Signs of the weather for September and wedding traditions

  • September 1 is the day of Andrei Stratilat or Teplyak and Fekla Svekolschitsa. The birches begin to turn yellow, foreshadowing "Indian summer".Began to collect beets, dry flax, wet the hemp. The south wind is for a good harvest of oats. Already quite a long time on this day, celebrate the "Day of Knowledge" and on the signs, with what mood the schoolboy will go to school and how to spend his first day, so the whole academic year will pass. A happy sign for the first-graders was to put a shoe in the shoe under the heel of his left foot, so that the child would study well. Dirty the form, especially slap ink - to poor grades or hard study in the future school year.
  • September 2 - Samoilov Day. Samuel was considered the patron of men, therefore on this day the representatives of the stronger sex were honored. In the forests there were many mushrooms and on that day they organized a mushroom holiday. Cranes fly high in the sky - to warm autumn.
  • September 3 is the day of the apostle Thaddeus. They cleaned the flax and dried it in the fields. According to popular signs, a warm day promised another four weeks of heat and sun without rain. A lot of acorns - to a snowy Christmas.
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  • September 4 - Agafonov Day. On this day, guarded by the barn from the forest. To do this, the peasants dressed in reverse the sheepskin coat and took a poker in hands. Many nuts have arisen, but few mushrooms - to the cold and snowy winter.
  • September 5 - the day of St. Lupe Brusnichnik. If the cowberry has ripened, the whole month will not be cold. On this day the cranes fly low, which means that the winter will be late.
  • September 6 is the day of Evtekhiya. If it rains without a wind, autumn will be warm, and next summer the harvest will please with its quantity.
  • September 7 is the day of the Apostle Bartholomew and Titus Listopadnik. They went all the family to the forest to collect mushrooms. If the migratory birds sit down on the ground - wait for warm and clear weather in the coming days, if they are seated on the roofs of the houses - to rage.
  • September 8 - the day of Andrian Autumn and Natalia Ovsyannitsa. Still this day nicknamed as a mountain ashberries, because it was on the 8th of the month that they collected the Kalina and the mountain ash. The cold morning of this day was a harbinger of an early and harsh winter. Also, if before this day leaves from oak and birch have not fallen, it is worth waiting for a lot of snow in winter.
  • September 9 is the day of Pimen the Great and Anfisa. Day of gathering and veneration of mountain ash and viburnum. Red bunches on this day were decorated with a house and a table. The storm foreshadows a warm autumn, and a big harvest of mountain ash - autumn will be rainy and rainy, and winter is cold.
  • September 10 - the day of Sawa and Anna. The last harvest of bread, the beginning of the big autumn fairs. If the migratory birds have not yet flown away - winters await a warm and late.
  • September 11 - Ivanov day, Ivan Postnik or Repnik. On this day, try not to work as much as possible and not to take stabbing and cutting objects. They cleaned the turnips and did not go out to the field anymore. If the cranes fly south, then winter will be early this year.
  • September 12 is the day of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Long since that day a rich table was laid on which a braid, woven from ears of barley, oats and flax, was baked, baked bread from the grain of a new crop. A warm evening speaks of a good harvest next year, and a starfall - to crop failure.
  • September 13 is the day of Kupriyan Potato. From this day it was allowed to dig root crops and collect cranberries. Cranes are low circling - to warm winter, high - to cold, loudly to the sound - to fast rain.
  • September 14 is the day of Simeon the Stylite. We tried to finish all trading operations to this day, it was time for weddings. A warm and sunny day spoke of a warm winter, dry weather - about dry autumn, rain - to a cold and rainy autumn.
  • September 15 is the day of Mamont Ovcharnik, Fedot, Rufin. We tried not to drive out cattle from the huts or from the yard without unnecessary need that day. Autumn celebrations began and matchmaking began. Red sunset foreshadowed fast frosts.
  • September 16 is the day of Vasilisa. They put things in order in the huts, they collected and put in the bins the late raspberries and apples. Morning rain - to warm and dry weather in the near future.
  • September 17 is the day of Vavila, the bows day, the Burning Bush. Necessarily prayed to the Theotokos to protect the houses from lightning and fire. On a bow a lot of husk - to a cold winter.
  • September 18 is the day of Kumokha, Zacharias and Elizabeth. According to popular signs, this day was considered unhappy, but fortune telling and predictions certainly came true, so people tried to visit fortune-tellers and healers. If this day the leaves of the mountain ash are already turned yellow - this is for the winter early.
  • September 19 - Mikhailov Day, the Orthodox holiday Mihailova Miracle. To work on that day was considered a bad omen. Hoarfrost on the grass - to great frosts.
  • September 20 is the day of the martyr of Sozont. We finished collecting onions and started to trade them. Bake onions before they gather the last bulbs from the garden - a bad sign.
  • September 21 - the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. The "Indian summer" began, they prepared and carried bees for wintering. On the good weather signs spoke of a dry and warm autumn.
  • September 22 is the day of Joachim and Anna. The day of women in childbirth, young mothers and the veneration of the parents of the Virgin Mary. On the festive table must necessarily be "rich" sweet porridge( with nuts, dried fruits, poppies, etc.).
  • September 23 is the day of Peter and Paul. They gathered the mountain ash, at that time it became delicious. Many clusters of mountain ash on the tree - to the abundant rains, a little - to the dry autumn.
  • September 24 - the day of Theodore Obder. We went to the fields to inspect the winter crops. It is not advisable to start any important business on this day. If the bees started to fly again, it will be warm for a long time.
  • September 25 is the day of Saint Artamon. The cold came, and the snakes hid in cover for wintering. If the trees are already a lot of yellow leaves - to early autumn, rain - to a protracted winter.
  • September 26 is the day of Cornelius. We tried to finish all the work on harvesting, since from that day the frosts began. The rain speaks of a good harvest next year.
  • September 27 - The Exaltation of the Lord. This day was also called the Cabbage, cooked pirozhki with cabbage and harvested cabbage for the winter. It was considered a bad omen to go to the forest to the Exaltation and start serious business. The cold north wind - to a warm summer next year.
  • September 28 - Nikitin Day. They began to shear sheep and hunt poultry. Wild geese fly south. If they fly high and a big key - to fast cold.
  • September 29 is the day of Euphemia. Thunderstorm on this day promises a snowy winter. Warm and dry weather on this day says that winter will not come soon.
  • September 30 - a holiday of Faith, Hope and Love. If on that day the cranes fly off, then on the Pokrov( October 14) there will be frosts. If the birds are not visible, then the cold will come later, and the winter will be snowy.
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September in Russia was called frowning, golden-blossom, deciduous, howler and zorevnik. Each of the names is a reflection of the events of the month, because at this time the weather frowns, the winds start to blow and the rains go, the leaves are falling. This is a month that combines both summer and autumn.

