How to cure a runny nose in an infant? What to do with a cold in a baby with and without temperature?

Runny nose in infants is a frequent and regular disease. It requires compulsory treatment, since a clogged nose often prevents babies from eating, sleeping and breathing.

Contents of

  • Symptoms and causes of runny nose in babies
  • Than to treat an allergic rhinitis in a baby?
  • How to treat a runny nose in a baby without temperature
  • How to treat a runny nose and temperature?
  • How do I wash my nose with a cold?
  • What are the drops from the rhinitis for babies?
  • What is the common treatment of rhinitis in infants?
  • Can you walk with a baby with a cold?
  • Can I swim a baby with a cold?
  • Runny nose: tips and references
  • Video: "Runny nose and cramps. Dr. KAMAROVSKY »

Symptoms and causes of a common cold in babies

  • Rhinitis in an infant is a fairly common phenomenon. It happens often because the nasal sinuses of the baby are not yet formed as in the adult. They are small enough and narrow. That's why the rhinitis in the baby is much harder and sometimes longer
  • instagram viewer
  • It's not uncommon for the rhinitis to completely clog the small sinuses and it becomes difficult for the child to live a full life.
  • Not only normal nasal breathing, but also nutrition is difficult. The child refuses to eat, becomes nervous and capricious. He can lose weight because of sleepless nights and malnutrition
why does a runny nose appear in an infant?

Among the main causes of the onset of the common cold problem in infants are the following reasons:

  • the possibility of infectious disease
  • the presence in the child of an allergic reaction to different stimuli
  • features of the child and its unusual physiological structure of the sinuses

Each of the symptoms, depending on what reasonthere was a cold in the child, it differs and differs from each other. So, for example, allergic rhinitis becomes apparent after the child has contact with any of the allergens. This runny nose is also characterized by a noticeable reddening of the eyes.

Physiological rhinitis , that is, the one that the child is chronic, arises either against the background of the experienced stress, or under the influence of a strong stimulus. The occurrence of such a cold is easily affected by any situation: too cold weather, too hot weather, wind or a sharp strong smell. It is not rare that such a cold is supplemented by a strong sweating of the hands of the baby.

Runny nose in case of disease, for example infectious, is caused by bacteria on the mucous membrane. As a rule, n is accompanied by a number of catarrhal symptoms: red throat, sore ear, headache, sore eye, cough dry and wet, fever, moodiness, heavy breathing or general languid and low-active state.

Than to treat an allergic rhinitis at the kid?

Increasingly, recently children suffer from allergies from birth. Reaction to stimuli occurs in babies even in the first months of life. As a rule, the common cold does not arise by itself and is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • reddening of the eye
  • itching of the eye
  • appearance of the rash on the body
  • sneezing
  • shortness of breath, asphyxia
  • dry cough
  • aspiration
  • moodiness
allergic rhinitis in infants

Cure such a cold is possible. Moreover, every time you have to deal with allergens, in order not to aggravate the situation further and not to start a disease that can become chronic by the age of two or three. It should be understood that parents are not guilty of the fact that their child has extreme sensitivity to allergens. If you know about the predisposition of the baby, try to limit its contact with various factors: flowering trees, dust, animals.

It is possible to eliminate allergic rhinitis by cleansing the nasal sinuses and, most importantly, by taking an antiallergic medication. The most effective and popular is the L-cet syrup, which is conveniently given with a dosage syringe. The syrup is sweet to the taste and is recommended for treating babies from birth to two years.

syrup L-cet against allergies in infants

Another, very popular drug that is recommended for use in allergies is fenistil. For children, you should buy a medicine in the form of drops. Fenistil is allowed for use from one month. It effectively eliminates allergens that get into the body, which facilitates the condition and helps to ease the cold.

