Recipes Maslenica pancakes - simple and unusual

  • These different pancakes
  • Yeast Pancake pancakes
  • Swift milk pancakes
  • Openwork "handkerchiefs" kefir
  • How to cook delicate pancakes - video
  • Beer pancakes
  • Pancakes with starch
  • Sponge pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
  • semolina pancakes
  • Potato pancakes
  • What to submitpancakes?

Maslenitsa - the oldest holiday, which was celebrated in Russia and accompanied by mass festivities. It is a favorite time for people to have fun all week, eat fragrant tasty pancakes. Boredom and do business in this period is not accepted: by signs, spent in cares, the Shrovetide week leads to setbacks this year. For prosperity and success you need to have a lot of fun and eat a lot!

Such different pancakes

Pancakes in the Mardi Gras period are baked in unlimited quantities! After all, they are considered the main treat of this week. Each housewife has on her note a unique recipe, and it does not matter where it comes from - it's got from the grandmother, it was created by experience or read in the magazine. The main thing that on the table is a large plate full of beautiful pancakes.

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You can cook these delicious products from everything. Currently, there is a huge selection of recipes for pancakes on Shrovetide. But there are also classic, time-tested options, which are definitely worth a try.

Pancakes can be of the following types depending on the test:

  • Yeast - sparse and unpaired;
  • Posters.

The following products can be used as a test basis:

  • Kefir or yogurt.
  • Frozen or sour cream.
  • Milk.
  • Mineral water.
  • And even beer!

There are so many options that it rarely arises as to which pancakes are cooked for carnival. In addition, in pancakes can be a variety of flour: wheat, rye, buckwheat, oatmeal, pea. Prepare them and on semolina or with the addition of potatoes.

Yeast pancake pancakes

Pancakes on yeast differ in that they are lush, delicate and incredibly satisfying. First you need to prepare a yeast dough for pancakes.

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • For the spoons: dry yeast - 7 grams( 2 teaspoons), a glass of warm milk, a pinch of sugar and half a cup of flour.
  • For the test: one and a half cups of milk and water, 1 tablespoon of sugar( lovers of sweet pancakes can increase the amount of sugar twice), 2 eggs, 1/3 cups of vegetable oil, flour( until the test is a consistency of sour cream mediumdensity), salt to taste.


  1. Opara is prepared for 15 minutes, for this purpose all the ingredients are mixed in a bowl, the container is covered with a clean towel and placed in a warm place.
  2. Slightly approached opara is combined with beaten eggs and vegetable oil. Flour and liquid in this mass are added alternately and gradually, with thorough mixing. In order not to form lumps, flour should be sieved first.
  3. The prepared dough is kneaded for five minutes, again covered and left in a warm place. In order for the dough to come up, an hour is enough.
Important! The main secret of the splendor and airiness of yeast Maslenica pancakes on an opaque is that after lifting the dough is not mixed. Spoon the dough pieces neatly laid out necessarily on the heated frying pan and fried on both sides until a ruddy crust.

In this case, the fire should be medium, so that during the frying of the first side, the upper part of the pancake does not have time to dry out. Ready pancakes are piled up and smeared with creamy or melted butter.

Time to prepare yeast pancakes for Shrovetide, it takes a lot. But it's worth it to please their loved ones! These pancakes are delicious even without a filling.

Fast dairy pancakes

Recipes for Pancake week necessarily include delicious and easy-to-prepare pancakes on milk. This option is great for the situation when the guests are already on the doorstep, and the landlady has not yet managed to cover the table. Preparation of this dish takes 20 minutes.

For cooking, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 2 cups of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • half a liter of slightly heated milk;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. Mix flour with sugar and salt, drive in eggs and mix. Milk is added in two stages: first a glass is poured in, thoroughly mixed, then the remaining amount. The dough turns out to be smooth, liquid and homogeneous.
  2. The frying pan is preheated well, then the fire decreases to medium.
  3. Melt a piece of butter on a hot surface, then gently pour the dough on the ladle. It is best to do this on the edge of the frying pan, gradually tilting it, so that the dough is evenly distributed throughout the surface.
  4. The readiness of the first side is easy to determine: you need to shake the frying pan slightly. When the pancake breaks from the bottom and begins to move, it's time to turn it. For this, it is better to use a special spatula, since the knife can tear this tender dough.
  5. For frying the next pancake, the frying pan must also be greased with a piece of butter. Finished pancakes are laid out on the dish.

