How to bleach hair. Many ways

  • We discolor dark hair on the face
  • How to discolor the hair on the body?
  • How to lighten hair on hands and body - video
  • Discoloration of dark hair on hands
  • Bleaching of dark hair on head with perhydrol
  • Clarifying powder for dark hair
  • Clarifying hair with powder estel - video
  • Paint for blonding
  • Other ways to lighten
  • Recipes for restorationHair

Hair bleaching is a procedure in which a master uses a coloring composition to dilute a natural or artificial pigment. The clarifying composition can be of chemical or natural origin. The hair covering on the head, face and body is exposed to blonding.

We discolor dark hair on the face

The most problematic area on the face is the area under the nose. Dark hairs above the lips, reminiscent of the antennae, bother many of the fair sex, because they do not add attractiveness. Lighten undesirable hairs can be with the help of perhydrolyte, better known as "hydrogen peroxide".

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Ways of blonding:

  • Take a piece of cotton wool, moisten it in an aqueous solution of perhydrol. Carefully wipe the dark hairs on the face. The duration of the procedure is 6 minutes a day. After 2-3 days you will notice how dark the areas lighten, and a little later they will become brittle and hardly noticeable.
  • Prepare a clarifying compound: mix perhydrol with shaving foam in a ratio of 1: 1.Lubricate the problem area, and after drying the mixture, wash. After the procedure, use a nourishing cream.
  • You can make an alcohol composition: take 3 ml of medical alcohol, 35 ml of perhydrol, 35 ml of shaving mousse. Mix the ingredients, apply a layer of medium thickness to dark hairs, after 15 minutes, wash. Do not forget to use a nourishing cream after this.
  • Desaturate the hairs on the face with perhydrol ointment. To do this, mix a concentrated solution of 30% peroxide in an amount of 3 g, vaseline( 9 g), sheep wax( 13 g), ammonia solution( 1 drop) and shampoo. You should get a creamy mass, put it on dark hairs, and when it dries, wash in warm water.

How to discolor hair on the body?

There are many methods of lightening the dark vegetation on the body with per-hydrolyte. To achieve success, you need to be patient and follow the formula clearly. Consider the structure and shade of vegetation, the darker and thicker, the more often you will have to repeat the procedure.

Recipes of application:

Mix 60 ml of perhydrol with ammonia solution( 6 drops).If you add more alcohol, you will get a reddish tint. Lubricate the infusion of dark vegetation. After completely absorbing the mixture, take a shower to rinse out the remnants. Repeat with a frequency of 2 times a day.
  • For decolorizing very dark or red hairs, prepare a clarifying compound. To do this, mix 50 ml of perhydrol, 6 ml of ammonium carbonate, 30 g of cream soap, 40 ml of water. Lubricate problem areas. As soon as absorbed, take a shower. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Take a break of 15 days, then repeat again, if necessary.
  • To enhance the clarifying effect, mix perhydrol( 6%) and ammonia solution in a ratio of 1: 1.Lubricate their hair. After soaking, take a shower and rinse the body with water with a couple drops of lemon juice. For moisturizing, use oily baby cream.
  • Excellent clarifies the vegetation solution of hydroperite with perhydrol. Hydroperite is an antiseptic with carbamide, which is used to prepare disinfection solutions. Dissolve the hydroperite tablet in 5 ml of peroxide, add a pinch of soda, 1 ml of ammonia solution, a little shampoo. Thoroughly mix the components, use a cotton pad to apply to the hairs, after drying, rinse. Do not clean the problem areas before the procedure, as the formulation may cause irritation.

How to lighten hair on hands and body - video

Discoloration of dark hair on the hands of

Some women have an aesthetic problem in the form of dark and dense vegetation on their hands. Most of them use a razor, wax or epilator, but after a mechanical attack the hairs become even darker.

Decolouring hair with hydrogen peroxide is the solution for those who want to solve the problem quickly and inexpensively.

Recipe for preparation of clarifying solution:

  1. Mix warm water and perhydrol in a ratio of 1: 1( 30 ml each).
  2. Take a ceramic container, mix in it 2 ml of ammonia solution, 12 g of soda.
  3. Mix the solutions.
  4. Perform an allergy test, to do this, apply a droplet of solution to the elbow fold. If after 15 minutes the skin does not turn red and does not get scorched, then apply the compound.
  5. After 60 minutes, rinse the color mixture.