drops of fenistil for the control of allergic rhinitis in infants

How to treat a runny nose in a baby without temperature

  • It is not uncommon for a cold in babies to appear as a result of an acute respiratory illness or hypothermia. It can proceed independently, and accompanied by other symptoms. In any case, it requires immediate treatment, because its onset leads to more serious and serious diseases.
  • The fact is that the sinus blood, in the structure of the respiratory organ of the baby is present as a tear duct, which is in close proximity to the sinuses. The infection in the course of the development of the disease in the lacrimal canal provokes the inflammatory process in the canal and the eye sore
  • This complication makes it difficult for the baby to have vision, sleep, creates discomfort and inflammation itself often leads to an increase in temperature. If any slightest sourness is detected, eyes should be thoroughly rinsed with the cold decoction of chamomile , since a warm and hot broth with its temperature favors the development of the bacterium
  • . If you notice that the sourness has become much more intense and extensive, you should take furatsilinom. To do this, one tablet of furacilin is diluted in a glass of warm water and waiting for complete cooling of the solution. A cold solution with a gauze or cotton swab is washed with eyes. Furacilin kills the bacterium and removes inflammation
  • . Along with the treatment of eye swelling, as a consequence of the runny nose, the baby's nasal sinuses should be regularly cleaned of accumulated mucus and the
medication should be dripped into the nose.

If a cold is found and any other symptoms of catarrhaldisease, you should definitely consult a specialist. A pediatrician will accurately determine the cause of the onset of a cold and prescribe an effective treatment.

More often than not, doctors prescribe salt drops and vasoconstrictive drops, which fight with the common cold and eliminate its causes. All medications should be used in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor, without increasing dosage and frequency of use. During the treatment of the common cold, mucus should be removed regularly to facilitate breathing to the baby.

How to treat a runny nose and temperature?

  • It happens that the common cold is just one of many symptoms that speak about the presence of ARVI or colds, as well as infectious diseases. Runny nose and temperature - very common in infants
  • At the very beginning of the disease, any mom can notice, how much the child weakens and becomes sluggish. Often this condition is accompanied by the capriciousness of the child. He feels extremely uncomfortable: dry mouth, choking and sneezing with headaches
  • are added to the general poor condition. Nasal discharge can be copious, permanent. They most often acquire a yellowish or greenish color.
  • . Runny nose, which appears together with the temperature, causes swelling of the mucosa and this leads to complete respiratory failure. In consequence, the ability to eat fully and suffers from malnutrition, the baby can lose weight
runny nose, accompanied by a temperature in the baby

This disease requires parents to double the cure - a cold and fever. To do this, use a series of drugs that fight against the temperature and drops in the nose, to ease the condition. Appoint effective and effective treatment will help only a specialist. A pediatrician will determine the cause of the onset of fever and a cold.

If you do not go to the doctor on time, then within two days the disease will get very serious complications. The temperature can rise to 39-40 degrees, and the mucus in the sinuses get into the tear duct and provoke a sour eye.

How do I wash my nose with a cold?

Flushing the nose of the baby is an important exercise that will make it easier for the child to condition and make the course of the illness easier. The child will be able to breathe, eat, sound and sleep normally. In order to carry out the correct washing it is necessary to have a number of tools:

  • pear for sucking out the nozzle
  • cotton buds
  • saline
  • pipette
  • drops in the nose
pear for sucking the snot in infants

In order not to harm the baby, suck the snot correctly:

  • To wash the nose, you should purchase a special salt solution in the pharmacy. A similar solution can be made at home: for this, in a clean and sterilized glass jar, you should dilute a teaspoon of sea salt with boiled water.
  • This reusable solution. Some warm solution is poured into the pipette and gently buried in the baby's spout
  • The warm solution softens the mucus in the sinuses and makes it liquid
  • After that, the pear is injected into the sinus sinus. It is necessary to release the air from the pear beforehand by pressing the fingers
  • After insertion into the nose, the fingers are released and the pear is filled with mucus
  • Such manipulation should be done two to three times in each nostril to completely rid the sinus of mucus
  • After that, a few drops of saline should be dripped into the nose,purchased in the pharmacy or a few drops of the same solution that was used to wash

What are the drops from the rhinitis for babies?

The modern pharmacy offers a variety of nasal drops, which should be used to relieve the condition of infants. From the first birthdays doctors strongly do not recommend using vasoconstrictive drops and advise to buy only saline, at least the first two months.

The most popular salt drops are "Aqua-Maris" drops, which are created on the basis of ocean water. They are rich in minerals and are able to favorably affect the microflora of the nasal mucosa.

Aqua-Maris - nasal drops for children with rhinitis

Aquamaris is a very effective nasal medicine, which additionally has a good moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa, and also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Aqua-Maris is the best medicine to treat colds in newborn babies.

Other medication - Rinazolin. This is a universal remedy that is allowed to fight a cold from the age of two months.