These are the simplest pancakes in Shrovetide. Who does not like sweet, can pour them a little lemon juice. A sweet tooth will appreciate this dish with jam, honey or condensed milk.

Tip! To fry it is necessary on butter. Pancakes in this case are more tender and not dry.

Varied milk pancakes will allow various additives. Very delicious products are obtained if you add grated cheese or boiled sausage to the dough. You can bake unsweetened green pancakes, for this, chopped greens are used.

Openwork "handkerchiefs" on kefir

Products on yogurt need not necessarily be lush and thick. You can cook thin pancakes, which are called custard in a different way. Do not confuse this with airy lacy pancakes, so similar to openwork handkerchiefs! And whoever tried this delicacy at least once, more of it can not refuse.

The following ingredients are required for the preparation of the test:

  • A glass of sour milk or kefir.
  • Sugar and salt to taste, you can add vanillin.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 2 cups of flour.
  • Soda at the tip of the knife.
  • A glass of hot boiled water.
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Eggs are beaten with kefir with a mixer or a whisk, spices are added.
  2. Milk is added to the dough with constant stirring, then flour.
  3. Boil water and pour boiling water over soda, a hiss should be heard.
  4. The resulting mixture is poured into the dough and again whipped thoroughly. At the end, vegetable oil is added to the mixture.
  5. Mixture of consistency is obtained by liquid, it must be left "rest" for 25-30 minutes, then you can bake Maslenica pancakes. The frying pan must be very hot at the same time, in order to obtain as many openwork holes.

Tips for the preparation of delicate pancakes:

  • The dough should be kneaded very well, so that the lumps do not remain. To do this, the flour is injected gradually. Some for kneading use a blender, this is a good alternative to a whisk, and you can add all the flour at once.
  • Adding vegetable oil to the grill allows you to use less oil to lubricate the frying pan. You can not add it when frying, if the frying pan has non-stick coating.
  • Do not worry about the remaining test. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several days! It is noticed that delicate pancakes from the present test are even more beautiful and tasty.

How to prepare delicate pancakes - video

  • For turning pancakes it is better to use a thin spatula. The products are very thin, so it's best to turn them over with your hands, gently prying the edge, the pancake slowly peels off the frying pan.

Beer pancakes

Preparation of pancakes for carnival does not require the use of only dairy products. An excellent recipe for light and airy pancakes contains an ingredient such as beer. It is absolutely not felt in pancakes, only gives them an unusual beautiful color and openwork.


For preparation, special attention should be paid to the choice of beer. It must be necessarily fresh and frothy. It is better if it is an unfiltered, lively, light beverage. The dough will need one glass. Still need to prepare 1.5 cups of milk, a glass of flour, 2 eggs, salt and sugar to taste, vegetable oil.


  1. Milk with eggs is thoroughly mixed, added to the spice mixture, then gradually introduced flour.
  2. The dough should be stirred until it becomes smooth. At the very end, beer and vegetable oil are pouring in.
  3. If the kneading of the test was done manually, it should have stuck for 10 minutes. When making it in a blender, you can start baking pancakes right away. Fry pancakes should be on a hot skillet.
The peculiarity of this test is that it can be prepared in advance, for example, in the evening, and at night, cleaned in the refrigerator. After this "rest" of the dough, the pancakes will be even more delicious and tender. If during this time it becomes too thick, you can add to it 2-3 tablespoons of milk.

Pancakes with starch

Products from starch dough are amazing, some solid holes. These airy light pancakes, however much you prepare, will still be small, because they are also incredibly tasty.

For their preparation you will need:

  • 0,5 liters of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of flour;
  • 1,2-1,5 cups of starch;
  • soda at the tip of the knife;
  • salt and sugar to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1.5 glasses of soda water.


  1. Stirred starch, flour, salt, then eggs are beaten with sugar, and yogurt is mixed with soda. All is combined with thorough mixing, oil is added.
  2. The next stage is very important: a thin trickle of carbonated water is poured in. It needs so much to make a mixture of a fairly liquid consistency. The amount taken is approximate, it is necessary to look at the state of the test( this depends on the quality of the flour, the fat content of kefir).
  3. Before baking frying pan is smeared with sunflower or butter, as anyone likes. The dough on the frying pan is poured out in a thin layer, and the baking is done on high heat.
Tip! For convenience, the frying pan can be lubricated with. .. potato wedges. This eliminates the oil transfusion, and the potatoes do not absorb fat and do an excellent job of this task.

