Dream of pregnancy. What does the pregnancy look like? How to treat a dream about pregnancy?

The importance of sleep on pregnancy very much depends on the situation that has developed in life and in a dream. You can find the answer to the arising question in this article.

Content of

  • What does the daughter's pregnancy look like?
  • What does the mother's pregnancy look like?
  • Why does a pregnant woman get pregnant?
  • Video: Dream - Seeing Yourself Pregnant.
  • . What does the pregnancy for a husband dream about?
  • What does it mean to dream about the unmarried girl's pregnancy?
  • What does an unwanted pregnancy look like?
  • Why dream of another's pregnancy?
  • What does your own pregnancy look like?
  • Why does a pregnant woman need a pregnancy?
  • How to interpret a dream about pregnancy: tips and reviews
  • Video: What does a pregnancy look like? Dream Interpretation in Sleep

In a dream, we seem to live a second life. With all the emotions and worries. Sometimes dreams are forgotten, and sometimes, they crash so deeply into our memory that the feeling that something must necessarily happen, makes us intently search for the dream interpretation in the dream book.

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Pregnancy in itself, a very exciting event. A dream about pregnancy can tell you a lot. It all depends on who he dreamed, and also should carefully consider all the details of the dream.

What does the daughter's pregnancy look like?

Mom with an adult daughter
  • Pregnancy of the daughter can dream both to the father, and mother. If we consider the interpretation of the dream for a man, it should be noted that such a dream can reflect the experience of the father that he pays little attention to it. If this is true, we should try to adjust the situation until the daughter completely separated from him. In another formulation, this dream may mean that the daughter will soon meet her fate, and she will happily marry. Also this dream can mean that a man would like to once again become a father.
  • Pregnancy of the daughter, for the mother can mean that there will soon be changes in the life of the child, it is not worth worrying - everything will change only for the better, both financially and personally
  • . If the news that was heard in the dream brought disappointment and indignationbe prepared for disagreements with the daughter, a small but unpleasant quarrel
  • Perhaps, if you see a pregnant daughter in a dream, then in the present time she is tormented by doubts, and she can not make the right decision in this situation. In reality you should talk with your daughter, maybe she is shy or afraid to ask for help.
  • A dreamy pregnant daughter who is in real life in real life means that the expected birth should be easy and without complications.
  • If the mother has a daughter who has a difficult birth, this can warn of severe tests and irreversible changes in the lives of both
  • . Dreaming of heavy births, the reality of a pregnant daughter, can talk about the imminent birth of a granddaughter, but the lungs and painless, promise grandson
  • If the daughter is in realitypregnant, and the mother dreamed that she came to give birth to the baby, but it does not come, so the daughter will not be superfluous to visit the hospital, and go through a more thorough examination of the
  • . If a woman can not wait for the birth of grandchildren, and in a dreamto see a pregnant daughter, this can only mean the subconscious hope for completion in
family desire to have grandchildren affects

dreams almost all dream books, came in a dream pregnant daughter, promises well-being and happy life. In any case, you should only adjust to good, and it will necessarily happen.

What does the mother's pregnancy look like?

A pregnant mother who has come to sleep in almost all the formulations of sleep says that in life there will be pleasant changes. All arising questions and problems are favorably resolved. Such a dream can speak about the nearest financial profit. Perhaps, even about the forthcoming grandiose purchase, such as a house or a car.

  • If the son saw his mother in position, this is a very favorable sign for him - all planned plans will be successfully implemented in life.
  • . For a lonely girl, a pregnant mother, dreaming, promises a quick and successful marriage. If the daughter is already married, then we should expect an early replenishment in the family
  • . For a pregnant daughter, such a dream can become the embodiment of fears and experiences, before the forthcoming birth. You should not shut yourself in, but talk with your loved ones about your experiences, do not be ashamed to ask them for support of the
  • . It's even possible that the pregnancy of the dreamed mother is unwelcome, that the mother carefully hides it from others. Such a dream promises little changes in life, a new passion for a dreaming
  • appears. If the mother, in a dream, wants to get rid of an unborn child, you should be ready for the impending irreversible losses. And if a mother has a miscarriage, then someone very important and significant will turn away at the most crucial moment. Probably because you will lose confidence in you
A dream about a mother's pregnancy
  • A pregnant elderly mother heralds a financial profit, well-being, an embodiment of desires
  • A dreamy pregnant mother, but not from the father of the family, but from another man, and beaten for it by the pope,warns of significant financial difficulties
  • If a pregnant mother who has come into a dream gives birth safely, this dream promises successful purchases of
  • . If the mother dies during childbirth, but the baby has not had time to appear, it should be fromrevive everything conceived, nothing of the desired is not to be accomplished
  • Mom's death, immediately after childbirth, warns of health problems that can not be ignored
  • A dream come true, the mother in real life, and even in an interesting position, promises what to turn outto correct old mistakes and get even something that already could not dream
  • The births of the late waking mother, warn that all the business started requires an end. Otherwise, in the future, because of this, there are big problems for

. It is quite real that a dream about mother's pregnancy warns about the possibility of such an event in reality. You just have to talk with your own person, and prepare for the birth of a brother or sister.

