Diarrhea in a child. Diarrhea and vomiting in children: what to do? How to stop diarrhea - treatment

Diarrhea and diarrhea in a child is not a harmless phenomenon. If urgent measures are not taken to eliminate frequent liquid feces, the baby is dehydrated.

Contents of

  • What should I do if my child has diarrhea?
  • Video: Food poisoning of a child - Emergency care of Dr. Komarovsky
  • Diarrhea in children up to a year, loose stool in a baby
  • What if the child has diarrhea without temperature, than heal?
  • What if the baby has diarrhea and fever?
  • What should I do if my child has green diarrhea?
  • What if my baby has diarrhea with mucus?
  • Video: Intestinal infections - Dr. Komarovsky's school
  • What if the child has diarrhea and vomiting?
  • Video: Increase in temperature with diarrhea and vomiting: what to do?
  • Diarrhea remedy for children
  • Diarrhea diarrhea in children
  • Diarrhea in children: advice and feedback
  • Video: Diarrhea and diarrhea in a child. Intestinal infections

Diarrhea in a child of any age is a serious reason to consult a pediatrician, because the causes of a disorder of the stool can be very diverse. However, before you start to sound an alarm, you need to make sure that the child is diarrhea, and not a harmless liquid stool.

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IMPORTANT: Diarrhea or diarrhea in a child is called frequent defecation - from 5 times a day. At the same time, feces are liquid or absent( if the cause of diarrhea is an infectious disease).

Diarrhea in a child - an occasion to consult a pediatrician

What if the baby has diarrhea?

If a child has diarrhea and this has become obvious, the parents must act immediately. The tactic of waiting and hoping to "maybe carry" is inappropriate in this case.

IMPORTANT: Diarrhea is dangerous to the child's body, because during each act of defecation the child loses a lot of fluid and salts, which can lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent this extreme state.

The actions of parents aimed at replenishment of the spent volume of liquid in the body of the child are as follows:

  • of the child must be often watered with saline solution: Regidron, Oralit, Enterodez. If you consume a large amount of fluid at one time, the child is prevented from vomiting, you should offer him a drink in small portions, but more often
  • give the child an absorbing drug( Smekta, Enterosgel) that will relieve the intestines of the accumulated toxins of
  • . Do not force the child to eat a large portion of food - it canprovoke a fit of vomiting. It is better to offer the baby half of the usual portion, and during the meal give ¼ table Mezim-forte

IMPORTANT: Before the child is examined by a doctor, no other measures for eliminating diarrhea should be taken.

A child needs to drink a lot to prevent dehydration

Video: Food poisoning of the child - Emergency assistance of Dr. Komarovsky

Diarrhea in children up to one year, loose stool in infants

  • To determine that the baby has diarrhea, it is possible by the sharply increased number of acts of defecation, the appearancewatery stools. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting, fever, unhealthy general condition of the child
  • All these signs indicate the development of the child's viral gastroenteritis, requiring qualified medical treatment. The pediatrician, after examining the child and assessing his condition, will prescribe funds for replenishment of the stock of liquid and salts in the baby's body, lost during the period of illness
  • . A special diet is usually not required. For children who are exclusively breastfed, nothing will change in nutrition. And for "artificers" the usual mixture is replaced with fermented milk

IMPORTANT: The peculiarity of diarrhea in infants is a high probability of rapid dehydration of the body. If the eyes and fontanel fuse, the skin became dry, the number of urination decreased, the child became sleepy and sluggish, it is necessary to immediately call an "ambulance".

Dehydration for babies diarrhea can occur very quickly

What if the baby has diarrhea without fever than heal?

The causes of diarrhea in a child not accompanied by fever may be several:

  • teething
  • excessive juice consumption on the eve
  • food poisoning
  • giardiasis
  • side effect of the drug
  • stress, experiences
  • incomplete digestion of food
  • not specific ulcerative colitis

Depending onfrom what caused diarrhea in the child, actions must be taken to eliminate it.

