What is the procedure for darsonval for the face and how is it done

Every woman tries to look good in the modern world, however, you have to work hard for this. As a result of stress, malnutrition and for other reasons, inflammation, pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and the like appear on the face. Intensively developing cosmetology helps women to overcome these problems with the help of the latest developments. One of them is darsonvalization.

  • Photo before and after
  • What is the meaning of the
  • procedure? The use of
  • Indications
  • Device description and nozzles
  • Procedure technique
  • Procedure results
  • Contraindications
  • Disadvantages and possible complications

Photos before and after

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What is the meaning of the procedure

Darsonvalization is a procedure that represents one and physiotherapeutic methods of influencing the body with a healing purpose. It is a treatment with a variable pulse current. Under the influence of currents, there is a stimulation of metabolic processes in the tissues, an increase in the rate of movement of blood and lymph, the work of the skin glands( sebaceous and sweat) improves, the skin cells are better saturated with oxygen, which they need.

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The complex effect of electric currents of 2 species on the organism contributes to the achievement of a positive effect: a low-force current that does not cause burns and an alternating current that does not have strong ion shifts in the cell membranes.

A flat circular glass electrode containing a vacuum is used to supply an electrical current. During the electrode on the skin, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation on the face.

There are 2 methods for conducting darsonvalization: contact and remote. The procedure is selected depending on the indications for the procedure.

With contact darsonvalization, the electrode resembling a fungus moves in the directions of the massage lines in a circular motion. It is mandatory to affect the problem areas of the skin.

There are 2 ways to conduct remote darsonvalization:

  1. The electrode does not contact the skin, it moves about 8 millimeters.
  2. The electrode moves over the skin until it reaches the problem areas, then it detaches from it and creates a spark discharge. At this time, discharge sparks cauterize the problematic inflamed areas, facilitating the rapid restoration of the skin and their rapid healing.

If exposure to the deep layers of the skin is required, remote darsonvalization should be used, since discharge sparks are able to penetrate deep into the tissues. Contact darsonvalization provides an impact on the surface tissues. Both methods have a bactericidal effect.

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Benefits of

Contact and remote darsonvalization has a positive effect on the body:

  • Exchange processes in the cells and tissues of the face are improving;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • AC point discharges act at a deep level;
  • Facial muscles are strengthened, and its contour is improved;
  • Thanks to the restoration of water balance, the skin becomes more elastic;
  • Decreased edema;
  • Removing the spasm of blood vessels, prevents stagnation of blood;
  • Disinfects problem areas of the skin.
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Darsonvalization is performed when the following problems occur:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin, dermatitis, acne.
  • infiltrates - blood clots with cells;
  • scars after acne;
  • oily or too dry skin;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • inadequate skin nutrition;
  • pronounced pores;
  • vascular asterisks;
  • facial swelling;
  • formation of bags under the eyes;
  • wrinkles that appear over the years;
  • pigmented spots.
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Cosmetic and folk ways to remove bags under the eyes http://woman-l.ru/meshki-pod-glazami/

When using darsonval in a particular case, it is necessary to carefully study the features of the procedure for the treatment of certain problems:

  • With caution followsuse darsonval with couperose( vasodilation) on the face, since it is not recommended to conduct darsonvalization with pronounced vessels.
  • When using darsonval to improve the condition of the face, getting rid of wrinkles, you must consider the area of ​​exposure. The frontal zone should be exposed to about 5-7 minutes with a mushroom nozzle. The direction of movement of the apparatus is from the middle of the forehead to the temples. At the end, a circular massage of varying power. Massage around the eyes should be done very carefully, using a nozzle in the form of a petal. The time of exposure to each eye should not exceed 3 minutes. Movement nozzle should be circular, the procedure should be started from the upper eyelid, moving in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, when exposed to the lower eyelid - from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  • Using this method of acne, non-contact darsonvalization is recommended. The time for purifying the face of darsonval is increased gradually from 2 to 10 minutes. Movements should be smooth, the pulse frequency should be changed. The effect of darsonval on the face appears after 5-6 sessions.
  • Darsonval is a very effective remedy for pigmentation on the face. The procedure should begin with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time. The current of high frequency, affecting the deep layers of the skin, stimulates the metabolic processes in the skin cells. After facial massage, darsonvalem spots disappear due to cell renewal. When carrying out the procedure, one must be very careful, since skin lesions are possible.
  • Darsonval is one of the most effective methods used for dermatitis on the face. After the procedure, the skin dries, so that the dying cells separate faster. The epidermis becomes resistant to damage.
  • Treatment with darsonvalem relieves scarring and scars on the face. This effect is achieved as a result of improving blood circulation, lymph drainage, oxygenation of cells. This leads to a faster update of the epithelium.
  • As treatment with darsonvalem increases the elasticity of the skin, it is used for facelift. The procedure contributes to the stabilization of the sebaceous glands, the enrichment of cells with oxygen and nutrients, resulting in the skin becoming supple and taut.
  • Treatment of darsonvalem eruptions with herpes on the face is best done by a non-contact method, which is more effective in this case. Mushroom head is moved over the affected area. If there is a strong tingling, reduce the distance.
  • Treatment darsonvalem in demodicosis of the face is very effective, as the nutrition of tissues improves, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, metabolic processes in the cells are activated.
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Description of the device and attachments