Why does a pregnant woman get pregnant?

Dream of a pregnant woman about her own pregnancy

If a pregnant woman, in a real life woman, had a dream of her own pregnancy, this could mean that she is very worried about herself and the future baby. All these dreams can be quite strange, cause a feeling of confusion and anxiety. Strongly worry about this is not necessary, this is quite normal phenomenon.

  • In a dream, a future mother, can talk with an unborn baby, find out his gender, weight and even name. Even their own birth can occur, especially on the last lines of pregnancy. These dreams promise easy and fast delivery, as well as the speedy recovery after them.
  • A dream in which a pregnant woman dreamed that she expects two babies, means that one should expect great luck in life, one might even say that it is double. It should be noted that this applies to finance
  • . If a woman dreams that there is a triplet in her womb, it promises pleasant changes in her life. Although, you can find another interpretation of this dream, perhaps her husband had a mistress, and the triplet warns about the love triangle

If they start to often have restless dreams, the health of the baby's future, it is better to visit your medical institution in order to dispel your own fears,for additional examination.

Video: Dream Interpretation - Seeing Yourself Pregnant

What does a husband's pregnancy look like?

Dream of a wife's pregnancy

Dreams of pregnancy can be dreamed not only of women, but also of men. In different interpreters it is possible to find different transcripts of such a dream, from positive ones to the appearance of various problems. It all depends on the details of sleep.

  • If a man has a dream of a pregnant wife and her birth, then in some dream books one can read that this promises a favorable delivery in the near future. Others warn that you need to be patient, persevering, throw away all the illusions, then the important things started earlier, you can safely finish
  • . A wife in a dream portends a change in family life. About what they will say feelings, subjects in a dream. If they were positive in a dream, it means that the changes will be for the better. But if they were connected with anger and dissatisfaction, future changes also do not promise anything good.
  • A good sign to her husband, she will see herself, next to her, with her pregnant wife. This is both pleasant news and positive changes in life. Everything expected in the near future to happen
  • Hugging your wife, preparing to become a mother is also an excellent sign. He portends luck in the business sphere. If the spouses have not planned the children yet, and the husband has a pregnant wife, this is a sign that the relationship will come full harmony.
  • A nude pregnant wife promises her husband success in all his endeavors.
  • . Seeing a wife during labor is a sign for men not paying their second halfnecessary attention, you should reconsider your attitude to your wife and try to fix everything
Dream about the birth of your wife
  • If a man dreamed that his wife is pregnant with twins - this means that it's time to think and make a choice, determinewhich will last a lifetime. Perhaps this is a warning that you should give up bad habits and tame your character
  • A small, rounded tummy from the wife says that the hopes for the realization of their desires are too small. The big belly warns about the problems not only of one's own, but also of the next of kin. And to solve them it is necessary to look exactly, such dream
  • From negative interpretations, it is possible to note and such, pregnancy of the wife warns about fast disease, or about an exacerbation of chronic illness
  • In a dream the man can see, except the wife, pregnant and itself. In some dream books, you can find that this is a sign that he subconsciously wants to become a father in reality. In some - his masculinity is called into question. And there are dream books that treat this dream, they say that a man has some important idea in his head
  • If the husband in his sleep persuades his wife to have an abortion, then in real life he took the wrong decision
A dream of a man about his ownpregnancy

It is possible to interpret sleep in different ways, it should be remembered what kind of result to tune in, this can be obtained in the end.

What does it mean to dream about the unmarried girl's pregnancy?

A dream about the unmarried girl's pregnancy does not bode well. For young girls such a dream, as an omen for the betrayal of an expensive person, and perhaps even that relatives and friends will take advantage of her trust. It is also possible that the girl has to get into a completely awkward situation, accompanied by a great sense of shame and disgrace.

  • To talk in a dream with an unmarried girl in a position, or just to see her, you should be ready for the upcoming worries, overcome difficulties and obstacles in real life.
  • Also, such a dream speaks of an unsuccessfully chosen partner for marriage, the way of life does not work out, and time will be lost.
  • There is one positive interpretation of this dream, which means that the girl is already quitePeninsula to transition into adulthood and creating their
  • family If you see a pregnant former passion for the guy, then you it is not particularly trust and fear that he went to her return

Because some interpretation of a dream will be selected, will depend on the mood throughout the day. But, it is quite possible that one should believe in dream-interpreters, rethink life values, draw conclusions and be less trusting in the upcoming time.

Dream of a girl about pregnancy

What does an unwanted pregnancy look like?

