Aquarium fish are red, black, blue, white, yellow: photo with names. Aquarium fish predatory and peaceful, peace-loving

A variety of aquarium fish by colors. Aquarium fish and their behavior according to the species. The most unusual and exotic aquarium fish.

Contents of

  • Black aquarium fish, photo with names
  • Red aquarium fish
  • White aquarium fish
  • Blue aquarium fish
  • Yellow aquarium fish
  • Exotic aquarium fish, photos with names
  • Calm aquarium fish. Peaceful aquarium fish
  • Aquarium fish-predators
  • Unpretentious aquarium fish
  • Video: The most popular and unpretentious aquarium fish
  • Aquarium fish are able to attract the attention of even the most indifferent to them people. It is simply impossible to pass by a beautiful aquarium with clear water and, smoothly moving along it, with
  • fish. It is believed that contemplation of the aquarium and its inhabitants calms the nerves and adjusts to a balanced mode of
  • . In this article we will try to understand what species and colors of aquarium fish are, whathave such behavior, and how best to organize their joint residence in one aquarium
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Black aquarium fish, photo with the names

Most aquarium fish with black coloring youartificially. Breeders have tried to create from the standard coloring of various species of fish more intimidating and fascinating black individuals.

Black Goldfish

Black Goldfish
  • Many species of fish such as goldfish have been selected by selection for many years. One of these varieties is a goldfish with a black color
  • When decorating an aquarium with black goldfish it is better not to use any algae, as they will necessarily be eaten. Very stylish with such a coloring of fish will look white ground, because black and white compositions are always in the trend of
  • . It is better not to combine goldfish in one aquarium with exotic fish family members. This is due to the fact that the latter do not tolerate too low temperatures, which are shown to goldfish, and a large number of products of their life activity.
  • The blackest telescope
is the most unusual black goldfish. The black telescope

Miniature black fish

Black guppies
Black swordsbirds
  • This category includes fish of the family of picilium. In this family there are several varieties of fish with black coloring: guppies, swordboys, mollynesia and pecilia
  • Swordsmen and mollies, as a rule, have absolutely black, velor surfaces. But in guppies and pecilia, the color is pearl black with the green overflow of
  • . All the small fishes of the Pitsiliev family live in flocks, and quite amicably. The best company for them in the aquarium will be a black ornament for the phantom
Black Molliesia
Pecilia black

Black barbs

Black barbs
  • Of course it's hard to call this fish absolutely black, because its head has a bright red color.
  • . Live barbs in packs of six pieces.
  • fish are quite mobile, therefore in the aquarium it is better to combine them with the same active fish, otherwise they can frighten off their jitters by more calm representatives of the fish family

Black scalars

Black scalars
  • In addition to the black ornament of the phantom with the pecilian fish, black scalar may well coexist. It has a calm and rather peace-loving nature.
  • Scalarias have a very unusual, flat, with crescent-shaped fins, the shape of
  • . When designing an aquarium for a scalar, it is necessary to provide a large number of algae. Fish like them very much


Black knife
  • Ateronot( aka a black knife or a black knife) is a bottom fish with an elongated body shape and an unusual fin along the entire belly. Such a fin allows the apteroton to swim in all directions.
  • A black knife is better to contain in the quantity of one piece, as it shows quite a strong aggression to the representatives of its breed of fish. At the same time, he is friendly enough about the scalar and mollies. Too small fish a black knife can take for a feed
  • Adult individuals of apheronot can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters

Black cichlids

  • Black cichlids are the favorites of many fish breeders. It is believed that they are endowed with a certain intellect. Some aquariumophyll claim that cichlidia can be tamed and even hand-stroked right in the aquarium
  • Black cichlids are long-livers. In good conditions such fish can live up to twenty years.
  • Black cichlids should be kept in a species aquarium better. However, due to their unusual appearance, even a couple of such fish, like the astronotus "Black Star" and the pseudotrofeus chameleon, will look spectacularly alone on the entire aquarium
Pseudotrofeus chameleon

Black shark

Labeo black
  • This is the name of the Labeo fish due to its sharp fin on the back. Thanks to him and the form of the body itself, the Labeo has some similarity to the usual shark
  • . But not only the appearance in the Labeos resembles a shark - it's a very aggressive fish. Because it is better to keep the
  • separately. In addition, the Labeo can be up to thirty centimeters long at a fairly large size of the aquarium.
  • The younger brother of the Labeo black, Labeo is two-colored, differs from her in the red color of his tail. This fish is more friendly, because it can get along well in one aquarium with scalars and pecilia

Red aquarium fish

Red color is perhaps the most common color for aquarium fish.


