patients on diabetes mellitus and for children.

Millet porridge with pumpkin on water and on milk in a saucepan: recipe

Millet millet with pumpkin is an ancient Russian dish that has not lost its relevance even today. Russian poor people cooked, as a rule, such a dish on the water, the volume of porridge in the oven in cast iron. As a festive version, cow or goat milk was added to the porridge. Today, boiled millet porridge with pumpkin does not give much trouble, if you observe the proportions of products and some nuances of cooking.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the amount of liquid taken for cooking the millet, you can get a different consistency of porridge for every taste.

Millet porridge with bacon and onion

Millet porridge with pumpkin on water with fried bacon and onion

Take :

  • millet cereal - 200 g
  • pumpkin pulp - 100 g
  • water - 600 ml
  • bacon piece - 100 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • salt - pinch
  1. Rinse the wheat till the clear water condition
  2. Croup is cooked on a small flame, after having sprinkled with water
  3. Spread the grated pumpkin pulp, stir and cook until the top layer of water is evaporated.
  4. Remove from heat and wrap30 minutes
  5. Bacon is cut into slices and stewed with onions
  6. "Resting" porridge is laid out on plates, adorned with fried bacon with onion
Porridge seasoned with cinnamon

Millet porridge on pumpkin milk

The recipe for an ideal healthy breakfast is easy to prepare and notis time-consuming.

Need to take :

  • millet - 200 g
  • slices of pumpkin without crust - 300 g
  • milk - 600 ml
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • cinnamon - pinch
  • salt - pinch
  1. Pumpkin pulp cut into slices, cover with a small amount of boiling water andadhere to the minimum flame for 5-7 minutes
  2. Thoroughly washed millet, cover with boiling water and stand for 5 minutes
  3. Filter the rump through a strainer and add to the pumpkin saucepan
  4. When the water is almost evaporated, pour half the necessary quantityMix the milk, stir, salt and sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Porridge is cooked on a small fire, stirring, adding the remaining milk as it is soaked in.
  6. Ready porridge is allowed to brew for about twenty minutes under a warm
  7. cap. Add a piece of butter and sprinkle with crushed cinnamon

How to cook porridgemillet with a pumpkin in a pot?

Pumpkin porridge in a pot is a useful dish for everyone and also looks beautiful and original when served on the table.

Porridge in a pot

Millet-pumpkin porridge on melted milk in pots

You need to take :

  • millet grains - 200 g
  • baked milk - 600 ml
  • pulp pulp - 500 g
  • sea salt - 1 teaspoon
  • brown sugar - 10 grams
  • butter - 50 g
  1. Rinse the millet to clean water and distribute it with boiling water
  2. Pumpkin pulp is cut and dipped in boiling salted milk.
  3. Bring to a boil and lower rinsed cereal, cook porridge on a slow flame, about 20 minutes.
  4. Spread the porridge in a serving pots, sprinkle with brown sugar.
  5. .on a piece of
  6. oil Pots are put in the oven and rinded for 30 minutes at 150 ° C

Millet porridge with pumpkin lean: recipe

Pumpkin porridge in a pot: lean version of

For lean days beforeWe lay:

Recipe for pumpkin porridge on nut milk

Lenten porridge can be cooked on the water, but an unusually tasty dish will turn out to be a nut milk dish.

Take :

  • millet cake - 150 g
  • pumpkin - 100 g
  • nut milk or water - 750 ml
  • salt

Preparation of nut milk

  • A glass of any peeled nuts or seeds is soaked in the evening with 3 glasses of water.
  • Nuts with water are grinded with a blender until white homogeneous mass is obtained
  • Milk is filtered through a strainer

Preparation of porridge

  1. Rinses the groats several times and is kept in boiling water for a while( so as not to be bitter)
  2. Millet is lowered into boiling peanut milk or water
  3. Pumpkin is grinded andadd to the groats, salt to taste
  4. Porridge cook at minimum heat for 20-25 minutes and lay out on pots
  5. Tumble in the oven for 30 minutes, and if possible, in a Russian oven
  6. Kashu sprinkled with cinnamon, mixed with sugar and served with baked apples

Millet porridge with pumpkin: caloric content

Millet and pumpkin - the perfect combination of foods for healthy nutrition and weight loss
  • Pumpkin millet can be recommended as a healthy food dish with low calorie content. So in 100 grams of porridge with pumpkin, cooked on water, contains 158 kcal
  • Millet takes the leading place among the groats for weight loss. A symbiosis with a pumpkin only strengthens the ability to keep the figure in shape. Pumpkin enriches millet porridge with many vitamins and minerals, fiber strengthens intestinal motility and speeds up the metabolism of
  • Many diets recommend eating a pumpkin with a pumpkin to reduce weight. Such porridge is an excellent variant of the energy-rich breakfast

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to remember: the addition of butter, fatty milk, cream and sugar dramatically increases the calorie content of the dish.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice on water and on milk?

