Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a pin on clothes, gold, English, in hand, body, on the floor? Why needles and pins are dreamed, many pins

A pin is a symbol that has many meanings, if its person saw in a dream. This article reveals the interpretation of dreams with pins.


  • What does the pin look like?
  • Why snaps pins, a lot of pins?
  • What are the needles and pins?
  • Why does a gold pin dream?
  • What does an English pin sound like?
  • Dream Interpretation: pin large and small
  • Why does a pin on clothes look like?
  • Why does a pin in my hand dream?
  • What are the pins in the body for?
  • Why does a pin on the floor dream?
  • Dream Interpretation: pins to find, collect pins, give pins
  • Why snit pin pins?
  • Video: "Dream Interpretation, Interpretation"

What does the pin look like?

The pin has long been considered a strong amulet of for people. She was pinned to the inside of the clothes for protection, lapel, luck and even love. In itself, this simple object has a very original form, capable of attracting to itself negative energetics of and closing it in itself.

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As a result, the evil eye, corruption, envy and all that a foe can desire a person, gets into a pin and begins to circulate in it along an endless circle of .

Seeing pin in a dream is a good sign of , if the object itself is clean, new and shiny. In each dream, you should definitely pay attention to the smallest details of : the surrounding, the conditions of finding a pin, its visual signs.

Classic pin in vintage style

Sleep with pin:

  • A new pin ( shiny, smooth, buttoned ) - to purchase, new acquaintance, purchase and pleasant news.
  • A new pin ( smooth, shiny, but unbuttoned ) - someone is plotting against you an evil deed or jealous of you, be careful.
  • A spoiled pin ( not perfect) is a bad sign, portends failures, illnesses, losses and troubles.
  • A pin looking with ( clasp) on you is a good sign, your business will go uphill.
  • The pin of the pregnant woman is a sign that she is expecting the birth of her son.
  • Poke with a pin - you are set against someone who wishes to harm you in any way.
  • Pin in the mouth - do not talk too much. Perhaps you quarreled with someone. This can have unpleasant consequences for you.
To see a pin in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing the prosperity of

What are the pins, many pins?

One clean and new pin in a dream - is a good sign of .But, what if dreams a lot of pins ?In this case, pay attention to the appearance of the pin: whether it is intact or spoiled, bent or flat, what color it is and what was next to it.

Sleep in which there are many pins:

  • To see many new shiny pins - great profit, financial prosperity, well-being and luck.
  • Get a lot of beautiful pins - to good news, to favorable changes in life, to the joy and health of loved ones.
  • To see many corrupted or rusted pins - to illnesses, to endless problems, to failures and troubles.
  • Spill pins - in your family will go a series of endless quarrels and clarifying the relationship.
  • A young girl spilled pins - sleep portends parting with a loved one.
A dream in which a person sees a lot of pins: the value of

What are the needles and pins looking for?

Depending on how you saw these objects in a dream, you should interpret the dream value :

  • Pins, mixed with needles - in your environment a lot of friends, but also among them there are enough ill-wishers.
  • A young girl saw in a dream pins and needles - to a marriage, to swift romantic and sexual relations.
  • Pour needles to pins - want to hurt someone. In your environment there is a person who is carrying you evil. You want him to take revenge.
  • A cushion for sewing in a dream was full of needles and pins - such a dream to a woman portends family well-being and prosperity.
What are pins and needles looking for?

Why do I dream of a gold pin?

Sleep values:

  • Find the gold pin - to big profits
  • Lose the gold pin - say goodbye to prosperity, business.
  • Poke a gold pin to your clothes - you will be lucky in your affairs and personal relationships.
  • To give a gold pin( woman to a man) - to an early serious relationship, possibly to marriage.
  • Get a gold pin - a marriage proposal for a woman, good luck in business - for a man.
  • Big gold pin - big prosperity
  • A small gold pin is an expensive gift, a bonus.
  • Unfastened safety pin - you need to invest a lot of work to make your business and work profitable.
  • Prick a gold pin - you have envious people who do not like you for your success.
Why does a gold pin dream?

Why does an English pin sound?