Glossoprapeus red
  • Glossolepis or atherina red - one of the brightest representatives of the fish of the family of iridescents
  • Aquarium for aterina krassnoy desirable to select a large( from a hundred liters).Thus, the fish will be able to reach its maximum size
  • In an aquarium with glossolespsis there must necessarily be lush vegetation. These fish do not have the habit of spoiling it
  • To start aterin red best in packs of up to ten individuals
  • Live gloxolepsies to five years

Red parrot

Red parrot
  • The red parrot is a pretty pretty hybrid fish hatched in Thailand and Singapore. On close examination, you can see that it seems to say the letter "O" or modestly smiles
  • The red parrot is considered quite peace-loving, and can get along in the aquarium with almost any fish
  • . In a large aquarium, such a fish can reach twenty centimeters in length. But, as an option, fish sellers can also offer dwarf red parrots for smaller aquariums.


Red sword bearer
  • Swordsmen are bright representatives of the Pecilian family. Their name is due to the appendage of the tail, which appears in males during puberty, and resembles the sword
  • in its form. Swordbearers live in packs. They can be planted, as in small aquariums, and in reservoirs with a large capacity. In this case, their sizes can reach their maximum: for males it is ten centimeters( without a sword), for females there are twelve
  • . In the aquarium, the swordsmen get along with all peace-loving fish. Exceptions are fish with veil fins. Such fins can not be left without attention of the sword bearers
  • The lifespan of these fish is up to five years.


  • Minor( aka red tetra, also a bloody tetra) is a small aquarium fish that reaches a maximum size of five centimeters.
  • The body of the tetra is colored red( the color is brighter and more saturated in males) with black spots just behind the gills. In addition, its fins are painted in black and white and black-and-red stripes
  • Minor - quite friendly fish, because they can be populated in an aquarium with other non-fictitious fish
  • Tetra are very fond of algae and do not harm them. Therefore it is desirable to plant the aquarium with plants as much as possible



Goldfish in their collection also have representatives with red-orange red-white-black colors.


  • Chromis-handsome man has a red coloring with white mother-of-pearl spots
  • These fish like a lot of space( the aquarium should be at least two hundred liters).Only in such conditions they will be less aggressive and will not pose a threat to their peace-loving neighbors
  • Chromisies like plants, but they need to be well rooted and anchored in the ground, since fish sometimes dig the ground( especially during the spawning period)

Flover Horn

Flover Horn
  • This kind of fish is considered an exotic representative from Southeast Asia. The secret of their selection is still not disclosed - breeders prefer to keep it secret
  • Flover has a bright red coloring with white and black drawings that resemble hieroglyphs in form. On the head of this fish is a kind of bag with a fat tissue. Fish is considered the more expensive and elite, the bigger this bag. In females such bags - hardly noticeable
  • The length of the flovers is up to thirty centimeters. However, in some large aquariums there are individuals up to forty centimeters
  • Flovers prefer to live in large aquariums( from two hundred liters)
  • More or less live flute of a trumpet with chain mail and armored soms, diamond cichlazomas, astronotuses, managua, labiatums and arovanas.

White aquarium fish

White aquarium fish
  • Aquarium fish of white color are considered quite rare and expensive. This is due to the fact that the gene of albinism is not dominant, therefore it is very quickly lost in the next generations. Proceeding from this, it is not a matter of simple
  • to breed white fish. The difficulty of keeping albino fish is that almost all fish diseases, as a rule, appear through a light coating on the surface of the scales. On fish with a white or transparent color, it is very difficult to notice such manifestations of the disease
  • . In addition, in order to have a beautiful aquarium with white fish, it is desirable to select the corresponding dark background. So the fish will be more clearly visible and do not merge with other elements of the aquarium

White goldfish

White goldfish

Goldfish can also find albino fish: representatives of such breeds as shubunkin, comet, telescopes, eyes and orans.