There are different ways of cooking pumpkin-rice porridge: on water, on milk and on a combined liquid basis: milk in half with water. Depending on the proportions of the liquid and grain fractions, the porridge turns out to be of different consistency: from viscous to crumbly. The version of the porridge prepared on water with addition of vegetable oil will approach for fast days.

Cooked rice porridge with pumpkin pulp

Rice porridge on water

Need to take :

  • round rice - 50 g
  • pumpkin - 500 g
  • water - 200 ml
  • dried apricots - 50 g
  • raisins - 2 tablespoons
  • nuts - handful
  • salt - 1 \ 4 teaspoons
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • butter
  1. Pumpkin is cut into large cubes
  2. Pour a small amount of water and boil until soft
  3. Several pieces of pumpkin are removed to decorate the finished porridge, the rest of the soft mass is mashed with a blender, you can use the fork
  4. Add the washed rice to the pumpkin mixture and top up the water if necessary. Salt, sprinkle with sugar
  5. Porridge is cooked to the soft state of rice grains
  6. Add butter and cover with a large towel
  7. Dish sprinkled with washed raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots, nuts

Rice porridge on milk

Rice milk porridge with pumpkin is popular for taste and useful qualities. Rice grains, pumpkin pulp and milk - naturally supplement each other, enriching the porridge with carotene and fiber, calcium and many valuable ingredients.

The taste of the dish can be varied with nuts, marmalade, berries, condensed milk. The main thing is to show imagination according to your taste preferences.

Need to take :

  • round rice - 100 g
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g
  • milk - 100 ml
  • salt
  • sugar
  • butter
  1. Pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour hot water so that only cover the vegetable
  2. Stew on a small fire7-10 minutes until the soft state of
  3. Pumpkin grind with a blender or knead with a fork
  4. Pumpkin is added with washed rice, poured with boiling milk and cooked on a small flame.
  5. At the end sprinkle with sugar and salt
  6. Dip a piece of butter,mn wrapped with a towel and give to puff

Royal rice porridge with pumpkin, video:

How to cook rice porridge with pumpkin in a multivariate?

Rice porridge on a saucer

A multivark is a wonderful miracle technique that saves time for making useful and tasty dishes. So, in the evening you can download products into the capacity of a multivark, and next morning you can get a delicious pumpkin-rice porridge for breakfast for the whole family.

Need to take :

  • rice - 200 g
  • pieces of pumpkin without skin - 700 g
  • apples medium - 2 pieces
  • raisins - 2 tablespoons
  • water - 400 ml
  • butter
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • sugar - 50 gramsg
  1. Cut the pumpkin and peeled apples without skin and seeds into pieces and put into the cooking pot of the
  2. multivarkers. Rice is thoroughly washed with raisins and added to the container to the rest of the
  3. Salt products, sprinkled with sugar and poured over
  4. . Close the multi-R"Plov" according to the program without setting the timer
  5. In the dish, add butter and all kinds of goodies at your discretion: pieces of nuts, candied fruits, chocolate chips, pieces of banana

Rice porridge with pumpkin in the multivark, video:

Corn porridge with pumpkin: recipe

Cornporridge with pumpkin, baked in the form of

Corn cereals can not be called a favorite among croups. But in vain. Corn grain is so beneficial to the body that it should be included in your diet. And in combination with a pumpkin - it's just a storehouse of nutrients for the body.

IMPORTANT: American scientists have found the beneficial effects of corn on the human brain. Regular consumption of corn porridge allows you to keep a clear mind for many years.