  • Unwanted pregnancy warns that the person to whom she dreamed is completely unprepared for the responsibility that fell on him. Also, it is treated as a fear of new obligations and forthcoming changes
  • If during a woman's dream about pregnancy and instead of joy she felt anger, in real life she is awaited by unpleasant and completely unexpected events.
  • If in a dream a woman decided to get rid of junkpregnancy - this means that in real life, she was overcome by difficulties both in her personal life and in the financial sphere, and she can not overcome them

Why does she dream of another's pregnancy?

  • If you see someone else's pregnancy in a dream, then you are in for a change, but do not be scared, the changes will only be for the better. All problems and issues are solved positively, and the long-awaited happy period in the life of
  • will come. If you see a pregnant girl with a beautiful figure in a dream, then all your plans will be realized without any special efforts. If at this time to seek help from relatives, none of them will refuse
  • An ugly pregnant woman warns of life's troubles
  • In many dream books, a pregnant girlfriend dreams of family and financial well-being. But there is another interpretation of this dream, it concerns the best friend, maybe she wants to destroy your marriage and take away your beloved
. Dream of the pregnant girlfriend
  • . A quarrel with a pregnant girlfriend, warns of gossip from ill-wishers.
  • Dream of a business woman pregnant with her work colleague, in real life will help solve a huge number of questions, you just do not ignore her help and listen to the opinion of
  • . If a pregnant sister has a dream of a sister, you should expect happy changes in the lives of all family and friends. Or the subconscious mind warns that it's time to solve all the disagreements that have arisen between the sisters. In the opposite case, perhaps, the aggravation of the conflict situation
  • And maybe even that the sister and in fact will soon become pregnant
  • To see in a dream someone else's pregnancy, means, in real life, to find yourself a worthy support and achievement of well-being in all its spheres.
Dream aboutWhat is your own pregnancy?

Self-pregnancy in a dream, can hint at the coming pregnancy in real life. Perhaps you should listen to your subconscious, and make a pregnancy test. But, if pregnancy is a dream that can not come true, then the subconscious mind, as it were, makes a gift, feels in such a beautiful position.

  • Probably, the woman is so scared of the upcoming motherhood, that it literally pursues her in a dream. You should try to overcome your fear, then such dreams will cease to disturb at night.
  • If you treat sleep according to the values ​​from the dream book, then your own pregnancy promises only pleasant events: promotion on the career ladder, or other more promising work.
  • If the pregnancy in a dream is so real that even baby tremors are felt, then you should be ready to become a mother
  • in the near future. To be a pregnant son, then troublesome business is coming, but it is quite possible to expect an increase in salary and career growth
  • If an unmarried girl had to see herself as a pregnant son, then gossips and ill-wishers would force her to change her usual place of work. But there is no need to be upset either, because the work promises to be more promising and better paid
  • To be a pregnant daughter, then, in reality to witness a miracle, or this dream promises financial well-being. But there is another interpretation of sleep. It is possible that the husband got himself another woman, on the side, or has not yet made up his mind, but has grandiose plans for this.
  • A multiple pregnancy promises prosperity and well-being, for family women, and meets with their destiny, for unmarried women. As well as the successful promotion of the career ladder
Dream of his own pregnancy

Why does a pregnant woman have an old woman?

  • Judging by the interpretations of all known dream books, a dream in which an elderly woman sees herself pregnant, does not bode well. You should be ready for new diseases, or exacerbation of existing ones. Getting rid of them will be difficult enough.
  • . In some interpretations, this is seen as an omen of an early death.

. How to interpret a dream about pregnancy: advice and feedback.

  • . Any dream should be interpreted on the basis of one's own feelings. It is possible that in all the dream books the dream will warn of trouble, but a premonition will prove the opposite, you should believe yourself, not books. Life does not depend on dreams, but on our actions in real life.
  • Perhaps even that dreams do not carry information about upcoming events, but reflect our real fears and experiences. You should listen to yourself and try to overcome them
  • Do not literally believe every word written in the interpreters of dreams, very much depends on, even the slightest, nuances of dreams: to whom and in what position they dreamed, in which situation

Marina, 31 year

VeryI clearly remember my dream from childhood. I, at this time, finished the 9th or 10th grade. It seems to me that I am already deeply pregnant, my stomach is so big, but I do not feel the movement of the baby. How much I loved him in this dream, to convey in words very hard, I must understand every pregnant woman. I go to the doctor, as soon the delivery should take place, but very worried about the state of the baby. And they tell me after ultrasound that I'm not pregnant, it's just such a huge cyst grew. .. I woke up all in tears, even the pillow was wet. I do not even remember what happened after this dream, but I know for sure that I've been in a very depressed state for quite a long time. And the dream itself was prophetic. It came true in 7 years. After a long delay and a bunch of tests, I went to see a doctor, and there I was shocked by the news of my infertility. The dream has completely come true. .. Now everything is fine. After the first course of treatment, quite unexpectedly for herself became pregnant and safely gave birth to a daughter. You should always think only of the good, and it will necessarily happen.

Video: What does a pregnancy look like? Dream Interpretation in Sleep

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