Small fish

Molynesia silver
Guppy white prince

Fish of the Pecilian family can also be albinos. In their name there is always a color affiliation: silver mollies, guppy White prince, guppy Mother-of-pearl scarlet and Bulgarian white sword bearer.


Somatic albino

Broken white catfish corridors - very friendly and quiet inhabitants of the bottom of the aquarium.

Such fishes are found in white and golden tints.


Cockerels white

Insanely beautiful fish is a white cockerel. Its elegant tail and fins will not leave anyone indifferent.

White Scalarias

White Scalarias

These fascinating fishes are also called "Angelfish".

White cichlids

Cichlids White prince

White cichlids, like black ones, are quite aggressive fish, because they contain them best in a species aquarium.

Cyclides-albinos are pseudotrophices and astronotuses.

Blue aquarium fish

Fish with a blue color will look great in any aquarium and become a true decoration of it.


Afiosemion blue
  • Afiosemion belongs to the family of cartoid teeth
  • These fish have an elongated body up to ten centimeters in length
  • Afisemions are friendly enough and can safely share one aquarium with other small, non-predatory fish
  • For afiemions an aquarium of fifty liters is suitable


Blue gunner
  • Belkei( blue tetra or bluish bluish) belongs to the family of haratsitovyh
  • It is a small fish with an oblong body to five centimeterslengths
  • Blue tetra is a fish that is peaceful and can live together with the same calm fish
  • Recommended volume of the aquarium for a bluish shade - from fifty liters

Guppy blue

Guppy blue
  • Guppy blue belongs to the family of pecilia
  • This small fish is up to five centimeters in diameterlength with chic tail
  • Live guppies in schools in aquariums from 50 liters


Lamprichthys blue
  • Another pecilia fish is lamprichtis. However, unlike their relatives, this fish can reach a length of up to twenty centimeters
  • Lamprichtis likes to live in aquariums from a hundred liters with other large friendly fish

Gurami blue

Gurami blue
  • This fish belongs to the family of labyrinthine
  • Gourami has an oval-shaped bodyup to ten centimeters
  • It can live in an aquarium of 100 liters with any peace-loving fish

Dolphin blue

Dolphin blue
  • This fish belongs to the family of cichlids
  • In length, the bluethe dolphin can reach up to twenty centimeters
  • This variety of cichlids is quite friendly, but it only needs to be planted in the aquarium from the species of 200 liters.

Diskus blue

Diskus blue
  • Another representative of the family of cichlids with a blue color is blue disc
  • It is recommended to breed such fish onlyprofessionals, since they require quite careful care

Mayland kallainic cobalt

Mayland kallainic cobalt
  • A friendly variety of cichlidsth is mayland kallainos cobalt
  • This large fish( up to twenty centimeters) can get along in one aquarium( from two hundred liters) with any calm fish

Cockerel blue

Cockerel colub
  • This small fish of the labyrinth family has an elongated body up to five centimeters
  • Cockerel blue livesin an aquarium from fifty liters with all small peace-loving fish


  • Pomatsentrus - fish of family of pomatsentovyh
  • This fish reaches in length up to dsyati centimeters
  • pomatsentrusov aggressive nature causes them to stay in the aquarium species from one hundred liters

Pyatnistohvosty blue arrow goby goby

Pyatnistohvosty blue arrow
  • This fish of the bull family has an elongated body up to ten centimeters in length
  • Active bull-calves live in peace with other small calm inhabitants of the aquarium( from two hundred liters)

Chrysopter sapphire

Chrysopter sapphire
  • Such a beauty belongs to the family of Chromium sapphire chi-sapphire
  • ,blue corpuscle up to five centimeters long with bright yellow spots on the head, belly, fins and tail
  • There live such bright fish in aquariums from fifty liters, where cncrookedly coexist with other peaceful fish


  • Small fish of the cyprinodon family of the carpophagus has a body up to five centimeters long.
  • This small but rather aggressive fish can only get along with large, peaceful fish in a small aquarium( from 50l)

Dog patterned black-backed

Dog patterned black-backed
  • Such an unusual fish belongs to the family of doggystyle
  • Dog patterned black-back has an elongated body up to ten centimeters longyellow tail and a black line along the back
  • This fish is quite calm, because easy to live together with other small fish friendly

pseudotropheus Sokolofa

pseudotropheus Sokolofa

pseudotropheus Sokolofa belongs to the family of cichlids and fully meets their general characteristics.

