Why does the winter garlic turn yellow in the spring? What should I do? When to plant garlic in spring on the head and how to feed garlic planted for the winter?

The article describes the methods of planting and top dressing of garlic, as well as the main causes of yellowing of young plant leaves.


  • Why yellow leaves of winter garlic spring: what to do?
  • Video: Why garlic turns yellow on the bed. Cultivation, fertilizing, disease. Leaves of garlic in the spring
  • Than pour garlic in the spring, so as not to yell?
  • Video: Growing winter garlic
  • Top dressing of garlic in early spring
  • When is it better to plant garlic: in spring or in autumn?
  • Video: Garlic without diseases and pests
  • When and how to plant garlic in the spring in the open ground on the head?
  • Do I need to soak garlic before planting in spring?
  • When to dig out the garlic planted in the spring?
  • Video: Cultivation of garlic. Discover the secrets of the excellent harvest

It's hard to imagine a homestead without beds with garlic. For many years people have been using garlic for food, they have been used effectively as a medicine, and not a single plant will be able to replace its unique properties.

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However, to get a good harvest, it's not enough just to put cloves of garlic in the ground. Even though garlic is unpretentious in cultivation, its greenery can hurt and turn yellow, which adversely affects the growth of the head.

Growing garlic on the site

Why yellow leaves of winter garlic spring: what to do?

Yellowing of greenery of winter garlic - not uncommon. There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Infection with stem onion-garlic nematode .If the onion infection can be detected even before the beginning of yellowing of the leaves by their noticeable thickening and curvature, then the leaves of garlic turn yellow immediately. To avoid infection, you need to use a healthy planting material, when storing bulbs, keep the temperature to +4 or above +30 ° C.If the infection has already occurred, you can sow calendula, hyssop, mint or coriander in the inter-rows. Rot or mold .Often attacks garlic shoots, if before planting cloves of garlic not soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. A moderate watering of the beds will also be helped by a weak solution of table salt( 2.5 tablespoons per bucket of water).
  • Insufficient watering .If the spring is dry, without rain, the plant may lack moisture. In this case, moistening of the soil can solve the problem.
  • Insufficient amount in the soil of magnesium and potassium .It is necessary to add magnesium sulphate( 150 g per 10 liters of water) and potassium( 15 g per 10 liters of water).
  • The nitrogen was washed from the soil .This is a frequent phenomenon, therefore, before planting in the soil, it is necessary to introduce humic, urea, nitrogen-containing fertilizers and mixtures.
  • Acidic soil .Garlic grows in neutral soil if the soil is acidic on the bed, during the autumn digging it is lime made from the calculation of 50 kg of lime per one hundred square meters of land. In this case, the amount of lime can be changed to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the degree of oxidation of the soil.
  • Garlic was planted in the soil in severe colds and frozen .To avoid freezing of the teeth in the soil, it is necessary to plant them not earlier than the end of November, but not later than mid-December. This period of time is optimal for planting, since garlic will have time to take root, but it will not grow any more.
  • The teeth were planted deeper than 7 cm .At great depths they froze. Optimum depth of planting for winter garlic 4 - 5 cm
Yellowing of winter garlic leaves due to insufficient irrigation

Video: Why garlic turns yellow on the bed. Cultivation, fertilizing, disease. Leaves of garlic in the spring

Than pour the garlic in the spring, so as not to yell?

If the greenery of winter garlic has turned yellow, and it is impossible to determine what exactly caused the unhealthy color of the leaves, first of all it is necessary to feed the plants with humus or nitrogen fertilizer diluted in water.

If it is known that yellow frost is caused by yellowing of winter garlic leaves, should be applied to any growth stimulant( Epin, Zircon or others) .The means are diluted in water according to the instructions and watered or sprayed with plants.

To save young plants from pests, beds are watered with solution of table salt( 2.5 - 3 tablespoons per bucket of water).

A solution of common salt will help to get rid of pests

potassium permanganate also has anesthetic properties. Even watering with a weak pink solution will be enough to defeat diseases caused by the action of harmful organisms.

The universal tool is fly ash solution. The ash is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 kg of ash per 1 bucket of hot boiled water and allowed to stand for 3 days. Then mix to a homogeneous consistency and water the beds.