If diarrhea has been caused by food poisoning or the immense use of juices, the child is recommended a strict diet before the normalization of the condition. Consultation with a doctor in such cases can not be neglected.

Diarrhea without fever may be a sign of food poisoning
  • When giardiasis is treated appropriately, however, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, it will be necessary to pass the
  • tests. If diarrhea in the child is a side effect of taking the medication, it is best to stop using this medication and replace it with another. However, you need to do this after consulting the pediatrician
  • . When the cause of diarrhea is childhood fright and anxiety, parents should try to help the child get out of the unpleasant situation and provide support to
  • . An incomplete digestion of food and ulcerative colitis is a serious danger to the child's health. As a rule, feces in these cases are accompanied by a sharp smell and impurities of blood
  • . The child complains of fatigue, refuses food and improves weight. All this is an occasion for an immediate visit to the pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe tests and treat
. Refusal to eat, drowsiness and irritability with diarrhea may be a sign of incomplete digestion of food

Depending on the situation, the child can be given one of the diarrhea remedies:

  • The toast - will have an astringent effect, will fill the lack of salts in the body
  • Polyphepan - excretes diarrhea causative agents
  • Smecta - reconstructs the mucous membrane of the digestive tract
  • Enterosgel - removes toxins, allergens, bacteria from the body
  • Probiotiki( Lactobacterin, Bifikol, Bifidobacterin, Acipol, Lineks, Atzilact, Hilak Forte, Normobakt) - balance the intestinal microflora
Smecta will help restore the gastrointestinal tract with diarrhea.

. What if the child has diarrhea and fever?

The cause of temperature increase in children with diarrhea can be:

  • Viral gastroenteritis
  • Intestinal bacterial infection
  • Food poisoning
  • Teething Teeth

IMPORTANT: Whatever the reasons for the appearance of diarrhea and temperature in a child, treatment should begin immediately.

First of all, the child should be given any enterosorbent( smecta, enterosgel) - a drug that will help to remove harmful bacteria from the body.

If the child's body temperature exceeds 38.5˚С, it can be lowered with the help of children's antipyretic syrup( Nurofen, Panadol) or candles( Cefekon, Paracetomol, Nurofen).

IMPORTANT: If the diarrhea and temperature of the baby last more than a day, a pediatrician's consultation is mandatory. The doctor will be able to establish the exact cause and prescribe exactly those medicines that, as soon as possible, will relieve the baby from suffering.

High temperature for diarrhea in a child needs to be knocked down with antipyretics

What if the child has green diarrhea?

  • The very green color of diarrhea is not terrible. But the state of the child should be paid attention to
  • . If the child feels well and the only problem is the rapid chair of green, you need to see a doctor to get a referral for tests. Most likely, the cause of the disorder is dysbiosis. Usually the situation improves after the course of the immunomodulators
  • . But if the diarrhea of ​​the green color in the child is accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, the parents need to call an ambulance urgently, because such signs in the intestinal infection

IMPORTANT: Breastfeed moms can detect a greenish shadefeces in the child after the introduction of complementary foods or replacement of the mixture. To provoke the appearance of green diarrhea in infants can fruit juices, cow's milk, non-compliance with the diet of a nursing mother.

Introduction of complementary foods can cause a green diarrhea in a child

What if the baby has diarrhea with mucus?

The presence of mucus in diarrhea suggests the possibility of developing an intestinal infection. However, diarrhea with mucus secretion from the intestine also occurs with:

  • overeating
  • lactose deficiency
  • intolerance to cow protein
  • encoelcoil
  • gastroenteritis

IMPORTANT: In most cases of non-infectious diarrhea, the overall well-being of children does not change. If the child has caught an intestinal infection, then lethargy, fatigue, irritability and drowsiness are added to the diarrhea with mucus.

If mucus was found in the stools of the baby, it should be given any adsorbent( Regidron, Oralit ), exclude from the diet of food that is difficult to digest and call a doctor.