Sleep value:

  • See clearly the head of the pin - to luck and luck
  • To fasten the pin - to cope with problems and failures.
  • Unfasten the safety pin - you trust the unkind people
  • Buy the pin - make an important and necessary purchase in your life.
  • To bite a pin - to quarrel with relatives and friends
Why does an English pin sound?

Dream: pin big and small

Sleep value:

  • Find a big pin on the street - to get profit from nowhere.
  • Find a small pin on the street - to the good news: a letter, an event, a message, a joy.
  • Big pin on clothes - you have reliable friends and helpers in the family who will not let you offend.
  • Choose a pin and select a large - you are aiming to change your life safely.
  • Choose a pin and choose a small - you should rest, devote time to yourself.
  • A large rusty pin is a strong disease, a loss of money.
  • A small rusty pin is a disease, a failure in business.
  • A large pin with a black thread or a bead - to the loss of a loved one.
  • A small pin with a black thread or a bead - you have an envious or ill-wishers.
Why do I need big and small pins?

Why does a pin on clothes look like?

The pin pinned to the clothes indicates the amulet. Such an amulet protects a person from any troubles that may come from envious persons.

Sleep value:

  • Pin pin to clothes - you will be lucky.
  • Pin and lose the pin - something will go wrong, you will fail or survive the deception.
  • Pin the pin to the clothes and prick the body - you have envious people who wish you bad luck.
  • Pin a new pin - to health and well-being.
  • Pin a rusty safety pin - consult a doctor. Perhaps you are developing a serious illness.
  • Pin the black pin - you have a love spell or lapel, plot, spoil, evil eye and so on.
  • Poke the gold pin - you will be accompanied by prosperity.
  • Pin the silver pin - your business is done safely.
Pin on clothes: the meaning of sleep

Why does a pin in his hand dream?

Sleep value:

  • Look at the pin in hand - new: to love, good and good changes, old and rusty: to troubles and quarrels.
  • Compress the pin in your hand - try to focus on work, study, relationships, so that you will be lucky.
  • Compress the pin with your fingers - you should control the spoken words so that they do not lead you to a quarrel.
  • To prick your hand with a pin - you will have difficulties.
What are the pins in my hand?

What are the pins in the body for?


  • Pin on the chest - take care of loved ones, they lack your attention.
  • Pin in the lips - quarrels, scandals and strife in the family
  • Pin in the ear - to gossip, quarrels and scandals because of rumors.
  • Pin in ornaments: necklace, bracelet, pendant, ring - you have a good defense that gives you good luck.
  • Find the pin on the body - you have an envious
  • A pin in the foot - someone is arrogant to you with their attention.
  • Pin in the hair - your thoughts and decisions are not true
  • The pin in the foot - someone will stop you from succeeding.
  • The pin is inserted into the hand of - you will fail in your professional activities.
  • To swallow the pin - good luck in the work of
If the pin had a dream on the body, what does the dream mean?

Why does a pin on the floor dream?

Sleep values:

  • Find the pin in the house - to prosperity and profit if the pin is new and buttoned.
  • Find a pin during cleaning on the floor - for purchase, meeting, news.
  • Find the pin under the carpet of the - to gossip, jealousy and bad luck.
  • Find the pin in the dust - for quarrels with loved ones.
  • A pin in the floor of the - to the divorce, to the parting.
Sleep in which you saw a pin on the floor - value

Dream interpretation: pins to find, collect pins, give pins

Sleep values:

  • Find a lot of pins - win money, get a bonus or a salary.
  • Find pins and pass by - miss earnings or earnings.
  • Find pins and collect them - you will be attracted to prosperity and prosperity.
  • Find a lot of pins and put in a pocket - you will not have a shortage of cash.
  • Give pins to a loved one - quarrel with him.
  • Pick up pins from a loved one - solve his problems.
Sleep value with pins

Why dream of pinning a pin?

Sleep value:

  • To pin yourself a pin in a dream - to achieve success in reality.
  • Pin a pin to a loved one - to help someone close in problems.
  • Pin a pin to a child - he lacks communication with you.
  • Pin the pin with the head down - to luck and prosperity, to the good.
  • Pin head with the head up - to love intrigues.

Video: "Dream Interpretation, Interpretation"

  • May 28, 2018
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