Pancake pancakes on Maslenitsu

This type of pancakes differs in that they, despite their impressive thickness, remain tender and airy. They are an excellent alternative to biscuit, especially for those who do not have an oven.

Pancakes can be used as an independent dish in combination with jams and other additives, and for preparing a festive pancake cake. This allows you to vary the menu perfectly.


  • 2/3 cups of soda water;
  • 4 eggs;
  • salt on the tip of the knife and 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • ¾ cup of milk.


  1. First, the yolks are separated from the proteins, the yolks are beaten with sugar, with the gradual addition of milk and soda water. Introduced a thin trickle of flour with constant stirring.
  2. Proteins are separately beaten into a strong foam.
  3. The resulting mixture is combined with proteins. Whipped mass is added on a single spoon, gently and gently mixed with the dough. It is not necessary to hurry, the main thing is that the finished mass should be homogeneous and lush.
  4. Keep the dough should not be, you just have to fry the pancakes. The frying pan heats up strongly, the dough spreads over the entire surface. Pancakes are made with a lot of holes, beautiful and mouth-watering.
On the festive table they can be served with a custard. Surface promazyvaetsya, curled rolls and cut into several parts. Individual pieces are laid out on a dish in the form of a cake.

Pancake pancakes

This version of pancakes has two varieties. You can cook them on pre-cooked semolina porridge or simply with the addition of semolina in the dough. In any case, the products are incredibly soft and soft, just melting in the mouth.

Recipe for semolina

  1. In 2 cups of boiling milk, semolina is cooked.
  2. After the porridge is welded, a piece of butter is added to it, the saucepan is removed to a cold place before cooling.
  3. From 4 glasses of milk, 1 cup of flour, 2-3 yolks, dough is mixed, which combines with the cooled porridge. The mass should be well-blended, smooth and shiny.

Recipe on the brewed mange

  1. 0,5 cups of semolina is poured with steep boiling water and remains for swelling for about half an hour.
  2. At this time, the dough is prepared: eggs, salt, sugar and milk are mixed, the finished mixture is poured into the swollen semolina.
  3. When whipped, flour is added to the preparation until a consistency test is obtained, as in medium-thick sour cream. At the end, vegetable oil is added to the dough, which will allow the pancakes to not stick to the frying pan.

Potato pancakes

You can also make pancakes on Shrovetide from potatoes. There are many options for making potato pancakes. Who is unfamiliar with crunchy pancakes, a favorite dish of many families? But as it turned out, from the potato you can cook and thin pancakes, which will be an excellent delicious decoration of the festive table.

The following products are required for preparation:

  • 0.5-0.7 kg potatoes;
  • 1,5-2 cup of milk;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt and sugar, vegetable oil;
  • greens( onion, parsley, dill).


  1. The potato is boiled in a small amount of liquid until ready and is rubbed together with the water in which it was cooked. You can knead it manually or whip it in a blender. It should turn out a sparse potato porridge.
  2. Garlic is put in the resulting mass. Milk is mixed with flour and brought to a boil, eggs are also hammered into it.
  3. Then a slightly cooled mixture is combined with potatoes. At the end of the mixing, vegetable oil is added, the dough is dosed, so that it does not turn out to be fresh.
  4. If possible, the test requires "rest", it should be left at room temperature for 20-30 minutes( and more if time permits).
  5. The dough is laid out on a hot frying pan with a spoon. It is better to make pancakes of small diameter, because large products will be difficult to turn, without tearing. Vegetable oil can be added at least or just slightly lubricate the surface of the frying pan.

The first side should be roasted very carefully, right up to the brown-golden crust, as the pancakes are very tender and can be torn when turned over. When served on the table, each pancake is smeared with butter or sour cream and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

How to serve pancakes?

Shrovetide pancakes are served on the table with various additives, to whom that one has to taste.

  • Sweet pancakes can be combined with various jam, sour cream and condensed milk.
  • Uncoated products perfectly combined with sour cream, grated with herbs, garlic.
  • You can put a cup on the table with melted butter for dipping.
  • Potato pancakes are very tasty with fried crispy cracklings.

You can wrap various pancakes in pancakes, everything is literally used in the refrigerator: curd and sweet mass, mashed potatoes and buckwheat, mushrooms with onions and minced meat, jams and jams, cheeses and canned fish, boiled eggs with green onions andmany more different goodies.

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