What cures the herb clean in folk medicine? Treatment of celandine warts, papillomas

The Celandine quite justifies its name with many useful properties aimed at healing and treating the skin. If you properly use the grass, you can achieve amazing results in finding healthy skin, hair, getting rid of warts and gaining well-being.


  • Medicinal properties of herb celandine. The use of grass cleanness
  • Video: "Celandine. Treatment and contraindications »
  • Reception and treatment with foliage celandine grass
  • Video:" What heals celandine? "
  • How to drink the grass clean? From what do they drink celandine?
  • Video: "Celestial. Instructions for use in folk medicine »
  • Why does a bath with grass celandine?
  • How does celandine grass from warts apply?
  • Video: "Celandine and warts"
  • How is celandine grass taken from fungus?
  • Video: "Treatment of fungus celandine"
  • How to use the herb celandine in gynecology?
  • Video: "Celestial kills cancer cells"
  • How effective is celandine grass from acne?
  • Video: "The best cure for acne is celandine"
  • instagram viewer
  • Cleansing herb for skin diseases, application of
  • How does cleansing herb for hair?
  • How to properly use the herb celandine: advice and feedback
  • Video: "Celestial"

Medicinal properties of herbs are clean. The use of herbs cleanness

Cleanness is one of the most useful medicinal herbs. It is successfully used in medicine both inside and outside. The purifier contains many alkaloids, essential oil, carotene, tannic and resinous substances and even ascorbic acid.

The Celandine has:

  • anti-inflammatory property
  • diuretic
  • cholagogue
  • antitumor( slows the growth of cancer cells)
  • property to heal the scabies
  • antibacterial property
  • cleansing property for the whole body

Doctors often designate celandine as a bactericide. But it is no less effective, and as an analgesic, since chelidonin, which is a part of, has the property of having an antispasmodic effect.

herb celandine

It is not rare to prescribe celandine to those who have an initial stage of oncological diseases. The components of the herb are able to slow down the division of cancer cells and the growth of tumors.

Outer celandine is used to treat the oral cavity and inflammatory gum disease as a rinse. So regular gargles with decoction cure stomatitis and candidiasis. And if you use the infusion of herbs, then they can successfully get rid of diseases in the nasopharynx.

The role of celandine in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not unimportant. Broth chistel drink to get rid of:

  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • cholelithiasis
  • salt deposits
  • kidney sand

Video: "Celandine. Treatment and contraindications »

Reception and treatment with foliage celandine grass

It can be said with certainty that the name fully justifies the medicinal properties of this herb. Hundreds and thousands of years ago, people used it as a cure for a variety of skin diseases, whether it's scabies or rashes.

Remember, perhaps in childhood you had a wart and saw bright yellow flowers in the grass, broke the stalk and smeared the juice with a wart. But it's worth to be very attentive to how your body reacts to the celandine. All because, in addition to useful, it also has toxic properties.

flowers and stems of celandine

Doing self-medication remember that excessive or incorrect use of celandine can not cure but only exacerbate the situation.

Depending on the problem, the celandine is taken as a decoction, tincture or simply bright yellow grass juice. To prepare the broth, you need to pour the necessary amount of grass with boiling water and leave alone for an hour.

Only after this time the broth can be considered a full-fledged medicine. It is best to insist the celandine in the thermos because this way it can stay longer and stay warm.

The course of treatment with celandine usually is not more than two weeks, since then you should take a break for a while.

juice celandine

If you do not comply with the dosage of celandine use, you can easily achieve a negative and side effect of treatment. When brewing celandine, do not try to use more than one spoonful of dry grass on a glass of water. You can use celandine three times a day but not more than one or two small sips.

Most common celandine is used to treat:

  • warts
  • fungus
  • pain in the legs
  • cough

Video: "What cures the celandine?"

How to drink the grass celandine? From what do they drink celandine?

Every time using celandine for treatment, remember that in addition to medicinal properties, it contains toxic compounds. Carefully observe the dosage of the broth of celandine, because its excess leads to poisoning. Doctors prescribe celandine inside with:

  • internal diseases
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx
  • headaches and neuroses
  • elevated pressure
  • joint inflammation and rheumatism
  • oncology
broth chistel

Purity has contraindications. It can not be accepted:

  • for pregnant and lactating mothers
  • for epileptics
  • for people suffering from heart diseases
  • for people with low blood pressure

You can take the celandine inside only strictly dosage:

  • juice and tincture should be taken starting from the minimum dose( from 2 drops)drop to raise
  • broth drink no more than two or three spoons
  • not to consume pure juice of celandine
  • at the slightest symptoms of poisoning stop using the drug
  • not drink clean in any form dolshtwo weeks infusion
celandine Chelidonium

juice pure squeeze, diluted vodka or any other alcoholic solution. The maximum amount of tincture that can be consumed in a dun is not more than twenty drops.

After reaching the maximum number, you should take it to decrease. Use celandine in its any form no longer than a course of two weeks.

Video: "Celestial. Instructions for use in folk medicine »

Why does a bath with grass celandine?