Darsonvalization is a very popular procedure in modern cosmetology, however, darsonval treatment can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to buy a pulse massager for the face darsonval. It has more than 10 kinds of attachments, but for the face most often and used attachments in the form of a fungus, drops, petals, combs and forks.

  • Drop is used in the treatment of problematic skin, covered with acne, pimples, warts and so on. The drip form provides an opportunity to work only on problem areas of the skin of the face.
  • The nozzle in the form of a fungus promotes smoothing of wrinkles and improvement of a condition of a problem skin. After application, the skin becomes smooth and supple.
  • Nozzle fork is used to affect the neck and chin. Cleans the skin and makes it more elastic, helps to eliminate cellulite.
  • Nozzle comb is designed to affect the scalp. Use of the device with this nozzle will help to get rid of such problems as dandruff and hair loss.
  • The petal is designed for the skin around the eyes, helps to smooth wrinkles. And also used to treat various problems associated with skin, hidden from us( ears, nose).
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Technique for performing the procedure

There is a specific procedure for the procedure:

  1. Preparation. The patient is conveniently located in a chair with a head restraint or on the couch. The body needs comfort. The face is treated with degreasing, alcohol-free, tonic to remove make-up residue and contaminants on the skin or covered with talc.
  2. Carrying out the procedure. Exposure of the skin to massage lines using an electrode. On problem areas of the skin, scars, scars affect longer, the area around the eyes and lips are not affected at all. When contact darsonvalization, the face is covered with gauze or sprinkled with talcum, which soothes the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Upon completion of darsonvalization, the treated area of ​​the skin needs moisturizing and nourishment. To this end, a soothing cream is applied, with which the effect of the procedure lasts longer.

To ensure that the procedure is successful and there are no complications, you should follow the precautions:

  • Remove all metal objects( jewelry, hair clips).
  • Degrease the face with products that do not contain alcohol, so as not to cause a skin burn accidentally.
  • Treat talc with oily skin.
  • Electrode nozzle pre-treated with alcohol, ensuring its sterility.
  • Including and disconnecting the device, hold the base of the nozzle to avoid discharge.
  • Do not touch the person who is treating darsonval, and do not allow the patient to come in contact with other electrical appliances.
  • Follow the movements - they should be smooth.
  • After completion of the procedure, apply moisturizing cream to the treated skin areas.

Do not neglect these recommendations, because an incorrect procedure can lead to serious consequences!

The course of treatment of darsonval for the face is determined individually and is 10-20 sessions( depending on the problem).The average duration of the procedure depends on the type of skin. For dry - 2-3 minutes are enough, for oily - 5-8 minutes.
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The results of the procedure

The procedure allows to improve the condition of the skin, as a result of impulsive action, the metabolism in the cells is accelerated, the facial swelling is reduced, and then the inflammation, pigmentation, the quantity of wrinkles is reduced, the sebaceous glands are normalized,accelerates the process of removing toxins from cells. In addition, after treatment with darsonval, scars and scars pass.

After 10-20 sessions, skin tone significantly increases, it becomes smooth and supple. This effect is achieved due to local effects of currents of different frequencies penetrating deep into tissues, on problem areas of the skin and activation of vital processes in cells.

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There are certain contraindications to conducting darsonvalization:

  • blood disease;
  • hypertension;
  • neoplasm( malignant or benign);
  • hypertrichosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • is an allergy to current therapy;
  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • age restrictions( use only after reaching the age of six).
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Disadvantages and possible complications of

In case of improper use of the device, the following side effects may occur after the procedure:

  • appearance of irritation on the face;
  • redness of the skin;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • headaches;
  • hypertension of the uterus;
  • excess hair growth on the face;
  • effect of currents on chromosomes, manifested in the manifestation of anomalies in the fetus;
  • allergic reaction.

The described side effects are a serious drawback of darsonval treatment. However, they can be avoided if you properly configure and use the device. During the procedure, there should be no pain. The course of treatment - 10-20 sessions, repeated treatment can be done after 2 months. But before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a cosmetologist.

  • May 28, 2018
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