Yellow aquarium fish

Colorful yellow aquarium fish, as a rule, belong to exotic fish species. However, some of them having such a coloring are quite well-known even to inexperienced breeders of fish.

Amblyglyphidodone lemon

Amblyglyphidodone lemon
  • This fish belongs to the family of pomatsentrovyh
  • Amblyglyphidodone lemon has an oval body shape and reaches a length of up to ten centimeters
  • Amblyglyphidodone lemon - a fish with an aggressive behavior, but getting along in a common aquarium( from a hundred liters) with other largefish with peaceful habits

Apolemicht three-spotted

Apolemicht three-spotted
  • This fish is called a blue-eyed angel for the blue color of his lips. Also apolemichta was christened by a three-point angel for having two black dots on the head and a blue spot on the lips of the
  • . A blue-angled angel - a rather large fish( up to twenty centimeters), requiring huge suites( from five hundred liters).
  • The three-point angel has calm characters and can live withlarge peace-loving fish


  • Assessor belongs to the family of grams
  • This small fish has an elongated yellow body with a rainbow head

Butterfly masked

  • Butterfly mask refers to the family of bristle-toothed or fish-butterflies
  • This large fish( up to thirty centimeters) is aggressive, but gets along in a large aquarium( from five hundred liters) with large friendly fish

Butterfly tweezers yellow

Butterfly tweezers yellow

ThisThe fish, in all its characteristics, is similar to the previous representative of the family of butterfly fish. The only difference is a nose resembling a tweezers in shape. Hence the unusual name of the fish.

Butterfly Raffle

Butterfly Raffle



Golden mullet

Golden mullet
  • This fish belongs to the family of the
  • red mullet. A golden sarcup can grow to a huge fifty centimeters in length, which implies its settlement in an aquarium from a ton of
  • . The golden barabule is fairly calm and peaceful, therefore it can share one aquarium with other large peaceful fish.

Guppy yellow

Guppy yellow

Gurami honey

Gumami honey

Diskus red

Diskus red

Despite the name, this fish has a yellow coloring with red-orange spots on top.

Zebrasoma brown and sailing

Zebrasoma yellow sailing
Zebrasoma brown
  • These two varieties of surgeon fish grow to twenty centimeters in length
  • Zebrasomes need an aquarium of five hundred liters and a society of any other friendly fish




Sea dragon leafy
Seahorse yellow
  • Some representatives of the family of sea horses or fish-needles also have a yellow color: the marine dragon is leaf-shaped, striped-tailed and fivetinted or yellow
  • Such unusual fish need to be planted in a species aquarium
  • Care of seahorses requires special knowledge and efforts

Cryptocenter of shrimp yellow

Cryptocenter of shrimp yellow

This small( up to ten centimeters) small bullfish can safely exist in small( from a hundred liters) aquariums with other peaceful fish.


Bodywork asphalt
Body as a longhorn yellow
Body as a cube
  • The yellow color has the following small fish of the Kuzovka family: the humpbacked body, the longhorn yellow and the
  • cube. All of them require careful care and accommodation in a large species aquarium of five hundred liters.

Labidochrome yellow

Labidochrome yellow
  • Refers to labiodochromis yellow to the family of cichlids
  • This unpretentious fish with a body length of up to twenty centimeters can get along with the large calm fish in the aquarium from theuhsot liters

Lamprologus orange

Lamprologus orange

This fish meets all the characteristics of the previous representative of cichlids.

Yellow fox

Yellow fox
  • Interesting in shape and color, a fish whose head resembles a fox face
  • This small fish belongs to the family of marine foxes
  • Its body can be as long as twenty centimeters
  • The fox yellow lives in an aquarium of two hundred liters with other peaceful fish

Black-spangled fox

Black-spotted fox

False-chromic diadem

False chromic diadem
  • False-chromia diadem belongs to the family of false-chromes
  • This small fish reaches a length up tofive centimeters
  • False Chromis-Diadem has a rather complex character, so she can only get along with large non-predatory fish
  • . For such a fish, an aquarium from a hundred liters is suitable.