Need to take :

  • corn croup - 200 g
  • water - 800 ml
  • pumpkin - 300 g
  • butter - 50 g
  • cream - 100 ml
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt
  1. Carefully rinsed corn grits are cooked until half-ready in salted water.
  2. Pumpkin is cut into pieces and tinned in a frying pan with butter, sugar and cream. 15 minutes.
  3. . In a ceramic baking container, alternately lay the corn porridge and pumpkin
  4. Bake in the oven10 minutes at 160 °
  5. Cooked dish is poured with melted butter

IMPORTANT: Corn is prone to burning, so it must be cooked in thick-walled ware with frequent stirring.

Pumpkin porridge with a manga: recipe

Pumpkin semolina porridge

Pork manners with pumpkin and raisins will please even the category of people who claim that from childhood they are hateful with semolina porridge. True porridge, cooked according to this recipe is quite caloric, but sometimes you can pamper yourself with such a "tasty".But the children such a "porridge-masha" beautiful golden color will have exactly to taste!

You need to take :

  • semolina - 2 tablespoons
  • pumpkin without peel - 300 g
  • raisins - 1 tablespoon
  • milk - 200 ml
  • chocolate chips
  • strawberry berries for decoration
  • cinnamon
  • sugar
  • salt
  • butter
  1. Pumpkin nutmegvarieties are ground on a large grater
  2. Place in a saucepan and cover with boiling water to cover only the vegetable. Prepare on a slow flame until the soft state of pumpkin
  3. Raisin thoroughly washed with hot water. If the dried fruit is dry, then it is necessary to pour the raisins with boiling water for 5 minutes.
  4. Add raisins to the steamed pumpkin and keep on low heat for 5 more minutes.
  5. Bring 200 ml of milk to a boil. Remove the fire to a minimum and cover it with a thin trickle. Stir, the porridge is cooked for 5 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn
  6. Sprinkle with sugar and salt
  7. Pumpkin with raisins put in prepared manna porridge, stir and cover to stand
  8. Dish flavored with butter, sprinkle with chocolate crumb and cinnamon. Berries strawberries cut into halves and decorate the porridge
Manna porridge, cooked in the multivariate

How to cook semolina porridge with pumpkin in the multivariate?

Manna porridge does not always produce a homogeneous and desirable consistency, if you do not observe some cooking features. There are special stealth tricks in the

  • multivarker. To "not run away" the milk from the multivark, grease the walls of the dishes with butter or use milk and water for the liquid phase, taken evenly.
  • . If you do not like liquid porridge, use less liquid specified in the recipe
  • So that the semolina does not stick to the bottom, grease the bottom of the dishes with butter and sprinkle a little bit of dried crusty

. Take :

  • semolina - 4 tablespoons
  • milk - 500 ml
  • finely modifiedPumpkin flesh pulp - 1 multistaken( 160ml)
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - pinch
  • butter
  1. Pumpkin is poured into the capacity of the multivarka, poured on mango, salt, sugar and poured with milk.
  2. The contents are stirred and covered with a lid
  3. Set the timer for 30 minutesin the "Milk porridge" mode
  4. After disabling the program, set the "Heating" mode for 10 minutes.
  5. Add the butter to the finished porridge. If desired, add berries or raisins

Porridge cooked according to this recipe turns out to be a beautiful golden color, gentle and without lumps.

Porridge friendship with pumpkin: recipe

Porridge "Friendship" with a pumpkin

Kindergarten rice-millet porridge "Friendship" is known to many. Pumpkin addition will further strengthen the friendly relationship of ingredients in the porridge, giving the dish a unique taste and color scheme. And how useful is this porridge!

Required to take :

  • millet - 100 g
  • rice - 100 g
  • pumpkin - 300 g
  • milk - 1000 ml
  • butter - 50 g
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon
  1. Allow the grated pumpkin to be placed on a plate in a small volume of waterminutes five
  2. In boiling milk spread washed rump: rice and millet, add welded pumpkin
  3. Pour salt, add sugar and cook at minimum heat under the closed lid for 30 minutes until ready.

IMPORTANT: Porridge becomes tastier if immediately after cooking in a pan melt a piececreamyof oil, close the lid and wrap her blanket for 20 minutes.

Pearl barley with pumpkin: recipe

Pearl barley with pumpkin

Pearl barley is not often used in cooking and is a little forgotten. But porridge porridge was the favorite dish of Peter I. Correctly prepared pearl barley, with the observance of all the wisdoms and recipes, is unusually tasty and useful. The recipe for pearl barley with pumpkin is suitable for breakfast of the whole family.

