The tongue burn is a rather popular household injury, which is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa and muscle tissue.
Damage occurs when exposed to aggressive chemical or thermal sources and brings a lot of discomfort and pain.
- Causes of burns of the tongue
- Symptomatic manifestations of
- Kinds of burns of the tongue
- Gravity degrees
- Who is at the risk
- Diagnosis
- First aid and treatment
- Treatment of thermal burn of the tongue
- How to treat a chemical burn
- Folk methods of treatment
- What can not be done if the
- What complications can be
- Prevention and general recommendations
Causes of burns of the
language You can burn the tongue for various reasons. The most common is a thermal burn in the tongue.
Minor injuries occur during the period of intake of excessively hot food or liquids.
Probably everyone at least once in a lifetime burns his tongue with hot tea or boiling water and has an idea of this kind of injury.
Mucosal injury can also occur at the time of contact with chemical components, namely:
- acid;
- alcohol;
- alkali;
- petrol.
In rare cases, it is possible to damage by contact with an electric current or during a period of radiation exposure.
Symptomatic manifestations of
The burn of the tongue is accompanied by the following sensations:
- severe burning in the place of injury;
- tenderness, which is aggravated by contact with food and conversation;
- redness at the site of mucosal tissue integrity disorder;
- increased salivation;
- is a characteristic coating in a white language with a reflection;
- disorder of taste buds and sensitivity.
Types of
burns Burn injuries can be grouped into 4 groups:
- Thermal burns .Occur when exposed to the surface of the tongue of food and fluids of high temperature.
- Chemical. Injuries occur by negligence in contact with reagents, chemicals, harmful agents and household chemicals.
- Electric .Damage occurs when the electricity is damaged.
- Radial .Burns occur in the course of irradiation.
The most popular of the above are of course thermal and chemical - 85% of the cases.
Degrees of severity
Based on the scale and depth of disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the tongue, the burn severity is distinguished:
- The first .Characterized by a minor disorder, accompanied by a slight swelling and redness. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with an antiseptic.
- The second .The average form of disturbances is characterized by the appearance of transparent bubbles. You should contact a burn surgeon to prescribe therapy.
- Third .The degree is characterized by serious disorders with the formation of ulcers, even tissue necrosis is possible. It is necessary to consult a combistiologist for the appointment of a therapeutic course in conjunction with anesthetic drugs.
- Fourth .The most severe form of injury, not combined with life. As a consequence, partial or complete charring of the language as a whole.
Who is at risk
According to statistics, 70% of the victims are children under the age of 10 years, and only 30% of the adult population is burned.
The cause of childhood injuries is the parents' inattention and non-compliance with safety measures for the storage of chemicals. Accessibility of children to electric current and hot objects. Affected adults are burned only because of their carelessness and negligence.
In order to diagnose burn damage, a survey and a visual examination of the patient should be carried out.
Blood and urine tests may be needed in case of extensive lesions.
Other diagnostic methods may be required in case of combined burn injury or penetration of the aggressor into the pharynx and the gastrointestinal tract.
First aid and treatment
If the tongue of various degrees is affected, the proper and necessary care should be given:
- In the first minutes after the injury, rinse your mouth with cool or cold running water for 30 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to rinse the mouth after a burn with warm water. If there is no access to water. You can use a piece of ice or chilled food.
- In case of thermal injury, apply antiseptics for sanitation of the oral cavity.
- Take pain medication if pain occurs in the area of the lesion.
If the pain occurs with a slight burn, then a piece of ice, sugar, honey, yogurt, aloe vera, deep long breaths, candy and chewing gum with menthol and toothpaste will help to reduce it.
Thermal burn treatment of
In case of thermal injury, a number of necessary measures should be taken:
- rinse your mouth with cold water or apply ice;
- sanitize with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin( dilute in accordance with the instructions), hydrogen peroxide or decoction of chamomile for 10-15 minutes;
- take an additional complex of vitamins for the fastest recovery.
If pain persists, seek medical attention.
How to treat a chemical burn
In case of trauma of the tongue with certain chemical components( as in the photo below) it is necessary:
- In case of alkali damage. Rinse mouth with acetic or citric acid, neutralize alkali.
- In case of acid. Rinse the mouth with a soda solution( 1 tsp for 600 ml of water).If the reagents are in the KZhT, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and seek qualified help.
- Quicklime lime. It is necessary to neutralize 20% solution of sugar.
- Upon contact with carboxylic acid, glycerin will help.
Burns can also cause poisonous plants and insects. In such cases, you must seek qualified help.
Folk methods of treatment
It is recommended to use folk remedies only with a slight burn. The most widely used are:
- Cold water .Or any other cold apply at the first manifestations of a burn.
- Sugar .Relieves pain. Take in the mouth and keep until completely dissolved.
- Yoghurt .A small amount of cold yogurt put in the mouth and hold for a while.
- Honey .Perfectly eliminates discomfort. Keep in mouth for 5 minutes.
- Vitamin E .Accelerates the process of healing and restoring the structure of tissues.
- Aloe juice .relieves tenderness and inflammation. It should be applied to the damaged area.
- Lavender oil .Helps against pain and swelling.
What can not be done if the
is burned? It is not recommended for burn lesions the following:
- touch the burnt tongue with anything, especially hands;
- to open formed bubbles;
- wipe the plaque;
- use ointments or creams for other purposes;
- not respond to pain;
- ignore the visit to a specialist.
What are the possible complications of
? In cases of untimely care after a burn and lack of treatment, infections that lead to the process of inflammation - glossitis - can get into the injured tongue.
If the burn is severe and the area of the lesion is large, then the taste receptors and sensitivity may be disrupted, not only during therapy, but also after healing.
Injury of the oral cavity is characterized by a decrease in appetite, its lack or inability to eat. This leads to exhaustion, a violation of the digestive system, the emergence of aggression and insomnia.
Prevention and general recommendations of
It takes a long time to restore the functions of the language after injury. Therefore, in order to accelerate the regeneration process, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations:
- make lotions from medicinal oils( fish, dog-rose, Retinol, Carotolin);
- to exclude from the diet acidic, spicy and salty foods, tropical fruits, citrus fruits, solid foods;
- regularly rinse the mouth with antiseptics;
- adhere to the usual oral hygiene;
- as far as possible to disturb the language.
To reduce the risk of injury to a minimum, it is necessary:
- to control the availability of chemical-containing substances( acid, alkali, household chemicals);
- do not take hot food or liquid;
- restrict access to electrical appliances that can be harmful.
According to statistics, most language burns are traumas of a domestic nature. With mild lesion, they can be treated at home. In case of more severe burns, you should seek help from a doctor and do not self-medicate.