Massage lpg what it is: contraindications and reviews

Lpg massage is a popular and effective modern hardware method of correcting skin imperfections and fighting cellulite. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who experienced this procedure. Its effect is based on a combination of vacuum hardware and reflexotherapy. True, this massage has its contraindications.

Advantages of

Advantages of
  • Disadvantages of
  • Types of
  • Facial and body massages of
  • Steps for performing
  • Possible complications of
  • Course duration
  • Contraindications
  • Reviews
  • Advantages of

    The undeniable benefits of lpg massage include:

    • comfort procedure;
    • high efficiency;
    • a personal approach to each patient;
    • positive effects on the body as a whole;
    • possibility of local impact on problem areas;
    • can be used to affect sensitive, aging and wrinkled skin of any type;
    • performing massage at home.

    As a result of the massage lpg is:

    • endorphins;

    • improvement in the general condition of the body;
    • instagram viewer
    • lifting and improving the elasticity of the skin;
    • getting rid of cellulite;
    • reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer;
    • getting rid of excess weight;
    • a noticeable figure correction;
    • getting rid of postnatal stretch marks;
    • increased muscle tone;
    • improved metabolism;
    • improving blood circulation;
    • lymphatic drainage;
    • elimination of puffiness;
    • improvement of the condition and structure of scar tissue;
    • strengthening of tissues;
    • strengthening of blood vessels;
    • disposal of the effects of chronic fatigue and stress.
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    Disadvantages of

    To the disadvantages of the massage lpg is to be attributed:

    1. The high cost of the full course.
    2. Need to purchase a separate special costume for the massage.
    3. A large number of contraindications.
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    Kinds of

    There are such types of massage lpg:

    1. Aesthetic - massage, aimed at combating cellulite and fatty deposits. This kind of lpg massage is used in a complex of other procedures that promote weight loss.
    2. Sports - lpg massage, aimed at eliminating the effects of sports and other injuries.
    3. Therapeutic - lpg massage, which has a general strengthening effect on the whole body.

    Also distinguish lpg massage for face and body.

    Note the chemical peeling face at home -
    reviews to the table of contents ^

    Hardware face and body massage

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    Steps for performing

    Diagnostics. At this stage, the specialist evaluates the overall status of the client:

    1. Creates an individual client protocol.
    2. Selects aesthetic or other necessary individual programs.
    3. It is determined with the choice of the kind of massage lpg.
    4. Makes measurements of the figure for further control of the results.
    5. Photographs the client in full growth.
    6. Selects the massage lpg zones.
    7. Ensures that there are no contraindications.
    8. Defines the type of the customer shape.
    9. Identifies key issues.
    10. Conducts a visual inspection.

    Preparation for the procedure.

    At this stage, the client wears a special suit, softening the impact of the apparatus and lies on a special table.

    The masseur at this stage determines the areas for the hardware impact. For this, it is:

    1. Carries out a choice of nozzles for carrying out of massage.
    2. Draws a graphic image of the impact zones on the massage suit.
    3. Highlights specific problem areas.
    4. Evaluates the degree of muscle contraction.
    5. Investigates the localization of fatty lumps and their thickness.

    Performing directly lpg massage procedure using three kinds of nozzles:

    • Roll out - to increase skin elasticity and toning of the skin;
    • Roll in - to reduce the volume of problem areas;
    • Roll up - for anti-cellulite effect and contour modeling.

    The procedure of lpg massage takes place in several stages:

    1. In the first stage, the entire body surface is exposed. Under the influence of the apparatus, the protective functions of the body are mobilized, the blood flow accelerates, and the lymph flow increases.
    2. At the second stage of the massage, a detailed study of the selected problem areas of the body takes place. A certain program is performed in accordance with the type of massage: sports, aesthetic, therapeutic.
    3. At the final stage of the massage, a superficial effect is applied to the skin, which improves lymphatic drainage, tightens and tones the skin.
    4. loading. ..

    Monitoring the results of massage lpg.

    At this stage, the masseur makes measurements of the client's volumes and records them in an individual protocol.

    Stages of performing face massage lpg:

    1. Diagnosing problems and drawing up an individual client protocol.
    2. Preparing for the procedure. At this stage the client:
    • drinks at least two glasses of clean water;
    • cleanses the face of cosmetics and excess sebum;
    • fits on a special table face up and podpodymaet head.

    Performing directly the face massage procedure lpg in three zones:

    • forehead area;
    • cheeks to the level of the lips;Chin and jaw area.
    Each of these zones is processed by massage lines for at least 15 minutes using a special nozzle that does not stretch the skin.
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    Possible complications of

    As a result of the massage in rare cases, such complications are possible:

    • slight chills;
    • occurrence of small subcutaneous bruising;
    • appearance of bruising;
    • increased swelling.

    All these troubles soon pass.

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    Duration of the course

    The average duration of the course is from 10 to 20 procedures lasting from 30 to 45 minutes.

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    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • menstruation;
    • epilepsy;
    • thrombophlebitis;Blood clotting disorders
    • , other blood diseases;
    • varicose veins;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • oncological diseases;
    • cold, fever;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • serious disorders of the nervous system.
    • loading. ..

    Local contraindications:

    • recent surgical procedures;
    • recent liposuction;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
    • hernia;
    • lipomas;
    • venous inflammation;
    • protruding nevi, especially painful;
    • skin integrity disorder;
    • viral skin lesions.
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    Svetlana, 37 yo, Moscow:

    "I passed the lpg massage course a year ago and is still satisfied with the result. Then literally for 10 sessions removed from the waist 5 cm and lost 7 kilograms. Of course, after the course, I had to give up my favorite food and fix the results with physical exercises, but it was worth it. In a few months I want to repeat the course. I really liked it! ".

    Jeanne, 35, Voronezh:

    "After reading the reviews about lpg massage and advertising this miracle method, I decided to go through this procedure. But apart from disappointment from the lack of visible effect, I also got health problems! Literally after the eighth session, my veins on my legs swelled. Thus the cellulitis has not decreased! So be very careful! ".

    Tatyana, 28, Samara:

    "I have already completed two courses of massage lpg with a frequency of two to three months. Frankly: I like the procedure and the results, in principle, I'm happy. And the skin tightened, and the waist loomed, and the general condition improved significantly. But just hope that thanks to exclusively lpg massage you can cure cellulite of the fourth stage, it's not worth it. Without diet and exercise, no massage will help! So you need to use it in the complex. "

    • Mar 06, 2018
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