Baths with celandine are used to ensure that the skin is always in perfect condition. It is useful in those cases when you have any skin diseases and when you want to give her a healthy and radiant look.

bath with celandine

The bathroom with celandine removes all inflammatory foci on the skin. Be careful that when you take a bath you can not use various soap products, so forget about soap, shampoos and all kinds of gels.

In order to make a bath with celandine, brew a pack of pharmacy grass in the basin with a kettle of water. After an hour of infusion, add the broth to the recruited bath. Limitations of celandine is not for taking baths, the main thing - check your reaction to the grass beforehand.

How does celandine grass from warts apply?

Treatment of warts celandine implies the direct application of plant juice to the skin area. The cleansing grass grows everywhere: on flowerbeds, under bushes, in kitchen gardens, parks and wild nature. To apply the juice, it is necessary to break the blossoming stem and apply a droplet of juice to the wart.

treatment of warts

It is recommended to apply juice four times a day on a wart. The course of treatment should be conducted no longer than three weeks. When applying the juice to the wart, seal it with a plaster, so as not to stain clothes and underwear with no removable stains.

Video: "Celandine and warts"

How is celandine grass taken from fungus?

Unique properties of the herbs allow you to treat the nail fungus with pure juice, infusions and oil. The most effective way is to apply fresh juice. Use this tool can not last longer than three months.

In order to get a healing juice you need to collect the leaves and stems of the plant, chop them finely with a knife. Pass the whole mass through the gauze. Ready juice is applied to the affected area.

nail fungus

Important: Before applying the juice, steam in a hot tub should be ripped off with a fungus affected leg or arm.

It is effective to treat the fungus with celandine oil. For this, the grass is poured with any refined oil, put on a steam bath and pressed for about three hours. Struck the fungus nail steam and moistened wadded disk overlap for half an hour. The course of such treatment should be carried out within three weeks.

Video: "Treatment of fungus celandine"

How to use herb celandine in gynecology?

The herb celandine is successfully used for the treatment of gynecological diseases:

  • with inflammation of the appendages
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes
  • inflammation of the ovaries
  • lesion of the mucous female body
  • of the mucous uterus
  • cysts and oncological neoplasms

If you feel sharp pain in the lower abdomen and the area of ​​the sacrum -women's "problems. Pay attention to what you feel when you urinate. Rezi and when speak about the obvious inflammatory process.

broth for syringing

It happens that medication does not have the proper effect. In this case, folk medicine comes to the rescue. It is useful from time to time to do syringing with infusion of celandine.

For cooking, you can use both fresh grass and dry. Prepare a liter jar, half a bucket of fresh herb( quarter dried) pour boiling water and leave alone until cooling. After the water darkens, do syringing. Treatment should last no more than three weeks.

Video: "Celandine Kills Cancer Cells"

How effective is the celandine herb from acne?

Cleaner literally "cleans" the skin, eliminating it from any problems. The juice of this plant is a poisonous substance, so you need to understand immediately that you need to use it only in a minimal amount and do not let it get on the mucous membranes. In the struggle for an ideal skin, the celandine juice is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.

It can be applied in many ways:

  • as a mask
  • in the form of decoction
  • wiping with pure juice
juice of celandine from acne

The most dangerous of the listed species is precisely wiping with pure juice. All because the toxic properties are capable of putting a burn on the skin and provoking peeling. It is much more effective to wash face with concentrated herb tea twice a day or make a mask:

  • broth of celandine( saturated)
  • egg
  • honey

All components are mixed and held on the face for half an hour. Such a mask can be done regularly, every four days.

Video: "The best cure for acne is celandine"

Cleavage grass for skin diseases, application of

Various types of skin diseases can occur for various reasons. In any case, it is possible to carry out celandine therapy.

  • Rashes: Regular rinsing of the rash with decoction or herb infusion helps to reduce it
  • Skin diseases: baths with celandine and wiping will be helped by a saturated decoction of fresh flowering celandine
  • Warts and lichen: can be lubricated with fresh plant juice, oil can be applied and applied to the affectedplace
  • Eczema: wiping decoction of celandine with dandelion
  • Dermatitis: ointment application from celandine( decoction, lanolin, petrolatum)

How does the celandine grass for hair?

Like any medicinal plant, celandine has an excellent effect on the condition of the hair. Hair of any type can be regularly rinsed with herbal decoctions to achieve:

  • softness of hair
  • silkiness
  • amazing shine
  • removal of itching and dandruff

Concentrated infusion dilute the necessary amount of water in the pelvis and substituting a shampoo washed up with a shampoo, several times rinsed out of the bucket. You can use hair masks with celandine oil, which is simply added to your favorite cosmetic.

How to properly use the herb celandine: advice and feedback

Herb celandine has many positive reviews from those who regularly perform cosmetic procedures and try to get rid of all sorts of diseases. If you do not have any allergic reactions to the remedy, boldly apply it for your own purposes in strict observance of all proportions.

Like any medicine, celandine requires a periodic "rest".To the body does not accumulate toxic substances, arrange a break from the treatment of celandine in one or two months.

Grass celandine is easy to buy at any pharmacy and the cost of it will pleasantly surprise you. If you have the opportunity, always give preference to a fresh plant, since it is saturated with a lot of useful substances, and therefore will soon have its positive effect.

Video: "Celestial"

  • May 28, 2018
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