Need to take:

  • pearl barley - 150 g
  • water - 400 ml
  • pumpkin - 400 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • salt

Important: pearl barley is difficult to boil, therefore it must be soaked for 6-8 hours before cooking.

  1. Perlovsku washed with running water and soaked overnight in water
  2. In the morning, boil the pearl barley in salted water until ready
  3. While the porridge is boiled, the pumpkin is freed from the skin and bones and cut into small cubes.
  4. Pumpkin fry in sunflower oil. Pumpkin slices can be sprinkled with your favorite seasonings and lightly seasoned with
  5. Cooked porridge is laid out in a frying pan with pumpkin slices and stirred
  6. Covered and "pressed" for a while
  7. If necessary, correct the taste and refuel with oil

Pearl barley with pumpkin and pork, video

Buckwheat porridge withpumpkin in the multivariate: recipe

Buckwheat with pumpkin and beef in the multivariate

Buckwheat porridge with pumpkin and beef can become an ornament of any feast. Your guests will appreciate the beauty and taste of the dish, and cooking in the multivarker does not take much time.

Need to take :

  • buckwheat - 100 g
  • water - 360 ml
  • beef fillet - 200 g
  • pumpkin - 300 g
  • onion - 1 piece.
  • garlic - 2 teeth
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. Pepper black peas with
  • - 3-4 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons
  • salt - 0, 5 teaspoons
  • ground rosemary - 0, 5 teaspoon
  1. Buckwheat sorted, washed with running water and spread into the bowl of the multivariate
  2. Pour in water, add salt
  3. Cook porridge in "Kasha 25 minutes
  4. Ready porridge is transferred to another container
  5. Beef meat is cut into small pieces
  6. Onion cut into cubes, garlic teeth finely shred
  7. Pumpkin cut into pieces 1 × 1 cm
  8. Bowl of multivarka rinsed, wiped dry and pouredastitelnoe oil
  9. Expose mode
  10. Add the diced onions, crushed garlic cloves, dry rosemary, bay leaf and pepper
  11. Minutes after five add the pumpkin cubes
  12. Mix the fry 10 minutes until ready
  13. Buckwheat porridge is transferred to a multi-container to the pumpkin, gently mix and set the "Heating" mode for 5 minutes
Oatmeal with pumpkin

Horned oatmeal porridge with pumpkin on milk: recipe

Oatmeal flakes for breakfast are preferred by many who are monitoring their health. And this is the right choice. After all, the energy value of oatmeal is very high. You will be satisfied with a bowl of oatmeal until lunch time. And if you add pumpkin to oat flakes, the usefulness of the dish will increase at times.

You need to take :

  • oat flakes - 3 tablespoons
  • pumpkin - 100 g
  • water - 50 ml
  • milk - 50 ml
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - pinch
  1. Pumpkin rubbed with a grater
  2. Pumpkin pulp is poured with boiling water,reduce the heat and stand for 5 minutes.
  3. Oat flakes are poured over and poured with hot milk. Salt and sprinkle with sugar
  4. After five minutes, blend porridge in a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, add hot milk
  5. The dish is filled with oil and served with slices of apples sprinkled with cinnamon

Oatmeal with pumpkin, video:

Baby porridge with pumpkin child: recipe

Kasha is the main food of babies. Various cereals, cooked on water, vegetable broths, milk - are useful and tasty. Baby porridge is recommended to enrich with natural vitamins, adding vegetables, fruits and berries to dishes. Pumpkin porridge not only "enhances" the vitamin values ​​of the dish, but it is also very tasty.

Pumpkin porridges are useful for babies

Oatmeal porridge with pumpkin for children from 10 months

It is required to take :

  • Hercules flakes - 1 tablespoon with slide
  • piece of pulp pulp - 100 g
  • milk - 2o ml
  • water - 200 ml
  1. Pumpkinpulp cut and pour boiling water
  2. Prepare on a small flame torch for 20 minutes under the lid
  3. Pour oatmeal, mix
  4. Add hot milk and cook for another 15 minutes
  5. Add fresh natural butter to the finished dish if the baby has a babyie an allergic reaction

Solar pumpkin porridge recipe for children: video

  • May 28, 2018
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