Which beer is the best in Russia: rating. The most popular bottled and draft beer in Russia: the best varieties

Rating of the most popular brands and types of beer in Russia. Ratings of the best imported brands of beer.

Contents of

  • What is the best beer in Russia:
  • rating Best Czech beer:
  • Best German beer:
  • Best best beer in Russia
  • Best light beer in Russia
  • Best dark beer
  • Best bottled beer
  • Best draft beer
  • Best canned beerbeer
  • The most popular bottled and draft beer in Russia: the best varieties
  • The best German beer: Video
  • The best Czech beer: Video

Beer has always been one of the most favorite beverages for men. Today, this product with the same pleasure consumed and the fair sex.

Such popularity of beer provoked expansion of its assortment. On the shelves of modern supermarkets or in beer pubs, pubs, you can find dozens, and even hundreds of kinds of this malt drink. That's why it's very difficult to decide which beer to choose and which will be more delicious. This article will try to form the rating of the most popular and best beer in Russia in terms of color and method of its storage.

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Which beer is the best in Russia: rating

Rating of the best beer in Russia

If you do not take into account the variety of beer, its price category and method of storage, then you can deduce one overall beer rating in 2017:

  1. Porter from private brewing company Afanasy - 8%alcohol, 20% density.
  2. El "Shaggy Bumblebee" from the Moscow brewing company - 5% alcohol, 12% density.
  3. "Russian imperial status" from Stamm Beer - 9% alcohol, 25% extraction of the initial wort.
  4. "Baltika 3" from the company "Baltika" - 4.8% of the fortress, 12% of the density.
  5. "Usberg Weissbier" from LLC "Suzdal Brewing Company" - 4.9% alcohol, 13.1% extraction of the initial wort.
  6. Ochakovo from ZAO MPKK Ochakovo - 4.6% alcohol, 12% density.
  7. "Three bears" from "Heineken" - 5% alcohol, 11% density.
  8. "Baltika №6" from the company "Baltika" - 7% alcohol, 16-17% density.
  9. Afanasy Domashnoe from the Tver Brewery Afanasy - 4.5% fortress, 11% density.
  10. "Velkopopovicky Kozel" from the brewing company EFES RUS - 4% of the fortress, 9.8% extraction of the initial wort.

It should be noted that this rating is not generally accepted - it was compiled only on the basis of surveys of some respondents and a beer sales rating in Russia.

The best Czech beer: varieties

The best grades of Czech beer

The Czech Republic is home to the most delicious varieties and popular brands of beer. In this country, they are treated with a high degree of respect for alcohol, and from an early age they understand all the subtleties of his choice. That's why it's very difficult to make a hit parade of the best Czech beer, because its gourmets have absolutely different preferences. But we will still try to build a certain gradation of this Czech drink:

  • Pilsner Urquell in Plze AS
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel pos. Velke Popovice
  • Staropramen Prague
  • Budweiser Budvar Ceske Budejovice
  • Krušovice Kruszowice
  • Bernard Humpolec
  • Velvet brand from Staropramen
  • Kelt brand from Staropramen

The best German beer:

The best brands of German beer

As for Germany, only one presence of Octoberfest, held annually in this country, makes it an integral part of the history of brewing. In this European state, beer has a special attitude - the Germans idolize it and consider it a divine drink. No German will ever mistake the taste of Bavarian beer with another type of beer brewed in the opposite end of the country.

If you start to list varieties and varieties of German beer, then this can take a long time. Therefore, try to remember only the most famous manufacturers of this intoxicating drink in Germany:

  • Oettinger Oettinger
  • Spaten Spaten
  • Paulaner Paulaner
  • Krombacher Krombacher
  • Franziskaner Frantsiskaner
  • Bitburger Bitburger
  • Beck`s Becks
  • Warsteiner Varshteyn
  • Hasseröder Hasseroder
  • Veltins Veltins
  • Radeberger Radeberger
  • Erdinger Erdinger

crafting best beer in Russia

best crafting beer

RussiaBefore, to make a rating of the best kraft beer of Russia, it is necessary to understand the very concept of a craft beer. Craft beer or craft beer is beer, which is produced by a small enterprise that belongs to small businesses, based on traditional recipes.

Today in Russia there are quite a few private, small breweries, which, unlike large producers, brew exclusive beers according to old, proven recipes.