Do not worry if the skin tarsles or burns during the procedure, this is a normal reaction. But if the discomfort only increases, wash the compound. The skin in the dyeing areas can brighten strongly, but after two days this effect will disappear.

hair on hands before and after discoloration

Discoloration of dark hair on head with perhydrolum

If you decide to blond with perhydrol at home, then do not wash your hair 3 days before. They form fat, which will protect the hair follicles from the harmful effects of the oxidizer. Perhydrol is effective even in comparison with modern brighteners.

If you have thin or weak hair, then use a 5-8% perhydrol, and if thick and hard, then 11-12% solution will do.

Instructions for discoloration of hair on the head with perhydrol:

  1. Take 70 ml of perhydrol, 50 g of shampoo, 4 tsp.ammonia solution. Mix the ingredients in the ceramic container.
  2. Perform an allergy test.
  3. Lubricate the forehead line with petroleum jelly or some fat cream.
  4. Treat hair with a mixture, wash it off after 25-30 minutes.
  5. Wash the curls with shampoo, then rinse with lemon juice.

If you overstrain the remedy, the hair will become brittle and begin to fall out. Repeat the procedure 2 times, and then take a break for 15 days.

Lightening powder for dark hair

You can blond with modern means, such as powder "Blondoran supra".
It gives the hair a beautiful color without a yellow tint. To lighten the roots, you need about 80 g of the product, and for complete discoloration of long strands you need 160 g of powder.

Blending with powder:

  1. Pour the necessary amount of powder into the glass container, fill it with 9-12% perhydrol solution to the consistency of thick sour cream. At 40 g of powder you need about 80 g of peroxide.
  2. Apply the mixture with a brush on the strands along the entire length.
  3. After 20-55 minutes, rinse. The time of painting depends on the structure of the hair, the intensity of the color.
  4. If before the end of the lightening you notice that the tone is uneven, then apply a little shampoo to the hair. Vpopente dried up mixture, hold for 2-3 minutes and rinse.

Lightening hair with powder estel - video

Paint for blonding

Hair loss with the help of "Blondex" makes it possible to create a beautiful cold shade. The paint is produced by different manufacturers, it allows you to lighten the curls for 4-8 tones.


  1. Mix the powder with the oxidant cream in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Apply the mixture to your hair, wash it off after 20-45 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo. Use a balm rinse aid.


  • If the roots are lighter than the tips, then you have unevenly applied the composition. To correct the result, apply the paint again to the darker areas, then you can tint the roots.
  • If, during the re-coloring, the ends turned out to be too light, then, most likely, you have distributed the paint to the full length, but it was necessary only on the roots. To level the tone, apply the paint to the roots.
If yellow color is present, apply the mixture again, but use a 6% oxidizer.
Yellowness was due to the fact that you incorrectly determined the time of painting or did not adhere to the indicated dosage.

Other ways of clarifying

You can blond using other popular means. Discolouring powder allows you to lighten the curls for 8 tones. However, a beautiful platinum shade is achieved due to the aggressive action of its constituents. To minimize their negative impact, use an oxidizer with a low level of ammonia.

Bleaching cream is the most gentle product that will lighten your hair in just a couple of tones. This is due to the minimum content of ammonia in its composition. The curls do not dry out, they become shiny and soft. Suitable for blond hair.

If you have light brown hair, then you can use natural lightening hair masks:

  • infusion of chamomile and glycerin;
  • chamomile with saffron, lemon and lavender oil;
  • chamomile with turmeric and lemon;
  • cinnamon with honey.
Such masks will not only help lighten the curls for a couple of tones, but also make them healthy and shiny.

Recipes for hair restoration

  • Mix yolk with 30 g of honey, apply on hair, put on a polyethylene hat and towel. After 30 minutes, rinse. Repeat the procedure 3 times for 7 days. Suitable for normal hair type, restores structure.
  • Mix 20 drops of thistle oil with 50 ml of honey, apply to the basal area. After 25 minutes, rinse. Restores dry hair.
  • Mix for 1 tbsp.l.oil burdock, coconut and castor oil, heat for a couple. Gently rub the oil mixture into the scalp, put on a polyethylene hat and towel. After 2-8 hours rinse. The mask restores the fragile, weakened hair.

Now you know how to properly bleach hair so as not to harm them. Follow the recommendations of professionals and remember, healthy hair is your main decoration!

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