Molliesia acute and sailing

Molliness sailing
  • These two fish species belong to the family Pecilia and reachlength up to twenty centimeters
  • Mollieses are quite friendly, and can share one aquarium( from a hundred liters) with the same peaceful fish

Yellow-tailed murine

Yellow-tailed moray eel
  • This type of fish belongs to the family of the acorns
  • Murenas are very aggressive and require a species aquarium of five hundred liters.
  • Such fish are able to reach a length of more than fifty centimeters

Cocker yellow

Cocker yellow


This fish has an oval yellow corpuscle up totwenty centimeters in length with blue patterns on the back
  • Neoglyphidodones are quite aggressive, therefore they should be planted in a species aquarium of five hundred liters
  • ListThe yellow aquarium fish does not end there. In addition to the above-mentioned fish with yellow color, there are a few dozen more. Some of them will be mentioned in
    other departments of the article

    Exotic aquarium fish, photo with names

    Among those fish mentioned above, there were a lot of exotic fish. But this is not all the outlandish fish that you can now keep right at home. Here are the names and photos of the most beautiful and unusual exotic aquarium fish:

    Fish elephant
    Glass perch
    Tetraodony or chetyrehzuby
    Arowana silver( fish-dragon)
    Skat motor
    Piranha Krasnobryuhaya
    Mastotsembelus redbanded
    Mastotsembelus armatus armored
    Botsiya marble
    FishHimala knife
    Leporin ribbon
    Arabic butterfly
    Tamarin yellow
    Florida pancake pike
    Olive surgeon
    GrMMA royal
    Gram Black-
    Queen Nyasa
    Lozhnohromis purple
    Lozhnohromis Friedman
    Nemateleotris Hevfricha
    parrotfish Bleecker
    Steer clown green
    gymnothorax funebris or green moray
    Unicorn-akreiht schetinohvosty
    Triggerfish-meliht rozovohvosty
    Thalassoma lunar
    Tamarin green

    Calm aquarium fish. Peaceful aquarium fish

    Peaceful and calm aquarium fish

    The representatives of the following families are distinguished by their calm behavior and peaceful disposition:

    1. Somiki. Almost all catfishes are very friendly. They float on the bottom and they have nothing to share with other inhabitants of the aquarium, spending most of the time in the water column. Among the most popular peaceful catfish, spotted catfish, corridor, glass catfish and ancestrus
    2. are Haracin. The family of kharatsinovyh are small friendly fishes living in schools. As a rule, they have quite attractive bright colors and do not require special care for themselves. The most common aquarium haracynes we have are the thorns, neons, tetras and pristelles
    3. Karpovies. To peaceful representatives of the family of carp, it is possible to classify such aquarium fish as danios, barbs, cardinals and
    4. labyrinths. This subgroup of fish differs from the others in the specific structure of its organism. This explains the unusual shape of the fish. The most popular aquarium fish of this family are gouramis, males, macropods and lapius
    5. Cichlids. In general, cichlids are considered to be rather wayward and aggressive fish. However, among them one can distinguish a number of fish that can get along with other fish species. To properly populate cichlids in one aquarium with other fish is to take into account their habits and equip it with special mink and shelter. Quite friendly are the following representatives of the family of cichlids: blue dolphin, cichlazoma and aulonocar

    Aquarium fish-predators

    Aquarium fish-predators

    First of all, it should be said that there are no pure-bred predators among aquarium fish. Since the predatory can only be called the animal that feeds exclusively on meat. The same fish that prefer to eat other fish are always not against vegetable fodder.

    Among the most famous of the aggressors, living in the home aquarium can be called:

    cichlids knife
    Meshkozhaberny catfish
    Turquoise Akara
    Krenitsihla serdtsetochechnaya
    Blue discus
    Labe bicolor
    leopard bush fish
    Mastatsember armatus
    Monodactyl dark
    Motor scoot
    Indian knife

    Unpretentious aquarium fish

    Unpretentious aquariumsclever fish

    The least exotic fish and small fishes are considered the most unpretentious. Here is the Top 15 of the fish:

    • Guppy
    • Swordtails
    • platies
    • mollies
    • catfish Corydoras
    • tetra-haratsinki
    • black tetra
    • zebrafish
    • Torakatum
    • Gourami
    • Barbs
    • Cardinals
    • Petushki
    • makropody
    • Neon

    Video: The most popular and unpretentiousaquarium fish

    • May 28, 2018
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