While waiting for the doctor, the mother can take a closer look at the bowel movements:

  • if the mucus in the stool is lumpy, with blood veins - the cause of diarrhea is the causative agent of dysentery
  • yellowish-brownish or orange flaky mucus talk about infection with salmonellosis
  • predominantly bloody impurities inmucus is the reason for urgent treatment in the "first aid", as the cause of the appearance of blood in diarrhea can be colitis or a serious infection
The reason for the appearanceIa mucus in the diarrhea may be overeating

Video: Intestinal infections - Dr. Komarovsky School

What to do if your child has diarrhea and vomiting?

Diarrhea, accompanied by vomiting, is very dangerous for the rapid dehydration of the body. To prevent this, the child must constantly drink salt solutions. Immediate treatment for medical help in such situations is mandatory.

IMPORTANT: Dehydration of the body is fatal for young children. The loss of an organism of only 9 - 11% of the stock of liquid threatens the health and even the life of the baby.

Diarrhea accompanied by vomiting is most dangerous for the baby

Video: Increase in temperature with diarrhea and vomiting: what to do?

Diarrhea remedy for children

Diarrhea remedies for children should be prescribed by a doctor. Independently it will not be possible to determine how effective this or that drug will be in each individual situation.

All medications recommended for diarrhea in children are divided into groups:

  • probiotics ( Lactobacterin, Bifikol, Bifidobacterin, Linex, Bifiform, Acilact, Acipol, Normobakt, Hilak Forte)
  • medications with action to slow intestinal peristalsis ( Loperamide, Lededium, Immodium, Diar, Stoperan, Suprilol, Loflatil, Enterobene)
  • antibiotics used for intestinal infection ( Enterol, Nifuraksozid, Enterofuril, Stopdiar, Phthalazol)
  • enterosorbents, stop diarrhea ( Enterosgel, Polis( blueberries, rhizomes of the blood-grouse, bird-cherry, pomegranate)

IMPORTANT: All listed products are authorized for admission by young children according to the instruction.

Enterosgel helps to quickly stop diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea in children

To help the baby get rid of diarrhea, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet.

Completely to exclude from the diet at the time of treatment such products:

  • dairy
  • vegetables, mushrooms
  • floury products
  • preservation
  • fatty and fried

IMPORTANT: If the child is accustomed to snacks, then during a diet they can be organized with the help of crackers fromgray bread, bananas and peeled apples.

You can feed your child with diarrhea with :

  • bananas, apples, apple juice
  • bread crumbs
  • jelly
  • boiled rice

You need to introduce new dishes gradually as the situation improves.

Whatever the reasons that caused diarrhea in the child, it is desirable to immediately show the baby to the pediatrician. Self-medication with pediatric diarrhea is extremely dangerous.

For diarrhea, some products should be excluded from the child's diet.

Diarrhea in children: advice and feedback

Sveta, Nastya's mother( 2 years): Nastia first had an upset stomach when she was 5 months old. I was very frightened then and we immediately went to see a doctor. He examined the daughter and said that he had not noticed anything suspicious about her well-being. The doctor suggested that the cause of diarrhea could be teeth that were about to appear. His guesses turned out to be correct. After 3 days she got out the first upper tooth! Then everything went by itself, I did not give any medications, only I often gave my daughter water.

Uliana, Tim's mother( 3 years): The son picked up an intestinal infection in the garden. Evening after the kindergarten, he spent on a pot, and in the morning I called an ambulance, as I found veins of blood in my stool. We were immediately hospitalized, put a dropper, and prescribed a treatment. After discharge from the infectious disease department, for a while the son had to follow a diet.

Natasha, Katya's mother( 4 years): When my daughter has diarrhea, I give her Regidron and Smektu. After taking these drugs, the stool quickly normalizes. In a few days my girl returns to normal life.

Video: Diarrhea and diarrhea in a child. Intestinal infections

  • May 28, 2018
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