Wood ashes for top dressing of garlic

Video: Growing winter garlic

Top dressing of garlic in early spring

A good garlic crop can be obtained only with proper regular care of beds and fertilization.

The scheme of three-stage garlic dressing guarantees a decent result:

  • 1 stage. Addition of urea solution( 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).The fertilizer consumption is 3 liters per 1 m2.
  • Stage 2. Feeding with a solution of nitroammophoska( 2 tablespoons per 1 bucket of water).Consumption - 3 liters per 1 m2.
  • Stage 3. Addition of superphosphate solution( 2 tablespoons per 1 bucket of water).Consumption - 2,5 - 3 liters per 1 m2.

IMPORTANT: Since garlic loves feeding with ashes and manure, a universal fertilizer for it that can be used at any time is a manure solution( 1: 6).However, it is possible to make such additional fertilization no more than 3 times during the growing season.

Harvest of garlic after top dressing

When is it better to plant garlic: in spring or in autumn?

To decide when it is best to plant garlic, you need to determine when you plan to harvest. If garlic is needed for winter supplies, it should be planted in the spring. If garlic is needed in the spring, plant it in the winter.

IMPORTANT: Spring garlic is planted in spring, winter - in the beginning of winter.

Harvest of winter garlic is more appreciated, because it is suitable for cooking your favorite first spring salads from early greenhouse vegetables: cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes. The heads of winter garlic themselves are formed larger and stronger, but spring garlic is stored longer.

IMPORTANT: Winter garlic is sharper than spring garlic. However, the dishes with the addition of spring garlic are always fragrant than those in which garlic is winter.

Harvest of winter garlic

Video: Garlic without diseases and pests

When and how to plant garlic in the spring in the open ground on the head?

The planting of spring garlic in the open ground should begin immediately, as soon as the soil warms up to + 5 ° C, that is, at the end of March - the middle of April.

IMPORTANT: If there are less than 4 teeth in the garlic head, it is not suitable for planting.

Methods for planting garlic, instruction:


  1. Make a groove of the required length, 5 cm deep, using the sharp end of the chopper.
  2. Sprinkle the bottom of the groove with a thin layer of ash.
  3. Place in the groove of the teeth at a distance of about 8 - 10 cm from each other.
  4. Fill the ground so that the teeth are completely hidden beneath the ground.
Traditional planting of garlic

Using a tube:

  1. With an oxygen tube or any other device with a close diameter, make the desired number of holes at a distance of about 10 cm from each other.
  2. At the bottom of each fill the ash.
  3. Put a piece of garlic in each well.
  4. Fill the wells with earth.
Dressing garlic with

tube IMPORTANT: The spring planting of garlic needs regular watering. However, overflow is unacceptable. To isolate the teeth from the excessively humid earth, you can pour a little sand on the ash layer and over the planted garlic.

During the dislocation of the teeth in the ground, indentation is unacceptable, as it is likely to damage the growth site of future plant roots.

IMPORTANT: The larger the teeth, the greater the distance between them should be left. So between very small teeth can be left 6 - 7 cm, between large - 12 cm.

Is it necessary to soak garlic before planting in spring?

Before planting the , the garlic heads separated into prongs are wrapped in a wet cotton cloth for several days. This procedure will help to quickly form the roots of the future plant. As the fabric dries out, it should be soaked in water at room temperature.

IMPORTANT: Do not soak garlic before winter planting.

When to dig out the garlic planted in the spring?

Spring garlic is removed from mid-August to mid-September, but it's impossible to name the exact date. You can determine the time for garlic harvest by yourself according to the following characteristics:

  • The growth of young leaves has stopped.
  • The tops of the leaves are yellow.
  • The stems are leaning toward the ground.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to late with cleaning of spring garlic, since rain can provoke the germination of new roots from young teeth. This will lead to loss of taste and beneficial properties of garlic.

Harvest of spring garlic

Competent planting, careful care and timely cleaning will provide the owner with a year-round supply of garlic. And if the area allows, the cultivation of this unpretentious, but very useful and necessary plant, can bring a good profit to the trucker.

Video: Cultivation of garlic. Discover the secrets of an excellent harvest

  • May 28, 2018
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