Rinazoline - nasal drops for the treatment of a runny nose in an infant

Some doctors claim that rinazoline can be used starting from the first month of life, but only in strict dosage - one drop. It is based on oxymetazoline - a vasoconstrictor. This means that it must be used with caution, so as not to lead to addiction. Rinazolin allows you to remove the inflammation in the sinuses and eliminate the obstruction of mucus, than to facilitate breathing to the baby.

The most popular and effective remedy against cold is Nazivin - an effective vasoconstrictor.

Nazivin - a remedy for the common cold for infants and older

Nazivin is divided into age categories and for babies it is necessary to use drops designed by for up to a year. The instructions say that they are allowed to apply starting from the age of two months. The bottle is equipped with a convenient pipette with a dosage.

Nazivin effectively eliminates nasal congestion and moisturizes the mucous membrane. Since it has a vasoconstrictive effect, the inflammation disappears in the sinuses and the outflow of mucus is improved. The baby's breathing becomes easier and the opportunity to fully eat, sleep and pronounce sounds returns to him.

What is the common treatment for the common cold in infants?

  • Saline prepared at home is considered one of the ways of folk treatment of the common cold. To do this, it is important only to comply with the rules for the preparation of the solution and the proportion: for a liter of boiled water, you need only add one teaspoon of sea salt. Such a solution should be instilled during treatment, as well as for the prevention of one to two drops per day
  • Another effective tool - a decoction of flowers of calendula. To get the right treatment solution, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers with a liter of boiling water and boil on a steam bath for half an hour. After this, you should wait for the solution to cool completely. Broth is instilled on a droplet into each nostril throughout the day several times
  • Look closely at the reaction of the baby to the decoction, so in some cases it is possible to get a non-favorable allergic reaction
treatment of a runny nose in toddlers

Can you walk with a baby with a cold?

  • Too dry air in the room can not only aggravate the condition of the baby during the runny nose, but also cause it. To the question: "Is it possible to walk with a baby in the street with a cold?" The weather itself is able to respond. If you observe too cold or windy weather, then in this case, the walk should be abstained
  • In other conditions, walking outdoors is a prerequisite for the recovery of the baby. Fresh moistened air favorably affects the nasal mucosa and improves the outflow of mucus. Walking with an infuriated baby does not necessarily take a long time, only half an hour is enough. However, if you are simultaneously fighting the temperature - from walking is better to abstain.
  • Being in the "home mode" regularly ventilate the room and moisten the air in the room. To do this, you can purchase a special humidifier in the convenience store or place a container of water in the room. The spray will also help. Moist air and abundant drinking during a runny nose in a baby - the best treatment for
is the presence of fresh moist air - the correct treatment of a common cold for a baby

Is it possible to bathe a babe with a cold?

Parents should also be aware that a runny nose is not a reason to avoid bathing a baby. A different meaning is played by the conditions in which the bathing is carried out: the room and the water must not be cold, the child in no case should be supercooled. Bathing favorably affects the mucosa, moisturizing it and improving the outflow of mucus.

Another situation occurs when, in addition to the common cold, the baby has a fever. Here it is better to refrain from swimming. Bathing at a temperature can increase the body temperature and worsen a child's condition. Limit yourself to a small wash and regularly ventilate the room.

Rhinitis of the newborns: advice and feedback

  • Runny nose in newborns is always difficult and capricious. Parents should be prepared for the fact that all their attention, patience and strength during this period should be put in favor of the soonest recovery of the baby. As a rule, the common cold lasts for a week and the most acute are the first three or four days with sleepless nights and lack of appetite. During the entire period of the disease, it is necessary to give your baby plenty of drink, regularly moisturize the air with his own hands or with a special device, clean the nasal sinuses from a copious clustermucus, measure the temperature and regularly check the baby's health, as well as the presence of other concomitant rhinitis symptoms: fever, cough, rash, sneezing, headaches
  • Catarrh is not boa symptom. His appearance is always understandable and for professional advice you need to go to a polyclinic for a pediatrician. Only a specialist is able to find out the cause of the onset of a cold and prescribe a really effective treatment. In order not to harm a child, do not try to help yourself and only by a folk way to alleviate his condition. Little babies are not adults and they require special attention and 24-hour attention to themselves.

Video: "Runny nose and cramps. Dr. Kamarovsky »

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