If you compile a hit-parade of craft beer in Russia, then most likely it would look like this:

  • AF Brew St. Petersburg
  • Bakunin St. Petersburg
  • Brickstone Moscow
  • Drakkar St. Petersburg
  • JawsZarechye, Sverdlovsk region
  • La Beerint Obninsk, Kaluga Region.
  • Victory Art Brew St. Petersburg
  • 1 Tonna Zhukovsky, Moscow region.
  • Vasileostrovskaya brewery St. Petersburg
  • Petr Petrovich Tula

Best light beer in Russia

Best light beer in Russia
  • Khamovniki "Pilsenskoe" from "Moscow brewing company" - 4.8% fortress
  • Khamovniki "Venskoye" from "Moscowbrewing company "- 4,5% fortress
  • Beach light from the Brewery" Boherhof ", Anapa - 3,7% fortress
  • Camp light from the Brewery" Boherhof ", Anapa - 4.7% fortress
  • Kruger Premium Pils fromTomsk Beer OJSC - 5% fortress
  • Metropolitan Double Gold OMPKK Ochakovo - 5.5% fortress
  • Karachaevskiy Live from Karachaevsky Brewery, Karachaevsk - 4% fortress
  • Cervena Selka from Moscow brewing company - 5% fortress
  • Samara from Zhigulevskoye beer - 4, 5% fortress
  • Zhiguli Barnoe "Mospivkom" - 5% fortress
  • Siberian crown "Golden" from SUN Inbev OJSC - 4% strength
  • Siberian crown "Classic" from JSC "SUN Inbev" - 5% fortress

Best dark beer

Best dark beer of Russia
  • Rusty semi-dark from Brewery "Boherhof", Anapa( n5,2% fortress
  • Kruger Dunkel from OJSC Tomsk Beer - 3.9% fortress
  • Afanasy Porter from the Tver brewery Afanasiy»- 8% fortress
  • Velkopopovetsky goat dark - 3.2-4% fortress
  • Velkopopvetsky goat black 3.5-5% strength
  • Baltika №6 from Baltika - 7% alcohol
  • Russian Imperial statusfrom Stamm Beer - 9% alcohol
  • El "Shaggy Bumblebee" from the Moscow brewing company - 5% alcohol
  • "Afanasy Porter" fromTver Brewery "Afanasiy" - 8% fortress

Best bottle beer

Best bottle beer
  • Edelweiss from "Heineken"
  • Oettinger from "Moscow Brewing Company"
  • Guinness from "Heineken"
  • Velkopopovicky Kozel from "EFES"
  • Khamovniki from "MoscowBrewing Company »
  • Zatecky Gus from« Carlsberg »
  • Gold Mine Beer from« EFES »
  • Three bears from" Heineken "
  • Zhigulevskoe from" Zhigulevskoe beer ", Samara
  • Old miller from" EFES "

Best draft beer

Best draft beer
  • AF Brew St. Petersburg
  • Bottle Share Moscow
  • Victory Art Brew St. Petersburg
  • Salden`s Brewery Tula
  • STAMM BEER Moscow
  • Paradox Brewery Saint-Petersburg
  • Bakunin Saint Petersburg-Petersburg
  • Jaws Zarechye, Sverdlovsk region
  • 1516 Pub &Brewery Moscow
  • Green Street Brewery Moscow

Best canned beer

Best canned beer

As for canned beer, almost all beer producers produce their product both in glass containers and in tin. Therefore, the rating of the best can of beer will be identical to the rating of a bottle of beer given earlier in the article.

The most popular bottled and draft beer in Russia: the best varieties of

The best sorts of bottled and draft beer in Russia

If you summarize the article, you can draw conclusions that in our country the culture of brewing and drinking beer, finally comes to a new level. People simply stopped absorbing a cheap, tasteless product. They are increasingly trying to try out as many different brands and types of beer as possible to choose one or two of their favorite ones.

This trend has provoked the development in Russia of an increasing number of handicraft, small breweries, which create exclusive, unique tastes of beer. Apparently, therefore, the products of such small enterprises, rather than the beer of mass production, which has long been brewed by everyone, and, in addition, is brewed from incomprehensible ingredients, is becoming increasingly popular in the price.

The best German beer: Video

Best Czech beer: Video

  • May 28, 2018
  • 28
  • 393