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About weather

If the weather is dry and warm, then you can not wait for early winter, but if you hear a thunder among the month, the winter months will definitely be harsh.

Notice how the leaves turn yellow on the birch trees in September. If there is an early spring on the top, below - it will not come soon. If the leaves quickly fell out - the winter will be cold and snowy. If the leaf on the cherry remains, but there is a lot of snow, then the thaw is not far off. Are there many acorns on the oak tree in September? Waiting for a fierce winter and snow on Christmas Day. Slowly falling leaves from trees herald a rapid onset of frost.

If in September the foliage that is showered falls mostly inside out, next year will be productive, and winter - warm. If the front side is larger, then we are waiting for a snowy winter.

When the clouds are pinnate, tomorrow morning will be cold, but clear. If the stars are blinking in the night sky, the weather will definitely deteriorate and there will be a strong wind. If clouds move in September against the wind, then the weather is coming worse. If it started to rain early in the morning, most likely this is for the whole day.

Indian summer comes in the first month of autumn. If during this period the spider web flies a little - a sign of a warm and long autumnal pore, but if there are a lot of it, it heralds a cold winter. The grass is strewn with cobwebs in the middle of the month? The next few days will be warm and clear.

If there are a lot of fruits in the mountain ash in September, then it will rain all autumn, if it is not enough, you should wait for dry and warm weather.

If the harvest of mushrooms, gingerbreads, mushrooms in September is large, then it will be warm and little snow in winter. A good harvest of nuts says that the winter is coming with severe frosts and snow. A lot of sorrel has sprung - a warm winter ahead, and a lot of husk in onions is a harbinger of a cold winter.

If large ants build earthen piles with sharp ends in September, then you need to wait for a fierce winter. If a large number of flies fly at the end of September, this is a sign that autumn will be a mistress for a long time. The appearance of mosquitoes at the end of the month speaks of late winter.

Chickens shed in September - autumn will be warm, and if the hens hides chickens under themselves, the weather will just deteriorate and become cold.

Cranes roam and fly slowly - the whole autumn will be fine weather.

Sparrows in the dust jump - soon there will be a long downpour.

Owl often screams in the rain - the morning of September will be clear, and the day will be fair.

By the end of the month the starlings did not fly away - autumn will be warm and long.

The rooks are stretched by a dark spindle - the autumn weather will be without rain and frost.

It's going to rain, and the owls scream - the bad weather will last.

Animals in September turn their backs in the direction from where the wind should wait.

If the protein collects a lot of nuts, the coming winter is lingering and harsh.

Read also about weather signs for September
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To marry in September

Autumn is the most favorabletime for weddings. It was after August 28( Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) that the breeding season for our ancestors began: all the field work is finished, grain, fruit and vegetables are harvested and prepared for the winter, and the weather still allows to arrange a holiday in the open air.

On signs, the marriage in September bears a quiet and peaceful life for the married couple. The union will be stable, faithful and reliable, and all adversities and failures will be avoided.

The unfavorable date for a wedding according to popular signs was considered September 11 or its eve( the Day of the Beheading of the head of John the Forerunner).Believers on that day were supposed to fast and not use stabbing and cutting objects. Even the bread on the table was served with broken pieces. Also, it is not necessary to appoint marriage and wedding for important church holidays: September 21( Christmas of the Blessed Virgin) and September 27( Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord).

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